Wade Barrett is NOT over


Pre-Show Stalwart
OK so for the past few months people have been raving about how WWE has created new stars, personally i agree Sheamus is a star, del rio has a good chance to be, i dont like bryan to much but he seems to be over, Ziggler has made the IC title semi respectable again. And the Miz its WHC, while Jomo seems to be getting a push.

However one person that I have been saying isnt really over for months now is Wade Barrett and when i say that people go nuts and say are you serious are you not watching Raw?

Wade Barretts success is a testament on just how important John Cena is to the WWE. Regardless of how you feel about his talent, his gimmick, his in ring ability. To me the fact that they are still carrying out the John Cena/Barrett feud shows the Wade is not ready and is not over.

What has wade barrett done without john cena that made him stand out as a major player in the wwe.... nothing.... would the whole nexus and barrett have meant anything if say it was edge they had control over instead of cena??? matter a fact you can take anyone on any roster minus Cena, HHH, and Taker, and Barrett is no where near as hot as he is now

to me you could place any decent heel to have control over cena and they would be way more over then Barrett and be able to move on from the feud...Ziggler, Miz, Del Rio, Sheamus

The whole angle was based on the fact that it was John Cena the man you love or love to hate, thats what made Barrett get attention, thats what made Barrett be loved or hated not his character, not his in ring ability, not even the group nexys, not even his mic skills(which are above average). it was Cena

So my question to everyone is do you think Barrett can CONTINUE to be over without John Cena or will he dwindle into the mid-card without having a mega star to draw the viewers into the feud he is in?

Do you think Barrett has what it takes to carry a feud with a lesser or equal opponent? much like how sheamus showed with morrison.

I understand this is wade barretts first feud so if you had the choice how would you book barrett to continue his popularity/dismay with the fans without john cena?
Were you the person in the background laughing or video taping that recent Hardy youtube video?

The fact that the guy can't even do what he is best at, which is cutting promos, because the crowd is so damn loud.. I don't see how anyone can say he is not over.

So my question to everyone is do you think Barrett can CONTINUE to be over without John Cena or will he dwindle into the mid-card without having a mega star to draw the viewers into the feud he is in?

To my knowledge, the only time the crowd wasn't anywhere near "hot" for Wade was that T-Truth match recently. Even then, Wade kept that crowd booing for him. Wade is going to be a big star because the WWE has really handled him well. I want him to win the title, holding the title win off proves that they are thinking long term than short term.
You really are cracked. Barrett is one of the most hated guys because he was able to fire John Cena. Of course using John Cena to get them over has helped, but you have to be an idiot to not see it. Why wouldn't you use the biggest face in your company to get your heel faction over? You're silly, you know that?

Yes, Barrett can stay over. The guy has the skills to make it whether people think so or not. He has the attitude, that fuckin smirk he pulls off so well, mic skills, and he can wrestle in the ring quite well. Like I said above, he was able to fire John Cena. Who else can say they did that? Plus he is British, that alone helps him be hated as the invading foreigner. I honestly don't know how you can think he isn't over. Doesn't mean shit if he had help from John Cena or Evan fuckin' Bourne. The guy gets a lot of heat which means he is over.
It's called giving someone a rub. Barrett is over BECAUSE he's tormenting Cena. Sheamus got over because he beat Cena for the title. Sting got over because he almost beat Flair. This is how you build a young star. There's a reason Barrett has done nothing without Cena: he's almost always been in a program WITH Cena. Who else do you expect him to interact with other than the guy he's feuding with? Barrett certainly is over and I don't get the hate his in ring set gets. I like it.
Were you the person in the background laughing or video taping that recent Hardy youtube video?

The fact that the guy can't even do what he is best at, which is cutting promos, because the crowd is so damn loud.. I don't see how anyone can say he is not over.

