[UPDATE] Hulk Hogan Expected to Re-Sign with TNA; Lowballed By WWE?


Lord And Master
Staff member
TNA should sit him in the commentary table, brother.

Whether The Hulkster and TNA reach an or not isn't the question here. It's what would be the best role for him if he does. To me being "general manager" has been beaten to death. It takes too much time. We know no one is gonna beat him up. Just no.

Him managing wrestlers would be a waste. Why? Because at the end, we cheer the wrestler because of Hulk. If Hulk's not there, no matter what, people with stop caring for whoever it is. Him having a camp of wrestlers would be the same but en mass. Just like with Immortal.

Mike Tenay is uninteresting and Taz is a goofball. I enjoy Taz, but the truth is they don't light up your TV screen the same way Gorilla and Jesse did. Or how JR and King did. Or Joey Styles. I want to hear a new voice telling whats going on. And I don't want that voice telling me how to download app I don't want. And what better voice to listen to that the one that changed wrestling twice over?

"Brother, Austin Aries planted him with that Brainbuster!"

"As evil as those Bad Influence dudes are, they can be pretty hilarious, jack."

"Why's Sting wrestling with a shirt, brother?"

I want Hulk Hogan to light up my Thursday nights. When he was with TNA, he was always going around and doing interviews. He took up large portions of TNA's airtime. So why not have him on screen for 2 hours straight in the most productive way possible?

What'cha gonna do, brother? When the Hulkster comments about you?!


Source: The Wrestling Observer

At this time, it appears that Hulk Hogan will re-sign with TNA Wrestling. TNA began airing advertisements for Bound for Glory that featured Hogan earlier this week.

According to sources, Hogan reached out to WWE over the last month or two and they reportedly offered him less money than what TNA was willing to give him. It was described as a “lowball” offer. The sources noted that The Rock and Brock Lesnar make more in a match than what Hogan will make in a year at TNA. It appears that once Hogan found that out, that he made the call to stay with TNA.

Hogan’s new deal with TNA is believed to be for one year and for that year, Hogan will be paid approximately as much as The Rock and Brock Lesnar make for a single match in WWE.
More as we get it. Stay tuned.
Can't see hulk taking a commentary job. Not enough exposure and no storylines related to him. He would want to return as the "leader" of the rebellion against Dixie if anything
Well i thought if hulk hogan went to wwe he would be great commentary,
no one else agreed! however hulk would be good on commentary,
but at the same time i couldn't imagine hogan being to good at commentary, cause hogan over react's it would be like wow
"she entered the ring like a champion! oh wow dixie carter is meaner than mean gene brother!"
hulk over reacts to make tna look so good, but it just makes me think shut up hogan! if hogan did do commentary i suppose the iwc would tear tna apart over it, but like you said mike tenay and tazz is terrible! ill go as far to say michael cole, lawler, jbl, jim ross, alex riley, and josh matthews suck!
i just can't stand the heel commentator! there's always gotta be a heel/face commentator. no one call's the matches or even the gimmick's instead we hear 2 commentator's fighting, all wrestling need's new commentator's or at least throw out the heel factor in commentary!
I don't hate the idea of Hulk on commentary. I think it is clear that Hulk as manager wasn't working and TNA definitely needs a change. If he was commentating then TNA could seem more entertaining; however, there is the worry that we become sick of him.

Also, I'm a fan of Taz. I realise that not everyone rates him but I think he is a solid commentator that adds to the show. A three man team of Tenay, Taz and Hulk would be a good move by TNA.
If they make any changes to the commentary team they should bring back the guy they used to have Don West? Whenever I have a party alone I like to watch old TNA matches such as Monster's ball 2 and listen to their commentary it's hilarious and gets me really into the match. If Hogan resigns I think he should resume his on screen role there's no reason for him to randomly become a commentator.
If he was commentating then TNA could seem more entertaining; however, there is the worry that we become sick of him.

I think the issue is that a good number of people are sick of Hulk Hogan already, no matter what position he'd wind up in. Hogan has been such a central figure in TNA and such a focal point so much of the time that a lot of fans are just burned out on him. When it was first announced Hogan had signed with TNA, it was all but certain that he'd be the true focus of the company. That's why so many have been wanting to see Hogan let go almost since his debut.

