vince russo TNA'S Cancer?

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Ever Since Vince russo got in to tna i think from what i saw was the same crap he tried with wcw and rehashing old storylines like vkm. when dx invaded cnn center it meant something. but when vkm TRIES to invade wwe titan towers it is meaningless. i am a big tna fan since wwe deprived me of my entertainment. i look at tna for my wrestling / entertainment fix. i am a lot more entertained from watchein one hour of tna than watching watching two hours of raw. when impact! is over, it actually makes me anticipate for next thursday. but not with wwe no when i watch raw i wind up playing playstation halfway through. and when raw is over and a when they advertise john cena in the main event for next week i automatically think cena is gonna win. he never loses. IMO he is a over paid, and over pushed fuck that wrestles worse than jerry lawler. but back to the topic. everytime i see an angle on tna. like eric young vs ms brooks bikini contest has russo written all over it and, vkm this is all russos doing vkm is just a watered down dx but slightly better in ways and slightly worse in ways. so what do you think is vince russo tnas cancer. explain.
From what I read on Russo's interview, I'm not quite sure if the bikini contest was his idea. Russo stated that he was a born-again Christian and that he was not going to do anymore sleaze. That made me happy and thankful that I wouldn't be subjected to the same kind of ridiculous crap that's so prevalent in the WWE. Then I see a bikini contest with Eric Young at Turning Point. Either Russo didn't have any part in writing this, or he is a total liar.
I love the fact everyone think's Russo is the only writer TNA has or that Russo can write stuff that get's past Dixie and Jarrett... shut up...

Russo had a bad past... he did some stupid things to right WCW into the hole, but holy crap folks, give the brother a break! have you ever done somethign you've wanted to put behind you only to have everyone always bring it back up? it sucks, so back off of Russo... if you're not there, in the back, seeing 100% of what's going on, then you're just pinning blame... I love the way people just assume Russo is going to ruin TNA... I want Russo to succeed... I WANT TNA to give McMahon a run for his money... THATS what made wrestling what it is today... McMahon's fear... fear breads genious... so stop this whole Russo sucks thing... it's old...
you have to admit a lot of thinga going on in tna seems like russo written all over it. he is dried out no more creative talent in his head. pair him with ferrara maybe he would be a better writer
you have to admit a lot of thinga going on in tna seems like russo written all over it. he is dried out no more creative talent in his head. pair him with ferrara maybe he would be a better writer

i'm going to take a shot in the dark, on this one, but I'd recken you've never written a wrestling show... a match, none the less... I'm pretty sure you've never been put into a position to come up with something that's never been done before and make it shine... I'm pretty sure you've written "one of the best cards ever" in your spare time, getting pieces here and there... wrestling fans want... it's obvious... writters don't give what fans want, we give them something bigger... finding that "bigger" thing is what every writter struggles with...

let's put it into a perspective you could understand: every Harry Potter fan, including yourself, wants Harry to kill Voldermaut... JK Rowling, however, will write something even bigger than that... and if she doesn't... you'll say Russo wrote it and bitch about it...
let's put it into a perspective you could understand: every Harry Potter fan, including yourself, wants Harry to kill Voldermaut... JK Rowling, however, will write something even bigger than that... and if she doesn't... you'll say Russo wrote it and bitch about it...

Russo does'nt write Harry Potter? oh,

seriously though some people seem to forget that Russo was one of the lead writers during the Attitude era, and tghat was WWE's most successful time, who says he won't do that to TNA
Well said Lonedog.

Russo writes. JJ & Dixie give the ok or make changes, mainly JJ. Did you hear that he showed up at the last tapings with 6 hours worth of material for 3 hours of tv?

My insiders like Russo, they say he is very creative but it all still goes by Jeff and he has the final say. I'm also told that Christian has a great mind for the business and will be a great writer/booker someday.
Russo is responsible for some of the best and some of the worst ideas in wrestling. Sadly though, it doesn't look like he's got many good ideas left based on what I've seen so far. I'll give the guy another month or two before I judge him completely but so far, not so good.
when vince russo went to wcw he was sent there by vince mcmahon to destroy WCW..Its a well known fact behind the seens of wrestling that not to many people wanna talk about..over the years vince mcmahon n russo havent seen eye 2 eye, but these 2 are the ones who killed WCW..ITS A GAME OF CHESS n russo was a pawn
Well said Lonedog.

