Wade Barret is Injured Again!


Getting Noticed By Management
At the recent WWE taping of Smackdown and confirmed by WWE.com Barret has gone down with a right shoulder injury after being thrown into the barricade by Swagger (Ziggler sends his regards....)

WWE didn't confirm wether this injury would prevent him from competing but from some online reports, it appears its not likely. This has got to suck tbh this has happened twice as far as injuries before and third I believe overall..... Each of his injuries has stopped What seemed to be the start of a main event run and wow Swagger is unlucky too or he is downright reckless when ladders are involved.

It blows since it seems that this could be the run that could put Barret over the top since he seemed the favorite going into mitb. I guess the match and briefcase falls to either Rollins or Ziggler?

It is definitely a blow to his push, although unlike last time, I do not think Barrett was primed to win the MITB Ladder Match (Seth Rollins for me).

From what I gather, it is a shoulder injury and online reports are saying it could only be around 3 weeks on the treatment table. I could be wrong as I am not a Doctor.
It is definitely a blow to his push, although unlike last time, I do not think Barrett was primed to win the MITB Ladder Match (Seth Rollins for me).
You really think Seth Rollins is going to be WWE World Heavyweight Champion within the next year? He's a great performer, but no way will he be headlining PPVs next year. Barrett actually had a shot of being that guy who cashes in on Cena, and then loses to him on the next PPV. Seth isn't going to be it. My prediction was still Dean Ambrose, but Barrett was a solid #2.

Too bad Wade is injured. He could have been a great Mr. MitB. Hopefully, they try surprising us with a Jack Swagger win. I'd love to see him cash in, win the title and celebrate with Zeb before dropping it back at the next PPV.

One thing is for sure, no matter who wins, there is no way he gets pushed at a top level next year. None of those 8 guys are going to get a Miz-like push. The next year will still be Brock/Batista/Bryan/Orton/Cena-centric. Whoever becomes Mr. Money in the Bank will be a transitional champ.
I don't see what it matters. Barrett is cool, but this years MITB won't mean a thing. You can expect Lesnar, Bryan, whoever wins the match for the title and evetually Reigns to dominate the title scene for the next 9 months. There's no place for anybody to hold it but for a few weeks. And Barrett, or any of those other guys, holding it from one PPV to the next doesn't do a thing for them.
Reigns better not win! He has yet to prove himself a worthy singles competitor for the belt!

Rollins on the other hand has proven he can deliver great solo matches, and I say this as someone who prefers Reigns.

I think Rollins would win anyway, as WWE seems kind of unsure what to do with Bad News Barrett and there's not much room for him on the main event scene right now. It seemed like they were doing a feud with Cesaro, but that never really paid off. It seemed like he was being used as the Authorities hit man, but he's being overshadowed by Rollins in regards to that storyline.

Right now, he's feuding with Dolph Ziggler, who has been primarily used as a jobber. While I think Bad News Barrett is qualified to be the world champ, it's pointless piling on belts and there's too many main event storylines right now.

Nevertheless, I hope he recovers soon. After so much build up to his character, it would be a shame for his push to be deflated so quickly.
The cannot catch a break really but in the end this doesn't hurt his career too much if it is a short term thing. Wade can say he's got some BAD NEWS for the MITB fans and says that he won't risk his life for all of them and he withdraws himself from the match. Over the next month he comes out saying with bad news and what not and just continues to grow by using the mic.
Damn, just when Barrett seemed to finally have found his groove.

Wish him a speedy recovery; it would've been great to have him as Mr. MITB.

His cash-in would've been legendary... Just when the champ is beat down after a hard-fought match, Barrett comes out and says: "Well I'm afraid I got some BAD NEWS...!"

Epic. ;)
According to a report I read a few minutes ago, based on a statement by WWE doctor Chris Amann, Wade Barrett's shoulder injury looks to be fairly significant.

"After Barrett felt an immediate pain and a pop, we brought him back to the training room and the exam showed a separated shoulder. We're going to do some additional testing this week and then sit down with him and talk about options for treatment for this injury."

So, Barrett's shoulder was separated, though the severity of the separation wasn't revealed. They probably don't know the severity yet until further tests are done. It could be as simple as popping it back into place, having him rest up for the next several days and he'll be good to go at MITB. On the other hand, it could be severe to the point that there's damage to the deltoid muscles and even the connective tissue itself that could require extensive time off, possibly even surgery to correct.

