NSCW - NightShift Championship Wrestling

Kane w/ C.C.S.
Metallica ~ For Whom The Bell Tolls (w/ extended bell intro)

As the bells ring, the lights go down, except for a dim red light on the entrance stage, focusing on a podium with a microphone. C.C.S. is out first, wearing full priest garb, and a carrying a bible. He steps up to the podium, and places his bible down before speaking.

C.C.S. said:
The path of the righteous man…is beset on all sides by the iniquities of the selfish, and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he, who in the name of charity and good will shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness…For he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children. And, I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger…those who would attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. And you will know my name is the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon thee…

As C.C.S. finishes his “speech”, the music starts over the bells, and flames shoot up from the sides of the entrance ramp. Red lights search the arena as Kane steps through the curtain, wearing a crown of barbwire, and dragging a giant cross behind him. He stops at the top of the ramp, allowing C.C.S. to lead him to the ring. C.C.S. points out at fans, telling them to see the light, and leave the darkness as he makes his way to ringside. Kane follows slowly behind him, taking a step, and then stopping. Taking a step, and then stopping, dragging the cross over his shoulder, leading it to ringside. As they get to the ring, C.C.S. climbs the steps, and walks around the length of the ring on the apron, splashing “holy water” onto the fans at ringside. Kane circles the ring in the opposite direction, carrying the cross with him. He stops in front of the announce table, standing the cross on the concrete, and kneeling in front of it, apparently praying. He steps over the ropes, stopping in the center of the ring, before bringing the lights on along with an explosion of red pyros from the turnbuckles. C.C.S. steps out of the ring, and leans over the announce table, shaking Mr. 487’s hand, before preaching to Will.

C.C.S. said:
Will, you need to read this good book, and you need to see the light. You keep living your life in sin, and you will have to pay on judgment day!

Will just smiles back at C.C.S., before standing up from his chair, causing C.C.S. to flee back into the ring. As the crowd gets over the entrance they just witnessed, the Titantron changes, announcing the entrance of the television champion.

British Bulldog w/ Princess Bex
Sex Pistols ~ Anarchy In The U.K.]

As the song starts, white anarchy symbols circle the arena, and a golf cart, flying the Union Jack enters the arena, with Bulldog and Princess on the back. Bulldog is wearing a long robe designed to look like the flag, and it has fluffy white trim. He holds the title in the air, as Princess Bex waves to the fans that are cheering loudly for the NSCW Television Champion. The kart stops at the bottom of the ramp, and Bulldog climbs off the back, and carries Bex to the ring, before placing her on the apron. She steps through the ropes, and holds them open for the champ as he follows her through. The lights all come on, and he steps back into his corner, as Princess Bex helps him disrobe. The Pip raises the mic, and starts the introductions for the title match.

The Pip said:
This match is for the NSCW Television Championship, and is a Three Stages Of Hell Match! The first fall, will be decided in a Falls Count Anywhere Match, followed by a Submission Match. If need be, there will be a third fall, and it will be an Inferno Match.

The crowd explodes, as Kane wrings his hands together, wearing a huge smile. C.C.S. holds up the bible, pointing at it, telling Bulldog he has lost his chance to see the light peacefully. Bulldog and Princess Bex are leaning in the corner, not letting C.C.S. and Kane get in their heads. Princess Bex refuses to even look across the ring, following the verbal abuse she faced earlier.

The Pip said:
First, the challenger…Standing at six feet nine inches tall, and weighing in at three hundred pounds and accompanied to the ring by his manager, C.C.S….Kane!

Boos come from the crowd as Kane poses and C.C.S. exits the ring, carrying his bible close to his chest.

The Pip said:
His opponent…accompanied by the lovely Princess Bex, and standing at five feet eleven inches, and weighing two hundred sixty pounds, he is the NSCW Television Champion…the British Bulldog!

Both men step to the center of the ring, and glare at each other, searching for a sign of fear, but neither finds it. The ref runs down the rules of the match, and calls for the bell, and almost immediately Kane starts jawing at Bulldog, but Bulldog doesn’t back down. Bulldog has a few words of his own, but Kane doesn’t do anything but smile in return. Kane gives Bulldog a little shove, and continues talking before pointing outside of the ring at Princess Bex. Bulldog reacts with a hard right hand, and the two big men exchange round after round of haymakers before Bulldog finally levels the big red machine with a lariat. C.C.S.’s jaw drops at the sight of Kane being overpowered, but Bex is smiling ear-to-ear. Bulldog pounces on top of Kane, choking the life out of him, but Kane grabs a hold of him by the throat, and starts to get to his feet. Kane continues to tighten his grip, as Bulldog tries desperately to get out of the hold with kicks to the gut and flailing punches to Kane’s arms and shoulders. Kane tosses Bulldog in the ropes, and Bulldog slumps to a seated position in the corner, gasping for air. Kane buries his foot into Bulldog’s neck, and stomps down on him until he escapes under the bottom rope. Kane steps through the middle rope, and is welcomed to the outside by a powerful forearm. Kane falls to the apron, and Bulldog grabs him under the shoulders, pulling him to the floor. He delivers two hard kicks to Kane’s ribs, and then jumps onto his chest, forcing the air from Kane’s lungs. Kane rolls to his side, and receives to stiff kicks to his lower back before getting to his knees. Bulldog lands a forearm to the back of his head, and attempts another, but Kane stops him with a punch to the abdomen. Kane blocks another forearm, and lands another punch, before getting to his feet, and back Bulldog to the barrier with a slew of chops and throat thrusts. Kane lands one last chop, and then lands a forearm, knocking Bulldog backwards over the railing. Fans scatter as Kane climbs atop the barrier, and dives off with a splash onto Bulldog’s prone body. The ref follows after, as C.C.S. and Princess Bex look on from ringside. Kane pulls Bulldog to his feet, and scoop slams him onto some scattered chairs. Bulldog stays seated on the concrete as Kane circles him, and uses a running boot to the chin to knock him down. C.C.S. is the first manager over the railing, almost falling as he gets into the crowd. He continues cheering on Kane, as Princess Bex looks on, worried about her man. Kane pulls Bulldog to his feet again, and starts walking him through the crowd, heading towards an open doorway. As they clear the fans, Kane whips Bulldog into the doorway, sending him crashing through, knocking it back into the hallway.

The One Big Will said:
Where is Kane sending him? I know this is a Falls Count Anywhere, but that doesn’t mean they need to go anywhere!

Mr. 487 said:
Kane said he was going to beat Bulldog from pillar to post, and smear his blood all over this arena, and it looks like he’s trying to keep good on his promise. I can’t wait to see what happens next!

As Kane stalks Bulldog into the hallway, C.C.S. runs after, cheering on his man. The ref has helped Princess Bex over the railing, and she follows slowly behind, tears welling in her eyes. Bulldog is still not moving as Kane stands over him. Kane lightly kicks his arm, checking for life, stirring Bulldog a little. As Bulldog pulls himself to a seated position, Kane pulls him up over his shoulder, and runs him back first into the wall, before turning around and running him into the opposite wall. Kane lets him fall to the floor before searching the area for a weapon. C.C.S. pulls down a promo poster, and hands it to Kane, as Princess Bex holds her hands over her eyes, trying to avoid the melee. Kane stands Bulldog against the wall, and jabs the edge of the frame into his gut, before smashing the glass to pieces over his head. Bulldog falls to the floor, wiping the glass from his head as Kane smiles. Bulldog grabs a hold of Kane’s leg, trying to pull himself to his feet, but Kane steps back, letting him fall. He places his boot on the back of Bulldog’s head, and stomps onto the floor, drawing a scream from his opponent. Kane turns his back on Bulldog, searching for a weapon, giving Bulldog the opening he needs. He hurries to his knees, and delivers a low blow to Kane, forcing the big man to his knees. Bulldog uses the wall for balance, as Princess Bex finally has something to cheer for. C.C.S. is trying to shake Kane awake, but to no avail. Bulldog is on his feet, and grabs Kane by the neck, pulling him to his feet, and whipping him into a nearby soda machine. Kane’s body shatters the side, before knocking it over on the floor, with Kane lying on top. Bulldog runs at him from behind, leaping into the air, and bringing his weight down across his back. Bulldog pulls him up, showing a trickle of blood coming from Kane’s brow. Bulldog pushes Kane against the wall, and delivers a knee to the gut, and then two stiff chops to the chest. Kane throws a punch back, but it glances off with no effect. Bulldog starts to walk down the hallway, tossing aside tables, before finding a box of confiscated signs. He tosses one aside before smiling at the one in his hand. As Kane approaches, Bulldog lifts it over his head, revealing that the sign says “Princess Bex 4 Queen”. When Kane is close, Bulldog smashes it into his head, splitting it in two. Kane stumbles back for a second, before using a front kick to send Bulldog sailing back to the floor. Kane opens a nearby door, and grabs Bulldog’s leg before dragging him into the room. A shriek is heard, as a group of women run out, wearing only towels, and dripping wet. The cameraman follows the wrestlers in, revealing the women’s locker room, where Kane has Bulldog sitting on the bench, leaning into a locker. Kane starts across the room, and runs at Bulldog, driving his foot into his exposed chest. Kane pulls him to his feet, before scooping him up, and pressing him over his head, and into the ceiling. Kane then lets him fall to the floor, before reaching into a locker and pulling out a curling iron. He rams it into Bulldog’s stomach, before slapping him across the face with it. Bulldog scrambles to get away, but C.C.S. is blocking the door, and Princess Bex can be heard outside screaming to let her in. Bulldog grabs a hold of Kane’s leg, and sinks his teeth in, causing Kane to drop to the floor, nailing his head on a chair on the way down. When C.C.S. goes to move the chair, Princess Bex enters, and helps Bulldog to his feet. Once he’s on his feet, he leaves the room, and starts walking further down the hallway, before opening a door, revealing the kitchen area to the NSCW Arena Grille. He goes back to the locker room, but Kane and C.C.S. are both missing. Princess Bex let’s out a shriek as Bulldog turns around, and is grabbed by Kane, before being chokeslammed onto the concrete floor in the hallway. C.C.S. grabs a hold of Princess Bex and starts to drag her out of view, away from where the two men are brawling. Bulldog jumps to his feet, and starts slugging away at Kane trying to find out where C.C.S. has taken Bex. Kane grabs a hold of his arm, and receives a straight right hand to his face for the effort. He falls to the floor, blood flowing freely from his nose as Bulldog runs in the direction C.C.S. went. He is almost to the end of the hall, and there’s no sign of the managers. Kane gets to his feet, and follows Bulldog to the end of the hall. Bulldog suplexes him onto the floor, and climbs atop him, pleading to know where C.C.S. has gone. Kane just laughs, ignoring the pleas. Bulldog grabs his head, and rams it in to the floor, as the ref tries to break up the violence. Bulldog pulls Kane to his feet, and rams his face into a wall, before whipping him into the door for the men’s room. The ref follows the men in, and as the cameraman enters, Bulldog is seen smashing Kane’s face into each stall door, before pushing him face down into a toilet, and stomping on the back of his head. Kane rolls to the side, leaning against the wall, laughing the whole time. Bulldog scoops him up, and slams him into a stall divider, knocking it over. Bulldog lands a straight punch to Kane’s groin, finally removing the smile that Kane had. Bulldog wraps both of his hands around Kane’s throat, squeezing until his face turns a bright shade of red. Kane tries to knock Bulldog off with knees, but Bulldog is determined to choke the life out of him. The ref pleads with Bulldog to break the choke, which only gets him a shove into a wall dispenser, shooting bottles of cheap cologne and condoms onto the floor. Bulldog pulls Kane to his feet, and sets him up for the running powerslam, before charging out of the bathroom, and down the length of the hallway, before exiting to the parking lot. He continues running, until he slams Kane down on the hood of a taxi. The driver gets out, screaming about what’s happened, but Bulldog ignores him. Bulldog climbs atop the hood, and pulls Kane to his feet, before setting him up for a piledriver, and bringing his head down onto the windshield. Kane rolls off of the car, blood pouring from his face, as Bulldog catches his wits on top of the car. As Kane lies on the asphalt, barely showing any signs of life, Bulldog lands a knee to his head, before landing kicks, stomps, and elbows onto his prone body. The ref tries to get between Bulldog and his victim, but Bulldog shoves him aside again, pulling Kane to his feet, and then swinging open the car door, smashing it into Kane’s midsection. Kane falls to his back, and Bulldog goes for the first cover of the match. The ref gets to 2, but Bulldog breaks the pin fall attempt. He pulls Kane’s head up, and lands four right hands, before getting to his feet, and landing another knee on his opponent. As Kane lies on the floor, bleeding all over himself, Bulldog goes for the cover, getting a 3 count, and scoring the first fall!

