Was Bret Hart ever a draw??

ted sheckler

Pre-Show Stalwart
Alright so I need some people to help me out with a question I've had lately. Its clear with the much hyped comeback of Bret Hart drawing much lower ratings than expected and not moving the ratings I would think its fair to say that Bret is no longer a big draw. BUT... was he ever?? The Bret fans will tell you yes and say "he was a gigantic star overseas and in Canada" but the facts seem to point to no.

*Bret was the top star in WWF at a time when ratings were plummeting.. The company was in the red losing money all through 93-95 and both PPV's and house shows were down at this time..

*Bret headlined both the worst wrestlemania buyrate of all time and the worst the least purchased WWE PPV of all time.

*Vince said that in late 97 Hitman was no longer paying off money wise..him letting Bret go to WCW and compete against him spoke volumes of Vinces faith in Bret that he could draw in WCW. Then Bret went to WCW the ratings didn't bump and the company eventually went out of business.

Im a Bret fan but Im always hearing from other Bret fans that he was a draw and I just don't see it. Does anyone actually have any factual evidence that Bret drew outside of what Bret said about himself in his own book?? Numbers ?? Ratings?? Ect?

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