Vince Mcmahons wins ECW Championship

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I think your right about Vince not caring about what the fans want now. Now I think that Vince knows he doesn't have competition because TNA is still getting low 1.0 ratings weekly. He just wants to have fun in his old age. But you got to agree the wrestling on WWECW is good. That elimination match last week was amazing. It could of been on Survivor Series but with more time of course. There's only one squash on WWECW which includes Snitsky and then 2 good matches with the rest of the time going to promo's. RAW is the weak point of WWE imo. It's more like a soap opera than a wrestling show. Vince does provide us with crap but thats because he know's we will keep on watching no matter what. That's how most promotions fail though. They dont expand and try to get different people to view the show. Hopefully he gives the title to someone else.

totally agree with you, i think becuase wwecw has nothing to worry about from tna vince is willing to try risky things for fun and also to see if they will work. just think how many people will watch ecw in the comeing weeks to see what happens to the title. i also agree that raw is the weak show. granted wwe think it is the grade A brand and granted it does have the better titles..... they dont use the good talent they have and all you see is cena winning. personally i rather watch ecw or smackdown.
Wow, I guess with the Cena winning boycott and now Vince with the ECW title most people here will not be watching RAW this week, right?...I didn't think so either.

I agree with the minority here, this will make me watch RAW and ECW this week. It was a good way to get the title off of could've been Snitsky. Hopefully, Lashley moves to RAW and the ECW title gets inserted into the New Breed/Originals feud. Maybe an RVD/Burke/Cm Punk match at ONS?

It still amazes me though how many people bought a PPV for a show they hate or don't watch, or even took time to read the spoilers. I have no idea what goes on on television shows I don't like or watch.
Wow, I guess with the Cena winning boycott and now Vince with the ECW title most people here will not be watching RAW this week, right?...I didn't think so either.

I agree with the minority here, this will make me watch RAW and ECW this week. It was a good way to get the title off of could've been Snitsky. Hopefully, Lashley moves to RAW and the ECW title gets inserted into the New Breed/Originals feud. Maybe an RVD/Burke/Cm Punk match at ONS?

It still amazes me though how many people bought a PPV for a show they hate or don't watch, or even took time to read the spoilers. I have no idea what goes on on television shows I don't like or watch.

Well the thing is they dont accualy hate it theif they do hate it they hate it to the point of where they neeed to buy the ppv or watch the show so they can continue their hate.
Vince winning the ECW title just put the final nail in ECW's coffin. The only good thing to come from this is that Lashley was not made to look invincible yet again. When you got guys like RVD(not for much longer), CM Punk, Sandman, Dreamer, Burke, and Cor Von, you would think that one of those guys would be challenging for the title not Vince Wrestler-Wannabe McMahon. The worst thing about this whole incident is that the Lashley/McMahon feud is going to continue for at least another month(Yipppeeeeeee!!!!!). Let's just hope this will be a very short reign and Vince will stay off TV for a while after it is all finished(like that is ever going to happen). I personally would love to see Sandman whip the sh*t out of Vince with that kindle stick.
I think this 'Vince McMahon winning the ECW World Championship' can be a great angle if they use it correctly. I believe that WWE wont do any tournament to determine who would face Vince or who would compete for the ECW World Title one One Night Stand, if they did that probably this all thing would be a great move, and also I think that moving Lashley to RAW would be the best thing they could actually do to him.

But... we are talking about WWE, a place where John Cena is the best wrestler alive today...
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Right now I see Vince saying he never wanted this title and ECW can have it back with a tourney to crown the new champ. And if it goes like every other tounrey Vince made up it will have RVD being beatend down teh whole time but somehow winning while Burke gets a practicaly a free ride beating guys like (Guido, Al Snow and Joey Styles ) before Vince swerves everyobdy sides with RVD and has him turn evil and reveal that he resigned months ago and have been screwing with the internet marks for months. I mean I have always felt the way to stop all their plans from being spoiled is to leak false rumors and then popel wouldnt know what to belive but I doubt Vince is really clever enough to do that. I had a boss like that great in biz matters like Vince has been ( yeah he started up some flops ( XFL, Bodybuilding and the Movie biz) but that was when he overeached outside his expertise of wrestling. But my boss liek Vince never got the finer nuances of things that can turn you from a smart guy to a genius.
The tournament idea sounds good, but I could see it going in another direction. I think the McMahon will actually hang onto the title for a decent stretch of time. During that stretch, he'll face, and defeat all of the ECW Originals with interference from the New Breed, until Tommy Dreamer pulls a huge upset. Can you imagine the reaction to Tommy winning a Title vs. Career match, especially if the careers of all the Originals were at stake and not just his?