If you put Hogan as a manager/mouthpiece, you run the risk of him overshadowing the person he's managing. Especially if you wind up putting more of the focus on Hogan and his actions than you do the wrestler(s) he manages. If you put him on commentary, then you have to ask if it's a high enough profile spot for Hogan. Is he capable of not trying to make himself the center of attention?

If Hogan was to accept a spot as commentator, then I don't think he should make the kind of money he reportedly makes. Allegedly, he made $30,000 per appearance. If he re-signed for that same amount and TNA kept their 4 ppv schedule, that'd come to $1,680,000 a year. Again, if that's what he genuinely made in his last contract. That's about 5.5 times what Jerry Lawler makes as a commentator in WWE, at least based on what he made the last time I read anything on it. That's FAR more than any commentator is worth.
I agree totally, and I'm completely lost as to why TNA management never attempted this. Someone in the company must have some loyalty to Mike Tenay, or they really feel that having the former WCW announcer on their staff adds some sort of "wrestling cred" that they desperately need. The fact is that commentary is a HUGE part of a wrestling show and it can frame the course of events much differently when it's done properly.

Currently Hulk Hogan is using his trademark voice to earn a living in television and feature film animation. Much like the Macho Man his voice is synonymous with the sport of pro wrestling, not to mention having Hulk at ringside for every show actually DOES allow him to be a focus of the product, and involve him in storylines. Look no further than Tazz's Aces and 8's involvement for proof that a commentator can be involved in storylines. Hogan putting over talent as they wrestle as opposed to backstage where they're attempting to "act" would probably go over better and pull in more fans. If TNA had Jim Ross, Mark Madden and Hulk Hogan as the commentary team, they'd be in a really good place.
In the sense of "Hulk Hogan would be awesome on commentary for TNA", I could not agree more. While it's said everyone has a unique voice, not many people have iconic voices. Everyone knows what Hulk Hogan sounds like. Everyone knows what Hulk Hogan's stood for in the past. Hulk Hogan's verbal endorsement on performer after performer? It's like Hulk Hogan telling the world that TNA is great, and I thought that's what TNA was paying him for all these years.

Would Hulk Hogan move to that role where he wasn't the spotlight, but the guy that shines the spotlight, however? He might even be worth his outrageous fee in that position. I really do think he would be that good of a commentator; not in the value of his commentary, but in the value of lending the Hulk Hogan Seal of Approval to performers, without having him mug for the cameras and try to outshine the guy he's supposed to be promoting.

I'm the first guy to talk about Hogan's lack of value to TNA, but in a color commentary position I think he'd be golden. And on a plus side, that would knock Taz out of the booth, so it's a win-win.
Sticking him behind the commentary table is an intriguing idea, but are you really going to have someone like Hulk Hogan on your roster as a commentator?

Having 2013 Hulk Hogan on your roster creates one hell of a conundrum. He's too crippled to wrestle a match, so there's the option of limiting him to sporadic nostalgia appearances. But it wouldn't make sense to have Hulk Hogan of all people on your roster without getting the most out of him, so he needs a significant amount of screen time. But Hogan hasn't delivered on his earth shattering promises for TNA. If anything, the landscape of TNA is over saturated with his presence clogging up all the main storylines.

Commentary sounds like a nice idea, and getting rid of Taz is a plus, but I can't see it working it out. Having Hulk Hogan on commentary would take too much focus off the action in the ring and in-ring segments/promos. Yes, it's true Hogan's voice is one of the most recognizable voices in the world, but when it's all said and done, Hulk Hogan's overwhelming presence on commentary would cause a big distraction. And with Hogan at ringside for the entire night, what's stopping a group of fans from starting a "Hogan! Hogan!" chant during a match?
I cannot see any real interesting or partially entertaining role for Hulk to take part in TNA nay further. I really hope he signs some form of WWE deal. I mean Hogan is WWE, and with Wrestlemania 30 6 months away, I think it would be a perfect setting for Hulk Hogan and WWE to give him the appropriate send off a LEGEND like himself deserves. I do not want to see him involved in any match, have him run in on the Real Americans sees the logical choice to me. I cannot see Hogan as an authority figure in WWE or a Manager, and definitely not commentating. Hell imagine the pop if he was a surprise entrant in the 2014 Royal Rumble..........now that would be mindblowing. Hulk returning to WWE for a final on air run(non wrestkling), now that would be good for business and a nice way for Hulk to finally wind down the career in the place where it really took off.
I really hope this partnership is over. Not bashing TNA really but I don't want to see Hogan end his career in TNA. It's got to be in the WWE. And TNA has to realized they haven't really grown all that much with Hogan. Hogan and TNA do not match. Both sides would be much better off going their separate ways.
I personally dont like the idea of Hogan on commentary. Back in the 80's or early 90's he wouldve been great but today I dont see it. Just judging from past promos and interviews he's far to loud for the job. Could u imagine him screaming incoherently at you after a Styles Clash or Aries brainbuster. Another thing is that he's still stuck in the 80s and 90s with his speech. Looking at his promos from them and now and he's still uses all the same words and gestures. Its like he's stuck in a time work. If TNA is gonna make a commentary change it needs to be a more younger socially intuned voice than Hogan. I personally hope he returns to WWE becuz I think he's way to big for TNA and theres just no viable spot for him there anymore. Besides Angle and Sting TNA has no other stars big enuff or worthy enuff to stand toe 2 toe with him which means he weakens the company just with his pressence therefore all parties need to move on.
A report via F4WOnline.com suggests that Hogan will be re-signing with TNA, alleging that WWE made him a lowball offer. The report doesn't give list any monetary figures, stating only that Hogan & WWE couldn't come anywhere close on the numbers and that it's far less than what they've offered to other stars in past years. Reportedly, Hogan would make the same amount for 1 year that The Rock & Brock Lesnar would make for 1 match.

