Update On The Rock's *POSSIBLE* Return To WWE In 2015


According to a report via the Wrestling Observer Newsletter, it's looking less & less likely that The Rock will return to WWE in 2015 to be part of WrestleMania XXXI due to other commitments and possible financial considerations. A couple of weeks prior to WrestleMania XXXI, according to the report, The Rock will be flying all over the world to promote the international release of Fast & Furious 7. WrestleMania XXXI will be held on March 29, 2015 and Fast & Furious 7 is set to be released April 3, 2015, a full week earlier than originally planned.

An interview The Rock did with The Hollywood Reporter a few weeks ago revealed that he's open to returning, but the deal would have to be at least equivalent to the last one or greater and that it would have to be at a mega show. WWE's focused on budget cuts right now and with pouring as much into the WWE Network as they can in the hopes of reaching their current goals, so I don't see them signing over millions of dollars to The Rock for a handful of TV appearances and one wrestling match.
Im not sure if the WWE on their part at least,if the rocks return would be worth it.. I can understand from the Rocks viewpoint,wrestling is way more dangerous than his acting. Plus acting pays way more.. The Rock got hurt at WM29 that is no secret anymore..

From his standpoint whatever his pay was for WM,he wants more and I dont blame him.. He is risking his acting career for basically one match.. From the WWEs viewpoint,with cost cutting measures,talent getting released,and such i am not sure if even the ROCK is worth it.. Very few appearances,one match is probably going to run the WWE at least what,20 Million or so??
he has been at the last 4 manias regardless of his schedule so i doubt that will play much into his decision i for one think he should go into the hof this year and if reports are true of a mania in dallas for 32 then they will need hom on the card to sell more seats either way as a fan i know in one way or another he will be part of the show and trust me vince knows what the rock is worth to wwe and would have no issue paying it if its best for the overall product
The only thing I could see being worth Rock's time would be a match against Sting at WM31. Rock has already wrestled Cena twice, so who else is there for him that would be a "huge deal" (at least in Dwayne's mind)? The only other wrestlers that come to mind that could be worth Rock's time would be Roman Reigns, or possibly Lesnar. At this point in time, it looks like Reigns is in line for a Title win at WM31 - so going one-on-one with The Great One might not be in the cards. Lesnar is a soft maybe, as he might be the defending champion come WM season. I suppose a match with Daniel Bryan is another possibility, so long as Bryan is healthy enough for a match early next year (and if Bryan can be on TV to promote the match, as well). That would be a great match, but I don't know if it would be enough to bring The Rock back.

If Sting actually does come to the WWE this year (which is still quite a big "if"), I think that's the last big "money" match for The WWE to squeeze out of The Rock. Obviously Rock/Sting would have been a much bigger deal back in 1999/2000 (a monumental match at that time, honestly), but it still could have marquis value in 2015...especially in a Wrestlemania ring. I don't see Rock coming back to face anyone but Sting (or maybe Bryan?), but an offer of that magnitude might still not be enough to lure Dwayne away from Hollywood. God, I'd mark out for Rock/Sting though; and yes, I'd even mark out for the match if it happened in 2015.
As pointed out by subsouljah82, he has been at the last 4 Mania's. It doesn't bother me if he never comes back and wrestles on a big ppv again. He has faced off against the biggest star of the era following him in John Cena and they've had their passing the torch moment.

I am not opposed to a Rock/Reigns match in the future if The Rock can actually dedicate the time to build it up. If Roman Reigns is in line to be next big star, then Cena should be the one that ultimately puts him over and gives him the keys so to say.

The Rock/Sting would have definitely been fun over a decade ago.
As pointed out by subsouljah82, he has been at the last 4 Mania's. It doesn't bother me if he never comes back and wrestles on a big ppv again. He has faced off against the biggest star of the era following him in John Cena and they've had their passing the torch moment.

I am not opposed to a Rock/Reigns match in the future if The Rock can actually dedicate the time to build it up. If Roman Reigns is in line to be next big star, then Cena should be the one that ultimately puts him over and gives him the keys so to say.

The Rock/Sting would have definitely been fun over a decade ago.

Ah, I didn't think about Cena/Reigns at WrestleMania, that would make a lot of sense and would be an even better wrestling match.

The Rock possibly not being at WrestleMania may be for the better. This isn't the same Rock from 10 years ago.

Maybe The Rock could do another cameo like he did this past year at WrestleMania. It would be a perfect time for him to promote the movie, too
Unless I'm mistaken, there were reports that The Rock was only signed to 3 WrestleManias.... 27, 28, and 29 with a few extra events in between to fit his schedule of filming. And then, they managed to get him to appear at WrestleMania 30 which I'm sure to them was an added bonus. However, I'm not 100% sure he's willing to go back to WWE, and as long as his movies are still making money he shouldn't. The other day on youtube a fan compared John Cena to LeBron James... and while I see some similarities; I would say that The Rock is more a LeBron than Cena is.

Like LeBron and Cleveland; The Rock left the WWE Fans when they needed him most... and yes they needed him. If you ask me, he only left because like the Cerebral Assassin, he didn't want to work Tuesdays... nor should he have had to. But that's neither here nor there; the point is he left when fans needed him just like when LeBron left Cleveland. Sure The Rock came back for a little bit and then left again, but overall they're more akin to each other than LeBron and Cena. Cena is more like Kobe Bryant.