Even if neither the tournament nor the Dreamer angle happen, there is still plenty that could be done to keep things interesting. Hell, I'd even enjoy McMahon gloating on Tuesday night and then being interrupted and having Sniiiiiiiiitsky just beat the hell out of him...
I am not sure why I still care about this pathetic attempt at resurrecting ECW, but I just can't help myself. I think I actually threw up in my mouth a little bit when I read that Vince McMahon is now the ECW champion (thank God it is not the original belt because that would be blasphamy). Maybe Eric Bischoff can have the next title reign because we all know that it won't be anyone who is actually on the current ECW roster. Somebody please help me to just let it go....
i going to be hated for saying this but i think it was a great idea for vince to take the title.
1. he has no worries from tna right now so he can do wat he wants
2. do you know how many people are going to turn into ecw to see what happens with the title?
3. its a huge twist that no one saw comeing and i love it was wrestleing take huge twist.
It look's like they are going to have him feud wityh either Shane or RVD. I fear that if it's RVD they will use it (at first) as a way of getting him to resing. They will give him a feud with Vince which is usually quite a big deal. But if he doesn't resign they will use it as a way of buring him.
what you guys, the people who r calling mcmahon an idiot for making himself champ is doing exactly what he wants you to do because whether you like it or not controversy sells tickets and talk is cheap you guys are saying this stuff but one way or another you will find out what happens by either watching or checking the internet.
Vince winning the ECW title just put the final nail in ECW's coffin. The only good thing to come from this is that Lashley was not made to look invincible yet again. When you got guys like RVD(not for much longer), CM Punk, Sandman, Dreamer, Burke, and Cor Von, you would think that one of those guys would be challenging for the title not Vince Wrestler-Wannabe McMahon. The worst thing about this whole incident is that the Lashley/McMahon feud is going to continue for at least another month(Yipppeeeeeee!!!!!). Let's just hope this will be a very short reign and Vince will stay off TV for a while after it is all finished(like that is ever going to happen). I personally would love to see Sandman whip the sh*t out of Vince with that kindle stick.

Oh FFS i know this is a bit late but this goes for all of you ppl that are like this. Obviously they are not going to have RVD going against Lashley. It just doesn't go to put two faces together. Vince is just acting as the middle man. The big heel i guess. And damn that Vince mc mahon we all hate him. Oh and kindle stick? it actually a singapore cane, kendo stick.
RVD is leaving in June,so he's not going to be champ.As far as I'm concerned,Vince is one of the best ECW champs of all time.The Old & Original ECW was,has and will always be crap.So pardon me if I'm not to "pissed" about the Mcmahons winning at BACKLASH. I think Bobby has been put over enough,so the need to use ECW to make him a star is over.Its time to end Extremely Crappy Wrestling and focus on the two real brands: RAW and SD!
People don't seemed to have learnt anything from years watching wrestling. Controversy creates cash. I didn't give a shit about lashley holding the ecw title. He's just a useless, characterless, giant steroid that had as much draw for me as lex luger. Now vince has the title, it genuinly stirs up interest. If you read sites like this, you find out vince is taking a lot of interest in ecw lately and will do whatever he can to make it better. While this is only a small change, it's one for the good. It will draw interest in ecw, and while their is interest there will come better talent and more investment in the brand, therefore better matches.
i cant believe wot there doin 2 ecw.its completly shit how can u hav vince as champion and how can u not hav any extreme matches anymore on EXTREME championship wrestling?!?!its beyond me so get heyman back and get the real ECW back 4 good coz lets face it, we hav snitsky as a top star on there now and he couldnt even get on as good as heat!!pathetic in my opinion.any1 wana try tell me that im wrong go 4 it coz i dont think u gota good answer part from the usual stuff like cm.punks so good and burkes gona be a star!!
Mr. McMahon winning the ECW title does kinda suck, but I'm hoping that this will maybe light a fire under the ass of Bobby Lashley. I'm hoping that we'll get to see Lashley beat the crap out of Vince, so he can bring out some of that extreme anger and personallity that I know the big man can have! Not to mention, maybe he'll bring out more wrestling oriented power moves, ala Brock Lesnar.
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