Random Referee 2 said:
That’s one pin fall for Bulldog, giving him a one to zero lead.

As the crowd reacts to the pin fall for Bulldog, The Pip informs the crowd of the next stipulation.

The Pip said:
Bulldog has scored the first pin fall. The next fall will be decided in a Submission Match! Should Bulldog win, he will retain his title! If Kane scores this fall, we will move on to an Inferno Match!

The crowd pops at the news, and turns their attention back to the Titantron, following the match in the parking lot. The camera is zoomed in on Kane’s face, showing the blood pouring down his face, and dripping onto the asphalt. Bulldog pulls him to his feet, when suddenly; a horn is heard in the background. Bulldog releases his hold on Kane, letting him slump to the floor before turning around to find the source of the sound. He doesn’t get far, as a second camera shows a forklift from behind, approaching the lot where Bulldog and Kane are. The forks are high in the air, but you can’t make out who is driving, or what the forklift could be carrying, if anything. As the forklift turns into the parking lot, the second camera shows a person hanging from a rope. The camera switches back to the main camera that has been following the match, and you can clearly see that the person hanging is Princess Bex, her feet a good 8 feet in the air. Bulldog falls to his knees, screaming to let her down, but C.C.S. continues towards him. He stops a few feet away, as Kane gets to his feet behind him, smiling once more. Kane places his hands on Bulldog’s shoulders, keeping him on his knees in front of the forklift.

C.C.S. said:
You could’ve avoided this Bulldog. We warned you, that there was an easy way out, and you didn’t want to take it. You got stuck up on some sort of self-worth, trying to protect your darling little princess, when in fact; you put her right in harm’s way. She’s been hanging there, that rope tightening around her body, getting tighter and tighter every second you leave her there. Don’t worry about pulling her down. You can’t do it. This forklift can hoist her as high as fifteen feet in the air.

British Bulldog puts his face down, tears running down his cheeks, as his arms slump to his sides.

British Bulldog said:
What do I have to do? Name your price. I’ll do anything.

Kane lets out a sick laugh as C.C.S. climbs off the forklift, and approaches Bulldog. Princess Bex shouts out in agony, tears still forming in her eyes.

C.C.S. said:
It’s simple, really. We, Kane and I, want you to give up. Right now. Look your princess in the eyes, and say the words “I…Quit”. And then, you let us drag you to the ring, and we’ll have ourselves a little sacrifice at ringside. You do that, and we’ll you’re your little honey pot go free. What do you say, Davey? Do we have a deal?

Davey looks up at Bex, and then back at C.C.S. Kane tightens his grip on Bulldog’s shoulders, and Bulldog sits himself on the ground. Bulldog tries to speak, but words escape him.

Princess Bex said:
Don’t do it Davey! Don’t give away your title like that! Fight for it! Fight for me!

British Bulldog said:
I can’t do it, Bex. I can’t let them hurt you like this. If it costs me my title, then so be it. I can’t let them do this. I’ll do it, C.C.S. I’ll give up, and Kane can have my belt.

C.C.S. said:
Go ahead and say it. Look her in the eyes, and tell her you give up. Tell her you won’t fight for her. Tell her!

Bulldog looks up at Princess Bex, and then away again. He chokes back some tears, gets himself to his feet, and then looks at Bex, staring deep into her eyes as she stares back, tears flowing freely from her eyes.

British Bulldog said:
I can’t fight for you this time Bex. I need them to let you go now. I can’t stand seeing you like this. I give up. They can take my title, but I can’t stand them taking you from me.

The ref announces the fall, and the crowd boos loudly, drowning out The Pip as he repeats the final stipulation for the NSCW Television Title. Bulldog falls to his knees, as C.C.S. climbs back onto the forklift before lowering Princess Bex to the ground. The look on her face has changed drastically, almost amaze that Bulldog gave up. As her feet touch the ground, Kane unties the knot, letting her free. Bulldog puts his arms out, calling for her, but she doesn’t come to him. He crawls towards her, begging her to hold him. C.C.S. and Kane watch on, laughing at the situation at hand. Princess Bex wipes the last of the tears from her face, and looks down on Bulldog, as he kneels in front of her. He pleads that he had to give up for her sake, but she doesn’t seem to care. She looks down at him, and then takes a step back, causing Bulldog’s, and just about everyone else’s jaw to drop to their chest.

Bex said:
I wanted you to fight for me. I wanted you to fight for my honor, and the honor of your title. You couldn’t do that…You couldn’t do that for me?! I was hanging there, knowing deep inside, that you were coming to rescue me. And, what happens? You give up? You give in to these mad men? You know what. Maybe they’re right. Maybe you should have seen the light. Maybe they are the true sign of good in the world.

Bulldog collapses to the ground, as C.C.S. and Kane stand over him.

C.C.S. said:
You hear that Davey? You betrayed Bex, and all because you wouldn’t fight for her. A real man, like Kane would have defended her until his dying breath. You gave up without nary a fight. This is because your morals, and values, are all out of whack. If you were in the light, you would have known the right thing to do. I do believe we had a deal though…Kane, grab this man, and let’s go have ourselves a sacrifice.

C.C.S. turns away from Bulldog, as Kane places a hand on Bulldog’s shoulder. Bulldog’s face quickly turns to a scowl as he smashes an elbow into the side of Kane’s head, knocking him to the floor, apparently out cold. C.C.S. grabs his bible off the forklift, and runs for the exit, heading into the arena. Princess Bex takes off her crown, and drops it to the floor, before turning to leave. Bulldog grabs her by the arm, pleading with her to stay.

British Bulldog said:
You need to believe me. I was acting in your best interests. The title means nothing to me. You do. I couldn’t stand to see you hurt. I’m nothing without you. Please don’t do this Bex. Please…

Bex pulls her arm away from Bulldog before taking a few steps towards the door. As she steps into the arena, she turns back towards Bulldog.

Bex said:
You had your chance to show me the man that you really are, and you failed. Instead of fighting for me, you gave in, and let them win. The Bulldog I knew, wouldn’t have stood for that.

As she walks through the hallway, a camera follows her, catching her wiping an errant tear from her eye. She stops for a second, and looks back at the door, but then continues towards the ring. Back outside, Bulldog is pulling Kane to his feet, and throws him through the doorway into the arena. Kane stumbles to his feet, but is quickly met by a running lariat, sending him end over end, landing on his face on the floor. Bulldog grabs his arm, and starts to drag him back to the doorway he came through with Kane. As he whips Kane through the door, fans scatter, clearing a way to the ring. Kane ends up slamming into the rail, and flipping over, landing headfirst on the concrete at ringside. Bulldog chases after him, clearing the railing in one leap. As the cameraman and ref follow over, a second camera is watching C.C.S. and Bex working with the cross that Kane brought to ringside. Bulldog stands up Kane, and delivers blow after blow to his head. Kane lands one chop for every few punches Bulldog lands, but it has little effect in slowing down the powerhouse. Bulldog grabs Kane in a front facelock, before tossing his arm over his head, and lifting him into the air, and holding him up for a few seconds. As the crowd chants to drop him, Bulldog slowly falls backwards, slamming Kane to the concrete with massive force.

Mr. 487 said:
What the hell is he doing? They made a deal! Shouldn’t he be standing over here, getting ready to stand up on that cross? This is a disgrace.

The One Big Will said:
I’m pretty sure Bulldog has snapped. You heard him. The title means nothing compared to Princess Bex. He wants her, and he isn’t going to leave here without her. Kane and C.C.S. have tortured this poor man, and they deserve everything that is coming to them.

Bulldog leaves Kane lying on the floor, and proceeds to opposite side of the ring, where Bex and C.C.S. are done with the cross. They have wrapped it in barbwire, and leaned it against the ring. Bulldog grabs C.C.S. by his fake priest collar, and slams him into the ring, forcing him to drop the bible he was holding. It falls open, and a bottle of lighter fluid and a book of matches roll out. Bulldog looks stunned, and then gets leveled by a chair shot from Kane. Bulldog slumps to the concrete, and Kane grabs his arm, before dragging him to the cross. He pulls Bulldog to his feet, and slams him onto the cross, as the barbwire shocks him to life. As he lets out a scream, Kane awakens C.C.S., and hands the lighter fluid to Bex, before picking up the matches, and handing them to C.C.S.

Kane said:
This is the final step, Bex. If you truly want to see the light, you need to sacrifice an evil soul.

Bex opens up the lighter fluid, and holds it over her head. Before she squeezes the bottle, she lowers it again. Tears form again in her eyes, as Bulldog looks back at her, pleading her to put it down, as Kane stands behind the cross, holding him down by the neck.

Bex said:
I…I can’t do it. This is too much.

C.C.S. said:
This is the man that wouldn’t fight for you. The man that would rather give up, than defend your honor. You know what you have to do. Do it!

Without any more thought, Bex raises the bottle, and sprays lighter fluid all over Bulldog and the cross, splashing it everywhere as she goes. When the bottle is empty, she drops it, with more tears trickling down her face. C.C.S. pulls a match out, but Bulldog breaks free of Kane’s hold, and falls off the cross. Kane steps around the cross and rakes his nails down Bulldog’s bloody back, drawing a scream from the champion. Kane pulls him to his feet, and stands him back on the cross, holding him down with his arms across his chest. He glares back at Bex, as C.C.S. tells her to light the match. Bulldog looks at her, and she turns away. With her back to the cross, she lights the match, and stares at the flame as it glows a bright orange. C.C.S. and Kane look at each other, smiling, sensing the title changing hands. Without looking, Bex turns and tosses the match in the direction of the cross. As she tosses the match, Bulldog dives off the cross, pulling Kane over the barbwire, and the match lands on his arms, igniting the fuel, and setting him ablaze! Bulldog scoots himself away, as C.C.S. looks on in horror, and Bex looks on in shock. Kane falls to the concrete, waving his arms, trying to put out the flames. The bell rings, and Bulldog collapses to the floor himself. C.C.S. removes his coat, and smothers the flames on Kane’s arms, as Bex runs for the ramp, and heads through the curtain.

The Pip said:
Your winner, and still your NSCW Television champion…British Bulldog!

The One Big Will said:
Did you see that 487? Bulldog narrowly escaped the flame, and retains his TV title! I can’t believe it!

Mr. 487 said:
Yes, but at what price? Bex has left him, and he’s beaten and bloodied. He could have escaped all of this, and just followed through with the deal!

