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Vince McMahon: 'CM Punk is on sabbatical'


"Original Blade"
So, at an investor Q&A session with investors, Vince was inevitably asked about CM Punk.

According to Mark Middleton of Wrestling Inc. Vince said: “He's taking a sabbatical, let's just put it that way."

An interesting, level-headed stance from Vince, who's used to letting his ego get in the way of relationships with talent, in the short-term at least. Remember, when Austin left, Vince tried to cut ties with him and hold him in breach of contract. Obviously, they patched things up, but at first, Vince was pissed.

Now, with CM Punk doing the same thing 12 years later, Vince has been surprisingly neutral in his actions. He's not promoting Punk, but he hasn't slandered him or tried to sue him yet. There's been no burial of AJ or other people that Punk is close to. Indeed, Punk is being paid to sit at home on his couch.

Has Vince gotten more mature and learned from the Austin situation? Is this Triple H in his ear? And does this mean that issue might be resolved sooner than we thought?
The context here is very important. This wasn't a backstage meeting with agents or talent, it was a Q&A with shareholders. As nice as it is to finally hear something in regards to CM Punk's situation, this doesn't really tell us anything.
An interesting, level-headed stance from Vince, who's used to letting his ego get in the way of relationships with talent, in the short-term at least.

Or.....a good way of answering a question without actually saying anything.

There are escape routes he can use if Punk winds up never coming back and Vince is asked why. He could simply tell the questioner that Punk intended to leave but later changed his mind. If Punk's tenure ends badly, he could say the sabbatical turned into a dismissal by Vince himself. ("Get outta here, Punk. We don't want you. Yeah!")

Or, if ol' Phil Brooks winds up coming back, Vince can say that he personally authorized Punk's vacation to allow the poor guy to heal his body and spirit.

See what I mean? The "sabbatical" statement is a good way of getting rid of an interviewer without committing yourself one way or the other.
Chris Benoit took a "sabbatical" a few months after Eddie's passing and he eventually was brought back in to the main roster....

The way Vince worded this is important when he says "let's just put it that way"

What one should take from that is Vince is expecting him to be out for a extended period of time but is hopeful he will return.

A sabbatical typically means 2 month's to a year away from work but that's going off the actual definition of the word.
As has been pointed out, it doesn't necessarily answer anything. To me, it comes across as a neutral way of answering a question without really providing an answer. Generally speaking, you hear similar responses in some way every day just by flipping over to CNN. Some sports star, actor, politician or some representative of those people will often give such statements pertaining to something they've done or been involved with that generates controversy.

My personal opinion, and that's all it is based on whatever information is out there, is that this whole thing MIGHT be a calculated business move on the part of CM Punk. I'm not saying that it is, I don't even know that it is. It's just a feeling that I have based on all the available info. Punk's deal is set to end around the time of MITB in July, he knows that he's a significant money player for WWE, he knows that he's not going to be "headlining" WrestleMania (which is something he's, allegedly, always wanted to do) and he's reportedly exhausted emotionally & physically. By leaving the way he's done, he keeps his name constantly buzzing among the wrestling world, it lets WWE know that he's playing hardball and that they're going to have to give him a sweetheart of a deal if they expect him to come back. If a new deal is reached, which could be months from that, then Punk will have had a significant amount of time off to rest up. It won't be the end of Punk's world if he doesn't get what he wants, he's set for life, but he knows he's valuable to WWE and that gives him leverage.

"Has Vince gotten more mature and learned from the Austin situation? Is this Triple H in his ear? And does this mean that issue might be resolved sooner than we thought?"

The past several years, we've seen Vince put aside, or at least try to put aside, old grudges; at least to the point in which he can have a business relationship with these people and at least be cordial while they're in the same room. We've seen it with Bret Hart, Bret Hart, The Ultimate Warrior, Bruno Sammartino, and some others. In all honesty, I'd say that Triple H has had something of a calming influence on Vince. It's just a guess on my part, but Vince obviously trusts and respects Triple H, I'd even be willing to bet that Triple H does genuinely call him "pop" or something in real life. Plus, there's also the fact that Vince is getting older and some people do mellow with age. As difficult as it can be to picture Vince McMahon being as human as anybody else, he is. Vince will turn 69 years old one week after SummerSlam this year and maybe he's realized in the past few years that holding onto bitter grudges simply isn't worth it. Doesn't necessarily mean that Vince will ever really have a "hug it out" session Team Hell No style, but Vince is someone who does SEEM to have mellowed in some ways in the past several years.
Good for Mcmahon, on handling the situation personally because he wants Punk back. I believe CM Punk is taking time off to rest and (rehab the injuries) that have been bothering him for the last 9 months. Since you guys already know Punk has been wrestling hurt since the fall of 2012. He will probably return later this year, or in time for the Rumble.
Isn't it well within the realm of possibility that CM punk being "on sabbatical" is all part and parcel with this all being a colossal work? CM Punk, hurting physically and burnt out mentally, with no interesting interim feuds in sight, "walks out" on the company to recharge the batteries so to speak and return at WM30, even more of an anti-authority figure than ever before. This would bring a greater dimension to the otherwise mediocre impending feud between himself and Triple H. Meanwhile, the fans are chanting his name, signs are being confiscated, and the buzz continues to build.