Russo writes. JJ & Dixie give the ok or make changes, mainly JJ. Did you hear that he showed up at the last tapings with 6 hours worth of material for 3 hours of tv?

My insiders like Russo, they say he is very creative but it all still goes by Jeff and he has the final say. I'm also told that Christian has a great mind for the business and will be a great writer/booker someday.

First of all, who do you know??? Seriously we should have like a log of who knows people in the business. First I find out Tomko is a regualr WZ contributor and then all of a sudden evryone knows someone.

And second... People need to get off Russo's back. Did you people not see Turning Point. For the record, an incredible PPV. Despite some minor stupidities like the Bikini contest (which really didn't come off that bad btw) it was a great show. And not only for the wrestling. It was some of the absolute best storytelling that I have seen on a wrestling show in a very long time.

Another thing I wanted to bring up is that Russo's booking of TNA has been pretty bad over the last month, but his first month was AMAZING!! Which made me think about what happened between month 1 and month 2. And then out comes a report saying that he had prepared twice as much material as was necessary. He shows up to the tapings with 6 hours worth of television. Which means he had to basically condense evrything he had planned by 50% in the space of a couple of hours.

Considering that it was necessary to keep a focus on all his segments ahead of in-ring stuff in order to build to the PPV, I think he did a good job. Impact has been solid even over the last month, the only problem being the absence of actual wrestling. And now we know why!! Given the success of Turning Point and the fact that he has a really really good excuse for the last month of Impact, I think Russo deserves another shot. Not that what he has done so far has been bad, it just hasn't been great.

But IMO, thus far Russo has been able to prove he is more than a one trick pony.
1) i don't think it matters who knows who... what's the point?

2) i'm pretty sure once Impact goes to 2 hours, Russo is going to florish... look what he's done with one hour of TV, imagine what'll happen with two?! Spike just needs to let it happen... bite the bullet and ride the bull... I'm just saying: give TNA a second hour... I'm not saying move TNA to Monday, that's suicide at this point in time, but let TNA grow... Russo will kill then... I believe it!
1) i don't think it matters who knows who... what's the point?

2) i'm pretty sure once Impact goes to 2 hours, Russo is going to florish... look what he's done with one hour of TV, imagine what'll happen with two?! Spike just needs to let it happen... bite the bullet and ride the bull... I'm just saying: give TNA a second hour... I'm not saying move TNA to Monday, that's suicide at this point in time, but let TNA grow... Russo will kill then... I believe it!

1) Just thought it could be cool. Maybe get extra inside scoops. I mean thats why we're all WZ readers and contributors to begin with.

2) Fully agree. I hope he gets his redemption and can prove to be the man that changes the game again!!
We can only hope Vince Russo is the cancer of TNA. But if you ask me, TNA has had Cancer way before Vince Russo came to TNA.
We can only hope Vince Russo is the cancer of TNA. But if you ask me, TNA has had Cancer way before Vince Russo came to TNA.

We can only hope Vince Russo is the cancer of TNA??? Why do people want to see something so good for the business fall on its ass? TNA could be the saviour of the pro-wrestling industry. Whether it be TNA becoming all it can be or by forcing WWE to up its game and take it to a whole new level; TNA is what can help save us from this bullshit.