To my knowledge, the only time the crowd wasn't anywhere near "hot" for Wade was that T-Truth match recently. Even then, Wade kept that crowd booing for him. Wade is going to be a big star because the WWE has really handled him well. I want him to win the title, holding the title win off proves that they are thinking long term than short term.

The second I saw this thread I knew you were going to be all over the OP.

Barrett is as over as any performer could wish to be after six months on the roster. He is feuding with the biggest star in the company. He managed to lead a group of rookies that had very minimal exposure into one of the biggest stables in years. Up until Miz's cash in, he was the biggest heel in the company ( and he probably will still be).

Terrible statement dude.
I can understand what the poster is talking about here. Wade got major heel heat only because of the exploits of John Cena in the program. the whole concept, Wade, the Nexus, the Anon GM, John Cena all were ingredents to get him over. But it is yet to be determined if Wade on his own can generate any interest. He has a stable that does beat downs for him, a weird jerky favortism the GM shows to Wade and the Nexus, John Cena being presented as a month after month punching bag for the Nexus and for Wade in particular to get over.

Without Cena in the picture his greatest asset in getting heel heat, Can Wade truly get over on his own heat? He seems a bit bland, his moves isn't all that impressive, A fireman's carry for a finisher? His Nexus Underlings have more impressive looking moves than he does.
I can understand what the poster is talking about here. Wade got major heel heat only because of the exploits of John Cena in the program. the whole concept, Wade, the Nexus, the Anon GM, John Cena all were ingredents to get him over. But it is yet to be determined if Wade on his own can generate any interest. He has a stable that does beat downs for him, a weird jerky favortism the GM shows to Wade and the Nexus, John Cena being presented as a month after month punching bag for the Nexus and for Wade in particular to get over.

Without Cena in the picture his greatest asset in getting heel heat, Can Wade truly get over on his own heat? He seems a bit bland, his moves isn't all that impressive, A fireman's carry for a finisher? His Nexus Underlings have more impressive looking moves than he does.


Triple H said it best "in this buisness, the other side is just as important as the individual".

What that means is that nobody will get over if they are facing a nobody. Do you think John Cena would have ever gotten over had he feuded with carlito forever, or that Austin would have gotten over if Mr. McMahon didn't exist.

Besides, Jack Swagger feuded with Jericho and Rey Mysterio and he never got over very well.
This really is silly, quite honestly. You do remember NXT Season 1, don't you? Who won that? Right, it was Wade Barrett.....

He was over back then as a heel. When he talked continuously about himself in the third person, they booed him more then they booed that talentless hack Otunga. People hate Otunga, and yet Barrett was getting booed more then Otunga.

Barrett came in as part of a stable. For the most part, the members of his stable were nobodies. Alot of them still are. How do you get a bunch of nobodies noticed? You put them together with your top star.

Sure, credit has to be given to Cena. But there are plenty of guys who have been in programs with top stars, and then disapear because nobody gave a damn about them. With Barrett, its the opposite. He couldn't even cut his promo on Monday. Why? Because they were booing him out of the freakin building. And that was BEFORE he mentioned John Cena.

So sure, Cena has been instrumental in helping get Barrett over. But in order to get a star over, you have to put him with another star, for the most part. I dont see how you can only credit Cena for the success of this angle. Heck, they jumped Kofi and Ziggler at Summerslam, two mid-carders, and they drew major heat. That had nothing to do with Cena, and everything to do with the success of Nexus. And the success or failure of a faction generally goes as far as its leader. Last time I checked, that was Wade Barrett. He's alot more over then you obviously think.
but u ignore one fact any heel would have gotten over with the way Barrett was booked ziggler, del rio, miz. Barrett cannot feud with Cena forever its that simple, Nexus cannot exist forever. You can mark out for Barrett all you want the fact is he had the biggest star in the company as his bitch thats what got him the heat, you aren't OVER from one feud especially as a heel, hell i can name you shit load but i will limit it to some current guys MVP, Muhammad Hassan, Umaga all guys who feuded with big names all guys who had huge heat if u dont believe me go watch the shows and see the crowd reactions, all guys that faded to the mid card once the big names where gone to not carry them.