The report mentions that Barrett suffered the injury after being tossed into the barricade by Jack Swagger, which may very well put all that much more heat on Swagger. Swagger got busted for DUI after a SD! taping in Mississippi in February 2013 that completely derailed a, reportedly, planned World Heavyweight Championship win at WrestleMania 29, he misses the timing on a kick delivered to Dolph Ziggler about a year ago that resulted in Ziggler suffering his first concussion that derailed his World Heavyweight Championship run & sent his career southward and now he's separated the shoulder of the reigning Intercontinental Champion during what's been the most productive stretch of Barrett's career in the past couple of years.

Hopefully, it'll be a quick recovery. I've consistently enjoyed Barrett since his days on NXT and I'm glad to see him FINALLY in the midst of a good, strong mid-card title run. I'd hate to see his run and momentum derailed over this.
He can still get the case, this isn't a killer.

First off though I don' think this is luck... I wouldn't be shocked if some of the midcard guys are going stiffer on Barrett cos they know he's in line for a push and want the chance themselves... it smelled fishy when it happened with Ziggler and even more so now. Accidentally on purpose hurting someone is an age old thing. Zig benefitted and Swagger could this time. RVD potatoed him a few weeks back so there is definitely some shenanigans going on.

Barrett could still be part of the match but get taken out early then rally "at the end" and climb it just when someone thinks they've won it...say Rollins and Ambrose take each other out on top of the ladders... if he can climb a ladder and grab the case then thats all they need IF they're planning on him winning it... You can imagine him standing over them all saying... "You thought I was out of it... I'm afraid...." and the place going mental for him.

It's not really fair for people to blame him or call him injury prone, both times have been workers not taking care rather than him messing up, he is lucky that he doesn't HAVE to wrestle every week and they won't strip the IC from him...

Even his worst case? He is IC champ... and he can invoke that old #1 contender clause... I always just figured with the case it gave him a "double dip" chance when they decide to push him.
This sucks for Barrett! He never seems to have the best of luck when it comes to injuries during a push, unfortunately. I'd never really been a fan of his, but the "Bad News" gimmick is actually pretty entertaining, which is something I wasn't expecting. I'd have put money on the gimmick absolutely bombing, but I'm glad I've been proven wrong.

I don't think Barrett was going to be the guy who gets the no1 contender briefcase, it surely has to be Rollins or Ambrose but as he is the current IC champion, I hope this new injury doesn't force WWE to strip him of the belt, as I am enjoying his run so far, and there are plenty of feuds he could have as Champ.
I'll hold off judgement until I see the spot but it sounds like this is more on Swagger than BNB. Going back to Barrett's injuries I only remember one other time he was injured was when he basically saved someone's life on a reckless over the top dive (Ziggler?). I don't think he's injury prone, just bad timing. I don't think he was going to win but he was one of only 3 guys I think they'd pull the trigger on in that match outside of Seth and Dean.
I agree with THTRobtaylor.

If WWE had schedualed Barrett to win, they can still go this route.

I would only keep this as the plan if the injury is 2months or less.
Barrett should be able to climb a ladder.

What I would have happen is have all competitors be down and hurt. Then all of a sudden Barrett comes out and casually takes the case with no interations with other players. This scenario will help his heel character. As I say, this is an option if WWE had Barrett to win.

It could work. I would like to see either Barrett, Ambrose or Rollins win the match.
You have to wonder with how many shots Barrett has had, and with this push finally getting somewhere, if the WWE will view Barrett as a good commodity, but someone they literally can't trust due to injury problems. I smell another Ziggler.
I cringe when watching those barricade shots since the victim seems to have little control over how he hits the thing. The "preferred" manner is to absorb the shot with the flat of the back, obviously, but if the guy lands shoulder first, the result is what happened to Wade Barrett.

It's too bad for Wade, as always. He finally seems to have found a singles gimmick that works for him...... although watching him get pinned by Dolph Ziggler last Friday is hardly indicative that Wade is headed for the main event anytime soon.

A no-show at this weekend's PPV would interrupt whatever he's been marching toward, but Wade's character is flexible and they'll pick up his mini-push when he returns. I don't see him winning MITB, at any rate.....not while he already holds the IC title.