The One Big Will said:
He could have followed through, but then he wouldn’t have the belt, or the girl. I only hope that Bex comes around, and sees that Bulldog was doing what he thought was best. What guy in that situation wouldn’t have agreed? Bulldog is a good man, and doesn’t deserve this torment. C.C.S. and Kane are pure evil, and anyone who thinks those two bozos are the “light”, are completely nuts.

Mr. 487 said:
Kane and C.C.S. are indeed the light. You’ll see it soon enough, Will. Bex was just the first in a long line of people that will see the light in C.C.S.’s words.

The One Big Will said:
Before I see the light in hurting you again, let’s cut to the back, where Dee is standing by with someone who makes a little sense when he talks.

Dee Dragon said:
Yeah, so…I’m back here with the loser of tonight’s main event, Rey Mysterio. I was told he had some words about the match…

Rey Mysterio said:
You know, Dee, you’d be almost bearable to have around if you adjusted that attitude a bit. You’re calling me the loser, and the match hasn’t even happened yet. How do you know what will happen? Matthew said it himself. The match I had with Chris a few weeks ago was one of the best this company’s seen, and I’m sure we’ll live up to the billing tonight.

Rey pauses, letting the crowd react as Dee just sighs and continues chipping her fingernail.

Rey Mysterio said:
I’m dedicating this match tonight to the fans. The people who got me to where I am right now, and the people that wanted this match to happen on NSCW’s first ever pay-per-view. I’m going to go out there, give it my all, and if I can help it, leave the arena tonight with the gold around my waist. And, Jericho, you told me to not make this match personal, when I hadn’t ever said a word after the announcement. To me, this is business. I’m not wrestling you tonight because of some personal vendetta; I’m wrestling you because I want that belt.

Rey walks off past Dee, and out of the camera view. Dee waits a second before lifting the mic.

Dee Dragon said:
Well, there you have it. I really need to get a better job…

Dee turns off her mic, and hands it to the cameraman before walking out of view. The camera fades to black, before coming back to life in the ring as the bell rings, with The Pip ready to introduce the competitors in the next match.
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Jerry Lynn & Tajiri
Rev Theory ~ Hell Yeah

As white lights pulse throughout the arena, Tajiri and Lynn enter through the curtain and make a full sprint for the ring, before diving in over the bottom rope, and popping up on the opposite side of the ring, posing for the fans, who are cheering them loudly.

The Pip said:
The next match is a tag team match scheduled for one fall. Standing in the ring, weighing in at a combined four hundred ten pounds…The New F’n Show and The Japanese Buzzsaw…Jerry Lynn and Tajiri!

Hatebreed (Christian & Justin Credible)
Hatebreed ~ Destroy Everything

As the music pounds through the arena, the crowd does their best to drown it out with a chorus of boos. Christian and Credible soak it in on their way to the ring, taunting fans at ringside, before jumping up on the apron as pyros fly into the air with a shriek. As they step through the ropes, The Pip finishes his introductions.

The Pip said:
And, their opponents, managed by…

Justin Credible cuts him off, and whispers something into his ear before leaning away from him.

The Pip said:
Their opponents, sadly not accompanied by their awesome manager, Mark E., weighing in tonight at four hundred sixty pounds…the team of Justin Credible and Christian…Hatebreed!

As the ref checks Hatebreed for weapons, and reminds them of the rules of the ring, Tajiri and Lynn strategize in their corner, and decide who will start. The ref then checks Jerry Lynn, who steps out of the ring, meaning Tajiri will start. Before the ref can finish checking him, Justin Credible charges across the ring, and levels his opponent with a clothesline. Christian joins in, putting the boots to the downed man, causing Lynn to jump in to save his partner. As the ref forces Lynn out of the ring, Credible and Christian drag Tajiri to their corner, where Christian holds him up, as Credible lands a few backhand chops onto his chest. Credible lands one last chop, before giving Tajiri a kick to the mid-section, forcing him to the mat. He grabs his arm, and pulls him to his feet, before tagging in Christian, who climbs the turnbuckle, and delivers a double axe handle to the open arm of his opponent. Credible leaves the ring as Christian grabs the arm from him, and delivers an elbow to Tajiri’s back, forcing him to the mat, and falling on top of him with an armbar. Tajiri grabs at his shoulder in pain, but Christian just tightens the hold, pulling a scream from his opponent.

Mr. 487 said:
You see, Will, they can wrestle a technical match and beat anyone. You don’t need dirty tricks when you’re the best!

The One Big Will said:
You do know you’re leaving out; they only got control because they jumped Tajiri before the bell rang, right? They’re only in control for now. You’ll see what happens when Tajiri and Lynn get rolling.

Tajiri rolls forward, loosening the hold, before flipping backwards, and landing a back roundhouse kick to the side of Christian’s head, breaking the hold on his arm. He lands a second one to the other side of his head, but a third attempt is blocked as Christian catches his foot, and shoves him to the ring, before rolling him into a half crab. Tajiri starts flailing his arms, reaching for the rope, but Christian just leans onto his back, breaking his progress. Without breaking the hold, Christian drags Tajiri to his corner, where he uses his free hand to tag in Justin Credible. Instead of coming through the ropes, Credible climbs to the top rope, and lands a knee to Tajiri’s neck. Christian keeps the hold on as Credible grabs Tajiri’s head, and rams it into the mat repeatedly, drawing Lynn into the ring. As the ref pushes Lynn back to his corner, Hatebreed double-teams Tajiri with stomps and kicks. The ref breaks it up, but it’s too late to save Tajiri, who has crawled out of the ring, and is lying on the floor, gasping for air. Christian leaves the ring, as Credible poses for the fans, and Lynn screams at the ref to gain control. The ref uses his count, and Tajiri finally rolls in at 7. Before he can get to his feet, Credible drops an elbow to the back of his head, and applies a side headlock. Tajiri tries to roll out of it, but Credible has the hold on too tight. After struggling to his knees, Tajiri lands a back elbow to the gut, and then uses hammer fists to Credible’s knee to make him break the hold. As Tajiri regains his balance, he turns towards Credible and lands three right hands in succession, knocking his opponent backwards. Tajiri then tags in Lynn, and they connect with double running dropkicks, sending Credible falling backwards into his corner, slamming his head into the middle turnbuckle. Tajiri leaves the ring, allowing Lynn to go to work on Credible. As Credible sits in the corner, holding his head, Lynn runs in and smashes his knee into his forehead, snapping his head backwards into the turnbuckle. Lynn lands two more knees, before giving the ref a clean break from the corner. Credible gets to his feet, and leaves the corner, and the two wrestlers circle each other, with Lynn getting the crowd pumped as they go. Lynn goes for a lock-up, but Credible counters with a kick to the gut. As he reaches for a front facelock, Lynn takes him down with a double leg takedown, and then lands a flurry of punches to the ribs, before Credible answers with an elbow to the top of his head. As Lynn rolls off of him, Credible starts to crawl to his corner, holding his ribs as he goes. Christian has his hand out, waiting for the tag, but Lynn grabs Credible’s foot, pulling him back to the center of the ring. He lets Credible get to his feet, and the two men lock up. Credible forces Lynn back into the corner, and breaks with a forehand chop to Lynn’s chest. Lynn falls to his knees, but springs back up, landing a forehand chop of his own. As the two exchange knife-edge chops, the crowd boos, welcoming Jack Swagger to ringside.

The One Big Will said:
What is he doing here? This isn’t his match! He had his TV time tonight.

Mr. 487 said:
Swagger can do whatever he wants. He’s Jack frikkin’ Swagger. If he wants to come to ringside, and support his stable mates under Mark E., then so be it. Who are you to judge him?

Back in the ring, Lynn has Credible backed all the way into the corner, and lands one final chop, before whipping him across the ring. As Credible slams into the corner, he stumbles backwards, right into Lynn. Lynn spins him around, and picks him up, setting for the Cradle Piledriver! Lynn clenches his wrists, and slams his opponent’s head into the mat, before hooking a leg, and going for the pin. As the ref counts 2, Christian runs into the ring, and lands a snapping kick to Lynn’s back, breaking the pin attempt. The ref forces Christian back into his corner, as Lynn and Credible lie on the mat collecting themselves. The ref utilizes his count, and is at 5 before either man moves. At 7, Credible starts to stir as Lynn gets to his feet. Lynn goes for the tag, but Swagger pulls Tajiri off the apron, blocking the tag attempt. Lynn turns to go after Credible, but he’s already across the ring, and makes the tag to Christian. Christian steps through the ropes and charges across the ring, leveling Lynn with a double forearm smash across his face. He lands a knee to his chest, and then grabs him up by his hair, and lands a quick series of punches to his face, bringing a trickle of blood from his lip. As Christian stands over him, Lynn rolls to the ropes, wiping the blood from his face. As he climbs to his feet, Swagger lands a right hand from the outside, sending him back to the mat. Christian pulls him to his feet, and walks him to the center of the ring, before setting him up for the Unprettier. Before he can land the move, Lynn shoves him into the ropes, and rolls him up! The ref only gets to 1 before Credible breaks the pin, landing a boot to Lynn’s face. Tajiri climbs to the top rope, and lands a clothesline to both of his opponents. Christian springs to a seated position, and catches a Buzzsaw Kick to the face. As Credible sits up, Tajiri measures him for another Buzzsaw Kick. Before he can connect, Swagger runs in behind him, and slams him over the top rope, and to the floor, with a Gutwrench Powerbomb. The ref ejects him from ringside, and follows him all the way to the outside until more refs come out to escort him away from the arena. As Tajiri lies motionless on the outside, Credible picks up Lynn, and sets him for the That’s Insane spinout tombstone piledriver. As the ref dives back in, Credible connects with his finisher, and rolls out of the ring, letting Christian go for the pin. The ref admonishes Credible for the double team, and then counts the pin, giving Hatebreed the win.

Mr. 487 said:
I can only imagine the look on the great Mark E.’ face right now, as he watches this all. Hatebreed dominated that match from start to finish, and didn’t even need any outside help to do it! Lynn and Tajiri were just overmatched. That was a great tag match right there.

The One Big Will said:
Your level of stupidity astounds me. Without Swagger, that match would have ended much differently, and you know it deep down. Mark E. and his stable of merry men are turning this business into a joke. Someone needs to stop them.

Mr. 487 said:
Too bad it won’t be Mikey Whipwreck, Chris Benoit, AJ Styles, Jerry Lynn, or Tajiri. You remember what Matthew said, right? It ends tonight. Win, lose, or draw, there are no rematches.

As Destroy Everything plays Hatebreed out of the ring, and up the ramp, the Titantron comes to life. The crowd roars, as NSCW’s newest manager appears on the screen. Hatebreed stops at the top of the ramp, looking at each other puzzlingly.

As the crowd watches on, Carson claps slowly, with a smug smile on his face. He stops, and his smile turns into a glare.

Carson Money said:
Congratulations guys. You’ve proved that a couple of nobodies can be successful in this business if they just cheat a little. I sat back, watching from home, waiting for a real man to step up, and stop you guys from robbing these fans of true entertainment. Week after week, after week, and no one came forth.

As Carson finishes his sentence, a large man, clad in all black sweats, with the name NORCAL emblazoned across the chest steps up next to him. He has his hood down, and you can’t see any part of him. He stands there for a moment, in complete silence, as Carson Money looks on patiently. Talia Madison steps into the frame next to him, and puts her arm across his back.