This would explain Vince's vague and middle of the road response. He cannot say that Punk is definitively gone from the company, has been fired, has quit, has had his contract terminated, etc., because this simply is not the truth. He also cannot say he is going to be back, because that destroys the ruse. So he stays right in the middle, contributing nothing to the development of the story and shedding no further light upon things.

I'm not necessarily saying this is the case, however, I remain skeptical of the validity of Punk's departure and I am equally convinced that this is all part of a work. And until something occur to sway my viewpoint, I will continue to assume this to be the case.

I mean, the man is only 35 years old, where the hell is he going to go? He surely cannot be content to retire quite yet, and his other options are limited and likely far less satisfying from a financial or professional standpoint.

We already had the summer of Punk, 2011. Who's to say we are not about to embark upon the Spring of Punk, 2014 style?
Good for Mcmahon, on handling the situation personally because he wants Punk back. I believe CM Punk is taking time off to rest and (rehab the injuries) that have been bothering him for the last 9 months. Since you guys already know Punk has been wrestling hurt since the fall of 2012. He will probably return later this year, or in time for the Rumble.

You can't say Vince wants Punk back because I'm sure he doesent...It's more some fans want Punk back and Vince will do anything for the fans....as a buisness owner I'm sure he would love to fire his ass on the spot for walking out just as any normal boss would do to a normal worker.

I honestly wish they would just pull the trigger and can him...I don't wanna see him back because he will just do this again when he doesent get his way...it's not a smart move to let someone get away with this and set a example that if you throw a tantrum and walk out you end up getting your way.
Just when I thought MAYBE the topic of CM Punk would fade away for a while.....oh well.

Don't waste your time trying to read into this. He took a "sabbatical" is just another way of saying "he left". Don't take that word at it's exact definition in this case.

He didn't say he "quit" because he doesn't want to pour gas on the fire and make it sound like he is mad at Punk, thus riling up Punk fans even more. He didn't say Punk is "taking a break" because he doesn't want to give the impression that there is a definite plan for him to return.

He answered the question without really "answering" it. He just acknowledged the fact that Punk isn't there anymore, which we already knew, so there's nothing to see here.
The context here is very important. This wasn't a backstage meeting with agents or talent, it was a Q&A with shareholders. As nice as it is to finally hear something in regards to CM Punk's situation, this doesn't really tell us anything.

I think it tells us one thing, that this is a giant work that only Vince and Triple H and Punk know of. As soon as we see Vince on TV, Punk will be there shortly after to help Vince take down the Authority! He gets to take care of his injuries and most likely get the main event at Wrestlemania, which is all he wants.
I think Vince is being completely honest here. CM Punk is, in fact, on an extended leave.

Probably to take care of any injuries and eventually build his body back up. Also, their are the creative aspects to Punks absence.

Punk got on the level of Cena when it comes to popularity. When you become popular as that, your time gets taken up with public relations and office politicking. CM Punks physical appearance took a toll due to this and know he needs some time to rebuild his personality and physique.
CM Punk has joined Ross Geller on his sabbatical.

In all seriousness, I would LOVE it if CM Punk actually never came back. Not because I don't like him, because I do, but just because it would make him a modern day Andy Kaufman. To just disappear at the height of his career and never be heard from again. He would go down in infamy. I would have immense respect for the man if he actually walked away from all the fame and money.

"I'm not unemployed! I'm on sabbatical!" ~Ross Geller
Good for Mcmahon, on handling the situation personally because he wants Punk back. I believe CM Punk is taking time off to rest and (rehab the injuries) that have been bothering him for the last 9 months. Since you guys already know Punk has been wrestling hurt since the fall of 2012. He will probably return later this year, or in time for the Rumble.

