Orton injured at Smackdown Taping


WZ's King of Controversy (00-05)
WWE.com is reporting the following:

At Tuesday night’s SmackDown television taping, Mr. Money in the Bank Randy Orton was injured during his match against World Heavyweight Champion Alberto Del Rio.

According to WWE medical personnel, the nine-time World Champion suffered a cervical strain and cervical neuropraxia.

I know the no posting spoilers from smackdown, but WWE.com has reported this, so I'm assuming this doesn't count.

Tried discussing this on the comments on the story, but too many people there have zero idea what the injury actually is.

Cervical neuropraxia is simply what is called a "stinger" or "burner" to anyone who's played football, rugby, or has wrestled. It is not what caused Austin or Edge to retire, it requires no surgery, and generally won't require any missed time.

People seem to be confusing cervical neuropraxia and spinal stenosis. Spinal Stenosis is what caused Edge and Austin to retire. Spinal Stenosis is the narrowing of the spinal column which puts pressure on the spinal cord and can lead to paralysis.

That being said, until Orton is checked out tomorrow, it will not be possible to rule out a more severe injury that could have masked itself as a stinger. Despite what numerous people on the comments claimed, it is possible to diagnose a stinger without an MRI or Xray as it's done quite often on the football field when it happens.


That link has an excellent article about stingers and other sports related spinal injuries.

If Orton indeed simply suffered cervical neuropraxia with no stenosis, he might miss the rest of the house shows this week but shouldn't miss any television or ppvs.
Honestly I hope he isn't hurt too severely that would have to write him off TV for awhile, but if it does it could be a blessing in disguise. To my knowledge, correct me if I'm wrong, but no MITB winner has ever really lost any real amount of time due to injury right? It could set up a great surprise return because we would have totally forgotten about Orton and the fact he has the brief case. Could you imagine the swerve that would get thrown if Cena (or maybe Bryan?) finds themselves in a bad spot after say a big PPV like HIAC or TLC after a brutal match, and as you think it would normally stop airing Orton's music cuts and he makes his way to the ring to cash in? Orton is definitely an established enough star that could get away with this too and would be able to jump right into the championship picture, compared to someone like Sandow who needs to get built up more, a lot more.
Thanks for explaining to us about his injury, I got really worried when I read the comment section because they made it sound like a career ending injury.

Wishing a speedy recovery to Orton and please don't let it be a serious injury.
This couldn't have come at a better time for WWE. Not that I'm saying I'm happy with Orton getting injured, but this gives them a perfect storyline:

Orton is injured, WWE.com report that it is 'serious' (which they could have done if he had a cold or something) - Have everyone on RAW and Smackdown say that he will 'require surgery' or something that makes him miss a few weeks - Whatever they do, DON'T TELL US WHEN HE IS COMING BACK - Cash in MITB whenever they want - 'Ortons back and look what he's got with him'

Remember Randy's line on RAW 'You won't see it coming', it's almost as if he knew he was gonna be injured
Yes hoping his injury is not too serious because he is Mr. Money in the Bank right now and so far Orton is red-hot looking like he is on the cusp of a heel turn and this injury would just derail all of that especially if he is injured badly which I am hoping is not the case
Remember Randy's line on RAW 'You won't see it coming', it's almost as if he knew he was gonna be injured

first thing that came to mind when i was reading this, some people think he was suspended again but if that was the case i dont know if they would of put that briefcase on him in the first place.

myself i hope he is not injured but everything about this smells storyline, he hasnt had anytime off in a good time now and is also going through a divorce so randomly coming in when no one expects it will be fresh, i cant remember any MITB winner not being around unless from week to week.

myself i hope this turns him heel, unlike some orton is actually one of the guys i like just much better as a heel.

if this indeed is a legit injury i just hope its not career ending already lost one of my other favorites (edge) due to injury even though i knew his time was up soon it sucked.
Yes I enjoy Orton much better as a heel and now that he has the briefcase it is inevitable that his heel turn will happen especially if Orton cashes in at SummerSlam right after the Cena/Bryan match-up ends
To my knowledge, correct me if I'm wrong, but no MITB winner has ever really lost any real amount of time due to injury right?

Mr Kennedy was injured after winning his (I think a couple of months later), which ultimately resulted in Edge getting the briefcase for the second time. Other than that, you are correct, it hasn't happened.
To my knowledge, correct me if I'm wrong, but no MITB winner has ever really lost any real amount of time due to injury right?

Ken Anderson had the briefcase removed from him due to injury (that ended up being nowhere near as severe as they'd thought). For some reason they (generally) seem to prefer the tease that the case might be cashed in constantly. However, given that they have already let us know that Cena and Bryan will face off at SummerSlam - there is a pocket of time for Randy to recover (if required) before he'd have to resurface ready to strike.
Orton tweeted this 3 hours ago:

@RandyOrton 3h
Hey, remember when I said don't listen to the net? I'm fine. Del Rio's kicks are hard as hell, and I caught one to the neck, part of the job

Looks like he'll be okay, thank goodness.
Orton tweeted this 3 hours ago:

Looks like he'll be okay, thank goodness.

good news indeed but so much for that surprise cash in i was hoping for lol, dont know but if he took lets say 3-4 weeks off and then just ran out there to cash in would make for a bad ass moment :shrug:
As an NFL fan, I've never heard of a stinger knocking someone out for months. Maybe a week or two, but not months. I wouldn't even be surprised if he was healthy before SummerSlam.

I know why the E gave an official diagnosis. But like the OP said, it makes it sound more serious than it actually is.

As I write this, I found this:

Treatment begins by removing the athlete from further injury. Athletes are not allowed to return to sports activity until their symptoms are completely gone. This can take a few minutes or several days. Athletes should never be allowed to return to sports if they have weakness or neck pain.

Like Randy's tweet said, his must have been pretty mild.
"Hey, remember when I said don't listen to the net? I'm fine. Del Rio's kicks are hard as hell, and I caught one to the neck, part of the job" - Orton's Twitter

He's fine.
I was there last night. Probably the best smackdown Ive seen in a while too.

But the last match of the night was a dark match between The Shield and Bryan, RVD and Orton. Orton sat out most of the match but snuck in an RKO in at one point. And this was right after his match with Del Rio. So as far as I know he wasnt injured.

Also I was there with a friend who is a long time fan of Ortons. At the end (when fans rushed the barricade to get signatures and what not) we both said "Bring back the Legend Killer!" and he responded "One day" with a smile.
Correct me if im wrong but at the time Kennedy won his MITB briefcase it could be used for either title correct? Randy according to the legend killer himself is fine! So I dont expect him to miss any significant time at all. Plus Kennedy being injured all the time during his run with the E and subsequent botches against Orton especially led to his dismissal.

Orton whatever injuries he might be suffering from has a window to heal up! Remember what he said He will cash in when no one is suspecting it!

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