Talia Madison said:
Mr. Money, while you’ve sat at home, waiting for someone else to step up and do the dirty work, we’ve been out training. You see, Adam is a trained military man. A man that has fought for his country all across the world, and now he’s making his bid to be the best professional wrestler. He has martial arts training, hand-to-hand combat training, and has spent months under the tutelage of some of the best, honing his in-ring skills. Now that his training is complete, he is bringing his craft here, to NSCW, and he’s made it his first goal to bring a little honor to Mark E. and his group of boys. We don’t know who you got to fight your battles, but we’re going to go out there and fight the battle ourselves.

Carson shakes his head, smiling, before making any comment.

Carson Money said:
No, no, Talia. You’ve got this all wrong. I respect you guys for coming here, and making it your goal to stop Mark E. But me, I don’t have near the training that Adam has, and I’m a lover myself, not a fighter. Adam is a true patriot, a real American hero, and I hope he’s successful here. Myself, I’m a gambling man. I’ve gone out, and found myself a great tag team to take my chances for me. You know, here they are now.

Carson takes a step back, allowing his tag team to enter into the camera shot, and the crowd cheers loudly. Talia looks impressed, but Norcal doesn’t move.

Carson Money said:
I’d like you to meet my team. Here you have Spike Dudley, the original underdog, and Gary Wolfe, formerly known as Pitbull #1. With my guidance, they will go to that ring, and put an end to Mark E.’s little run of cheating. We may do things differently, but we have a common goal. Norcal, I look forward to working with you in the future.

Carson and his tag team leave the camera shot, as Talia looks on. Before the camera fades, Norcal lifts his head, and looks on in the direction of Carson and his team, emotions absent from his face.

Hatebreed stares at each other with their mouths open, and run off through the curtain. The crowd is still on their feet, as the camera turns to the announce table. Mr. 487’s face is quickly turning red, as “The One” Big Will is grinning like a Cheshire cat.

The One Big Will said:
I love this. Carson Money has brought a great tag team to NSCW, and we just witnessed the arrival of the biggest rookie signing, possibly in wrestling history. Adam Norcal, a true hero, just signed his contract this morning, and is already appearing on a pay-per-view. How could this get any better?

Mr. 487 said:
This show has gone straight down the tubes. Hatebreed winning was clearly a highlight, but then Carson Money and Norcal had to appear, and ruin the whole damn thing! I’m not worried though. Mark E. is a genius, and he’ll find a way to get through this.

Before anything else is said, the Titantron comes back to life, this time leading to the entrances for the next match.

Vanessa Kraven
Five Finger Death Punch ~ Meet The Monster

Purple spotlights circle the arena at the pace of the music as Vanessa steps through the curtain, wearing a long black boxing-style robe, trimmed with purple silk. She pauses at the top of the ramp as the vocals start, and then slowly plods to the ring. She steps up on the apron, and pulls herself up, before stepping through the ropes. The lights come on as she removes her robe, and tosses it over the ropes, awaiting her opponent.

Nikki Roxx
Jimi Hendrix ~ ”Roxxi” Lady

Nikki enters through the curtain, and holds her championship up high for the crowd, as Vanessa paces the ring waiting for her. Nikki high fives a few hands, and shakes a few hands before using the steps to get into the ring. She holds the belt up one more time, before handing it to the ref, and heading for her corner.

The Pip said:
Ladies and gentlemen, this match is for the NSCW Barbwire Bitches Title, and will be contested under extreme rules! The challenger, to my left, and standing at six feet tall, weighing one hundred ninety pounds…Vanessa Kraven!

The crowd boos as Vanessa raises her fists in the air. Nikki doesn’t look phased, and just waits in the corner for her introduction.

The Pip said:
And the champion, in the corner to my right, weighing in at one hundred forty pounds, and standing at five feet nine inches tall…”Roxxi Lady” Nikki Roxx!

As Nikki climbs the turnbuckle, and raises her hands in the air, Vanessa attacks her from behind, sending her out to the floor with a clubbing forearm to the back. As Vanessa leaves the ring, Nikki crawls under the ring. Vanessa searches ringside for her, and finally looks under the ring, before getting sprayed in the face with a fire extinguisher. Vanessa stumbles backwards, and falls over the railing, as Nikki comes out and follows her into the crowd. A fan hands her a tray of nachos, and Nikki rubs it into Vanessa’s face and hair before searching for another weapon. Another fan hands her a beer bottle, and she promptly swings it at her opponent, but it doesn’t break. Vanessa falls onto a chair as Nikki tosses the bottle aside. She clears out a few fans, and runs at Kraven, before landing a straight kick to her chest, sending her, and the chair she was sitting in, falling backwards. Nikki pulls Kraven to her feet, and whips her into the railing, before grabbing a chair from the crowd. She charges at Vanessa with the chair, but Vanessa uses it against her, slamming her fist into the chair, and into Nikki’s face. Nikki stumbles backwards, dropping the chair. As she turns back to Vanessa, she gets nailed with a forearm, and falls to the concrete. Vanessa scoops her up, and drops her face first onto the railing, before grabbing her legs, and tossing her back to ringside. She steps over the railing herself, and grabs a handful of hair, pulling Nikki to her knees. Before she can land a move, the sight of Natalya Neidhart coming to ringside stops her. She throws Nikki down, and takes a step towards Nattie, who stops on the ramp, puts down a chair, and has a seat. Vanessa heads back to Nikki, and gets a punch to the gut that has no effect. She grabs a handful of hair again, and lands an MMA-style knee to the temple, before pulling Nikki to her feet. She wraps her hand around Nikki’s throat, and shoves her back into the ring post.

The One Big Will said:
I have no idea what Natalya is doing at ringside, but I’m betting it has something to do with the recent tear we’ve seen Natalya on. She’s demolished everyone she has been in the ring with, and now she’s interjecting herself into the title match.

Mr. 487 said:
You really are that slow, aren’t you, Will? Of course it has something to do with the streak she’s on. She’s been out here, almost every week, winning match after match, and Vanessa gets the spot tonight because she made a verbal challenge to the champ?

Vanessa goes to the announce table, and clears off all the monitors, before going back to Nikki. She grabs her by the throat, and lands a punch to the chest, before walking her around the ring. She sits her on the table, and grabs her throat with both hands, before lifting her into the air. As she squeezes the air out of her, Natalya sneaks up behind her, and smashes her in the back with the fire extinguisher. As Nikki falls lazily onto the table, Vanessa falls to her knees. Natalya hits her in the back of the head with the extinguisher, and then tosses it aside. She grabs a hold of Nikki’s hair, and drags her off the table, and then rolls her into the ring. She reaches under the apron, and grabs a brown paper bag, before climbing in the ring. She rips open the top, and pours out the contents of the bag, broken shards and shattered pieces of glass. She grabs a hold of Nikki’s legs, and pulls her next to the pile of glass she just emptied, and sets her up for the Sharpshooter. As she steps through, and rolls her over, the crowd, Will, and 487 all watch on in amazement. Nikki lets out a yell, and taps frantically, but it doesn’t count, since Nattie isn’t officially a part of the match. Natalya wrenches back on her legs, adding pressure to her back, smiling the whole time. Vanessa starts to stir on the outside, and grabs one of the monitors off the floor. She rolls under the bottom rope, right in front of Nattie. As she lifts the monitor over her head, Nattie breaks the hold, and dives out of the ropes, jogging up the ramp. She stops to turn around, and laughs her sick laugh as she continues to head towards the curtain. As Nattie disappears from view, Vanessa tosses the monitor out of the ring, and pulls Nikki to her feet. She leans her against the turnbuckle, as the camera zooms in on the blood dripping from her chest. Vanessa brushes away the glass, and lands a discus punch on the chin, knocking Nikki to a seat in the corner. She pulls her to her feet again, and uses a hip toss to land her on the glass in the center of the ring. Nikki squirms in pain, and slides out of the ring, holding her back, trying to get away from the attack. Vanessa steps through the ropes, and jumps off the apron, and circles the ring, following Nikki. As she approaches her, Nikki lands a kick to the stomach, and a kick to the side of each thigh. Vanessa grabs her legs, and Nikki steps behind her, using a chop block to bring her to her knees. She then backs up to the ring, and runs up behind Vanessa, smashing her face into the ramp with a bulldog. As Nikki squats on the ramp, catching her breath, the fans get behind the champ, chanting her name. She jumps to her feet, and pulls Vanessa up, whipping her into the ring, colliding her back into the edge of the ring. Vanessa falls to her knees again, and Nikki lands a shining wizard to the side of her head, forcing her to the floor. Nikki rolls into the ring, and lies on the mat, still dealing with the pain and blood loss from Natalya’s attack. After 20-30 seconds, Vanessa is to her feet, and rolls into the ring. Nikki tries to get to her feet, but the pain has sunk in from the Sharpshooter earlier. She gets to a knee, but Vanessa pulls her up, before whipping her into the ropes. As Nikki rebounds towards her, Vanessa lands a big boot to the face, sending her opponent to the canvas. Vanessa pulls her up again, and whips her into the ropes, but Nikki can’t hold herself up, and stumbles into the middle rope, and then out of the ring, landing on her back on the concrete. Vanessa looks on in disbelief, and walks across the ring, before stepping through the ropes after her. As she turns to step off the apron, Nikki jumps to her feet, and leans backwards against the ring, grabbing onto Vanessa’s legs. As she pulls on her, trying to Bimbo Plant her through the announcer’s table, Vanessa desperately grabs onto the ropes. Nikki gives her another tug, but doesn’t have any luck getting her to budge. Vanessa lets go of the ropes, and tries to grab a handful of hair, but Nikki uses this to her advantage and slams her through the announce table! The crowd pops like crazy as Nikki falls to her knees, her energy completely spent. She sits down, holding her knee, as Vanessa lies on the broken table, barely moving.

The One Big Will said:
Did you see that, Mr. 487? Nikki had to deal with the power of Vanessa, and the attack she sustained from Natalya earlier, and she was still able to use her Dominator-type maneuver to put Vanessa Kraven through the table. Let’s see if she can capitalize!

Mr. 487 said:
Capitalize? I doubt Vanessa is really done. She’s a big woman, and it’d take more than that to keep her down, especially since Nikki has been beaten down already. In the meantime, what are we going to do about our table? I need somewhere to keep my cappuccino, and you need somewhere to keep…To keep…Well, you never actually bring anything to ringside, but I need a table dammit!

