Viva La PPV???

Mighty NorCal

Apparently, at a recent press conference, there it was claimed that WWE will be holding a PPV in Mexico "very soon: and possibly brining WM there in 2010 or 2011. Would you all be interested in a PPV held in Mexico?? Will it be a real PPV, or done like the ones in England were only folks in that country can watch it live (which I still can never figure out WHY for the life of me...)...thoughts dudes...

FIrstly, WM down there sounds laborious. Although I doubt the crowd would be entirely native, or even remotley close to entirely native. The dollar is superior to the Peso by an epic margin, so there forse a lot of the native area may be locked out becuase of the monetary issues. That, and I could see some ABSURD WM-Mexico vacation packages being sold. If WWE was in a spot were it was spectacularly popular, id say go for it, but im not sure if they could pull off a 100,000 crowd, as they would have (at least) in Arena de azteca (were they would most probably have it)

On the other part of this, id be very interested in a PPV down there. SUmmerSlam, in a smaller venue, may be a good test out. Pro Wrestling is absolute religion down there, so the crowds would probably be buck ass wild crazy. Would be fun to see. Im all for testing out having PPVs down there. They have done well in Canada, and Id say the popuarity and love for pro wrestling in Mexico smashes that of Canada. So it could be very successfull.
I think I'd be interested in a smaller ppv, like say Night of Champions, One Night Stand or Backlash going on down there. As for one of the four major ones though, I really can't picture it. Summerslam 1992 worked for one reason: British Bulldog. He was an absolute god over there. There will never be a time when the IC title match comes on as the main event, after a big time world title match. The only way for a ppv to work in Mexico is to have a Hispanic wrestler be in the main event. The problem is, to the best of my knowledge, there are only two options here: Mysterio, or Carlito, and they would absolutely have to win. If not, there would be an absolute riot. Overall, can't really see it working, but if played exactly right, it could be pulled off.
Wrestlemania in Mexico would be tremendous for buy-rates. The Mexican heritage is truly huge on Professional Wrestling, especially the lucha-libre and cruiserweight wrestlers. While thats the one division the W.W.E. has decided to chop off at the knees, I still think a sizable arena in Mexico would sell-out just as quick, if not quicker, than any Mania event in the United States.

Furthermore, I don't see why Mania wouldn't be shown live to everyone as normal, since Mexico is still on the same time lines as America. (unless I'm missing something)

Regarding your peso to the dollar reference, I'd assume W.W.E. would just even it out by charging people even more in peso, so it would be as if they're charging them what they normally would in american currency.
WHat I meant by that ratio, is I dont think the crowd would be primarily made of of hispanics becuase of poverty. Even the chepies (at WM, prolly 60$) is still like a 1000 pesos LOL. SO I think even if it was had in mexico, it wouldnt be much different crowd than the crowds in america.
Furthermore, I don't see why Mania wouldn't be shown live to everyone as normal, since Mexico is still on the same time lines as America. (unless I'm missing something)

See I don't see that as an issue anyway. When you order a PPV do you know where the show is taking place anyway? Unless you're going it doesn't matter. Also if you're ordering the show I doubt many people do it just before the show. I might be wrong, but If I ordered them I'd do it the day before.

If there's a time difference then it still doesn't matter. Say a PPV in England for example. Put it on later for the fans that are there live. Start it at 10. Spoilers would come out. But most people would have ordered it already. Give them a gimmick like HIAC, a heel turn, and a major title change. That way people would want to see the show regardless.

I don't see what the difference is. They've had a Mania in Canada. I don't see how having it in Mexico would be a big deal.
you all know what im gonna say next but im gonna anyway......... Wrestlemania should come to wembley(or elland road). even the queen wants it.

This was somewhat of a topic of discussion not that long ago, actually. Whether or not a major event like Wrestlemania could ever be held in England. The reason its not a good idea, unlike Summerslam from 1992, is because unlike then.. in today's world you have the internet and spoilers.

Why on earth would W.W.E. wanna risk a bunch of last minute buyers into not buying the Pay Per View, when they could find out who won and lost and if they didn't like the outcome, or felt they had no true reason to watch since they then knew who'd win.. it'd be a lot of money out of the W.W.E.'s pocket.

And before you even say you don't think it'd be that many, you'd be damn surprised how many people wait until the day of, or the day before a Pay Per View on whether or not they're going to order. Just because you have a final card for the show, doesn't mean a decision can still be easily made. Especially when the p.p.v. results can come to those in America, 6 hours early.
Personally, I don't think its a bad idea to test out a ppv in Mexico...just not a big one.

Why not something like Judgment Day? I'd say "Great American Bash" know haha.

WrestleMania is too big and too important to have a bomb. If one of the smaller ppvs works out very well, then try a bigger one (Survivor Series or Summerslam), and if they work out very well, then consider it.

Marketing out to other countries is a good idea, but I don't think necessarily jumping into a country that doesn't predominantly speak English is too smart.

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