Warning Major Spoiler Regarding The Whc!!

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Dark Match Jobber
I was at the smackdown tapings tonight and jeff hardy and edge had a match and the winner chose the match type at extreme rules and hardy one and he chose a ladder match tell me what you think about this?
I was at the smackdown tapings tonight and jeff hardy and edge had a match and the winner chose the match type at extreme rules and hardy one and he chose a ladder match tell me what you think about this?

I wouldn't call this a spoiler per say. I mean it's information but it's information we're all about to get. And my thoughts?

OUTSTANDING PPV match. 2 Great athletes getting to display their ladder match skills. Edge spearing Jeff @ WMX7 was in my eyes..incredible. If the WWE allows them the proper time and the right spots and everything I honestly don't see ANY match stealing the show more than this.
Edge will walk INTO Extreme Rules as champ & Edge will walk OUT of Extreme Rules as champ. Edge is the underdog in this match therefore he will likely retain.
Not a spoiler concerning the title at all actually. Just a spoiler that would ruin a small part of Smackdown for people Friday. No big deal. Plus since Jeff Hardy picked the match, Edge will win the match. Edge will then proclaim how amazing he is in ladder matches or TLC matches or such things like that. Enter Jericho who will say he is the best because he beat HBK in one and blah blah blah. Edge and Jericho somewhere down the line (Summerslam) have a ladder match or something of that nature that will either really complete or will solidify an Edge face turn. Since Jeff may be leaving and Taker being in and out of action, Smackdown has no face in the title picture other than CM Punk. This will bring Edge and Punk to the face side of things. Possible Punk heel turn. Then you'll have Jeff, Taker, Edge as the top SD! faces and Punk, Matt Hardy (since I think he's moving to SD!), and Jericho as the top heels. Thank you and have a nice day!
Edge will walk INTO Extreme Rules as champ & Edge will walk OUT of Extreme Rules as champ. Edge is the underdog in this match therefore he will likely retain.

i don't think i would call edge the underdog in this match. jeff hardy may have more exciting moves when it comes to ladders but i think edge has more experience and wins in matches involving ladders. as a matter of fact (correct me if i'm wrong) i dont think jeff ever beat edge in a match involving a ladder that i can remember.
i don't think i would call edge the underdog in this match. jeff hardy may have more exciting moves when it comes to ladders but i think edge has more experience and wins in matches involving ladders. as a matter of fact (correct me if i'm wrong) i dont think jeff ever beat edge in a match involving a ladder that i can remember.

No actually the Hardy Boyz (then the New Brood) beat Edge & Christian in a Tag Team ladder match at No Mercy '99.
It's prior information before anyone watching the official show would know, so it's a spoiler. Not a big one, but a spoiler. Anyone who says differently doesn't know the definition of a spoiler. At least he titled it "Major Spoiler," I know some people who don't even that amount of decency. Ruins the show for people.

As far as the actual spoiler, cool. Edge and Hardy can put on a show. Cena and Edge tore down the house with that TLC a few years ago, and Cena is no TLC specialist. Edge and Hardy, two people who know how to use a ladder in order to hurt themselves in crazy new ways just for our entertainment, will have this down. And they'll get plenty of time, it's the World Heavyweight Championship title match. Should be great.
well i'm sure it will make for a good match, although i wouldn't mind having jericho thrown into the mix and make it a Triple Threat ladder match for the gold... i'll dream on.
Do you by chance also happen to have the winning lottery numbers in your bag of knowledge? :icon_razz::lol2:

Unfortunately I don't but that just really smells like the way SD! is heading right now. Because we will get all fresh feuds by those couple moves. Edge being face can take on all the SD! heels, Punk being heel can take on... well pretty much everyone. Taker/Jericho will happen somewhere in there, Taker/Punk could even happen in there somewhere which I would be a big fan of. Edge/Punk is another great feud that we'd get out of all this. Hardy/Jericho is another. The possibilities are practically endless. Edge face and Punk heel will really shake the roster up and make everything interesting. I'd also like to see if Edge as a face can be a reliable, bankable, believeable champion. An "Ultimate Oppertunist" face character??? You can't say that doesn't sound interesting.
If you ask me, it should tear the house down. These two men built their career on ladder matches. So for these two to wrestle in their match which they are specialist at...it's going to be amazing.
Edge definitely isn't an underdog in this type of match but the WWE will sell it as if he is; facts be damned. Remember, they sold the Jericho/HBK ladder match as if Jericho was the underdog despite the fact that he has many more ladder matches to his name than Shawn.

I expect Edge to retain. Matt should get involved again since it looks like Jeff is doing jack squat to get revenge. I'm guessing that another title loss will be enough to push Jeff over the edge so to speak and ask for an interpromotional loser leaves the WWE match at the upcoming 3-hour RAW. So if Jeff still hasn't signed a new contract he can bow out of the company.

The one thing Edge needs right now is a sustained title reign. Beating Jeff in a ladder match - assuming he doesn't drop it on an episode of SD! - will mean that this reign will last at least 3 PPVs and 6 weeks. For Edge, that's a long reign. Jeff has never been a great wrestler but as Edge proved at Judgment Day it's very easy for him to direct Jeff. Adding a ladder will make it that much easier so I'm definitely looking forward to this.

People might complain that Extreme Rules is just a redo of Judgment Day but you won't hear those complaints out of me. I enjoyed Punk/Umaga, Edge/Jeff and Jericho/Rey so I have no problem seeing them again. It also looks like we'll get Christian/Swagger/Dreamer so heck yeah. This is shaping up to be another solid PPV minus the RAW crap.
jeff hardy has beaten edge in a latter match once in there careers WAY back in 1999 when they had the latter match for 100,000 and the services of terri runnels, but when it comes down to it that doesnt even matter they wont ever bring that match up and we all know edge is going to win the match anyway and i would like to see him go face seeing he has been a heel for the last 4-5 years now be nice little change.
Damn, so it finally happens, I dont like Jeff that much but I rly am pulling for him to win.Seeing as how these two guys have competed in brutal matches with some brutal spots ex.(Edge spearing Jeff Hardy at WM X-7) and(Edge performing a diving leg drop onto Hardy breaking a ladder) Jeff has no great Mark Out moments against Edge, and i think this match will truly prove that these 2 men can shine!
(Edge performing a diving leg drop onto Hardy breaking a ladder) Jeff has no great Mark Out moments against Edge, and i think this match will truly prove that these 2 men can shine!

It was Jeff that leg dropped Edge through the ladder after Matt egged him on to do it.

This should be an awesome match. Granted with Jeff supposedly being on his way out Edge will pick up the win here, probably with Matt Hardy's interference (though I hope not). They should give Edge the "clean" win here(as clean as it can be in a ladder match) and turn him face.

And does anyone else see Matt's "hint" at Jeff resigning as an in character jealous rave about how Jeff and Edge are "signed" to face eachother again for the WHC at ER after he prevented Jeff from winning at JD?
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