But go ahead i will sit back and watch as wwe carries out barrett/cena since its obvious without cena barrett reaction from the crowd dies down 50 % in a split second
I don't agree with this argument. Which young up and coming star got his breakthrough without getting help from a bigger star? There's always going to be a "John Cena" to a "Wade Barrett" in this industry. It's just the way it works and the way it always has worked. Top guys use their talents to get younger talent over. Stars that are given a chance with a proven individual need to show that they are capable to hanging with them. Barrett has done that. Because of Cena the majority of the WWE audience despises him. Now Barrett will take this feud with Cena and use his momentum to be a self-sustaining top heel.

My point is that very few superstars rise to main event status without help from a well-established star. Randy Orton and Batista were taken to the top by being put over Triple H. You said Sheamus was a rising star yet he would be a complete nobody without a feud with Cena. The Miz is similar, people started taking him seriously after he was feuding with Cena. Going back a bit who would Kane have been if he didn't have the Undertaker? Barrett is in the process of being elevated to another level. Whether you like him or not is a totally different story. But to say he is not over because he needs a big time feud with Cena to succeed even though history shows that's what mostly all new superstars need? I really don't think that's a valid argument.

I'd also like to say that the examples of guys like Del Rio, Daniel Bryan, and Ziggler aren't really valid arguments as they are all mid-carders. Wade is now a main eventer. If any of these guys were to main event a ppv right now without a decent feud with a big star it would be a major flop. These guys are over as mid-carders. To be over as a main-eventer is a totally different animal. And MVP, Muhammad Hassan, and Umaga "faded" back to mid-card status because they were never main eventers. They were ALWAYS mid-card guys who never had a legitimate main-event feud.

Triple H said it best "in this buisness, the other side is just as important as the individual".

What that means is that nobody will get over if they are facing a nobody. Do you think John Cena would have ever gotten over had he feuded with carlito forever, or that Austin would have gotten over if Mr. McMahon didn't exist.

Besides, Jack Swagger feuded with Jericho and Rey Mysterio and he never got over very well.

Thank you for making my point that wade barett essential is a nobody, his moveset is minimal, wow he gets booed when him and nexus jump people back stage thats a hug surprise, and he doesnt have to mention john cena's name as a poster here mentioned.... its JOHN CENA people whole dont even watch wrestling know who John Cena is Barrett doesnt need to mention cena's name week in and week out we see him treating cena like his bitch.
ever week in atleast two segments

And your comment about cena and carlito guess what Cena was OVER in his feud agaisnt carlito watch his return after his "stabbing" crowd goes nuts. Austin was over way b4 his feud with vince dont throw barrett's naem anyone near those guys.

