Vince Mcmahon Winning The WWF Championship

Mitch Henessey

Deploy the cow-catcher......
Staff member
It's been ten years since Vince pinned Triple H for the title. This came after Vince returned from being banned because Stone Cold beat Taker at Fully Loaded. Vince then vacated the title next week on Raw. Then at Armageddon '99 came the infamous heel turn by Stephanie, starting the Mcmahon-Helmsley era. I was still young when Vince won the title, but I still remeber being in shock when it happened. I still wish Vince would've held onto the title a little bit longer. I'm not saying he should've had a long reign, but maybe held the belt for a few more weeks. It was so cool seeing him be champ for that one night. What are your thoughts on Vince's title win? Did you like the fact he recieved help from Austin? Does this deserve to be remeberd on the same level as Hogan slamming Andre or any other classic WWE moments?​
As Hogan and Andre? Are you high or something? NO. Of course it shouldn't be remembered like that. It was a joke reign and a way to both build McMahon's massive ego and devalue the title even more. It lasted like 4 days and was completely pointless. It made HHH look weak because even with Austin's help, some guy with no training or anything beat him. It meant nothing at all and I had forgotten about it until you mentioned it. Hogan over Andre changed wrestling. This didn't affect my weekend ten years ago. It meant nothing at all.
Vince winning the WWF World Heavyweight Championship was a horrible idea. People always complain how David Arquette and Vince Russo won the WCW World Heavyweight title, but this happened before any of those reigns. I swear the credibility of World titles were destroyed in the 90's, with all the title changes and those three men holding them at a point.
vince winning the title can't be compared to hogan slamming andre. Vince winning was 100% storyline and had nothing to do with reality. Hogan slamming andre was at least 60% reality because I give 40% of the slam to andre allowing it to happen. Vince winning the belt was very well done and i also was shocked. The way it was done was realistic and him relinquishing the belt the next show was a good idea because vince is not a wrestler and can't beat anyone fairly by himself.
No way is it up there with classic wrestling moments like Andre/Hogan. No where near it.

Vince only really got that title to feed his massive ego and to be able to claim he was once a WWF/WWE World Champion. If he was going to win it and it had to happen then I'm glad they only made it a short, very short reign just so we see him with the belt or whatever and then BAM he loses it.

Not that big a moment and one most would probably prefer to forget.
A blip in wrestling history at the most. Really isn't worth any consideration, although I hated HHH at the time and it made me smile so I spose it was worth something.
@kb, honestly, I didn't see it as devaluing the title, it devalued the title as much as Edge cashing in the Money in the Bank to beat Cena at New Years Resolution. It put the title in the spotlight, which was awesome.

To answer the topic, I didn't see it as a massive moment, but I enjoyed it, and the subsequent McMahon-Helmsley era. Those were some good times, heel Triple H was my favourite HHH.
i thought it was a good storyline which led to some classic moments in the wwe at the time and to say it made triple h look weak being beaten by a man with no training well vince had the training since he started in the wrestling buisness he was going to be a wrestler but his dad said no so there is way more credibility in vince winning a world title than say a hollywood actor who weighs 115lbs soaking wet or a foul mouthed guy from new york who was just stroking his own ego if it was just for his ego vince could have held the title for ages it was simply to set up stories
I don't think it either hurt, nor helped to be quite honest with you! It advanced the angles at the time, but really after it came and went it was merely an afterthought, and I just didn't care once "Unforgiven" rolled around. The feedback to it was positive, due to WWE's "Attitude Era" prowess, of Crash TV. It was momentary, and it worked!

When Mac won the belt the WWF was red hot, and to the casual viewer or fan, who attended the show, or were watching on TV, it was legit shock, and the crowd reaction afterwards, was positive, I also think in the eyes of many WWF could do no wrong! Someone earlier said, this was before the Arquette and Russo reigns! Maybe that's why it's not as balked at, or as talked about as those two, because it was different, fresh. And in all fairness, Vinny Mac, had actually headlined a few PPV's as a wrestler, and had drawn very well, so there ya go.

That said HOWEVER, in my opinion it was definitely pure egotism, and I love how a guy who just two years before ranted about "Time Honoured Traditions", broke one by not dropping the belt himself, and he had no real excuses, he wasn't on his way out. But it came and went within the span of not even a week. And they didn't milk as much as they very well could've.

As for Arquette, he's an actor, who's only experience with wrestling is being in a movie about one. And not a very good movie at that. Vinny Mac had at least drawn a penny in wrestling in terms of his character, in '99, Arquette barely drew a penny in the Movie Box Office. And remember what I said earlier, about WWF doing no wrong in the eyes of some in late '99. Well, by mid 2000, WCW could do no right, and this just made things worse. Same with Vinny Ru's win later in the year.

To me it was all about the atmosphere in each respective company. That said however, it makes a lot more sense to put the belt on the 54 year old owner of the company, who has a "little bit" of wrestling experience under his belt, has actually headlined a few PPV's and drawn well doing it, and has at least half an ounce of credibility. Over an actor or a writer, who had none of those attributes.

That's my take...
Vince being World Champion was one of the lowest points in WWE history.

The Brooklyn Brawler and Barry Horowitz, mr slap himself on the back, were more deserving than Vince.........well almost.
This the WWE version of David Arqueite winning the WCW title HHH loosing to Vince this is HHH in his prime and yeah. I mean yeah Vince runs it all and well it doesnt mean he gets to hold his own title even if it was for the building feud that was Vince and Trips but not a good thing for the WWE

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