Nikki starts to crawl over to where Vanessa is, and falls on top of her. The ref starts to count…1…2…and Vanessa gets her arm up! Nikki’s face is taken over by disbelief, and the referee even looks shocked. Nikki rolls off of her opponent, and sits against the railing, putting together her plan of attack. Vanessa starts to sit up, but is met by a backhand chop from Nikki. Vanessa finishes sitting up, and lands a backhand chop of her own, splattering the blood on her chest. Nikki uses the railing to get to her feet, and lands a kick to Vanessa’s chest that lands with a snap. Vanessa grabs her foot, and gets herself to her feet. As she stands in front of Nikki, holding onto her foot, Nikki grabs onto the railing, and flips backwards, into the crowd, and away from her opponent. Vanessa chases after her, but gets hit between the eyes with a chair, and falls backwards into the railing. Nikki lies up the chair again, and smashes it over her face, bringing blood from over her eye. She tosses the chair aside, and then connects with a mule kick into her opponent’s face. Nikki grabs her leg, and pulls her away from the railing, and goes for the pin. The ref jumps the railing, and starts the count, but Vanessa kicks out at 2. Nikki stands up, and pulls Vanessa up, but gets a forearm to the mid-section, doubling her over. Vanessa uses a scissor kick to send her to the floor, and then pulls her up, and tosses her over the railing. She hesitates to follow her, glaring at her opponent from across the railing. As she steps over, Nikki starts to crawl towards the stairs, attempting to get to her feet. Vanessa grabs a handful of her hair, and pulls her to the stairs, before ramming her face into the steps. Nikki rolls off the staircase, and plops down on the concrete as Vanessa stands over her, wiping blood from her eyes. She gives Nikki a kick to the ribs, taunting her to get to her feet. Nikki clutches onto Vanessa’s leg, still pulling herself to her feet, but gets shoved off to the floor. Vanessa reaches into the ring, and grabs a long piece of the broken glass, and moves back to where Nikki is on the floor. As she rolls her over, she sits on her chest, pinning her arms to her sides. Nikki opens her eyes, and sees the piece of glass aimed at her face. She squirms, but can’t get away. Vanessa drags the point of the glass across her cheeks, before digging it into Nikki’s forehead, and slicing her face open. Nikki lets out a yelp, and Vanessa climbs off of her, before pulling her to her feet, and tossing her into the ring over the bottom rope. As Vanessa steps onto the bottom step, two fans at ringside begin to heckle her. She turns towards them and slaps their food away, before putting one foot over the railing. The fans all step back, and Vanessa steps back to ringside, where Nikki flies off the top rope with a crossbody, slamming her back first into the railing, and falling to the floor herself. Vanessa stays on her feet, but reaches for her back as she bends over to pull her opponent up. Nikki lands a left hand from the floor, and then rolls away, and uses the railing to pull herself to her feet. She lands a superkick on Vanessa’s chin, rocking her backwards. Vanessa climbs the steps, and enters the ring through the ropes. Nikki darts up the stairs, and into the ring, where she uses another crossbody to bring Vanessa to the mat.

The One Big Will said:
Ever since we saw Vanessa dominate Nikki in the ring, we wondered if there was a way that Nikki could overcome the strength and size of her opponent to retain her title. I think we’re seeing it right now. She’s got the heart of a champion, and will fight to the end to keep her belt around her waist.

Mr. 487 said:
This isn’t a cardio match, Will. This is an extreme rules match for the Barbwire Bitches title, and the winner will be decided by whoever the superior athlete is.

As Vanessa lies on the mat, Nikki leans against the turnbuckle, before hopping to the middle rope, and landing a diving fist onto Vanessa’s head. Then she gets to her feet, and leans off the ropes with a leg drop, before going for the pin. At 2, Vanessa is able to roll her shoulder, and Nikki pounds on the mat with anger. She rolls out of the ring, and searches under the apron for a new weapon, as Vanessa works her way to her feet in the ring. Nikki pulls out a garbage pail lid and another paper bag. As Vanessa gets to her feet, Nikki reaches in, and pulls out a handful of sand. Vanessa reaches through the middle ropes, and grabs a handful of Nikki’s hair, before getting the fistful of sand to the face. She stumbles backwards, wiping sand from her eyes, and away from the cut over her eye. Nikki dives in under the ropes, and drops the garbage pail lid over the glass. She whips Vanessa into the corner, and then pushes her up to a seated position on the top rope. Nikki climbs to the middle turnbuckle herself, and applies a front facelock. The crowd starts to cheer loudly as she falls backwards with a DDT onto the lid and the glass. Vanessa falls flat on the mat, and Nikki struggles to roll her over. When she finally gets Vanessa onto her back, she hooks a leg, and goes for a pin. The ref counts to 3, and Nikki retains her title!

Mr. 487 said:
This is a miscarriage of justice! Vanessa had control that entire match, and that belt should be her’s! Nikki better not get comfortable with that gold, because it’s a matter of time before Ms. Kraven brings the title where it belongs.

The One Big Will said:
I don’t believe you! Nikki was obviously the better woman in that match. Can’t you give her a little credit? If Vanessa was supposed to have the belt, she would have won. She would have found a way to win.

Nikki sits in the ring, clutching her belt as Vanessa lies on the mat, still wiping sand from her face. Nikki rolls out of the ring, and heads to the back to a round of applause from the NSCW crowd.

Mr. 487 said:
Well, Will, since we couldn’t see a rightful winner there, here’s an interview taped during the match, as Just-In caught up with Natalya in the back, shortly after she attacked both Vanessa and Nikki.

Just-In said:
So, Nattie…Do you have anything to say about the attack we just witnessed in the arena?

Natalya Neidhart said:
I’m pretty sure my actions spoke louder than words ever could. What else do you want me to say?

Just-In said:
Well, for a few weeks, we’ve seen you defeat the best women that this company has to offer. We’ve also seen you seemingly snap every time you see a fire extinguisher. You see one, and you just go nuts and attack everyone. What’s the deal?

Natalya Neidhart said:
Yeah. About that. Nikki, 6 weeks ago, you won that title by breaking my nose with a fire extinguisher. I went back to the locker room, got it all fixed up, and was down on myself. I didn’t think I deserved a spot here. Then, it all came to me during a match on THROWDOWN. You’re not better than me. You needed to go to the lengths of almost ending my career, just to win that belt. I couldn’t let that weigh on my conscience. I needed to do something about it. I know I’m the true number one contender for that title, and I made it known tonight. I went out there, made my mark, and left. I don’t care who wins the belt right now. You’re both on notice. I’m coming for the gold.

Natalya storms off, leaving Just-In alone in front of the camera, looking fearful at what happened. The camera fades, and comes back with Mr. 487 and “The One” Big Will at ringside. Vanessa has already left the ring, and is waling angrily up the ramp towards the back.

Mr. 487 said:
Strong words there. Does this mean that Nikki and Natalya are the next match we’ll see for the title? I’d have to think so. Vanessa had her chance, and lost.

The One Big Will said:
While I’m sure that we have a Roxxi versus Natalya match down the line, Vanessa did put up one hell of a fight. If she doesn’t have a rematch clause in her contract, I’d be amazed. Why don’t we get ready for the Three Way Dance, tonight’s last match before the main event!

Mr. 487 said:
Yes! The true main event tonight. Matthew has stacked the odds against Franchise, and now we’ll get to see him overcome those odds, and defeat both AJ Styles and Chris Benoit. I can’t wait!

A video recap of the feud plays on the Titantron as the fans look on. Whenever Mark E. appears on the screen, they boo loudly, and applaud just as loud whenever he is seen running, especially when he wet himself. Once the video ends, a three-way split screen appears, showing each of the combatants getting ready. AJ is stretching by the door to his locker room; Benoit is taping up his wrists; and, Douglas is sitting outside the showers, lacing up his boots.

Shane Douglas said:
Hey! You almost ready? It’s time for my match!

The water shuts off, but there’s no answer. Shane just looks into the camera and smiles, and all three men start their way to the ring. As Styles passes some fellow wrestlers, he gets words of encouragement, and a ton of high fives. Benoit walks right past a few female wrestlers, his focus not waning. Douglas is the first man to the entrance curtain, and is stopped by Jammy.

Jammy said:
Hey, Shane! Can I have a second? The last few weeks, we’ve seen almost all your matches go to a “no decision” because of outside interference. This match is a Three Way Dance, and there’s no DQs, no count-outs, meaning you can only win by pin fall or submission. What do you plan on doing to overcome the odds set against you?

Shane Douglas said:
What odds? Matthew setting me up to be double-teamed? Or, are you implying that I can’t win without some outside interference? You must be forgetting, little girl, I am the Franchise. I win my way, and that’s all that matters. Whatever it is you meant by that question, don’t worry. I got something up my sleeve.

Douglas smiles at Jammy, and then winks at the camera before turning around and stepping up to the curtain. As his music starts in the arena, he pulls open the curtain, and steps out to the arena.
Shane Douglas
Disturbed ~ Voices

As the music builds, the crowd boos loudly. Once Shane enters the arena, they boo even louder as he stops a few times on the ramp to pose for the crowd, and stops at the announce table to shake Mr. 487’s hand before rolling in the ring. As he jumps to his feet, he poses once more, but is cut off as the music changes.

Chris Benoit
Killswitch Engage ~ Arms Of Sorrow

After the short guitar intro, Douglas rolls out of the ring as Benoit steps through a wall of pyros, and makes his way to the ring without stopping. He uses the stairs to get to the apron, and then steps through the ropes, before walking across the ring, yelling at Douglas on the outside. The fans have a nice mixed reaction to him, and are clearly just there for the third entrant. Just as Douglas is about to re-enter the ring, the crowd gets to their feet and starts cheering for the final wrestler in the match.

AJ Styles
Shinedown ~ Devour

As the music builds, white spotlights circle the arena to the beat. Once the vocals kick in, AJ jumps through the curtain and pyros go off all around him. The fans manage to get even louder, and cheer AJ all the way to the ring. He stops a few times on the ramp and shakes a lot of hands and gives a lot of high fives, and even signs a shirt for a ringside fan. As he jumps to the apron, and steps through the ropes, Douglas enters again, and the three men instantly face off in the center of the ring. The ref separates them all, and gets them to their corners. The Pip enters the ring, carrying his note card, and makes the announcements for the next match.

The Pip said:
The next match is a Three Way Dance, and will be fought under elimination rules! To score a pin, and eliminate an opponent, you must score a pin or submission. There will be no disqualifications, and no count-outs!

The Pip pauses for a second as the crowd cheers. As they die down, he lifts the mic again.

The Pip said:
First, stand to my right, and weighing in tonight at two hundred twenty pounds, and standing at five feet eleven inches tall…The Rabid Wolverine…Chris Benoit!

The crowd cheers again as Shane Douglas keeps the smug smile on his face, and brushes off his opponent.

The Pip said:
Next, to my left, standing at six feet one inch tall, and weighing in at two hundred forty nine pounds…He is The Franchise…Shane Douglas!

As the crowd boos, Shane mounts the turnbuckle, and poses again. He steps down, and circles around the ring, letting The Pip finish the introductions for the Three Way Dance.

The Pip said:
Last but certainly not least, to my right, standing at five feet ten inches tall, and weighing two hundred fifteen pounds…He is The Phenomenal AJ Styles!

AJ poses once for the crowd, as their cheers drown out anything that Mr. 487 and “The One” Big Will try to say. As they die down again, AJ removes his vest, and tosses it into the crowd, before all three men face off once more.

The One Big Will said:
I know that you think Shane is going to win, but I’ve got to put my money on AJ. He may be the smallest in the ring, but he is, by a wide margin, the most athletic.

Mr. 487 said:
Oh really, Will? You’re sticking with that pick? Well, let me ask you this. Once Benoit and AJ team up to take out Douglas, what are they supposed to do? Stand there and play rock, paper, scissors to determine the winner? They’ll need to fight eventually. Teamwork will only get you so far.

The One Big Will said:
We’ll worry about that when we get there. I want to know what you think about Shane Douglas’s “ace in the hole”. What do you think it is, or do you feel you know what it is?

Mr. 487 said:
Oh, I know. I’m thinking that Mark E. may be closer than you think. He’s a real man’s man, and I’m sure he’ll find a way to be here.

The One Big Will said:
Really? Mark E.? I highly doubt that. We were just talking to him earlier, and he was laid up in bed, wearing what looked like a full body cast. I doubt it’ll be him. Even if he was lying earlier, do you really feel he’d show up and stand off with Shane against Chris and AJ? I don’t think so…

Mr. 487 said:
Yeah…Well…There is that…But…But…I’m telling you, Mark E. ain’t no chicken. He’ll be here…

Mr. 487 shifts his eyes from side to side; trying to look crafty as Will just ignores him and turns towards the ring.