But Punk had time off after WM29 to "heal up". Now, he "needs" more time off.

It doesn't say much about his "straight edge" lifestyle if his body falls apart so easily. He is only a young guy and yet he needs "rest". He is becoming as bad as Brock Lesnar at taking time off.

If Punk wasn't "straight-edge" I would think that the "time-off" was to go into rehab.
Sabbatical? I didn't know Punk was Jewish. :)

This tells me nothing. As an investor, if I thought Punk was worth anything to WWE's bottom line this comment would frustrate the hell out of me. McMahon is not being forthcoming at all. As a fan I understand why McMahon is so careful with his words. If this is or they can turn this in to a storyline there is no point telling the truth about the situation. When you have to balance the investors and fans expectations this kind of ambivalent answer seems the best way to go.

You can't say Vince wants Punk back because I'm sure he doesent...

What makes you so sure?

It's more some fans want Punk back and Vince will do anything for the fans....

Is that a joke? Vince does what he thinks is best for long term bottom line. He's made plenty of decisions that go against what the fans want. Royal Rumble wasn't that long ago that we should already forget what drives Vince's decisions.

as a buisness owner I'm sure he would love to fire his ass on the spot for walking out just as any normal boss would do to a normal worker.

That's not true. Any normal boss is going to do what is best for the bottom line. If that means shovelling one's ego then that is what he should do.

I honestly wish they would just pull the trigger and can him...I don't wanna see him back because he will just do this again when he doesent get his way...it's not a smart move to let someone get away with this and set a example that if you throw a tantrum and walk out you end up getting your way.

You seem to know more about this situation than i do. How do you know what is going on?
But Punk had time off after WM29 to "heal up". Now, he "needs" more time off.

It doesn't say much about his "straight edge" lifestyle if his body falls apart so easily. He is only a young guy and yet he needs "rest". He is becoming as bad as Brock Lesnar at taking time off.

If Punk wasn't "straight-edge" I would think that the "time-off" was to go into rehab.

The guy has been wrestling since 1997. He has suffered from injuries and not taken medications, BECAUSE he is straight edge. He hasn't taken an extended amount of time off from wrestling since his arrival in WWE ECW. He has been wrestling hurt for almost a YEAR! When you have wrestled most of your life you deserve to take as much time as you want. As to your Brock Lesner comment, he takes time off because he is supposed to NOT because he is injured.
I think it tells us one thing, that this is a giant work that only Vince and Triple H and Punk know of. As soon as we see Vince on TV, Punk will be there shortly after to help Vince take down the Authority! He gets to take care of his injuries and most likely get the main event at Wrestlemania, which is all he wants.

I'm sorry dude but you are delusional...if it was part of a work WWE would have Kane and HHH on TV gloating at how they got rid of CM Punk.

Whether you wanna believe it or not WWE does not go out of there way to make Internet fans happy...they tried that in 2011/2012 and shit just wasn't working out...fans wanted CM punk as champ so they got it....fans wanted Zach Ryder on TV so they got it....but what did WWE get? Punk wasn't bringing in the money like Cena and Ryder certainly wasn't living up to any kind of potential...

Internet fans want there way and they want it for free...If WWE gave the IWC everything they wanted at wrestlemania 30 majority of IWC fans still would not buy the PPV because they either stream it for free or there little bratty children or they just enjoy being bitchy little complainers and simply would find something else to cry about.
The guy has been wrestling since 1997. He has suffered from injuries and not taken medications, BECAUSE he is straight edge. He hasn't taken an extended amount of time off from wrestling since his arrival in WWE ECW. He has been wrestling hurt for almost a YEAR! When you have wrestled most of your life you deserve to take as much time as you want. As to your Brock Lesner comment, he takes time off because he is supposed to NOT because he is injured.

Can't say that for a fact because there has been reports that he has been useing pain killers to go to sleep and even some reports that he left so abruptly to go to rehab.
Can't say that for a fact because there has been reports that he has been useing pain killers to go to sleep and even some reports that he left so abruptly to go to rehab.

Really? Some reports? I haven't heard anything like that other than from posters on this board. If this board doesn't allow posting links to news sites, do me a favor and send it to me in a private message.

I'm not saying there is no chance this is the case, but to me it just sounds like anti-Punk people looking to smear the guy.

And if it is true he must have kicked the habit pretty quick since he was photographed picking up AJ Lee from an airport last week.
Really? Some reports? I haven't heard anything like that other than from posters on this board. If this board doesn't allow posting links to news sites, do me a favor and send it to me in a private message.

