Vance Archer and Curt Hawkins


Gone but never forgotten.
We haven't seen these guys on television for a while. Now, although we've seen Archer while ECW was still active, Hawkins has been MIA since his tag team stint ended. Now these guys have been put together and were granted a temporary contract by Theodore Long that gives them 30 days to make an impact on Smackdown.

I like the idea. It's simple and different. However, I don't think 30 days is enough time for these guys to get noticed by all of us. That is unless the WWE allows them to completely squash someone in a similar method like Sheamus did to Jamie Noble, or something similar.

What do you guys think? Do you see a future in this new pairing?
Do I like the team? Yes. Vance Archer has a gimmick (the big intense guy who likes to hurt people) and isn't that bad. Curt Hawkins is likewise good and was probably the better of him and Zack Ryder (though Ryder developed a character, which meant he went on to be the breakout star). The team itself is the classic 'Little guy + Enforcer' team which is an effective means of getting the guys over, especially if one of them posesses a bit of charisma. I'm not going to lie and say I see big things in store for either of them, but they're going to go a lot further together than they were goin to on their own.
I'm fine with it. What's the worst that could happen? You find out they both suck and 30 days pass and they just go away. It gives you info on two guys that were in developmental forever and might tell you they don't belong on the main rosters and you send them back to FCW or cut them. At best, they're a hit and you get a good tag team out of it. This is a very low risk chance and it can't hurt anything. I have no problem with it at all and it certainly can't hurt things.
I think this is a great idea and should be used more often for newer guys or guys coming back from developmental. They actually seem to be getting a pop from the crowds. Archer's Death Drop this week got a huge reaction from the crowd. Hawkins is a very talented and charasmatic individual so he could do pretty well in a team or on his own. They remind me ALOT of Michaels & Diesel (not saying that either will be the next HBK or Big Daddy Cool) but it's something other fans will notice and it may help them.
Meh, I didn't care about Archer then, and I don't care about him now. He's decent, I suppose, but nothing special. Fun to make INTENSE jokes about. Hawkins is decent as well, but I'm not happy to see him back under a non-gimmick. I had heard rumors that he was returning under a goth/emo gimmick, which I would have enjoyed. Anything's better than the bland and boring non-personality he's adopted.

The team is all right. I enjoyed their tag team finisher. And what's the harm in unleashing them on Smackdown? The way I see it, this is Creative's way of seeing if they can make anyone care. If they fail, they're released or repackaged at the end of the 30 days. If they succeed, then we have a new tag team. Hopefully they'll become the new tag team jobbers, because I really like the Dudebusters.

I don't know where this storyline could go, other than a tag title win. What better way to "make an impact" than by winning a championship? I don't want it to happen because as I said before I am indifferent towards them, but if they succeed at getting over, that may be what's in the cards for them.

Oh, and their team name should totally be "Hawkeye".
You know, it is not very often that I see the WWE put together a new tag team that I like the first time I see them, except for Edge and Chris Jericho. However, I don't know what it is, but I like this new tag team of Curt Hawkins and Vance Archer. They're explosive, their effective, young, and they are both talented.

This 30 day contract thing is interesting. You never know what it can lead to. I think they will last the 30 days, impress Theodore Long, and extend their career on Smackdown. I think they looked great in their debut tag team match and I look forward to future matches with the two. Vance Archer's finisher, followed by Curt Hawkins "flying elbow" looks great.
I like this pairing, we haven't seen Hawkins in ages and Vance has been off Tv since ECW folded, but the monster and little guy pairing works, they have a good team finisher, and Curt has plenty of charisma and Vance we all know is intense. And now its good to see tag teams making a comeback. These two are good in the ring and will only develop more in time hopefully as a noticeable tag team.
I think they could be the start of a trend of good tag teams coming out of FCW.What don't want is for them to do the whole'jealous ex-partner' thing with ryder and hawkins.It'll be pointless to say the least(though Ryder would probably cut some badass promos about hawkins)you know what.Let it happen.He left Hawk behind and now him and Archer are gonna destroy him.Sounds good.Vance Archer always brought the mean streak to ECW and gave it a vicious breath of life and as for Hawkins,to quote fellow dudebuster Trent Barretta"Curt Hawkins is back...with red pants.This guy wants it."
So aside from Vance having a tramp stamp and being intense of course, we have a guy who we haven't seen in almost two years wearing pink tights that look like jeans and he's using HBK's elbow drop. Hmm. I like this pairing already. I think they will indeed make that important impact, and they will be a good tag team, or they will turn out to be nobodies and will be forgotten. I think they'll end up being pretty good over the next three weeks, and they will most likely attack someone of note to make sure they stay around.
I have noting bad to say about this team other than the fact that intense Vance needs a better finisher. Maybe this his old TNA finisher?