Back in the ring, the ref calls for the bell, and almost instantly, Benoit and AJ pounce on Shane and start clubbing him with forearms and knees, knocking him to the mat, and chasing him all the way to the ropes. As Shane rolls out of the ring, escaping his attackers, the crowd pops loudly. Shane turns towards them, flips them off, and is met from behind by a missile dropkick through the ropes by AJ. Douglas falls forward, and hits his face on the railing as AJ jumps to his feet, and dives back into the ring. Douglas rolls to his back, and catches his breath, before getting to his feet and climbing in the ring. He steps one foot through the ropes, and Benoit is on him first with an elbow to the back of his neck, and then applies a headlock, pulling him into the ring. AJ steps up on Benoit’s knee, and applies a shining wizard knee to Douglas’s head, sending him straight down to the mat. Benoit drops a falling headbutt, and AJ lands a rolling leg drop. Benoit hooks Douglas’s leg, attempting a pin, but Douglas kicks out before the ref gets to 1. As he gets to a seated position, AJ runs off the ropes, and rebounds with a dropkick to The Franchise’s chest. Benoit pulls Douglas to his feet, and hooks him for a suplex. Douglas blocks the first attempt, but can’t block the second as AJ joins in, and they deliver a double snap suplex, bringing Douglas to the mat with a loud thud. AJ grabs a hold of Shane’s arms, and stretches him out as Benoit climbs to the top rope. The crowd starts to cheer a little louder as Benoit dives off with a headbutt, connecting to Douglas’s exposed ribs. Douglas pulls his arms free, and covers up his ribs as Benoit gets to his feet. Douglas rolls to his knees, but gets dropped with a running knee to the ribs from AJ Styles. Benoit pulls him to his feet, and whips him to the corner before chasing after with a clothesline. As Benoit steps out of the way, AJ runs in with a spinning heel kick that lands right on Douglas’s chin, sending his feet to the air, where he gets tied up in the ropes, and falls head first to the mat. AJ lands on his feet, on the apron, and immediately climbs to the top rope, before splashing down on Shane. He goes for another pin, but Douglas kicks out at 1, and rolls out of the ring. He circles the ring, trying to collect himself, and then steps onto the stairs to re-enter the ring. Before climbing to the second step, he turns away, waves off his opponents, and starts his way up the ramp.

The One Big Will said:
Ha! They finally give him a taste of his own medicine, and he tucks tail and runs. What a coward!

Mr. 487 said:
He’s not “tucking tail”. He’s a genius, so I’m sure there’s some strategy to this. I know there is. There has to be.

Will laughs 487 off again, as Benoit and Styles stare at each other in the ring, confused about Douglas’s actions. They both slide out of the ring, and give chase, leveling Shane on the ramp with running forearms to the back. Douglas falls head first, and gets a cut on his forehead from the fall. Benoit picks him up, and delivers knife-edge chops to his chest, drawing the blood to the skin, and raising welts. Douglas turns away from them, and heads back to the ring, and is helped by AJ, who grabs a handful of his hair, and runs him into the steel ring post on the outside. Instead of falling to the floor, Douglas just leans against the post, trying to keep his feet under him. Benoit circles him, and lands a punch to his face, sending him stumbling backwards. AJ catches him, and sends Douglas to the concrete with a back-body drop. Douglas’s skin smacks against the concrete, and AJ and Benoit both pause their attack to catch their breaths. Benoit is the first one on Douglas, and drops an elbow to the ribs before AJ lands a kick to the gut. They both pull Douglas to his feet, and whip him towards the ring, but he dives, and slides in under the bottom rope. The two men give chase, sliding in after him, and drop elbows to his back, keeping him on the mat. Benoit picks up Shane, and brings him back to the canvas with a fisherman’s suplex, and keeps the leg hooked for a pin. Shane barely kicks out before the 3 count, and rolls to the ropes in an attempt to get to his feet. As he does, Benoit clutches him around the waist, and connects with a picture perfect German suplex, before rolling through, and connecting with two more. As he rolls through, he pulls Shane to his feet, and holds him up in front of him. AJ runs off the ropes behind him, and rebounds off the ropes in front of him with a Pele kick. As he spins backwards, Douglas falls to the mat, and AJ levels Benoit with the kick to the face!

Mr. 487 said:
Did you see that, Will? AJ just took out Benoit! I knew they’d have to fight! This is it! AJ’s had enough of Benoit taking the entire spotlight!

The One Big Will said:
Are you insane? That was a complete accident. If Benoit gets upset by AJ missing one move, then he has some major issues that need to be handled.

Benoit immediately springs up from the mat, and gets in AJ’s face, poking him in the chest, screaming at him for the kick. AJ tries to explain, but Benoit lands a punch, and then gets rolled up by Douglas! The ref counts the pin, and Benoit is eliminated!

Douglas springs to his feet, and raises his arms over the head in victory, before falling to the mat, and rolling out of the ring. Benoit jumps back to his feet, and scowls at AJ, who is laid out on the mat. He jumps up and down, stamping his feet, and pounding his fists, before diving on top of AJ, and landing punch after punch onto his downed foe. AJ tries to cover up, but Benoit’s attack is relentless, and he doesn’t let up until extra referees are in the ring, and pull him off of Styles, and out of the ring. They escort him to the back, stopping every attempt he makes at getting back to the ring.

The One Big Will said:
What the hell is Benoit’s problem? AJ missed one move! It was an honest mistake, and Benoit had no reason to snap like that. Their fight was with Douglas, and that can still be won without him in the ring. I only hope AJ can collect himself in time to keep control.

Mr. 487 said:
You say the fight is with Shane, but it certainly looked like Benoit’s fight was with AJ. AJ messed up big time, and Benoit made him pay, but not before Douglas already rolled him up and eliminated him. Now things are getting good, with just Douglas and Styles left in the match.

Douglas is still outside the ring, wiping the blood from his forehead, as AJ struggles to his feet in the ring. As Douglas grabs the ring, and pulls himself to his feet, AJ runs off the ropes, and goes for a baseball slide, but misses, and slides to the outside as Douglas falls to the floor next to him. As Styles spins around towards Shane, Shane lands a punch to the gut, and then springs to his feet, before DDTing AJ to the concrete. Shane and AJ both lay on the floor, as the ref checks both men. Douglas and AJ both start moving at the same time, and get to their knees, where they exchange punches as they work to their feet. Styles goes for a right hand, but is blocked by Shane, who kicks him in the mid-section, before whipping him the length of the ring, and into the ring steps. AJ crashes into them, dislodging them, before rolling off, and smacking against the railing. Shane follows him, and grabs his ankle, before smashing his knee into the concrete floor. AJ grabs his knee, and starts to crawl away, but Shane locks up his legs with an STF. The ref leaps over the stairs, and checks AJ for a submission, but AJ doesn’t give in. He grabs a hold of the railing, and tries to pull himself out of the move, but Douglas pulls back harder on his neck, turning his face red. Styles tries to break Douglas’s grip, but to no avail. The ref raises AJ’s hand as his eyes start to roll back, and lets it fall to the floor. As he raises it a second time, Benoit comes flying down the ramp, and lands a dropkick to AJ’s face, causing Shane to jump backwards, and break the hold. Benoit stays on AJ; landing forearms and punches to his ribs and back as the refs try to pull him off. Shane just crawls backwards, leaning against the railing, laughing as Benoit attacks his opponent. The refs finally get Benoit off of AJ, and drag him to the back. The original ref for the match pulls AJ to his feet, and checks on him, asking if he can continue. AJ shoves him off, and uses the railing to catch his balance. He rolls into the ring, and pulls himself up with the ropes, as Shane Douglas gets to his feet on the outside, and circles the ring, before using the last remaining stairs to get to the apron. After he enters through the ropes, the two men circle each other, and tie-up in the center of the ring. AJ goes for a hammerlock, but Douglas twists out of it, and backs away. He puts his hand up, attempting a test of strength. Styles puts his hand up also, but is hesitant to lock it in. He steps away from Douglas, before putting his hand back up, and locking hands. Shane almost immediately forces him to his knees, and bends his wrists, adding pressure to AJ’s arms, and forcing him backwards to the mat. AJ buries his feet in Douglas’s stomach, and flips him backwards, but their hands are still locked. With Douglas on the mat, Styles flips himself backwards, landing with a senton onto Shane’s chest. Shane breaks the hold, and Styles goes to work, landing heavy punches to his forehead, bringing more blood from the open cut. Douglas grabs a handful of hair, and changes positions with his opponent, and lands a flurry of his own punches. He gets to his feet, and goes for a knee drop, but Styles rolls out of the way, and out of the ring again. Douglas rolls to his back, clutching his knee, and rolling down his pad. Styles gets bag in the ring, bringing a chair with him. He swings it at Douglas’s head, but misses as his opponent rolls away. He swings again, barely missing, and Douglas dives out between the ropes, landing on his knees on the floor. He rolls to his back again, still clutching the injured knee. Styles tosses the chair over the top rope, slamming it into Shane Douglas on the floor. AJ slowly climbs to the top rope, and readies himself for a splash.

The One Big Will said:
Who is that? There’s someone flying down the ramp, and no one is stopping her!

Mr. 487 said:
That has to be Franchise’s ace in the hole! He brought his girlfriend to the arena to help him in a serious time of need.

The One Big Will said:
His girlfriend? He can’t fight his own battles, so he brings his girlfriend to help? And, how do you know this anyway?

Mr. 487 said:
Unlike you, I rub elbows with all the big players in NSCW. I’ve chilled with Douglas many a time at local clubs and eateries, and I know for a fact, that’s his girlfriend. You know she used to be a wrestler? Her name is Lacey, or something like that.

As Styles stands atop the turnbuckle, Lacey jumps up on the apron, and gives him a shove forward, sending him crashing to the floor, missing Shane by a few feet. Douglas sits up against the ring, holding his knee, as Lacey runs around, and helps him to his feet. He hobbles over to AJ, and pulls him to his feet, exposing scrapes and scratches that AJ received as a result of his fall. Lacey ties up Styles’s arms behind his back, allowing Douglas a few free chops to his chest. Lacey lets him go, and Douglas rolls him in the ring, and follows behind him. Lacey rolls in herself, and lands a few free chops of her own as Douglas holds AJ’s arms back. Douglas whips AJ off the ropes, and takes him down with a knee to the gut. Lacey climbs to the top rope, and Douglas grabs her, and sends her splashing down on AJ. Lacey finally rolls out of the ring, and Douglas goes back to work on AJ himself. He whips him back into the corner, and then mounts the turnbuckle, before landing ten right hands onto AJ’s face. AJ shoves him off, but Douglas keeps his balance and charges back at him with a shoulder block. He sets him up on the top rope, and then plows him into the canvas with a Pittsburgh Plunge! He hooks the leg, and gets a 2 count on the pin fall as AJ barely gets his shoulder up. AJ rolls to the ropes, and pulls himself to his knees, before Douglas is on him. AJ backs him away with two hard elbow shots, and then gets to his feet, and spins backward, landing a Pele kick to Douglas’s forehead, and knocking him to the mat. As he leans on the ropes, readying his next attack, Lacey sneaks up behind him, and brings him to the mat with a low blow from behind. As Styles rolls on the mat in pain, Douglas jumps on him, and hooks his head and leg, and yells at the ref to count. The ref gets to the mat, and gets a 3 count, eliminating AJ Styles, and making Shane Douglas the winner!

