Vickie Guerrero & Paul Heyman - Wrestling's Next Couple?

Johnny Scumm

InZayn In The Membrane
When Vickie & Paul were on MizTV the other day on Raw, as Miz laid into Guerrero, Paul comforted her, putting his arm around her to make sure that she was feeling alright. So, I started to wonder what it'd be like if Vickie & Paul became a heel couple. With Vickie pretty much running Raw right now, she'd have the power to help out Paul in any way that he wanted & the fact that she brought Brock Lesnar back means that she's gotta be on his side in some way, right? So, what I'm getting at here is;

Would you like to see Paul & Vickie as the next couple in Wrestling?

They would/could be hated by EVERYONE, surely it'd be great.
I actually saw some chemistry between the two in a backstage segment not long ago. Her and Punk started to make peace and I think Heyman leaned in to her for a hug or a peck. Something even there worked for me with the two of them. I like the idea of a union between the two going in to WM and for a few months thereafter. I would even get a kick out of the sensational aspect of a romantic relationship. Imagine the audience reaction of a reveal of the two of them passionately making out. Sure some smarks would make Eddie comments and complaints but who really cares, it's just acting.

Going further like most relationships they would have to break up (Heyman was just using her to stay with WWE while Vince was on the shelf) and could help flip some of the talent and create some new feuds. Maybe Ziggler comes to Vickie's aid. Face Ziggler/Heel Lesnar SummerSlam anyone?
Heyman's return has been nothing but delightful and when you think WWE have finally used him up and have nothing left for him they unleash Brock once more, have Heyman and Vickie unite is a nice, refreshing change (not for Vickie as this is very common).

I agree with the Ziggler/Lesnar fued, it's new and would be very entertaining. The problem is the whole "face" and "heel" thing and it's strongly doubtful Ziggler will be face.

I see Miz/Lesnar in it's place.
Seen a lot of complaining on here that WWE writes thier storylines badly.

That Miz TV segment involving Heyman/Vikkie/Lesnar was brilliantly written in my opinion. The whole segment expressed so many different emotions. Brutality, Cockiness, Romance, Upset (Vikkie), Courageous (Miz) Angry (Brock), Worry, the list could go on.

I liked the comfort part with Heyman and Vikkie. It will indeed keep us guessing as to wether there is something of a romantic nature between the two.

I particually liked "George Steel Barber's" idea of Heyman using Vikkie all along to keep his job while Vince recovers, never thought of that scenario, Heyman could be using Vikkie to land the Raw GM job himself. I really do love this "Mastermind" Charactor they have for Paul at the moment, very interested to see how this angle pans out.
A Vickie/Paul E. relationship could work pretty well. They've already essentially become associates and even maybe friends over the past few weeks, and they do seem to have chemistry together. Not to mention both are heat magnets and would serve well for any superstars associated with them. The obvious end result would be Heyman using Vickie, as being used is her role (edge, ziggler, vince), and using people to get what he wants is Heyman's whole deal. But until that point, I think they could be an entertaining and productive pairing.
Does anyone remember back on the first December Raw there was a chaotic backstage segment that at the end caught Vickie in a quick and glossed over moment make a statement that sounded along the lines of:
"I can't let Mr. McMahon know I was even involved with the shield."???

Now that we know for sure that Heyman and the shield are connected, perhaps they have had some type of Vickie/Heyman "power couple" type of plan in the works for a while and are only now starting to unfold it.

If this pairing really does happen it will no doubt be highly entertaining. It definitely fits Heyman's character to try and buddy up to Vickie while she has power.
They have the potential to run the whole f'n RAW. I don't think Lesnar will be a factor with his cushy deal, though, but ole' Paul E Dangerously will find some other threat (Punk, Shield, etc.) and Vickie could help him. Maybe they could even try to get Punk another year as champ (my own version of hell).

The thing with rasslin' break-ups is, you don't always HAVE to have an alignment change for one of the characters if it's properly timed and well-written. With Dolph and Vickie's break-up (hard sell, I know), both remained heel, so it CAN be done.

On an unrelated note: Just think of the genetic wonders Paul and Vickie's kids will be!
A couple as in cheesy ass segments to show how much they're in love with one another? Or a couple as in having to witness them smooch all over each other like the lovely Edge and Lita used to do? No...hell no. But a partnership between the two would be some kind of awesome. Both are capable from drawing heat even from the most deadly of crowds and anyone who gets near them will undoubtedly feel a little bit of that rub. I would love to see Heyman back in that managerial role that he's played to perfection in the past. In sorts, I would settle for the role Teddy Long is currently playing to the Smackdown General Manager Booker T; you know assistant but with an actual title and a hell of alot more on air time. Based off past segments, these two can undoubtedly work well together and I'd definitely be ok with it.

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