UWF: Mock Draft V - Round Two

Who has the best show?

  • Uncle Sam

  • MattMoses

  • Cage917r

  • jpfizzle

  • a0161613

Results are only viewable after voting.
Offense taken to the Nth degree.
Don't be so sensitive lol.

Yes it did.
You didn't like Cage's show? I thought it was good. It's what we SHOULD be seeing on WWE television.

But this was the turning point. An essential part to the grand story. There was a world title change, if nothing else.
And I'm glad that you know how to look ahead. But now what to do with Brock Lesnar? It appears as if you're going for a Taker vs. ECW storyline, which leaves Lesnar out in the cold, with no fueds.

Daniels isn't a draw by himself. It was also preceded by a ladder match.
But what real reason do you need for the Ladder Match, it's the Hardy Boys.

Undertaker/Triple H is one hell of a one-off. I'm also trying to book everything but my main event like an indie promotion, where there are lots of big one-offs.
I see. I'm just not always a big fan of how the Indies book shows. But that's just where we differ.

Well, you should be.
Why? I need you to explain your reasoning.

Not really. Like I said, I'm really looking forward to your next shows.

Jesus Christ, you don't pull any punches.
I don't see any point in bullshitting. I'd like to think I'm helping to bring out the best in people's creative process. I'd have no problems hearing tough feedback on my shows. As long as it's not just, "It's shit." Just like I told you and Matt both the positives AND negatives in your shows, that's the kind of feedback I like to hear.

Again, no punches pulled.
Granted, I may be a little biased, seeing as I made almost that entire roster. But you can't tell me that it doesn't pain you to see such a roster, with unlimited possibilities, wasted like this.

Oh, and you probably won't like my next show either. I've purposely chosen a few surprising match-ups, otherwise the whole "announced-on-the-night" thing would be pretty pointless. But still, the whole ECW vs. IPW storyline will be running through it, but I'm saving the big pay-offs.
Well, you're taking a risk, but I gotta respect the fact that you're willing to go out on a limb to impress. I promise to keep an open mind.;)
You didn't like Cage's show? I thought it was good. It's what we SHOULD be seeing on WWE television.

I was actually being sarcastic. But, being a lover of technical wrestling, Moses got my vote. That Benoit/Angle match took my breath away.

And I'm glad that you know how to look ahead. But now what to do with Brock Lesnar? It appears as if you're going for a Taker vs. ECW storyline, which leaves Lesnar out in the cold, with no fueds.

Oh, Moses has him now. I have Benoit. I try and make trades between shows to keep my roster and my show hot. The bigger the trades, the better. I made some generous offers for Angle, but no deal.

But what real reason do you need for the Ladder Match, it's the Hardy Boys.


I see. I'm just not always a big fan of how the Indies book shows. But that's just where we differ.

It helps when you've got more misfits than what you see on TV. Spend too much time building fueds and it gets samey. It Came To Japan will be a continuation of the main story, but a break from most of the big feuds. It makes it easier to make the big payoffs when we "get back to America".

Why? I need you to explain your reasoning.

Because I thought that AMW/Hardyz in a ladder match, and two technical wrestlers going at it for three straight falls before a massive spot for a climax... well, I liked those ideas. Originally, Undertaker was gonna get screwed out of the title, but I decided to just have him jumped after the match. It makes him an even bigger figurehead of "sports entertainment" if he's officially top dog.

Not really. Like I said, I'm really looking forward to your next shows.

Good, because... It Came To Japan.

I don't see any point in bullshitting. I'd like to think I'm helping to bring out the best in people's creative process. I'd have no problems hearing tough feedback on my shows. As long as it's not just, "It's shit." Just like I told you and Matt both the positives AND negatives in your shows, that's the kind of feedback I like to hear.


Granted, I may be a little biased, seeing as I made almost that entire roster. But you can't tell me that it doesn't pain you to see such a roster, with unlimited possibilities, wasted like this.

