Wade Barret is Injured Again!

Unbelievable. Barrett was on his way to what looked like his biggest push since Nexus. He got injured when he was rumored to win Money In the Bank two years ago, then he gets injured again during the Barrett Barrage angle which would have re-established him. Now he's injured AGAIN during a great push going into a Money In the Bank match? What awful luck. I hope he will be able to return soon to not only compete in the Money In the Bank match but also still be able to defend his Intercontinental Championship.

The worst part isn't that Barrett might not win the briefcase now (He was my #3 pick behind Dean and Seth anyway) but instead the fact that he might now have yet another Intercontinental Championship reign rendered as useless. I hope for Barrett's sake as well as for the belt itself that he is able to remain champion. Worst case scenario they put the title on Ziggler or something, he did score a win over Barrett recently so if he has some legitimate bad news and has to take time off, Dolph makes sense to take the belt off him. As for who replaces him in the Money In the Bank match if he cannot compete? As long as it's not Bo Dallas I'm happy. The midcard is full of people they can put in there, even Santino or Slater if they have to give it to a jobber.
Barrett's found one of those golden gimmicks now though. When he heals up, he'll be just as over as he is now, if not moreso. "I'm afraid I've got some bad news" has etched itself into the minds of fans worldwide.


Barrett has gotten the fans behind him with this Bad News character...whilst this injury might hurt his push slightly, I think, just like the injury to Daniel Bryan, it will only mean that WWE get a chance to push someone else from the MidCard, until Barrett is welcomed back to the fold.

Unlike his last injury, where he came back debuting this new character, he has now gotten the fans behind him enough to make sure that he will not lose too much momentum by the time he returns whether that is in a month's time or longer...
^ Agreed, at least Barrett has the fans on his side towards his character, so if he does have to miss time he'll still be fresh

**depending on how bad the injury is, maybe they could have BNB in a mic only role and continuously hold off defending his title

and if the plan was to have BNB win the briefcase then a scenerio where he opens Money in the Bank by announcing he cannot compete, then shows up during the match while everyone is incapacitated to take the victory would work perfectly

last of all I'm curious about Jack Swagger - obviously his career as of late has been pretty downward .. the arrest before WM, Swagger's concussion and now this

not to be too sadistic, and sorry for the conspiracy theory but is Swagger just reckless in the ring, or are these injuries to superstars like Ziggler and Barrett Swagger's way of lashing out?

I mean the concussion to Ziggler practically ended his World HW run, as Del Rio was quick to win back the belt

all that said I'll def tune in to Smackdown to see what happened between Swagger and Barrett and curious to hear your guys take
If he's replaced in the match, then I could actually see either a shock return (not sure what Jericho is up to or if Shelton is contracted to ROH right now but if they could do it, it would work) or a debut. Adrian Neville might be someone who could step into the role or Sami Zayn making their official debut. Indeed the NXT champion coming in to a big performance might work and let them have a jaw dropper spot.

While the main story is Ambrose/Rollins it made sense they'd take each other out... so with that in mind I'd still guess if Barrett can even work at half speed he's in the match and in with a big chance.
They could actually turn this into a situation where BNB comes out at the very end of the match to grab the briefcase and then doesn't have to do anything else until he's ready to return and cash in the briefcase. That could be an entire angle in of itself where he continuously feints returning/cashing in until he's ready. Even to the point where he's on the verge of doing so and then we get "if you thought i was about to cash in....I'm afraid I've got some bad news" ect,.
It's a Bummer for Barrett. His Bad News Gimmick finally had momentum and he was getting a good push. I just hope the injury isn't to bad, and I hop he doesn't get labeled as injury prone. I've read reports that Ziggler isn't getting pushed cause his injury history, so I hope something like that doesn't happen to Barrett.

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