Mr. 487 said:
Yes! I told you! Shane Douglas was going to win! He had the perfect trick up his sleeve, and it came through in the clutch for him!

The One Big Will said:
I’m pretty sure we all saw Lacey all but win that match for Douglas. If AJ had landed that splash on the outside, this would’ve been over minutes ago, and it would have a much different result. Let’s take a look at what happened again.

A video recap of the match shows on the Titantron as Douglas and Lacey celebrate in the ring. AJ is still lying on the mat, rolled up in pain, but looking at Douglas in disgust. Douglas holds open the ropes for Lacey, and then seats her on his shoulder, carrying her to the back. As AJ is heading towards the back, the Titantron comes to life, showing Mark E. laid up in his bed, with his nurse giving him a foot rub.

Mark E. said:
Ah, I knew we’d do it. First it was Swaggah, taking out Mikey, then it was my boys Christian and Justin taking out that wannabe of a tag team, and you all just saw Shane dominate his match against Chris and AJ. I’ve ever been so proud.

Mark E. pretends to wipe a tear from his eye as Will interrupts him.

The One Big Will said:
No one cares about your team winning. What we care about is how they all won. There’s no possibly way you could be proud of winning the way they all did. Especially Shane. If Lacey weren’t out here, we would’ve seen AJ with his hand raised, and you know it.

Mark E. said:
You’re damn right I’m proud of how they won. Why wouldn’t I be? A win is a win, ain’t it? And, as far as that little Lacey goes, that’s a story for another day.

Mr. 487 said:
She sure was something, wasn’t she? The Franchise sure found himself a good woman there.

Mark E. said:
Yea, great woman. Like I said, that’s a story for another day. I’ll address all that this week on THROWDOWN.

Before either commentator can comment further, Mark E. picks up his remote and cuts the satellite feed. Mr. 487 looks a little worried, but Will shrugs it off, and seems relieved the interview is over. Mr. 487 then jumps up, holding the side of his headset, and looks at Will in amazement.

The One Big Will said:
You’re not going to propose to me, are you? I’m taken, and totally straight…

Mr. 487 said:
No, you dingbat. I’ve got great news. It’s almost time for our main event, and Jammy is in the back with Chris Jericho, our NSCW Heavyweight Champion!

The camera instantly fades, and comes back with Jammy, who is near the concession’s counter with the champ. Jericho is coolly snacking on a tray of cheese fries, and Jammy is sitting on the table next to him, sipping on a soda.

Jammy said:
I must say, for someone who has a title match up next, you certainly don’t look worried. Why’s that?

Chris Jericho said:
Why should I be? In a match based on technical ability, there’s no way Rey can beat me. I figured while I’m waiting for the match, I might as well sit down take a break, and eat something. Is the match really up next?

Jammy said:
Um, yeah. Do you not pay attention? And, I get that you’re a great wrestler, but Rey isn’t exactly a chump. What’s all this business with you telling him not to make it personal? He hasn’t even hinted at it, or said anything remotely personal to you.

Chris Jericho said:
I don’t follow the show, because none of those jokes are in my league. I’m Chris Jericho, the Nightshift Championship Wrestling Heavyweight Champion. Are they? No. So, I don’t need to be concerned with petty things like DDP and Bossman having a tiff.

Jammy said:

Chris Jericho said:
And what?

Jammy said:
What about Rey? You know, your opponent tonight? I asked you why you were worried he may make it a personal fight.

Chris Jericho said:
You really don’t pay attention either, do you? I said it before. In a bout on technical skill, there’s no way Rey can beat me. So, what would be the smart thing to do? The smart thing to do would be to make it personal, and try and throw me off my game.

Jericho then turns towards the cameraman, takes him by his shirt, and sits him down in front of him at the table. He picks up one last fry, and shoves it in his mouth before finishing what he has to say.

Chris Jericho said:
I want you to think about this on your way to the ring, Rey. I’m not your average Joe that can be so easily swayed. I’m the smartest wrestler in the business, and I will not be distracted by petty mind games. You do what you feel you must do to beat me, and I’ll find a way to walk out of here with my belt. Now, Jammy, if you don’t mind. I’m going to finish my fries, and then head out there for my match.

As Jammy slides off the table, she turns to Jericho.

Jammy said:
You enjoy those cheese fries. I’m pretty sure that fattening up before a big match is the worst possible way to plan a win.

Chris Jericho said:
And, I’m pretty sure you have no clue what you’re talking about.

Jericho then rips the soda from Jammy’s hand, pops the lid off, and chugs the rest of her soda, dumping half of it on himself. He spikes the cup to the floor, and picks up what’s left of his fries, before heading to the ring. The camera follows him a few feet, and then changes to the announce table, where Mr. 487 and “The One” Big Will are ready with their final comments before the main event.

Mr. 487 said:
Is it just me, or is Chris beyond ready for this match? He’s so ready, I almost expect Rey to tap at the sight of him, to not have to wrestle him in this match.

The One Big Will said:
I’m not about to go that far, but Jericho definitely looks ready. I’m pretty sure Rey is ready as ever, as well. Let’s just go to the ring, and get the introductions for tonight’s main event.

The Titantron comes to life, and the crowd leaps to their feet, chanting ”6-1-9” as Rey Mysterio’s music starts.

Rey Mysterio
Kottonmouth Kings ~ Everybody Move

After the vocal intro, a short burst of sparks shoot into the air, followed by a cloud of smoke, as Rey walks through the curtain. He runs from side to side, hyping the crowd as the music builds, and then makes a beeline to the ring, diving under the bottom rope, and then leaping to his feet in the ring. He tosses his shirt into the crowd, and poses on each turnbuckle to a chorus of cheers from the audience. As he does some stretches in his corner, the Titantron comes to life, showing Jericho walking towards the arena, still chowing away on his fries.

Chris Jericho
Drowning Pool ~ Bodies

As Jericho stands behind the curtain, the Titantron changes to a countdown, starting at “3”. It counts down the vocal intro as it repeats “Let the bodies hit the floor…” and when it hits “0”, the arena goes black, and the final part of the intro hits, shooting large towers of sparks and confetti into the air, and Jericho enters through the curtain, still carrying his fries to the ring, the belt shining around his waist. As he walks down the ramp, he offers some fries to a few fans, and laughs as he pulls the tray away. He uses the stairs to get into the ring, and then offers The Pip a fry, before turning to Rey and asking him the same question. As he stands in his corner, eating his fries, he picks out a piece of confetti, and turns around, letting the ref remove his belt.

The Pip said:
It is now time, for tonight’s main event! Ladies and gentlemen, this is for the NSCW Heavyweight Championship, and is scheduled for one fall. Under NSCW rules, the title can change hand on a pin fall, a submission, a count out, or a disqualification!

The crowd cheers, as Jericho smiles smugly, and shakes his head.

The Pip said:
First, the challenger. Standing to my left, standing at five feet, six inches tall, and weighing in this evening at one hundred seventy five pounds…Rey Mysterio!

Rey poses again for the crowd as they continue to cheer him louder and louder. Jericho eats his last fry, and tosses the container out of the ring, and licks his fingers clean.

The Pip said:
And, to my right, the NSCW Heavyweight Champion…Standing at six feet tall, and weighing two hundred twenty six pounds…He is the “Lionheart” Chris…Jericho!

The crowd is mostly booing, but there’s an obvious fan base for the champion. Jericho leans against the ropes as the ref checks him for weapons, patting him from head to toe. The ref then goes to check Mysterio, and then signals for the bell.

Both men immediately go to the center of the ring and lock up in a collar-and-elbow tie-up. Both men push back, but neither can grab an advantage. Jericho breaks the hold, and gives Rey a thumb to the eye, immediately bringing a warning from the ref. As Rey covers his eye, Jericho runs off the ropes, and brings him to the mat with a scissor kick, but both men jump to their feet, and begin exchanging chops and slaps, but still neither man can back up their opponent. As Rey winds up for a big backhand chop, Jericho gives him a kick behind the knee, dropping him to a knee, and then lands another kick to his chest, snapping him to the canvas. He quickly drops a fist to the back of his head, and then applies a wristlock while standing over Rey to add to the pressure of the hold. Rey gets to his feet, and tries to land an elbow, but can’t quite reach Jericho. Rey falls to his back, tossing Jericho over him, and to the mat, breaking the hold. Jericho and Rey both get to their feet, with Rey shaking the feeling back into his arm. The two wrestlers circle each other, attempting to stare the other down, and then lock up again. As soon as Jericho has Rey’s arms locked up, he lands a kick to his gut, and then hooks both arms behind Rey’s back in a butterfly position, with him facing the ring. As Rey tries to squirm out of the move, Jericho leans back, pulling his feet off the mat, and stretching out his shoulders. Rey lets out a scream, and then Jericho runs him backwards against the ropes, and then breaks the hold, but gives Rey a chop across the chest. Rey charges after Jericho, and then shoulder tackles him through the ropes, and out to the floor. Both men tumble across the floor, stopping against the railing, with Rey on top, landing punches and hammer fists to Jericho’s head and chest. The ref leans over the ropes, counting loudly, and is at 6 before Rey climbs off of Jericho, and rolls in the ring, breaking the count. Jericho stays on the outside, catching his breath, and gets to his feet when the ref is at 7 again. He slowly makes his way on to the apron, and then steps through the ropes, checking his mouth for blood. He circles the ring, and then charges at Rey, but Rey steps aside, and Jericho goes through the ropes, colliding with the ring post, and then falls back into the ring, and sits against the bottom turnbuckle, holding his shoulder. Rey makes a run at him, and delivers a front dropkick to his chest, and then rolls backwards off of him, and then runs at him again, and uses a broncobuster to keep his opponent down in the corner. As he moves back to the middle of the ring, Jericho rolls under the bottom rope, and gathers himself on the outside. As Jericho circles the ring, Rey follows him from inside, and leans through the ropes, telling Jericho to get back in the ring. When the ref gets to 8, Jericho grabs a hold of Rey’s neck and drops him across the second rope, snapping him backwards into the ring. Jericho grabs his feet, and pulls him to the outside, and lands a right hand to his chin, before chopping him across his chest, and then shoving him to the floor, before rolling in the ring, and letting the ref restart his count. At 4, Rey is on his knees, and pulling himself up on the apron. As he finally gets his feet under him, Jericho connects with a baseball slide, knocking Rey into the apron. Jericho runs across the ring, and then cannonballs over the top rope, splashing his back into Rey, and knocking the railing back about a foot. Both men fall to the floor, and the ref drops the count, and runs out of the ring to check on the wrestlers.

Mr. 487 said:
Mysterio may have had control there for a second, but Jericho has definitely taken this match back. Did you see that move? He could’ve killed Rey!

The One Big Will said:
That was an outstanding move, and while it did a good deal of damage to Rey, it could have just as easily wiped out Jericho as well. What happens if the ref stops this match?

Mr. 487 said:
What do you mean, “What happens?” Jericho would obviously keep the title!

The One Big Will said:
Would he? The rules are that he needs to defeat Rey to win, so I have no clue what would happen!

Neither wrestler is moving yet, and the ref is panicking, trying to see if either man can continue. As he holds his arms in the air, calling for help, Jericho uses the railing to sit up, and the ref calls off the emergency crew. Jericho rolls to all fours, and pulls Rey up to a seated position by his mask. He stands up, leaning on the rail for balance, and lands a hard kick to the back of Rey’s head and neck. He pulls him to his feet, and scoops him up, before rolling him into the ring. He rolls in afterwards, and then pulls himself up using the ropes. As Rey lies on the mat, holding his head, Jericho runs off the far ropes, and lands a Lionsault onto Rey’s back.