Was the plan for him to hold both? I don't think WWE is that enamored with him.
This a mid card mitb match. Who ever win the mitb briefcase. I dont think they wins the wwe whc belt. My pick Seth rollins. Actually i like bo dallas insert in the match and wins the mitb case.

In wwe whc match i pick roman and cena pick belt and split the belt.
Ok first time posting here so had an idea and could be totally wrong but just think about it bad news is out of the picture have daniel bryan run in at the end of the contract. Mitb match and grab the briefcase he cant get hurt by just getting the briefcase after the championship match haveorton win but roman reigns demolish him and have db cash it in with simple pin or the yes lock u wanna see wwe explode or that stadium to go crazy how awesome would that be with no action neeeded by db
Hopefully this isn't serious. Barrett has a lot of momentum and is a talented guy. They have finally found a gimmick that works and Barrett could be heading for the top. I wouldn't be shocked to see him win MITB and I do hope this injury doesn't prevent that.
Wade Barrett is just an injury prone like how Mr. Kennedy was. Just when the WWE gives him another strong push towards the top, he gets injured. My question now is what's going to happen to the IC championship? Another torney? On another note outlook the WWE really needs to give these guys a break every once in awhile but they still continue to over work their stars.

It's a real pity that this had to happen to BNB.
Damn it,This is indeed Bad News no pun intended.. Barrett is a solid performer,and very funny when he does his Bad News Stick.. I was looking forward to him being a champion within the next year or so.. I hope its just a minor separation and he will be good to go at MITB.. Of course we wont know probably till Friday or so,the severity of his injury..

This of course,already will bring major heat on Swagger,i believe he has injured people in the past.. He is strong but not very careful to protect his fellow participants.. I suspect this will kill Swaggers Push or little push that he has.. I hope again this is a minor injury and Barrett wont miss any real time
This blows. BNB and his schtick was just starting to grow on me. Hopefully he's still able to participate in MitB on a limited basis (possibly win the whole thing), and instead of just disappearing, he actually gets behind the mic for awhile a la CM Punk a few years ago.
Barrett's found one of those golden gimmicks now though. When he heals up, he'll be just as over as he is now, if not moreso. "I'm afraid I've got some bad news" has etched itself into the minds of fans worldwide.
Sucks that BNB is injured right as he was really hitting his stride. I hope his injury doesn't keep him on the shelf for too long. In storyline, this does create an easy "back-door" for Ambrose to get into the ladder match with Rollins, though. When I read the first report, I thought it was a work to make that happen, anyway.
This sucks, it really does. As of this post, I don't believe that Barrett has been pulled out of the match despite his injury being confirmed but if he's out then goddamn it, Swagger. Barrett was really growing on me and getting over with the live audience with his gimmick. I initially thought that the bad news thing was hysterical and a cheap way to get heat but it worked better than I could've ever imagined. I don't think Barrett was going to win the ladder match (he was my number two pick behind Rollins to win) but it's still a goddamn shame when talent gets injured especially when in the midst of a push. I wish him a speedy recovery.
Sucks that BNB is injured right as he was really hitting his stride. I hope his injury doesn't keep him on the shelf for too long. In storyline, this does create an easy "back-door" for Ambrose to get into the ladder match with Rollins, though. When I read the first report, I thought it was a work to make that happen, anyway.

You realize that Rollins begged HHH to put Ambrose in the match on Raw already, right?

Anyway, it definitely sucks for BNB. I had him as my favorite before Raw, but figured he wouldn't have won Sunday since he retained the IC title vs DZ. My thought was if BNB dropped the strap, he'd be on his way to the ME card with a MITB win

At this point, I actually think Ambrose or Ziggler take the case. Even though Ziggler has jobbed a lot recently, he did get a victory (rollup pin, though) over the IC champ, and looked really, really good in the IC title match in a hard fought loss. He is super over with the crowd, he is a very strong worker and his WWE App promos are second to none.

Zigs has gotten a raw deal and I think he's going to turn a corner and have a huge summer
I think the plan might have actually been for BNB to come out on top... other than Rollins, you go back to Trips and how he introduced the participants... he put Barrett over very strongly with the impression he did and how much he likes him... compared to the semi shoot mocking of RVD and his pointed barb to the fans about Ziggler he put Barrett over very strong. It's not beyond the realms the plan was a win... and it still can be... he doesn't have to do anything in the match other than climb the ladder and grab a case.

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