
Christian Battlez

Getting Noticed By Management
I know alot of people don't feel like the Bar Room is the place to air out your dirty laundry but Im really upset and just wanna talk to someone. Here is a blog I just wrote on Facebook explaining the situation.

So I moved here from Indiana about five years ago. Before that I lived in Indiana for 15 years of my life. I had alot of really good friends there most of them I haven't really kept in touch the last few years. One of them I was close with for awhile was Kara Klinker. I just found out today that her and her unborn baby died back in August of 2009. It's crazy to think that I didn't find out until nowIt makes you cherish what you have and it was really hard reading all those comments from my other friends back home telling her how much they were gonna miss her. We were all like a group went to the same elementary,middle,and high schools togehter. It's sad to know shes gone. I want everyone to pray for the Klinker family that they will continue to grow strong and get better after this I used to come over to her dad's house and we would eat watermelon and watch movies. Thats what I remember. I cared about those people alot and its sad to think how they might be still suffering from such a hard loss. I'll miss you Kara and I'm sad I'll never get to meet that beautiful baby Alana now. I hope to see you in heaven one day.

I'm still getting over the shock of this. How could this happen to someone I know? To someone so young? She had a kid. She was my friend. How could noone tell me? Granted maybe I should have done a better job staying in touch but come on. This is really upsetting. Does anyone have any advice on how to cope with the situation. I didn't even get to attend her funeral and pay my respects and say goodbye.
That really is scary dude. How are you holding up?

I'm really upset because I haven't really had to deal with death outside of family members who had just gotten to that time. I did go to a funeral for a friend of a friend once but he wasn't really my friend. I was more there for support. I don't know how to deal with such a thing. I wanna cry but I feel so shocked still that nothing will come out.
I'm really upset because I haven't really had to deal with death outside of family members who had just gotten to that time. I did go to a funeral for a friend of a friend once but he wasn't really my friend. I was more there for support. I don't know how to deal with such a thing. I wanna cry but I feel so shocked still that nothing will come out.

IF you wanna talk PM me dude. I've dealt with Death all of my life partly due to my grandfather being a rabbi. so if you need a vent just PM me. That goes for anyone wishing to vent.
IF you wanna talk PM me dude. I've dealt with Death all of my life partly due to my grandfather being a rabbi. so if you need a vent just PM me. That goes for anyone wishing to vent.

I pretty much got it out of my system with that blog but thank you. I just can't understand why noone ever told me and why she died so young. People say everyone dies for a reason but what reasoning is there in killing a young teenage mother and her unborn child. Her boyfriend didn't even seem that upset. He has a new girlfriend and she died like six months ago. How could he get over losing the two most important women in his life within six months is beyond me.

My condolences to the Klinker family. That's very sad.
Thank you

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