I offered him a forfeit so he could use the ideas properly next time. He accepted.
I was actually being sarcastic. But, being a lover of technical wrestling, Moses got my vote. That Benoit/Angle match took my breath away.
Very true. It was impressive.

Oh, Moses has him now. I have Benoit. I try and make trades between shows to keep my roster and my show hot. The bigger the trades, the better. I made some generous offers for Angle, but no deal.
Oh, yeah, I forgot about that. Oooh, interesting. Will Benoit side with IPW... or ECW? We will find out... In Japan. You should really hype up Benoit's debut. This could be HUGE for you if you manage it properly.


It helps when you've got more misfits than what you see on TV. Spend too much time building fueds and it gets samey. It Came To Japan will be a continuation of the main story, but a break from most of the big feuds. It makes it easier to make the big payoffs when we "get back to America".
I can't wait.

Because I thought that AMW/Hardyz in a ladder match, and two technical wrestlers going at it for three straight falls before a massive spot for a climax... well, I liked those ideas. Originally, Undertaker was gonna get screwed out of the title, but I decided to just have him jumped after the match. It makes him an even bigger figurehead of "sports entertainment" if he's officially top dog.
I suppose you're right. It just seems to me that you used up a lot of really good gimmicks on one card, and to use them again would come across as lazy. For instance, another ladder match with the Hardys, or Undertaker in another Hell in a Cell.

Good, because... It Came To Japan.

Fo sho.

I offered him a forfeit so he could use the ideas properly next time. He accepted.
Do you think it'll pay off?
Oh, yeah, I forgot about that. Oooh, interesting. Will Benoit side with IPW... or ECW? We will find out... In Japan. You should really hype up Benoit's debut. This could be HUGE for you if you manage it properly.

The idea I had for Benoit, which I originally had for Angle, was for him to debut at the Pay-Per-View as a sort of big surprise. Like when Bischoff just showed up on Raw. Except Benoit wrestles. The problem with the Japanese is that I can't write about massive pops: they rarely do more than politely clap. I will be hyping up The Undertaker's first appearance in Japan, however.

I suppose you're right. It just seems to me that you used up a lot of really good gimmicks on one card, and to use them again would come across as lazy. For instance, another ladder match with the Hardys, or Undertaker in another Hell in a Cell.

Meh, Hell in a Cell matches are actually some of Undertaker's most predictable matches, and he tends to lose them a lot. I'm going for the more athletic, technically minded Undertaker. The one that faced Angle instead of the one who faced Foley. And I dislike the Hardys anyway. I'm probably foolhardy to trade them away for any other tag team...

Do you think it'll pay off?

Well, he's a show down but now he can have a higher density of good ideas and big matches, if you know what I mean.
Let's keep this bumped. We've got till Sunday when this poll closes, we can get a fairly decent turnout methinks.
This is my 1st time doing this, so dont commet me bad.

Fatal Four Tag Team TLC Match for the UWF Tag Team Titles :
RVD and Sabu v Booker T and Goldust v The Hardys v Edge and
Christian. The crowd gives a huge pop to the returning Edge and
Christian. In about 25 min, after some carnage, Jeff Hardy is on top of
a ladder inches from the belts when Edge nails Jeff with a chair, but Edge
turns around a Matt gives Edge a Twist of Fate, climbs the ladder, and we
got new tag champs.

UWF United States Title Match:
Kane v A.J. Styles. The champ Kane has been destructing UWF for
weeks until the debuting Styles came and stood up to Kane. After
defeating Kane in a non-title match, Regal ordered a Title Match.
After back and forth play, Styles hits the mele and knocks Kane down.
Goes for a Star Press, misses, Chokeslam, Kane Retains in about 12 min.

Buried Alive Match:
Undertaker v Somoa Joe. Undertaker has been dominating UWF for
months and someone comes and thinks he is as tough as Taker, Somoa
Joe. They start a feud and it ends up in a buried alive match ordered by
Regal. Joe starts off on top, but Taker resiliancy comes into play and
he starts striking. They guide to the casket and Joe flips Taker into it.
He thinks hes won, but, Taker comes out, Last Ride into the casket,
Taker wins in 17 min.