Anyways they show me a style of Diesel/HBK from the 90s with the way they act. i love how the promos always begin with Vance telling the crowd to pay attention with his big scary voice & Curt cuts a badass promo. I never wanted Curt Hawkins to be released as he has good talent(Especially that Tilt-a-whirl scoop slam he has been doing.) & him and Archer could be a pretty badass team. They already have good chemistry in the ring together and will be something big in WWE for definite. I was thinking maybe they could help Jack Swagger retain tonight? that could be their impact.
l like the pairing the tagteam divison is starting to get up and when they get over and some teams from fcw come up the the tagteam divison will be good off but if this team wants to get over they need to go over a big face maybe attack the undertaker during a title match he supposed to fued with swagger that will be a big impact
The tandem of Archer and Hawkins does show a level of potential. I am hoping this pairing is semi permanent, complete with a team name cause usually that means you're gonna be there for a while. Curt Hawkins is not that bad and he showed that in his return match. I liked that he brought back the flying elbow drop as a finisher. As for Bagger Vance, I'm interested in seeing how he'll be able to keep up with the talent on Smackdown.

And as far as the 30 days are concerned, the SD writers have probably something cool up their sleeve for ArchHawk, so they'll probably be here to stay.
I think they may very well have potential to make an impact, and actually go on to becoming significant for WWE, doing something that we actually care for.

Although I'm not sure yet, I think they really need to get thrown into fighting with some actual teams, I've always hated the jobber like "push" that everybody gets at first, because it does nothing for anybody, and I feel if they don't pair this team with some actual tag teams of WWE, they will fail quickly, and hard.
Well i actually love these guys , they are clearly good in the ring and they play their roles very good, i think the ONLY thing not so good about "them" is archer's finisher but I can live with that since it started geting some pops from the crowed , unlike in ECW.I Actually think he does it even more intense ( pun intented ) now or maybe im just too much into them.Curt was always good and like someone said I too never wanted him to be released but i guess u need to develop a personality to keep your job which he couldnt at that time.
These two stars have started as a tag team within the last couple of months, but can these 2 stars be successful together? Is a tag team run in the future a strong possibility?

What does the future hold for them?

They were told to make an impact, could it be possible that they attacked the Undertaker and made him in a vegetative state? This can lead to the brothers of destruction re-uniting and putting Hawkins and Ryder over as a team?
They didn't start within the last couple of months, they re-debuted.

But I don't know whether they can be successful together, they probably have the same potential that any debuting or re-debuting wrestler has in some kind of way in the start of it.

And even considering that I don't really care for them at all, they say they wanted to make an impact, all they've done is beating down people after a match, they haven't accomplished anything in terms of tag team wrestling with the exception of beating jobbers, which wouldn't give them much of a future if they keep it up.

They debuted on the wrong show let's say that, because on RAW it's where the tag teams are flowing, The Dudebusters aren't the team Curt and Vance should be going against, because they're just as new in the business as them, so if they were to make an impact, it should have been done through the way that The Uso's did it.
I feel almost nothing towards Curt Hawkins and Vance Archer. It was probably the wrong time to bring them out on SmackDown. What are they going to do? The Hart Dynasty are in a feud with the Usos. Have constant pointless matches with the only other team on SmackDown, the Dudebusters? I don't know if they can get over with what they are currently doing. They need mic time and to do something worthwhile like taking out both the Usos and The Hart Dynasty in a title match.

