Vince McMahon


New Member
I am new to the forums but have been watching wwe for a while and I was just wondering if anyone else feels like I do that Vince McMahon comes up with crap like the Donald trump storyline not because the fans want it, but because he wants it. Its as if he is a big kid with a wwe playset and because he owns it he will do with it whatever he wants.
he thinks that stuff it what we want but he dont no shit bout what we want we want decent storylines in matches not talking during the whole show. if he gave a crap about ecw then he would make it like it was b4. this whole trump crap is giving tna alot more viewers he may think it is good but he should get the picture when the crowed chants "boring" or "TNA""TNA"!
hes not that stupid from what i no
As a billionaire Vince can do whatever he want's. If he want's to have people kiss his arse on t.v. then he will. People will literally kiss his arse because there scared to say no to a billionaire. WWE's shit at the moment but with him being so rich it's in no danger of going bankrupt. So he can promote shit that entertain's him.
I am new to the forums but have been watching wwe for a while and I was just wondering if anyone else feels like I do that Vince McMahon comes up with crap like the Donald trump storyline not because the fans want it, but because he wants it. Its as if he is a big kid with a wwe playset and because he owns it he will do with it whatever he wants.

The Trump storyline will draw mainstream attention for WM, and new WWE viewers, thus the reason for it.

Personally, I am a huge fan of Vince McMahon, and I appreciate all of the good things he has done for the business...He really is a great promoter, and person, despite what some bitter, washed-up stars have said about him. All of the people I most admire in the business (people like Flair, HBK, Austin, Foley) are all full of praise for Vince. But yeah, he does have a very narrow, rigid view of what works and what doesn't in the wrestling business. I definitely don't agree with the group of guys he's going with as the next generation of stars (Batista, Cena, Lashley, Masters, Carlito, ect.)

Nevertheless, If you don't like WWE's product, there is plenty of other content out there (TNA, ROH, UFC, ect.).
If I could choke Vince McMahon until his face turned blue- I would. In my humble opinion, he is a selfish, egotistical maniac who has little or no interest in entertaining his audience. He is more interested in entertaining himself. Vince McMahon has done some really great things for the business over the years, but he has done just as many competely shitty things, as well.
Vince does better when has competition, he's much more creative and puts on better shows then, which should make Raw interesting this week since it's airing on thursday when TNA is airing a new episode, when Vince doesn't have compitition then he just throws out whatever he thinks is etertaining, even if talent and agents tell him it's a bad idea, the cover this on the "McMahon" DVD, which was actually alot more interesting than I thought it would be(I finally broke down and bought it last weekend, worth a look)
If I could choke Vince McMahon until his face turned blue- I would. In my humble opinion, he is a selfish, egotistical maniac who has little or no interest in entertaining his audience. He is more interested in entertaining himself. Vince McMahon has done some really great things for the business over the years, but he has done just as many competely shitty things, as well.

Vince has done great things for the business? I agree, but by saying that it is a complete understatement. The guy took it from a traveling carnival show to a billion dollar business. He didn't alter the stage the show is performed on, he built it.

Its funny that you said Vince does not entertain "his" audience. If you don't like the product, don't watch the shows.

I still love the wrestling I grew up watching, and I like to compare that to this garbage we see today. But I don't watch the shows, I don't buy the merchandise, I don't buy the tickets.

I've turned the channel, maybe you should too.
im starting to see tna as a really good switch in these past weeks because of raw. smackdown is alright way better then raw.

ill probly give raw a few weeks to shae up b4 i switch channels.
It's all about publicity. Sure wrestling fans don't want to see Donald Trump, but it gets a lot of attention from the media. That's what the WWE needs- more of a mainstream look.

Flames Out
Vince has done great things for the business? I agree, but by saying that it is a complete understatement. The guy took it from a traveling carnival show to a billion dollar business. He didn't alter the stage the show is performed on, he built it.

Its funny that you said Vince does not entertain "his" audience. If you don't like the product, don't watch the shows.

I still love the wrestling I grew up watching, and I like to compare that to this garbage we see today. But I don't watch the shows, I don't buy the merchandise, I don't buy the tickets.

I've turned the channel, maybe you should too.

Vince McMahon did not build the WWE, he built upon the already stable promotion that his father created. Even at that time, I would argue, the WWE was the biggest promotion in the US. There are alot of guys that have done some really great things for wrestling, so let's not pretend that Vince is the god of wrestling.
I respect that fact that you have stopped watching, buying merchandise, etc. I do not watch Smackdown because none of my favorite wrestlers perform on that show. I do not watch WWE programming simply for the product. I have 10 or so wrestlers that I will support no matter where they are. Unfortunately Vince McMahon employs most of them right now.

Believe me, I am waiting for the day that I can change the channel.
Um... if Vince was such a sellfish human being then how come he was also the catalist of the "attitude era"?

Mcmahon is still the same guy who put forth amazing entertainment for years. Its just that the talent level in the WWE has decreased tremendously and the ones from the attitude era have aged/fased.

Dont blame Mcmahon blame the wrestlers themselves.

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