Barbedwire Massacre Match for the UWF Harcore Title:
Bobby Lashley v Raven. Raven was partaking in demonic exercises
and someone got tired of it, Lashley. They started brawling but the Flock
comes out and crucifies Lashley on a burning tombstone. Regal makes
this match. Lashley dominates at first, but Raven hits a low blow with
barbed wire, and Lashley is down. Raven gets up but out of nowhere
Lashley hits the Dominator on a burning table. 1,2,3, new Hardcore
Champion in 9 min.

UWF Intercontinental Title Match:
Randy Orton v Finlay. Orton boasts all day on the show but Finlay
returns and confronts RKO. Orton tries for the RKO aftr the altercation and
Finlay reverses it to nail Orton with his shelayla. Regal orderes a match for
Orton's i'c title. This ones a full out fist fight, but Orton gains quick.
He hits a body slam and Finlay struggling to get up. Orton goes for the
punt, Finlay moves, Goes for the Celtic Cross, but RKO hits, Orton retains.
11 min

Unsanctioned Street Fight:
Shawn Michaels v Triple H. HHH returns from his third quad injury and
attacks HBK for no reason. HBK says he tired of how he cant trust HHH,
so Regal makes a rematch of Summerslam 2002. HHH gains momentum
and goes for the pedigree, but HBK low blows HHH and nails HHH with a
slegdehammer, to mock HHH. Triple H is bloody as hell and HBK hits the
sweet chin on him. HBK pins him for the win, but Batista's music hits and
he runs down the ramp. He spears HBK and helps HHH up. 31 min

10 Man Triple Cage Match for the UWF Heavyweight Title:
Chris Jericho v The Rock v Steve Austin v Sting v John Cena v
Sting v Umaga v Mr. Kennedy v Brock Lesnar v Kurt Angle.
Absolute carnage, throughout. Rock, Y2J, and Sting are the first ones to
make it to level 2. More carnage and everyone is on 2nd cage. Y2J jumps
to third level and Rock goes to. Rock goes for Rock Bottom, reversal,
Y2J hits the Rock Bottom, and they fall through. The impact makes
everyone fall to the 1st level. Sting goes out of the cage to the outside.
He climbs to the top, along with Y2J, with everyone else bloody and
bruised everwhere. They brawl, and Y2J throws Sting off the cage. Y2J
gets the ladder and sets it up. But he turns around and Umaga hits the
Somoan Drop through the cage. Umaga begins climbing but Cena comes
and F-U's Umaga. Cena starts climbing but Angle hits the Olympic Slam
sending Cena down. Angle climbs, but Lesnar hits the F5 on him tossing
Angle down. Lesanr thinks everyone is down, but Austin comes up and
stuns Lesnar, and pushes him off the cage. Austin begins climbing, but
Kennedy comes and hits a body slam tossing Austin off the cage. He
thinks hes won, making halfway up the ladder inches away from the belt
when The Rock Hits the Rock Bottom. Everyone is down is What the Rock
thinks, but he doesnt't see Jericho Climbing on the outside behind him.
Jericho hits the codebreaker and everybody is down. Y2J climbs the ladder
and wins Umaga's UWF Heavyweight Title. He celebrates with his blood
drenched face. The crowd goes wild as this show was in Toronto.
67 min match.
Who wants to let this guy down? Well, I'm the only one around, so I guess I'll do it.

A-hem... dude, you can't just write a random show. You have to have signed up a LONG time ago, you had to draft a roster, there's a huge process. It's like signing up for fantasy football. Not only did you not sign up for this, but you pretty much stole everyone's rosters.
A little disappointed with how many people cared to vote this week. Only half the amount of people voted this week in comparison to the first round.
I don't know what you're complaining about, you actually got votes. I got NO VOTES!! GOD DAMN YOU CAGE!!

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