And as for TNA having cancer?!?!?!?!?!? WWE has a tumor the size of a 747 on its left testicle and the only way to save it is to amputate the dick. Vince is the dick. Get rid of Vince, get rid of the problem - so long as they are able to keep a relapse called Stephanie from coming about.
how does wwe have a tumor if its doing great in business right now..just cuz u see bullshit storylines and so on doesnt mean anything..they dnt have anyone to compete with so y waste all the good storylines now..if they ever recieve someone to compete with then ull c the good stuff come out...but wwe doesnt have a tumor they have good ratings the merchandise sells and they are supported by huge tv networks
Id compare it too alcohol. A bit is ok, but too much will kill the produvt off. As long as their is cruise control in the form of Carter, Jarrett and co. hell werk.
We're talking about a company who could've mainstreamed wrestling permanently like it is in Japan. A company that had two separate chances in the last twenty years to gain an entrenched foothold on the American populace, but squandered it both times. However, mismanagement and a lack of focus on what put asses in the seats in the first place has helped Titan shoot itself in the foot. Even during the darker days of WWF programming in the early/mid 1990's, at least the wrestling was quality the majority of the time. These days, it's more about gimmickry to support the product. The second letter in the company initials should be dropped altogether, because it has where the product is concerned. This is why it pains me when I watch Smackdown have piped-in crowd reactions to matches that are snooze-fests. That never was a necessity before. Unless you were talking about WCW Thunder. I, for one, pray that TNA rises up to challenge the "E" so that Vinnie Mac will get a goddamn clue and realize that he needs to stop focusing on outside endeavors so much (WBF, XFL, WWE Films...complete $hit by the way) and focus on the in-ring product and the betterment of his company.
All i got to say is, russo is doing a great job in my eyes so far, his writing is solid, he is doing what he needs to do to push the product to a wider audience, as well as establish it as a strong competitor in the wrestling market. He has had his strong points and weak points, and i think he is back on his A game right now, and i never enjoyed watching TNA more, i am fed up of people bitching about it as well, people saying its not in the same league as WWE, well its not, and fans know that and couldnt give two sh##s. GIVE IT TIME TO GROW!!!. Also (theres more) i am fed up of people bitching about russo not using wrestlers, because he has to be selective he only has an hour a week and someone has to have less air time. i could go on and on, but i Russo is doing great leave him to it, there is a reason he has the job...because he knows what he is on about.
The proof is in the pudding. Since Russo stepped up, the ratings have consistently went up. The show has become more interesting and the character development has went along way with the younger guys. It is a smart move to use the former WWE guys in their previous roles because it gives you a sense of history of the Characters and building from there, instead of throwing out their past image completely.

More people in the WWE want to jump ship than ever before. That tells you something.

The difference between WCW and TNA is that WCW built its name around one character Hogan, and TNA is building its name around a cast of characters. Thats why TNA isnt setting its self up to fail. A lot of the people in TNA are the old WCW crew and they know what to do differently now.
The proof is in the pudding. Since Russo stepped up, the ratings have consistently went up. The show has become more interesting and the character development has went along way with the younger guys. It is a smart move to use the former WWE guys in their previous roles because it gives you a sense of history of the Characters and building from there, instead of throwing out their past image completely.

More people in the WWE want to jump ship than ever before. That tells you something.

The difference between WCW and TNA is that WCW built its name around one character Hogan, and TNA is building its name around a cast of characters. Thats why TNA isnt setting its self up to fail. A lot of the people in TNA are the old WCW crew and they know what to do differently now.
I do agree that the show has become more interesting. I just hope they don't lose the recipe of competition and deep storytelling in their wrestling matches that they once possessed. But even last week, Angle's stint acting like a nutball was awesome. He played the heel role well and I think that his feud with Joe just gained six more feet of depth and I can't wait to see where they're gonna take it from here. The same goes for A.J. and Rhino. Russo knows that there has been some matchups that TNA hasn't even used yet because they keep the wrestlers doing the same character stuff over and over again, rather than building storylines around good matchups that nobody's ever really got to see. I'd be tickled pink to watch A.J. and Rhino mix it up and to see A.J. get Gored through a table, wall, or whatever.
Well i'd have to say i'm not as happy as everyone else with Russo's direction to me the show has stop being as entertaining, I don't even take the time to watch the dumbass VKM storyline, of course Joe and Angle's feud can only get better they are two of the best wrestlers/entertainers in the company(by entertainer I mean great with the mic) most if not all of the storylines are lackluster and the only thing Russo proved by putting a mic in AJ's mouth is that he as good as he maybe in the ring is not fit to head a company as he has no mic skills what so ever, and his feud with Rhino is dumb to me it's like two kids fighting on a playground Rhino helped him and now he's pissed? what the h*ll?, I can't wait to see them get in the ring again but they could have come up with something a little better than that sh*t storyline, another thing i'm having a problem with is the blurred line between a heel and babyface I mean look at the feuds you mentioned AJ Styles and Rhino who's the heel, I think it's soppose to be Styles but nobody acts like it, Kurt Angle and Samoa Joe both of them have switched rolls so many times I lost count I don't know who's the heel and who's the babyface and the sad a** announce team doen't help because they're confused themselves, the comentitor that Angle put in the ankle lock comes out and says "I understand why Angle did it and I respect him?" what the fu*k, that's like me getting robbed by a homeless guy, I may know why he did it but I want my money back and I want him to pay and then Jim Cornete give's Angle rewards for causing total havoc on his show all's I can say is I wish he was my boss i'd do all kinds of stuff if I know I was going to get rewarded for it in the end, my point is the storylines don't may any sense and TNA better pay they can sign Paul Heyman so they can get rid of that loser Russo.
Being a WWE fan will definitely not warm you to VKM, so I wouldn't be surprised to see you and a lot of others not be warmed to the whole concept of VKM talking mad smack at HHH, HBK, and Satan himself. It depends on what you're looking for as to whether someone can lead a company. I prefer wrestling, so I'll take Styles in the top spot over Cena or Batista's worhtless asses anyday of the week. Titles in wrestling aren't won on the mic. If that were the case, Cena would already be a candidate for the Hall of Fame.