As far as Swagger, mysterio never really put anyone over, their is Del Rio and he got himself over. Jericho is such a great heel it made no sense seein him against Swagger who has always been heel. Barrett has done nothing but just ride the hot train hat is John Cena, like i said edge is over, and if Barrett was feuding with edge was WHC and edge was his bitch you can take the reaction barrett gets and cut it in have right their
I wont waste the time others have. THis is one of the most fuckg absurd threads ive ever seen on here. Wade Barret and The Nexus in general are the most hated villains in pro wrestling today. Were the fuck are you from, opposite world?
I think Wade Barrett is a lot further than some people expected him to be at this point in his career, large part due to Cena, the Nexus, and the NXT season 1 angle. Granted more people would have had to work longer, but WWE does have these special programs that allow things like this to fall into place. Truth be told, even with him winning Season 1 of NXT, if they didn't have the faith in him, they wouldn't have probably gone on with that whole angle to begin with, they could've ended it with the Nexus disbanding and everyone going separate ways. Sure any attention is attention. Even Cena is the kind of guy who knows he likes the 50/50 reaction people gave him, I personally agree with the people who don't understand the hate on Barrett's in ring work has, sure he's still a little green still, but he's a lot better in ring than some other people in the ring that keep botching all the time that have been there WAY longer than him. If this was all too much for him, he still could've gone ahead and decided to say he wants to end all this, but he must be doing something that everyone loves and this is going on, just like the way people are always going to find someone that they will ultimately despise for some reason or another. Right now, Wade Barrett is up there, but suddenly Miz comes in and cashes MITB on a vulnerable Orton. So now who's the one that people are more angry at?? Keep that in mind, I know it probably doesn't make much sense right now, but all of us will have varying opinions on who we feel is 'over' or not. But that's the beauty of this forum, to say why or how we feel Barrett, or Miz or whoever the subject of the day is. At this point, I do feel that for the moment, Barrett has reached his pinnacle, and can still do more as well, being the fact he has not gotten his ultimate goal, which is the title belt, and when a person sees something they want, usually nothing, and no one is safe until they get what they want. Perhaps I can allude to Randy Orton's systematic assaults on each member of the McMahon family...when he wanted to get his point across, I have a feeling the best is STILL yet to come with Mr. Barrett. So I wouldn't be surprised if we see even more than we thought possible with John Cena.
but u ignore one fact any heel would have gotten over with the way Barrett was booked ziggler, del rio, miz. Barrett cannot feud with Cena forever its that simple, Nexus cannot exist forever. You can mark out for Barrett all you want the fact is he had the biggest star in the company as his bitch thats what got him the heat, you aren't OVER from one feud especially as a heel, hell i can name you shit load but i will limit it to some current guys MVP, Muhammad Hassan, Umaga all guys who feuded with big names all guys who had huge heat if u dont believe me go watch the shows and see the crowd reactions, all guys that faded to the mid card once the big names where gone to not carry them.

But go ahead i will sit back and watch as wwe carries out barrett/cena since its obvious without cena barrett reaction from the crowd dies down 50 % in a split second

Well, you quite clearly believe you are right, so I'm not going to bother covincing you, but I will point out something .

Do you ever ask yourself why Barrett was positioned in the main event so quickly? Or why he is being booked so well over someone like Ziggler, or Del rio ( who is being pushed to the moon you tool, nobody likes him anyways). WWE isn't going to push someone unless they know what they can do. WWE feels that Wade can continue to carry himself in the company after his current feud. Otherwise they wouldn't have invested time in him. They know who they can rely, and will push them accordingly.
but u ignore one fact any heel would have gotten over with the way Barrett was booked ziggler, del rio, miz. Barrett cannot feud with Cena forever its that simple, Nexus cannot exist forever. You can mark out for Barrett all you want the fact is he had the biggest star in the company as his bitch thats what got him the heat, you aren't OVER from one feud especially as a heel, hell i can name you shit load but i will limit it to some current guys MVP, Muhammad Hassan, Umaga all guys who feuded with big names all guys who had huge heat if u dont believe me go watch the shows and see the crowd reactions, all guys that faded to the mid card once the big names where gone to not carry them.

But go ahead i will sit back and watch as wwe carries out barrett/cena since its obvious without cena barrett reaction from the crowd dies down 50 % in a split second

Did you not read what KB said? It's called a rub. Barrett is getting it from the biggest star in the company. You can't say that he is not over with the crowd when in fact he gets booed every time he is out there. It doesn't matter if it is because of the Cena rub or not. The guy is over. The feud will finish up when Cena makes his return, and then we see what the guy can do on his own.

As far as the drop off guys. MVP isn't really that good. Muhammad Hassan was a victim of circumstance and having a one dimensional gimmick. He got screwed because of the London bombing, but there is only so long you can do the "I hate America" schtick and be successful. Umaga was a big monster who stopped being a monster when he lost. You're examples suck.