The One Big Will said:
Where is Jericho finding all this energy? I know I just saw him slam into Rey and the railing, and now he’s jumping off the ropes.

Mr. 487 said:
It doesn’t matter where he finds the energy, as long as he has it, and uses it to take out Rey, and retain his belt.

As Rey lies on the floor, holding his head, Jericho kneels next to him, and lands a sharp elbow to Rey’s lower back. Jericho then stands on the back of Rey’s knees, and slaps him on the sides, pulling his arms back, and then rolls to his back, locking in a Mexican surfboard. Rey shouts out in agony, and Jericho stretches his legs, and adds the torque to Rey’s back. Rey rolls to the side, but Jericho rolls the move right back over, and keeps the hold on. The ref checks Rey for a submission, but Rey won’t give. Jericho eventually releases Mysterio’s arms, and springs him forward into the ropes. Jericho leans back off the near ropes, and then charges at Rey, delivering a leg drop across his neck on the ropes. Jericho steps back into the ring, and Rey falls to the mat, parallel with the ropes. Jericho climbs to the middle rope, and then springs backwards, dropping the leg across Rey’s neck. As he rolls off, Rey sits up, holding the ropes with one hand, and his neck with the other. Jericho pulls him up to his feet, and applies a bearhug, before delivering a belly-to-belly suplex. He floats over, and applies a front facelock, and pulls Rey to his knees. Jericho squeezes in the hold, and then falls backwards, and wraps his legs around Mysterio’s waist. Rey’s arms start swinging frantically, trying to break the hold, but Jericho pulls back on his neck, and tightens his legs around him.

Mr. 487 said:
This is it, Will! Rey will give in, and he’ll get to keep his title!

The One Big Will said:
I hate to say it, but Rey might be smart to give up, and live to fight another day.

The ref raises Rey’s hand, and it falls to the mat. Jericho tightens the hold even more, and Rey’s hand falls a second time. As the ref raises it again, Rey breaks Jericho’s hold around his waist, and flips forward over him, and then pulls the hold into a bridge, before flipping back, and then landing a series of punches to the mid-section, breaking the facelock Jericho had on him. Rey leans backwards off the ropes, and flies at Jericho with a clothesline. Rey rolls to his back, nips up, and then lands an elbow to Jericho’s chest. Jericho rolls away from him, and gets to a knee, but Rey meets him with a seated senton, and then springs to the top rope, and jumps backwards with a diving forearm onto Chris’s head as he lies on the mat. He hooks the leg, and gets a 1 before Jericho gets his foot on the ropes. Rey jumps to his feet, and climbs to the middle turnbuckle, and waits for Jericho to get up. Jericho hesitates getting to his knees, and then is barely on his feet before collapsing back to a knee. Rey dives off the middle rope, hooks Jericho in a head scissors, and then smashes his face into the mat with a hurracanrana. The crowd rises to their feet, and cheers on the challenger as he stumbles into the ropes, and steps out of the ring, onto the apron, and waits for Jericho. As Jericho rolls to the middle of the ring, he rises to a knee, and then gets both feet on the mat, and is immediately hit by a West Coast Pop from Rey. Rey hooks both legs, and gets a 2 count, but Jericho shoves him off into the ropes, and then crawls across the ring, getting away from Rey. Rey bounces off the ropes, and runs back at Jericho, landing his weight across his back and driving him into the mat. Rey then runs off the far ropes, and comes back at Jericho, who is onto all fours, and lands a front dropkick to his face, knocking him backwards to his knees. Rey runs off the opposite ropes again, and comes back at Jericho with a bulldog, driving him into the mat again. Jericho gets to all fours again, and tries to crawl into the ropes, but Rey dives off the top rope with a leg drop, taking Jericho down again. Rey jumps up, standing in the ring as the crowd pops for him. Jericho lies motionless on the mat, clutching at his neck, as Rey squats in the far corner, waiting for him to get up. Jericho rolls to his back, and then uses his legs to push himself backwards into the corner. He grabs the middle ropes, and pulls himself against the turnbuckles. He finally gets to his feet, and shakes out the cobwebs as Rey stays waiting in the corner. Jericho puts up his fists and steps out of the corner, and Rey immediately runs at him, and jumps into the air, attempting another senton. Jericho turns to the side, and pushes him forward into the corner. As one of Rey’s legs gets caught in the ropes, the rest of his body goes between the ropes, and collides with the ring post, and he falls out of the ring, landing hard on his leg. The ref looks stunned, and goes out of the ring to check on Rey. Jericho falls to his knees in the ring, catching his breath, and planning the rest of his attack.

The One Big Will said:
Whether Rey is hurt or not, I can’t see this match continuing. That was a devastating reversal, and the ref would be wise to end it here. There’s no disrespect in living to fight another day.

Mr. 487 said:
Unlike the last time we saw these two down and out, I know exactly what would happen if the match ends here. Jericho keeps his gold, and Rey loses his chance! I love it!

The One Big Will said:
You are a sick, sick man. You know that? How can you enjoy the fact that someone is hurt?

Mr. 487 just continues to laugh, as the camera cuts back to the ref checking on Rey on the outside. Rey keeps shoving the ref off, holding onto his leg, and grabbing the apron, trying to get to his feet. Rey gets to a knee, holding his bad knee in the air, and then uses the stairs to pull himself to a standing position. The ref climbs back in the ring, and starts his count, and is at 3 before Rey is on the bottom step. At 6, Rey is finally on the apron, and falls to the mat, before rolling under the bottom rope. Jericho pounces on him, kicking him in the leg, and then puts his leg over the bottom rope, before jumping into the air, and dropping his weight across the knee. Rey shouts out in pain, and then uses his good leg to back away from Jericho. Jericho grabs a hold of his legs, and rolls him over quickly, applying the LionTamer. Rey quickly grabs a hold of the ropes, and the ref screams at Jericho to break the hold. Jericho utilizes all of the ref’s count before dropping Rey to the mat. Rey clutches the ropes, and reaches for his leg. Jericho goes right back on the attack, and pulls him to the center of the ring, and lifts his bad leg, before giving him a kick in the back of the thigh twice. Jericho grabs his legs up, and rolls him to his side, and buries his knee into the back of Rey’s head. Rey tries to reach for the ropes, but Jericho has him almost all the way across the ring. The ref falls to the mat, checking Rey for a submission, but Rey keeps shaking him off, reaching for the ropes. Jericho pulls further back on his legs, and almost has his legs pulled all the way behind him, and Rey finally gives in, tapping on the mat! The ref calls for the bell, and Jericho drops his legs, and dives out of the ring for his belt. He rolls back in the ring, and poses with his belt on the turnbuckle for the fans as they boo him louder than ever. The ref is still tending to Rey on the mat, and Jericho’s music booms through the arena.
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Mr. 487 said:
Yes! Will, did you see that? That was amazing! Chris Jericho had an opportunity within his reach, and took it, and look at this! He has his belt! Tonight is a night to rejoice!

The One Big Will said:
Of course he saw the opportunity, and took it. Anyone would. I’m not taking anything away from Jericho, but it doesn’t take a lot to make an injured man tap out. The ref should’ve stopped this on the outside, before Rey even made it back into the ring.

Mr. 487 said:
What the ref should have done was let the wrestlers decide the outcome of the match, and he did. The best man won. That’s all that needs to be said about this match.

The One Big Will said:
You know what, you’re probably right. Let’s forget that match, and let the action this week on THROWDOWN speak for us. I’m sure we’ll see more than enough of the fallout from tonight, NSCW’s first ever pay-per-view.

Mr. 487 said:
Who knows, maybe we’ll even get to witness Mark E.’s return to the NSCW Arena!

The One Big Will said:
Yeah, OK. For the 10 fans that want to see him, I’m sure he’ll be there. As for everyone else, make sure to tune in to this week’s THROWDOWN, as all of NSCW’s best will be in action!

A video recap of the show plays as Jericho leaves the ring with his belt, and the ref helps Rey out and to the back.

Quick Recap:

Rob Van Dam d. Eric Young via pinfall
NSCW Tag Team Championship: Twin Method d. Vladimir Kozlov & Umaga via pinfall to become the new tag team champions
Jack Swagger d. Mikey Whipwreck via count-out
Extreme Rules: LuFisto d. Raven via pinfall
Diamond Dallas Page d. Big Bossman via pinfall
NSCW Television Title Three Stages Of Hell: British Bulldog d. Kane to retain his title
Hatebreed d. Jerry Lynn & Tajiri via pinfall
Barbwire Bitches Title: Nikki Roxx d. Vanessa Kraven via pinfall to retain her title
Three Way Dance: Shane Douglas d. AJ Styles & Chris Benoit
NSCW Heavyweight Championship: Chris Jericho d. Rey Mysterio via submission to retain his title

I sincerely apologize this took so long to get up, but hopefully you see the amount of work I put into it. Between this, the 2nd Book This, and now 2 e-fed characters, I've had a lot of stuff to keep up with. I'll be mapping out the next THROWDOWN after I write the first show for my other BT. Both shows will be done a little more regularly now that life is falling back in place. Thanks for your patience! Hope you enjoyed the show!
Nice show playa! The matches were solid, but the main event was the best. I like the lay out of the matches as well! Can't wait to read your next show! I wasn't too bad with my pics. I was only off by four matches as you already pointed out!
It's been a long while since i've gave some feedback for the show, but I must say well done. I liked how solid the matches were with the main event matchup being the match I enjoyed the most.

I could've been worse off with my picks for the match as I got 4 out of 10 predictions right, but it's all good & your show was off the chain as well.
Nice show playa! The matches were solid, but the main event was the best. I like the lay out of the matches as well! Can't wait to read your next show! I wasn't too bad with my pics. I was only off by four matches as you already pointed out!

I have to thank Will for helping me with the layout. I originally had the TV Title match right before the main event, and the two tag matches were much closer. He helped me with the layout a lot.

It's been a long while since i've gave some feedback for the show, but I must say well done. I liked how solid the matches were with the main event matchup being the match I enjoyed the most.

It's been a long while because I haven't had anything to post :lmao: I'm glad it was well received though, and thanks for reading!

As for the ME, I'm surprised it's getting so much love. I did the best I could, but definitely feel I rushed it a little, trying to get the show up. The match I was most proud of was the TV Title match, and I liked the Three Way Dance more upon re-reading then I did while I was writing it.
Big Bossman v. "Rowdy" Roddy Piper - After being left handcuffed to the ropes, Bossman is out to set things right against his former ally

Gary Wolfe & Spike Dudley v. Dean Malenko & Jamie Noble in a tag team battle sure to excite

Vanessa Kraven v. Natalya - Vanessa is out for blood after Natalya cost her the title at BLACK TIDE

AJ Styles v. Goldust - AJ looks to bounce back from a tough loss at BLACK TIDE against the androgynous one

Card subject to change...
After a brief, albeit successful run at the top of the Book This universe, the NSCW regretfully must close their doors for business. A lack of funds, as well as issues arising with scheduling and travel have made it impossible for NSCW to continue.

Thanks to all of the "fans" that came and watched, and everyone else that followed the product. It was fun while it lasted...
One more show, One more show....

I never got around to replying to it the first few times I read it, but let me just say that this was easily one of, maybe even the best Book This threads I have read. If you ever get the time, please come back to this. Each so had something, it was truly a great read.
Why bump a thread that hasn't had a show in over 10 months? That's ridiculous. You could've easily sent this by rep. Don't bump any others.

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