Triple H/Vince McMahon

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It seems that with this recent CM Punk/John Cena storyline, Vince McMahon has made a sudden return to television, however has been made to like suprisingly weak.

Seeing the length of time McMahon was off TV, it does seem quite strange to have this outcome on his return.

Then I had this idea that what if this is a plan in order to bring Triple H/Stephanie McMahon to the forefront of running the show.

A way I see that this could happen was if next raw (sorry im from australia, cant tell if it is tomorrow/tonight in america) have Vince McMahon come down to fire Cena. However when he is about to say those magic words, either the anonymous gm goes off or Triple H's theme music plays, and having him come down saying how he resigned CM Punk behind Vince's back, because he is more current with the buisness and not some old has-been. Since CM Punk didnt "leave" with the title, Cena stays, and Triple H now runs things (at least from a television stand point.

What do you guys think?? is it plausible?? or do you see another outcome, because there is no way i can see CM Punk with the push he has got leaving?
I think having Punk be on Raw at all would kill the story. I DO like the idea of HHH as the anonymous GM.

I don't think Vince necessarily looks weak, I think they've questioned whether or not he has been weak and he's tried to act professional and then boiled over a few times. At the PPV last night he did boil over.

I think Punks character as the "voice of the voiceless" will be best as a renegade type of character. No not the Renegade character WCW used to try to recreate the Ultimate Warrior, like matt hardy back when Lita was banging Edge behind his back renegade.
I think having Punk be on Raw at all would kill the story. I DO like the idea of HHH as the anonymous GM.

I don't think Vince necessarily looks weak, I think they've questioned whether or not he has been weak and he's tried to act professional and then boiled over a few times. At the PPV last night he did boil over.

I think Punks character as the "voice of the voiceless" will be best as a renegade type of character. No not the Renegade character WCW used to try to recreate the Ultimate Warrior, like matt hardy back when Lita was banging Edge behind his back renegade.

I've said it before, but they just booked CM PUNK into the new Stone Cold honestly. The only other way they could of improved on this angle was to actually turn John Cena heel last night. He would be the perfect corporate champion. Everyone sees him that way anyway, make it happen. Vince could be back on screen with his new "stooges" in Johnny Ace and maybe bring back like Dean Malenko or Arn Anderson.

With Cena still playing the super clean nice guy and basically allowing CM PUNK to win, I don't see where that is going.
I've said it before, but they just booked CM PUNK into the new Stone Cold honestly. The only other way they could of improved on this angle was to actually turn John Cena heel last night. He would be the perfect corporate champion. Everyone sees him that way anyway, make it happen. Vince could be back on screen with his new "stooges" in Johnny Ace and maybe bring back like Dean Malenko or Arn Anderson.

With Cena still playing the super clean nice guy and basically allowing CM PUNK to win, I don't see where that is going.

Cena doesn't need to turn heel. How many people have to tell you this is a bad idea? No one can replace his merch, no one can do the appearances, no one is as over as him. I don't give a shit that 3 people think he should turn heel. He gets loud boos by smarks, but that's because they love to boo him. If they didn't they wouldn't make any noise. Plus turning Cena would ruin Rock/Cena because it would be a new character not the iconic one it should be for this match. Think about this, me and everyone else who agrees he shouldn't turn use reasons in line with the companies' success and future. You and everyone who thinks he should turn heel think so because that's what you THINK you want to see. I mean the fact that you WANT him to turn heel means that you like him. that you would like him if it was cool to do so. His character does no wrong and he's pretty damn good in the ring as he's proven time and again. John Cena is the anti-hero to the anti-hero generation. My prediction is that within 2 years everyone will appreciate the genius of his character working the smarks into loving to boo him and the kids into loving to cheer him.

Doing the "corporate champion" thing full with stooges and all that other shit would be just that, shit. Same old shit. People on here would shit on it for not being original. they probably have a way better idea.
To be honest, i thought it was interesting that Punk brought up HHH on multiple occasions throughout his shoots. I thought that was written in on purpose and I'd be shocked if he didn't wind up as a part of this storyline in the near future, if not tonight.
Cena isn't turning heel, simply because he is being long-term booked for next years Wrestlemania. It wouldn't make sense to turn Cena heel now, when it would mean 20x more if he turns heel on Rock down the road.

Punk is being booked as a "smart" Stone Cold. Where SC used his fists and tough language. Punk is about his wit.

HHH could come back to be Punk's foil, but that role should be left for ADR. ADR should become the new "corporate" champion. Adding HHH to the story should be about him replacing Vince, not to take a spot that would be perfect for ADR.
I agree with the idea that it wasn't a coincedence that everytime Punk mentioned (often indirectly) HHH, if punk worked closely with a writer or it was a "shoot", he is set up with so many future feuds it's unreal. You look at the constant mention of "Dwayne" , the "doofus" son in law and Punk wearing the Austin shirt too. I guess we will just have to wait and see which way they decide to go
Cena will not turn heel, but the coporate ankle is one thing i love. It would not be Cena as he sells to much merch and would go back on his whole bit. If he is injured like the rumours suggest, using a bunch of coperate goons to take him out would be perfect, this would allow room for Punk to play his renegade personna. A long-term injury to Cena would potentially lose WWE money but would create more hype about WM, he makes his long awaited return to win the title just before WM and then fights The Rock.

What may well be worth of note is the fact Drew, Ziggler and Vicky were taking the mick out of VM, may be they are making him seem weaker. HHH could conduct a sort of hostile takeover, backed by his wife- they join with ADR. ADR would not want to 'work' for them as he is richer than the two of them put together, but the three of them 'buy' WWE from VM and begin to run it.

Punk sees this and rather than resign or sign for someone else he comes back here and there to stand up for the 'voiceless'. Obviously this will mean he would be the face of RAW for a while but, once Cena is fully fit he comes back and HH, SM and ADR sign Punk to defend their dictatorial rule.

This would all be in keyfabe but will also never happen, but no harm done creating your own storylines for WWE. God unemployment is hitting me hard.
You can't ever have CM Punk be a true babyface or work for someone. His character only works if it's him and his own words and he is being his own man. Punk with a stable of guys following him, however, is a great idea.

For the unemployed guy, apply at McDonalds, it sucks but it's something.
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