Face it, Wade Barrett is over. He has been getting the rub from Cena just like every other wrestler in history has gotten from veterans. It doesn't fucking matter if Cena is the reason or if some other rookie could be getting the same heat. The fact is it is Wade fucking Barrett. You just don't like it and want to say he isn't. Get the fuck outta here with that shit.
Fact of the matter is, doesnt matter how or why he is over, he most certainley IS over. TO say otherwise is foolish. It doesnt really matter how or why he got there. If the WWE felt any of those others guys were capable of fufilling this role, they would have picked them. But they didnt.
I don't agree with this argument. Which young up and coming star got his breakthrough without getting help from a bigger star? There's always going to be a "John Cena" to a "Wade Barrett" in this industry. It's just the way it works and the way it always has worked. Top guys use their talents to get younger talent over. Stars that are given a chance with a proven individual need to show that they are capable to hanging with them. Barrett has done that. Because of Cena the majority of the WWE audience despises him. Now Barrett will take this feud with Cena and use his momentum to be a self-sustaining top heel.

My point is that very few superstars rise to main event status without help from a well-established star. Randy Orton and Batista were taken to the top by being put over Triple H. You said Sheamus was a rising star yet he would be a complete nobody without a feud with Cena. The Miz is similar, people started taking him seriously after he was feuding with Cena. Going back a bit who would Kane have been if he didn't have the Undertaker? Barrett is in the process of being elevated to another level. Whether you like him or not is a totally different story. But to say he is not over because he needs a big time feud with Cena to succeed even though history shows that's what mostly all new superstars need? I really don't think that's a valid argument.

Miz was a Tag team champion and a US Champion, Randy Orton yea he only feuded with mick foley, hbk, rvd, edge and pinned the rock at wrestlemania before his HHH feud. Batista only won the royal rumble, Kane is written into a storyline to be related to the undertaker so obviously without taker everyone would just look at kane as a red undertaker knock of so thats a terrible comparison.

What has Wade Barrett done without cena? NOTHING NOT ONE THING, yet you want to sit here and compare him to cena who had feuds with eddie guerruera, kurt angle, big show, carlito, borck lesnar, undertaker and was succesful in all of them, ortn with feuds with edge, rvd, hbk, and foley succesfull in all of them, batista who one the rumble enough said the royal rumble is the 2nd best accomplishment a wrestler can have in the WWE. Hell even Miz brought something to the tag division with morrison and was a decent US champion Yet Barrett has done nothing on raw but ride Cena not ONE thats the point yea guys put guys over it happensall the time in wrestling but Barrett has done nothing but be put over by cena
Miz was a Tag team champion and a US Champion, Randy Orton yea he only feuded with mick foley, hbk, rvd, edge and pinned the rock at wrestlemania before his HHH feud. Batista only won the royal rumble, Kane is written into a storyline to be related to the undertaker so obviously without taker everyone would just look at kane as a red undertaker knock of so thats a terrible comparison.

What has Wade Barrett done without cena? NOTHING NOT ONE THING, yet you want to sit here and compare him to cena who had feuds with eddie guerruera, kurt angle, big show, carlito, borck lesnar, undertaker and was succesful in all of them, ortn with feuds with edge, rvd, hbk, and foley succesfull in all of them, batista who one the rumble enough said the royal rumble is the 2nd best accomplishment a wrestler can have in the WWE. Hell even Miz brought something to the tag division with morrison and was a decent US champion Yet Barrett has done nothing on raw but ride Cena not ONE thats the point yea guys put guys over it happensall the time in wrestling but Barrett has done nothing but be put over by cena

With all due respect, your a fucking moron. I actually don't even know what your talking about anymore.

