The McMahon-Helmsley/Levesque Machine: Inside Out

CM Steel

A REAL American
When Triple H & Stephanie McMahon came into the 21st century of wrestling in the WWF/E with the whole marriage angle I thought to myself, "wrestling really is a male soap opera". Them taking over the company from up under chairman Vince McMahon with them running shot backstage making matches with Triple H putting himself in a world championship match against the then-WWF/E champion the Big Show. At Wrestlemania 16 (2000) we saw the birth of what became "The McMahon-Helmsley faction or machine". Which was a prelude to the real-life marriage of Triple H and Stephanie McMahon in 2003. So by this October-November the power couple will be celebrating their tenth year wedding anniversary.

Looking back 13 years ago it would look like the whole Triple H and Stephanie thing was a big work. A man marrying the bosses daugther to gain control of his company. With daddy dearest himself later on joining the power couple. Triple H and Paul Levesque are two different people, as I'm sure that Stephanie McMahon-Levesque is apart from being Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley. And with this "power of control of the WWE" match at Wrestlemania 30 between Triple H versus whomever. It leans more in Triple H and Stephanie's favor to have full control of the WWE from PaPa Vince.

Triple H & Stephanie could be the Jay-Z & Beyonce of the WWE! A power couple who are in control of a hell of a corperation. So with reality being a factor. Could we see a flipside of the infamous "McMahon-Helmsley Machine"??
At Wrestlemania 16 (2000) we saw the birth of what became "The McMahon-Helmsley faction or machine". Which was a prelude to the real-life marriage of Triple H and Stephanie McMahon in 2003.

Talk about life imitating art. It certainly wasn't something planned when Paul Levesque first joined WWE. We remember him in an Arkansas Hog Pen match against Henry O. Godwinn and saw him embarrassed in losing to a returning Ultimate Warrior in 30 seconds. Stephanie was still in his future at the time and the man has surely paid his dues to get where he is today.

A man marrying the bosses daugther to gain control of his company. And with this "power of control of the WWE" match at Wrestlemania 30 between Triple H versus whomever. It leans more in Triple H and Stephanie's favor to have full control of the WWE from PaPa Vince.

Seems likely, doesn't it? Especially since Vince presumably has less time in the business left than his daughter and son-in-law, makes sense to have the young'uns win the power struggle, especially since if it comes down to a match at WM30 to determine who takes the mantle, Triple H will look better personally entering the ring to duke it out with whomever Vince chooses to have fight for him. I mean, who would you rather have win; the fighter himself or the gun-for hire?

I presume the Levesques win the battle and the war and send Daddy packing. Of course, we saw all this before when the Board of Directors voted Vince out of power. At the time, I foolishly hoped the script was reflecting what was really happening and that Vince was stepping down. This time, I'm hoping for it again. Got to love Vince McMahon, but I've been anxious to see how Paul & Stephanie can run the place without him.

Probably ain't happening, but I can hope.

A man marrying the bosses daugther to gain control of his company

I've always considered it ironic that from the time he entered WWE, Hunter Hearst Helmsley was advertised as being from Greenwich, Connecticut ......and he now really lives there.
It would be interesting to see what triple h and Stephanie will do after wrestlemania 30 i think this would be a perfect time to make a new star sort of like austin vs mcmahon, have someone make triple h and Stephanie's life hell. Usually always works as its easy to buy into and people hate authority figures.
The HHH/Vince feud will probably last until WM30, with Steph caught in the middle, probably siding with her husband in the end. Ultimately, I'm not sure how they book Wrestlemania and I'm not convinced it will be a match for control of the company, simply a match built out of hatred and rivalry. For example, HHH vs Wade Barrett or Ryback. We could also see Orton v Bryan so there are two parts to this feud.

The idea of a HHH/Steph heel turn and them turning into well Vince doesn't really interest me. I'm quite content to see them playing the face especially since HHH gets such a great reaction. While a power-couple might work I'm not interested in this possibility.

It would be interesting to see what triple h and Stephanie will do after wrestlemania 30 i think this would be a perfect time to make a new star sort of like austin vs mcmahon, have someone make triple h and Stephanie's life hell. Usually always works as its easy to buy into and people hate authority figures.

I think we will see this happen but with Vince, Orton playing the Rock and a combination of Cena, Bryan and possibly Punk. They will never ever be able to replicate that storyline for what it did for the company but they can still make it very entertaining. Personally, I think we will see Bryan screwed out the WWE title several times, all by Vince, up until WM30 where he will almost certainly win it. But that is just a guess.

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