A.J. can use some seasoning on the mic, and I think that is what Russo is aiming to do. Most feuds in the business aren't scripted ala rocket science, anyway, so I don't see what the problem is behind A.J. and Rhino disliking each other. Hell, I could recount enough stupid feud concepts by WWF/E and WCW to fill up a dumptruck. There isn't supposed to be a heel in the match. It's a concept that hasn't been visited since Stone Cold was in his prime. It's the competition and the prospect of the matchup that's being pushed, not the character, and certainly not the cookie-cutter good/bad storyline. West is an idiot, yes, but I seriously doubt they'd have his character be dumb enough to talk smack about Kurt Angle and say anything other than praises about a guy who almost tore his foot off the week before. The point of the story is that they are afraid of Angle, hence him walking around and beating the piss out of people to get what he wants. These aren't the greatest storylines in wrestling history, but then again, they don't have much competition up north as Titan hasn't had a good story since Before George W. Bush took office...the first time. Remember, though, the WWF's hottest period was when Russo and Ferarra helped to blur the lines of good and evil. Whether this will prove to be successful will be a matter of time.
I agree on some points but you gonna admit that cornete is scare of Angle as he goes around tormenting the TNA roster but turn around and their he is right in the face of LAX(and their a group of badasses) it's a double standard, you can't have Cornete large and in charge one moment then the next timid as a mouse, As far as AJ leading a company you missed my point as I think he's a incredible talent in the ring(a little overrated in my opinion)but good none the less I just meant that guys like Joe, Angle, Christain, Daneils, and even Jarrett have their routine put together they're are not just good/great in the ring they know how to entertain the fan's with their mic work also, now AJ should have practiced his promo a million and one times before ever speaking on the mic because he's horrible, As far as VKM, they are doing the same thing as DX and they're not even as entertaining while doing it, they want to stop the quote on quote "Dumb to the extreme" segments but in reaility all's they're doing is subjecting is to more even dumber skit's and don't forget as harsh as I am on the TNA product I am a fan but I don't like the new direction they are going in and i'm just as harsh on the WWE product I just happen to believe that right now WWE is the lesser of two evil's so to speak, as far as the blur of heel/babyface that's not my point, my point was even when WWE did this with Austin their was a line the announcers didn't magicly forget that he just stuned the hell out of a diva just because the fan's cheer him, and last, even you have to admit that WWE's Storylines are 10x better than TNA's I mean their pretty sad.
I agree on some points but you gonna admit that cornete is scare of Angle as he goes around tormenting the TNA roster but turn around and their he is right in the face of LAX(and their a group of badasses) it's a double standard, you can't have Cornete large and in charge one moment then the next timid as a mouse, As far as AJ leading a company you missed my point as I think he's a incredible talent in the ring(a little overrated in my opinion)but good none the less I just meant that guys like Joe, Angle, Christain, Daneils, and even Jarrett have their routine put together they're are not just good/great in the ring they know how to entertain the fan's with their mic work also, now AJ should have practiced his promo a million and one times before ever speaking on the mic because he's horrible, As far as VKM, they are doing the same thing as DX and they're not even as entertaining while doing it, they want to stop the quote on quote "Dumb to the extreme" segments but in reaility all's they're doing is subjecting is to more even dumber skit's and don't forget as harsh as I am on the TNA product I am a fan but I don't like the new direction they are going in and i'm just as harsh on the WWE product I just happen to believe that right now WWE is the lesser of two evil's so to speak, as far as the blur of heel/babyface that's not my point, my point was even when WWE did this with Austin their was a line the announcers didn't magicly forget that he just stuned the hell out of a diva just because the fan's cheer him, and last, even you have to admit that WWE's Storylines are 10x better than TNA's I mean their pretty sad.
Cornette is having to play to both angles in a separate capacity, which I do agree is pushing it. He's having to serve two masters, though, as he is the only on-air authority figure they have at present.

