WARNING SPOILER! What the fuck Smackdown?

We just have to wait and see. Who knows, I might like the dude and his heelish attitude when I see him Friday. WWE probably knows what they're doing with him and wouldn't have kept him on the pay roll if they didn't have so much faith in him.
Thank gawd I don't work tomorrow until AFTER Smackdown. Stoked about seeing him re-debut. MTFO! Burning Hammer? Really?! =D
Burning hammer, a risky move, but if he's been able to pull it off well, then we will all be happy.
Stop bitching. Just because he lost this match doesn't mean they're burying Kaval. How suprising, the IWC is pissed because one of their indy stars isn't world champion yet.
Who's using the Burning Hammer? I think it's pretty fucking stupid on WWE's part to let someone use that move in the ring. There's a reason why Kobashi's only done it about 5 times or so.
A scary dude aswell. The dude is actually pretty damn good at making an audience give a rat's ass about him. In his debut against Zack Ryder(Who barely got heat at the time) on Superstars(Where people who the audience don't give a crap bout go) the audience was with him. Plus he uses the burning hammer which is always a plus.

Stop bitching. Just because he lost this match doesn't mean they're burying Kaval. How suprising, the IWC is pissed because one of their indy stars isn't world champion yet.

Never said he was getting buried. But don't you find it illogical to have the guy who won NXT to come on and lose to Chavo clean, and then after he survives 5 minutes with Show, you have Tyler Reks of all freakin' people, come in and beat Kaval clean to take his spot on Team SD?
Pretty much what Numbers said. Maybe they want to push a heel over Kaval, I can't blame them too much. It's about time Tyler Reks gains some sort of momentum. It's not like he's had any.. ever. Everyone knows Kaval's gonna get his.
Hamler, please put your post on quotes as well, so it won't show up when the thread is moused over

Also what he did tonight was torture rack into a facebuster
Well its a little late now isn't it? I'll keep that in mind for next time.

And was it me or did Kaval fuck up with the Burning Hammer?
Reks' new theme is an instrumental edit of Darren Young's theme.

I think an instrumental version of Chop Suey would be awesome for him. I think Kaval will win back the spot next week but even still hopefully they won't replace the entire team TWO DAYS before the PPV like they did last year.


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