That all being said, just like LeBron, at this point in time The Rock shouldn't come back unless he really wants to. Going to WWE would seriously hurt his career, unless he's wanting to do his own stunts in Hollywood. In that case, go back to WWE but stay away from talent that will make you look rubbish... which CM Punk, John Cena, The Miz, and R-Truth ALL DID.
I want to see the future of the company in the main events, not part timers. Yes, I get that Vince and Co. want them so they can bring in the money, but you always hear about how they need to push the future talent to become main eventers, well that has been said for years and whenever a wrestler is pushed, they just gets the rug pulled out from under them and Vince just goes back to the well of part timers. They pushed Cena to the moon and never let up despite everyone being sick of him, so why are they so afraid to do it again? Cena won't be around forever, neither will Orton and Batista is 45.

And then we always hear about retired wrestlers like Steve Austin always preaching about how hard a wrestler has to work to get noticed and take the ball and "run with it". Well Steve doesn't seem to realize that times have changed. Wrestlers have to memorize lines like some Hollywood actor and are held on a rope at arms length. They are very limited in what they can do. It was a much different ball game when Steve was wrestling in the Attitude Era.

So in the end, what do they have after all these years of "trying to turn the corner"? Reins and Bryan (who has neck issues).

Bravo Vince. Bravo.
Whatever The Rock wants, WWE should give him to get him back. Unlike Brock Lesnar, The Rock is WORTH millions for a handful of appearances and one or two big matches.
It was a much different ball game when Steve was wrestling in the Attitude Era.

This is where I disagree with you...

Yes, we both agree that it was different - but the major difference between now and then is talent in WWE now don't have a rival company competing against them week after week.

There are the pressures of either putting when,you reach that main event level or get left behind.

Stone Cold mentioned in an article I recently read that they needed to get away from scripted lines and just cut a promo on the spot. He mentioned he cut his on the spot a - how true that is I don't know.

So in the end, what do they have after all these years of "trying to turn the corner"? Reins and Bryan (who has neck issues).

Reigns, Ambrose, Rollins, Wyatt and Cesaro. All could be future hall main eventers. Could be..I don't think it's safe to even say Reigns is sure fire as his singles push is still fairly new.

WWE has been hit with misfortune to some degree over last 10 years and to some degree it was beyond their control. Below I'll throw out some names. Either they ventured elsewhere, didn't quite fit the main event role or perished.

Brock Lesnar, Bobby Lashley, Chris Benoit, Eddie Guerrero, Mr. Kennedy, Jack Swagger, Ryback, Dolph Ziggler and Edge.

Carlito, MVP and Shelton Benjamin are honorable mentions. There are a few that slipped through the cracks. But I think now with NXT and the Performance Center in which they can mold workers their way we will see more potential workers that can carry the ball.

In retrospect The Rock wrestling, Undertaker, Triple H and even Chris Jericho gives us that appreciated the Attitude Era a chance to enjoy seeing them compete.
A match againts Brock Lesnar or Roman Reigns would be nice (as I'm sure Sting would face off againts Taker at WM 31) he mentioned it a possible match between him and Lesnar at WM 31, but I could just see him returning for another cameo role.
Honestly, I can't see a match with Roman Reigns happening, if The Rock returns. I understand the point of Rock returning to put Reigns over, but with VERY limited appearances and Father Time catching up to him, I can't picture WWE simply using Rock at Wrestlemania of all places as a guy to put a young up-and-comer over.

During his last few runs, Rock had feuds John Cena and CM Punk. As far as the tag match at Survivor Series 2011 goes, the focus was not on Miz and R-Truth. Instead, the focus was on Rock and Cena to put aside their differences and coexist for one night during Cena's "Rise Above Hate" campaign, and WWE used the match as a catalyst to promote the Wrestlemania 28 match.

If Rock returns, I have to believe WWE will go for a match with Lesnar or round three with Cena to break the tie and prove, who's the best once and for all. The Rock's a legit crossover star now, and WWE will do anything they can do to use the full potential of his star power with another blockbuster match. You can't do that with The Rock VS Roman Reigns at Wrestlemania.

Although, it wouldn't surprise if The Rock decided to say no to a match at Wrestlemania 31. Maybe another appearance reminiscent of Wrestlemania 30 this year, but no match. It's clear Rock's movie career is his #1 priority now, so he's not going to take a chance of another serious injury and the possibility of that injury derailing his movie plans. And if Hercules is a successful hit next week, then they sky's the limit for Rock's future in Hollywood.
Well I know we'll see him at another Mania at some point, sense he's a sure fire Hall Of Famer. No matter his schedule, when he gets inducted he'll be at the ceremony and at the show the next night. Say what you want about The Rock, he does seem to have a great respect for the business.

However, everything I just wrote is fore the most part irrelevant to this thread. So to stick to the topic let's start with WWE being able to pay him. WWE is making big time budget cuts to offset the initial hit of launching the network and movie standard PPV's exclusively to the network. That said, if Rock said he would do it WWE would write the check and do what they had to do to make it work. They seem to think of The Rock, and rightfully so, as a mega star that's cost will be worth their eventual reward. So unless things get even notably worse financially I think they would find a way to get Rock if he was willing.

My thing with another Rock appearance at WrestleMania is that it's starting to lose some of the magic from a viewer not in the arena standpoint. He made appearances at WM 27 - 30. The first three of those were hyped and promoted. 28 and 29 he wrestled at, and he made his somewhat surprise return for 30 to open the show with Austin, and Hogan. My point being is the buzz of OMG the rock is here!!!! Has lightened some. The nostalgia factor is gone sense we've seen him so much recently, even if sparingly. So i think the best way for WWE to get the most out of another Rock Mania match, and make the most money is with a heel Rock. Now as far as what to do with a returning heel rock, I could write another six pages so I'll spare everyone of my fantasy booking babble.

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