A.J. is worth his hype. I've seen him in enough match-of-the-year candidates to last a decade, and he's not even very old yet. He has room to grow on the mic, but I fail to see what the problem is with him being booked in a top spot because he can't cut promos like Austin or The Rock, when other guys like Batista and Cena are the exact opposite with regards to their in-ring abilities and are pushed down fan's throats. Personally, I'd say limit his mic-time for a while and have him work with it, but I pay to see the wrestling, not the goddamn promos. Besides, my rationale has always been that a promo is worthless if you don't have the workrate and general ability to support it. It doesn't matter how much $hit you talk on the mic if you get in the ring and wrestle like a mongoloid.

I find the DX skits to be complete $hit most of the time and have since it's re-inception. The VKM skits are mostly harmless fluff, but the comment last week when they told HHH they'd "f**k him and shave hit mutton chops" was one of the funniest things I've ever heard on wrestling, period. It's most likely just a difference of opinion regarding our senses of humor. I've always been a fan of the VKM's in-ring abilities (specifically their WWF tenure) and do think they can lay claim to getting and keeping DX and HHH over in the wake of Michael's departure. Lest we forget they were the most over tag team in ages when DX was actually in it's prime and not a parody like we see these days.

WWE's storylines are the stuff of my nightmares. 2006 was the furthest thing from a fine example of creativity that I'd like to ever see. DX? Spirit Squad? Flair and Duggan still wrestling? Cena? Batista? King Booker? Umaga? This $hit was ridiculous. That company wastes as much talent as WCW did at their highest point of excess and it's insulting when I flip on the Tivo and have to cue through most of the $hit due to nausea. They have all aces in their hand and choose to fold each week on purpose. TNA isn't firing on all eight cylinders, surely. WWE is barely firing on two. Their booking decisions looked like they just threw $hit into a barrel and checked to see what came out when they tipped it over. It's the worst mismanagement of talent since they pissed away guys like Lance Storm, RVD, Rhino, and most of all, Taz. I don't think TNA is perfect, but at least I get my money's worth when I buy one of their PPV's. I haven't paid for a WWE PPV since WM21. I paid fifty dollars that day to watch Kane stink up and slow down a hell of a ladder match, and to watch Angle/Michaels usurp two pathetic main events that should've been booked first in the night.
Cornette is having to play to both angles in a separate capacity, which I do agree is pushing it. He's having to serve two masters, though, as he is the only on-air authority figure they have at present.

A.J. is worth his hype. I've seen him in enough match-of-the-year candidates to last a decade, and he's not even very old yet. He has room to grow on the mic, but I fail to see what the problem is with him being booked in a top spot because he can't cut promos like Austin or The Rock, when other guys like Batista and Cena are the exact opposite with regards to their in-ring abilities and are pushed down fan's throats. Personally, I'd say limit his mic-time for a while and have him work with it, but I pay to see the wrestling, not the goddamn promos. Besides, my rationale has always been that a promo is worthless if you don't have the workrate and general ability to support it. It doesn't matter how much $hit you talk on the mic if you get in the ring and wrestle like a mongoloid.

I find the DX skits to be complete $hit most of the time and have since it's re-inception. The VKM skits are mostly harmless fluff, but the comment last week when they told HHH they'd "f**k him and shave hit mutton chops" was one of the funniest things I've ever heard on wrestling, period. It's most likely just a difference of opinion regarding our senses of humor. I've always been a fan of the VKM's in-ring abilities (specifically their WWF tenure) and do think they can lay claim to getting and keeping DX and HHH over in the wake of Michael's departure. Lest we forget they were the most over tag team in ages when DX was actually in it's prime and not a parody like we see these days.