I'm not saying there is no chance this is the case, but to me it just sounds like anti-Punk people looking to smear the guy.

And if it is true he must have kicked the habit pretty quick since he was photographed picking up AJ Lee from an airport last week.

It's all speculation man but it makes more sense then "this is all part of a storyline"

Kinda odd that he cut himself off from the world also....something that Useually happends when you go to rehab.

And who knows when that pic of him and AJ was taken could have been recently could have been months ago.
A great way of answering a question,without actually answering it.. I truly believe,and i could be wrong that this is all legit. I believe from what I have read,that Punk is indeed burnt out and broken physically. The part about him not headlining WM,I have said its bullshit and it should have happened already..

The meeting was indeed with the shareholders not the media but the actual shareholders. Thats kinda of telling in a way.. It does give Vince many outs if things were to go haywire,punk not wanting to come back. HHH im sure has a calming influence in Vince,as we all get older these bs grudges are simply not worth it.. As far as the ball is in who's court,I think its even at this point..

True enough CM Punk is a huge money maker for the WWE,im sure Vince and the shareholders are meeting at every possible opportunity to see how they can ready the situation in time for WM.. Phil Brooks all im sure he wants is to be treated with the same amount of respect you would show Batista. Its not like punk left for damn there four years,like batista did. Punk wants to headline WM. Why not make that happen??

Another thing,Punks contract runs out in July or so.. It is gonna take a sweetheart deal to convince Punk to re-sign IMO like headlining WM! But Punk has got to be careful IMO dont overplay your hand yes you are extremely valuable,but this is the WWE,Vince awhile back kayfabe'd said I can make a thousand Cenas!!

But Punk has a great rep for the fans,and im sure is extremely respected in the locker room.. I really hope something gets done soon
I'm sorry dude but you are delusional...if it was part of a work WWE would have Kane and HHH on TV gloating at how they got rid of CM Punk.

When he comes back in a week or two, possibly three, I will laugh my ass off! If the plans were to have another Summer of Punk angle, what better way for this to be a start! Why would they have to talk about for it on TV for it to be a work? They didn't talk about the pipebomb promo before it happened, yet it WAS a worked shoot! Before he left ROH, he wanted to be the talk of the internet before he left. It is happening AGAIN, but this time it is in WWE. Why hasn't Vince been back on TV for the supposed BATTLE FOR CONTROL OF THE WWE that was supposed to happen last summer!? Everything that Triple H has been doing the last six months can lead to this. Before you start calling me delusional, just wait til after the network gets launched and get back to me!
It's all speculation man but it makes more sense then "this is all part of a storyline"

Kinda odd that he cut himself off from the world also....something that Useually happends when you go to rehab.

And who knows when that pic of him and AJ was taken could have been recently could have been months ago.

Well I do agree with you that it is MUCH more likely that he left to go to rehab, than this all being a work.

From day one I didn't think that was the case, and I was mocked as being a naive mark (not on this board) for thinking his leaving was legit , and not part of an angle.

As soon as the WWE started offering refunds to fans who had tickets to Wrestlemania AXXESS, because Punk was advertised and was not going to be there, that should have put to bed any ideas of a work. The WWE is not giving money back to fans to perpetuate a storyline.
When he comes back in a week or two, possibly three, I will laugh my ass off! If the plans were to have another Summer of Punk angle, what better way for this to be a start! Why would they have to talk about for it on TV for it to be a work? They didn't talk about the pipebomb promo before it happened, yet it WAS a worked shoot! Before he left ROH, he wanted to be the talk of the internet before he left. It is happening AGAIN, but this time it is in WWE. Why hasn't Vince been back on TV for the supposed BATTLE FOR CONTROL OF THE WWE that was supposed to happen last summer!? Everything that Triple H has been doing the last six months can lead to this. Before you start calling me delusional, just wait til after the network gets launched and get back to me!

OK, what's the statute of limitations on this? At what point do you say, "you know what, the guy really did just leave and this wasn't an agreed upon thing between Punk and the WWE" ? If he recharges his batteries and realizes he should start making some money again in a year, are you still going to think this was a work?
OK, what's the statute of limitations on this? At what point do you say, "you know what, the guy really did just leave and this wasn't an agreed upon thing between Punk and the WWE" ? If he recharges his batteries and realizes he should start making some money again in a year, are you still going to think this was a work?

If he doesn't come back before his contract runs out in July, I will take back my comments. Until Vince or Punk break silence, I'll believe this to be a work. Punk does like to troll the dirtsheets anyway.

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