Also, if they are the ones behind The Undertaker incident, then it will be THE biggest anti-climax in the history of television. Words cannot describe how pissed of I would be.
These two seem to have a decent chance of being successful simply due to the lack of tag teams. With the Hart Dynasty as champs, and the Uso's and Dudebusters as the only other competition, Archer and Hawkins can make an impact. Once the Dynasty and Uso's have concluded their fued, Archer and Hawkins could end up next in line for a title shot, unless another tag team has surfaced by then.

The biggest problem though is they haven't made an impact at all. They attacked MVP after his match last week and this week did the same with Christian. That's hardly impactful and I don't think the majority of fans give a damn about them. So, if they want to become a success, they've got to make more of an impact then they are right now.
Give smackdown back a set of tag team titles, and perhaps a decent tag team or two, and they might be worthy something. At the moment, they're just pointless.
I'm actually rather content with these two. I mean they aren't exactly a bad team, they've got the look of a team down... and in a way kind of give me a dark HBK & Diesel vibe. IDK about others, but that's how I feel it to be. And then there's the fact that they have a decent tag finisher. I personally see nothing wrong with a reverse DDT as a finisher... I mean there's a certain Icon who uses it and has for the longest time.

As for the tag title situation, people forget that the Unified tag belts are cross branded titles, and as such that would mean Smackdown writers are probably finding a suitable tag team to build up for a tag team rivalry on Smackdown. And then there's the fact that nobody even said a tag team HAD to go for tag titles... they could be an alliance to help each other with the IC and WHC titles, like a power trip.

Idk, I guess that's just me trying to see a positive aspect in things like this.
These two really aren't that bad, but the lack of tag teams will hurt them and unless they take on more random pairings, they'll fade away. You can't just jump guys like MVP week in week out and expect success to follow that. The tag titles are cross branded so hopefully the Hart Dynasty will just have a random SmackDown appearance or Archer and Hawkins will challenge them and something can be set up down the road.
I'm impressed with Big Vance and Curt. I'm not quite sure what it is but I like them and think they could do something as a team. Reminds me of Diesel and HBK back in the day. Will they get that big? Who knows but they have that vibe about them.

One thing I have notice though with Hawkins & Archer is that they are getting the same treatment by WWE fans as other people who recently debuted have. WWE fans have been craving for new stars and wrestlers for the last few years. So WWE gives them an influx of new guys, Sheamus, Drew, Hawkins, Archer, NXT and what is the first thing fans do? Find something to bitch and moan about no matter what good they do. Fans need to decide what they want and stick to it and not change their minds everytwo minutes about what they (thinK they) want.
back in the day you had people that you actually wanted to watch, like the rock,stone cold, undertaker, brett hart,triple h, shawn micheals, no we have a lot of wrestlers without chrisma that don't do well enough in the ring to even get your attention,,this is why the attitude era was so good, it got the crowd pumped for every fight. now i tend to watch it because well I love it but im just waiting for the next stone cold or the next hardy boys to show up. bring the intensity,,and youll have thee excitement. probably dolph ziggler has the most intensity I see recently.
Personally,im still bitter about lance Hoyt leaving TNA were he was one my favorite wrestlers.From the Major brothers to the Edge Heads to his team with Vance archer.Curt hawking hasn't seen much success.While his former partner Zack Ryder has had a good amount of success.I don't see them doing much.With the Heart Dynasty rarely defending the titles on smackdown and the Uso's as the assumed #1 contenders they wont get a lot of ring time.I like the team,but they have no competition besides the dude busters.Their success could depend on if creative brings more teams to smackdown
I like the idea of this. Its about time a new team is formed. I like Vance Archer he was good in TNA maybe him and Curt will make a rock connection too haha that would be funny. I like Vance but im not sure i like Curt, hes so basic with the red pants. If he got his own attire custom of course im sure he didnt steal the pants thats not what i mean by custom, but anyone can buy those pants, if he put designs on it, it would be better. But Vance has a nice look.

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