Barrett is over, get over it. He has been there for six months, that's why he has been in one feud. The fact that he can carry a feud that long should be enough. If you don't personally like him, that's your deal. But like Norcal said, to actually say he isn't over is absurd.
Did you not read what KB said? It's called a rub. Barrett is getting it from the biggest star in the company. You can't say that he is not over with the crowd when in fact he gets booed every time he is out there. It doesn't matter if it is because of the Cena rub or not. The guy is over. The feud will finish up when Cena makes his return, and then we see what the guy can do on his own.

As far as the drop off guys. MVP isn't really that good. Muhammad Hassan was a victim of circumstance and having a one dimensional gimmick. He got screwed because of the London bombing, but there is only so long you can do the "I hate America" schtick and be successful. Umaga was a big monster who stopped being a monster when he lost. You're examples suck.

Face it, Wade Barrett is over. He has been getting the rub from Cena just like every other wrestler in history has gotten from veterans. It doesn't fucking matter if Cena is the reason or if some other rookie could be getting the same heat. The fact is it is Wade fucking Barrett. You just don't like it and want to say he isn't. Get the fuck outta here with that shit.

Ok and wade barrett is a big guy with a shitty moveset whose finsiher is a firemans carry drop and the "I got your fav. guy fired" schtick(see cm punk vs hardy) or the"power in numbers" and yea im sure just like you said "ever other wrester in history has gotten a rub" just like barrett who hasn't done anything without cena.
but u ignore one fact any heel would have gotten over with the way Barrett was booked ziggler, del rio, miz.

Are you serious? A heel Khali wasn't over. Hell most of the people that were "over" that feuded with Cena were already in a sense over. Edge, Triple H, Orton, Umaga, etc were on top before going up against him.

Out of everyone, Barrett is the most over superstar in the WWE who is still in his rookie year.

Barrett cannot feud with Cena forever its that simple, Nexus cannot exist forever

This is an obvious speculation. The Rock cannot feud with Austin forever, Nation of Domination cannot exist forever. See what I did there? No group or rivalry is meant to last. It's a television show and the higher ups know when their product is getting stale.

But go ahead i will sit back and watch as wwe carries out barrett/cena since its obvious without cena barrett reaction from the crowd dies down 50 % in a split second

You're so optimistic :rolleyes: The guy hasn't even been around long enough to feud with anyone else and you are already bashing him all because he is doing his job. I mean really? And this isn't even coming from a mark but someone who is simply stating the obvious:

He is still new. You can't make assumptions on whether or not he will draw heat with Cena out of the way just yet because this coming up Raw should be the first time Cena won't be there to help give Barrett heat. You have to give things chances; I am a fan of his because of his microphone skill and how he carries himself in the ring. Cena was just there to help Barrett get the push.
Ok and wade barrett is a big guy with a shitty moveset whose finsiher is a firemans carry drop and the "I got your fav. guy fired" schtick(see cm punk vs hardy) or the"power in numbers" and yea im sure just like you said "ever other wrester in history has gotten a rub" just like barrett who hasn't done anything without cena.

Are you fucking ******ed? That's like saying Austin didn't do anything without Vince McMahon in his way once he won the WWF Championship in '98. They are fucking feuding. You can't be this daft. We will see what happens on Monday as far as that storyline goes, and then after Cena eventually returns and beats Barrett, we will see what the fuck he can do. But just admit you are wrong about Barrett not being over. The guy is over like a motherfucker, with or without Cena. Now quit being stupid.
With all due respect, your a fucking moron. I actually don't even know what your talking about anymore.

Barrett is over, get over it. He has been there for six months, that's why he has been in one feud. The fact that he can carry a feud that long should be enough. If you don't personally like him, that's your deal. But like Norcal said, to actually say he isn't over is absurd.

