Vader vs Bigelow


Okay, I've always wondered who will win. I can not decide alone either. I was hoping IC could help me out, so lets make a thread about it.

BBB (Bam Bam Bigelow) statistics. Height 6'3". Wieght 370 lbs. Birthdate September 1, 1961

Vader's Statistics. Height 6'5". Weight 450lbs. Birthdate May 14, 1955.

I do not know much about when these guys primes were. I'm going to say 90's. Leaving Vader a few years older than BBB

Setting? Grandest stage of them all. Wrestlemania. In a Texas Death match. In Bigelows homestate, Flordia.

I have to choose Vader here. While I've set it up to where BBB has the homestate advantage, I think the wieght, and height advantage Vade has makes me do so. So what do you guys think?
Vader is the better wrestler overall. He's had better feuds and matches, is a mutiple time world champion, achieved major success overseas (Bam Bam has, but not to the extent Vader has) and was overall the better in-ring performer. Bam Bam was no slouch himself though, but Vader was better.

The two also had a match back in Japan, but they were primarily a tag-team, winning the IWGP titles together.

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Theres no denying, Vader was better, and was more successful overall. But in a Texas Death Match. Wouldn't things change a little?
Vader was fantastic, and it was a shame he didn't have more success on the main stage in WWF. Personally, Vader is in my top 5. The guy was unbelievable in every aspect, even more impressive due to his size. Even with the Texas Death Match stipulation, I would have to say Vader.
I would rank Vader and Bigelow as equals however in a match in Japan Vader did beat Bigelow. Vader was world champion in WCW and the Triple Crown Champion but in WWE he was a joke. Bam Bam won the ECW TV title, The Hardcore title in WCW and in the WWE he was 1st Runner up of King of the Ring 1993 n Mainevented Wrestlemania 11 without being in a title match. Overal they are well and evenly matched to be equals. Vader n Bigelow were tag team champs in Japan as well which is an unbeatable tag team in my view.
Bam Bam Bigelow is underrated....if anything, to me, he was the better wrestler than vader...he was more agile and wrestled great matches against several wrestlers, including bret hart...not saying vader didn't....although, vader had the much more successful career, hell that moonsault he'd pull off was awesome....but my win goes to BBB.
My two favorite superheavyweights ever. Vader would win in a normal match, and the Texas Death Match rules would make it even more in his favor. Vader's character was even more brutal than Bam Bam was. Don't take in ring success into it, Bigelow was almost main event for a while, and likely would have been if WWE didn't destroy his credibility by having him lose to LT. Both were great, I'd say Bigelow had more agility, although both had beautiful moonsaults for big guys. Vader I would say had more power in his game, although again, both men were powerhouses. Close call, great comparison.
I checked the title history and Bam Bam was also a former ECW champion. He was a former WWE tag champion with Tatanka and a WCW tag champion with DDP and Kanyon. Id pick Bam Bam he had a more successfull run in WWE and also a successfull run in ECW to his credit. He was quicker and more athletic then Vader.
Milk[lw];955676 said:
Theres no denying, Vader was better, and was more successful overall. But in a Texas Death Match. Wouldn't things change a little?

Here's where I come in.

Vader is also more Hardcore than Bigelow. The only think Bam Bam really has over Vader is mat technique, stemming from his days at a NJ State Amateur Wrestling Champion for Neptune High School.

Vader won what has to be one of the better mainstream Texas Death Matches in thelast 20 years - vs the "Hardcore Legend" himself in Cactus Jack.

Let me say that again...Vader defeated Cactus Jack in a Texas Death Match at Halloween Havoc, 1993.




If Cactus couldn't survive Vader, Bam Bam won't either.

In almost any type of match, Vader would be superior to Bam Bam, but these two men would tear the house down. They are the #1 (Vader) an #3 (Bam Bam) Superheavyweights in wrestling history. Their tag team - Big, Bad, and Dangerous - were awesome in Japan and only lost to a Steiner Brothers team in their primes.

Vader > Bam Bam

Vader > Andre

Andre > or = Bam Bam

Vader, Andre, or Bam Bam > Yokozuna

Yokozuna > Big Show

Big Show > Earthquake

Earthquake > Typhoon
Vader > Bam Bam

Vader > Andre

Andre > or = Bam Bam

Vader, Andre, or Bam Bam > Yokozuna

Yokozuna > Big Show

Big Show > Earthquake

Earthquake > Typhoon

Typhoon/ Tugboat > One Man Gang/ Akeem???


One Man Gang > Typhoon

Typhoon > Bastion Booger


Wait! Hang on ... what about Bundy?

King Kong Bundy > One Man Gang

Bundy > Earthquake? hmmm

Bundy = Earthquake? about right


WAIT! Hang on.

Uncle Elmer > Bastion Booger?

And so on.

As for the issue at hand, while both were great workers "for big men", you'd have to go with Vader here. Let's be honest: Vader was a main eventer whereas Bam Bam was an upper-mid carder at best.

Vader's famous for working stiff apparently. A bit like Andre, he could hurt a man if he didn't like him. I think he hit his peak around 1992/3 in WCW when he was in the title picture and managed by Harley Race. The feud with Cactus Jack was great too.

Bam Bam I'd say was at his best in 1993 when he was with Luna Vachon and before he was made to wrestle Doink a million times and jobbed to Lawrence bloody Taylor.

Vader in about 10 minutes I'd say.
I got to say that from my perspective (wrestling fan of over 30 years), Vader and Bam Bam were the two best big men in wrestling history - including Undertaker and Andre in their prime. I think Bigelow was likely the more athletic in the ring. Bigelow had great matches - look at some of his matches against Spike Dudley and RVD from ECW. Bigelow also was willing to do the job to help the company - the previously mentioned loss to LT. Vader was a beast plain and simple. For a man his size what he could do in the ring - phenominal.
I definitely like both of the big guys but I have to go with Bigelow. Only because we are both from Jersey and my fiancee's dad was best friends with him growing up. When he found out about his passing he was a wreck for a few days, sadly.
Also, I had more exposure to Bigelow from WWE and ECW and his matches in ECW with RVD were just amazing. Even though RVD did more insane moves, Bigelow still made the bout amazing. It only takes one guy to mess up an awesome match and Bigelow made sure that didn't happen. He managed to help showcase RVD's skills in the ring and kept his beast persona in check as well.

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