WWE's storylines are the stuff of my nightmares. 2006 was the furthest thing from a fine example of creativity that I'd like to ever see. DX? Spirit Squad? Flair and Duggan still wrestling? Cena? Batista? King Booker? Umaga? This $hit was ridiculous. That company wastes as much talent as WCW did at their highest point of excess and it's insulting when I flip on the Tivo and have to cue through most of the $hit due to nausea. They have all aces in their hand and choose to fold each week on purpose. TNA isn't firing on all eight cylinders, surely. WWE is barely firing on two. Their booking decisions looked like they just threw $hit into a barrel and checked to see what came out when they tipped it over. It's the worst mismanagement of talent since they pissed away guys like Lance Storm, RVD, Rhino, and most of all, Taz. I don't think TNA is perfect, but at least I get my money's worth when I buy one of their PPV's. I haven't paid for a WWE PPV since WM21. I paid fifty dollars that day to watch Kane stink up and slow down a hell of a ladder match, and to watch Angle/Michaels usurp two pathetic main events that should've been booked first in the night.

First, Cornette (I know i'm not the greatest speller) I know you'd agree, but good point but they could have booked it alot better I mean like scared of Angle one week then another lay down the law to LAX.

AJ is great he remind's me so much of a younger RVD in the ring, I just have seen people all over these theards saying AJ's one of the greatest ever or he the best and most talented wrestler in the world today and that going way to far AJ as good as he is, is not the greatest anything just yet(hey he may be someday what do I know, just not right now), now me and you agree about taking him off the mic for now and allowing him to get better at it, Batista I have never been real high on him he's okay but after seeing a guy like Brock Lesnar show us how a strong guy really should wrestle Batista just doesn't cut it and I really don't understand his popularity or push as he's not very entertaining at all, as far as Cena I think he's way more talented then he shows in OVW and UPW he had some great and entertaining matches his avarage WWE match is basicly the same every week which is really sad, I agree somewhat but some of the times a really great promo can make a match that much more better now I agree with wrestling first but I still like the entertainment side(just not as silly or dumb as the storylines lately from WWE and TNA)and your right you could be the greatest ever on the mic but if you wrestle like Khaili then what's the point.

Tanent in the ring wise HHH and HBK got VKM beat hands down as they are still very good in the ring while VKM are showing their age, as far as the skits well i'm not to fond of either of them(some of the times they may get a chuckle or two) but as a whole I wish they would both stop(and DX has as of late), in no way do I see VKM being as big apart of DX's success as HHH and HBK, it was already an pretty popular group(although vastly more popular after VKM and Pac was added), they paved the way for the great tag battles of the Hardyz, Team 3D, and Edge and Christain the tag division without the Outlawz would have probably been like right now and guys like the above mentioned would have never gotten a chance to shine.

I agree but it's not like VKM? Eric Young? Jackass gimmicks for the X-Division guys?, bad... Robert Roode?, Austin Star?, Shark boy, Sting still wrestling?, Sting and Abyss as champions? is exactlly golden storylines,TNA is not exactlly useing it's talent to the best of it's ability either, now it's not like TNA has been booking greatness the point's you are making about WWE are counter point's against TNA, Yes WWE messed up with the guys you named(you sick bastard you seen my sig you know I like Taz(lol)but TNA is pissing away talent as we speak Killings, Elix Skipper, Petey Williams, need I go on, about the PPV's well I order all the main WWE PPV's and probably about half of the TNA PPV's so I think you get my point when I say I just love wrestling I seem to get my money worth every time (except maybe SS this year) I just can't get enough of watching wrestling, FTR I agree about WM21 I liked the show more than you did but I totally agree, I guess Kane did alright in that tag TLC match on RAW so they thought it would be okay(they were wrong), and Micheals vs Angle was byfar the MOTN which is probably what WWE expected and wanted anyway, and they did it again this year with Lashley(who like Batista i'm not very high on)and Finlay(great wrestler but wrong for the ladder match were in there, and one last thing that is starting to piss me off Shelton Benjamin(my favorite WWE wrestler right now) has completly owned the MITB ladder match but hasn't gotten the win.
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