Whatever you say Barrett fan boy he hasn't carried shyt for 6 months he has been on the TV screen with John Cena for 6 months he doesnt have to and didnt carry shyt/ He didnt help the fans tune in they already where because its john cenas storylines and the fans reacted because its John Cena on the screen Barrett hasn't done shyt, he hasnt had any above average matches, he has not done anything spectacular on the mic unless its involved cena or being handed the wwe title, which is about as much of cheap heat as going the fans douche bags or making fun of their sports team i sure hope u would get some heat if ur trying to be handed the most prized possesion in wrestling, and have the number one wrestler in the copnay carrying your storyline.

The facts are what hs Barrett done without cena? wow he one nxt 1 which iwa decided by the wwe not the fans nxt 2 was decided by the fans.
OK so for the past few months people have been raving about how WWE has created new stars, personally i agree Sheamus is a star, del rio has a good chance to be, i dont like bryan to much but he seems to be over, Ziggler has made the IC title semi respectable again. And the Miz its WHC, while Jomo seems to be getting a push.

However one person that I have been saying isnt really over for months now is Wade Barrett and when i say that people go nuts and say are you serious are you not watching Raw?

Wade Barretts success is a testament on just how important John Cena is to the WWE. Regardless of how you feel about his talent, his gimmick, his in ring ability. To me the fact that they are still carrying out the John Cena/Barrett feud shows the Wade is not ready and is not over.

What has wade barrett done without john cena that made him stand out as a major player in the wwe.... nothing.... would the whole nexus and barrett have meant anything if say it was edge they had control over instead of cena??? matter a fact you can take anyone on any roster minus Cena, HHH, and Taker, and Barrett is no where near as hot as he is now

to me you could place any decent heel to have control over cena and they would be way more over then Barrett and be able to move on from the feud...Ziggler, Miz, Del Rio, Sheamus

The whole angle was based on the fact that it was John Cena the man you love or love to hate, thats what made Barrett get attention, thats what made Barrett be loved or hated not his character, not his in ring ability, not even the group nexys, not even his mic skills(which are above average). it was Cena

So my question to everyone is do you think Barrett can CONTINUE to be over without John Cena or will he dwindle into the mid-card without having a mega star to draw the viewers into the feud he is in?

Do you think Barrett has what it takes to carry a feud with a lesser or equal opponent? much like how sheamus showed with morrison.

I understand this is wade barretts first feud so if you had the choice how would you book barrett to continue his popularity/dismay with the fans without john cena?
I definitely agree. Without Cena, Orton, or The Nexus Wade wouldn't be able to get over at all. That is more apparent the more i watch Raw. I remember a few weeks ago, i believe WWE sent him out by himself against R-truth and the crowd was just dead. People will soon see if they haven't yet that as soon as Nexus disbands, and the Cena, Orton, and potential Daniel Bryan feuds end Barrett will not be over at all. Unfortunate.
Are you fucking ******ed? That's like saying Austin didn't do anything without Vince McMahon in his way once he won the WWF Championship in '98. They are fucking feuding. You can't be this daft. We will see what happens on Monday as far as that storyline goes, and then after Cena eventually returns and beats Barrett, we will see what the fuck he can do. But just admit you are wrong about Barrett not being over. The guy is over like a motherfucker, with or without Cena. Now quit being stupid.

are you fucking serious comparing Barrett to Austin what drugs are you on, Austin feuded with owen hart for the IC, Jake the Snake Roberts at King of the ring, The New Hart foundation, and bret hart all before Vince. learn some wrestling history rookie before you try and comapre Barrett to Austin the scenarios are not even in the same universe austin was well proven with a bunch of memories before him and vince start feuding
The facts are what hs Barrett done without cena? wow he one nxt 1 which iwa decided by the wwe not the fans nxt 2 was decided by the fans.

You continue to argue that Barrett isn't over despite several people arguing against it. Normally I would respect that, but in this case you are so obviously wrong. It doesn't matter that he hasn't done anything without Cena. If he only got over because of Cena he is still over. You could rephrase this to say Barrett is only over because of Cena. I still wouldn't agree, but at least that would be a reasonable argument. To simply say he isn't over is just wrong.

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