IF that's accurate, then Hogan won't be heading up north anytime soon.
While the idea of Hulk commentating does have many merits (that have already been expressed in the thread), I still don't see this becoming a reality. If dirtsheet reports are to be believed, Hogan had his appearances limited in recent times as a cost cutting measure. A commentating role would mean TNA having to pay him for every taping. I suppose there would be a way around this, only have him commentate on PPV and PPV themed Impacts... however, that would have it's own potential hazards that I feel this current model already exhibits. If you make one Impact feel more important than others, why should the average fan bother with the 'ordinary' episodes?
While the idea of Hulk commentating does have many merits (that have already been expressed in the thread), I still don't see this becoming a reality. If dirtsheet reports are to be believed, Hogan had his appearances limited in recent times as a cost cutting measure. A commentating role would mean TNA having to pay him for every taping. I suppose there would be a way around this, only have him commentate on PPV and PPV themed Impacts... however, that would have it's own potential hazards that I feel this current model already exhibits. If you make one Impact feel more important than others, why should the average fan bother with the 'ordinary' episodes?

This is the issue I see as well. Unless they can work it out monetarily (and I don't give two shits what they pay him or how or why — I'm a fan of the program, not a share holder of the company), I'm not sure how they get it under the belt, as that belt is expected to be tightened while they get their financials in order.

He also still has "unfinished business" with Carter & Co. that'd end up being left by the wayside if he returns only to jump behind a mic, much as the idea of it intrigues me.
To be honest, I wouldn't mind Hulk Hogan as a full-time commentator for TNA. It would satisfy his need to be on tv and he would probably give the show a little bit more credibility as a commentator than Taz does. I've always disliked Taz as a commentator. His persona just doesn't work for me.

But if Hogan is to ever become a commentator, I want him to be in Terry Bollea-mode, not in Hulkster mode. Hulkster mode would get really old, really fast.
It'd be an awful idea to put him in the booth. He'd spend all the time putting himself over and using "brother" every other word.

WWE has in the words of Quint bee in "either been very smart or very dumb". Personally I think Hunter made the right noises to Hogan but as reverse psychology - pushing him back to TNA as he knew that Hogan in the mix around WM30 would be poison to the locker room if not the box. Sure the money of Hogan being there would be a factor and it would draw - but not enough to damage the relationship with talent they already have who may get bumped off the card for that spot and perhaps more importantly, make Sting feel he would be more of a focus if he goes there for the event. If he thought Hogan was sharing the thunder, why bother?

Now he hasn't "signed yet" and this could also be a way to throw us off the scent so he can show up in a shocker... he could very easily show up at Hell In A Cell as Special Guest ref if Shawn either tries to double cross Bryan or as I am expecting takes a bump and or is "knocked out" backstage by Big Show (setup of course).

But the role remains in the air wherever he is - he flat out sucks as a GM/Authority figure, wouldn't work as a commentator and hasn't got the chops to wrestle more than perhaps as part of a 4 or 5 man at Survivor Series (which they could do as a "trial run"). I'm not sure what you then do with him for 6 months unless you have him as a manager, and again - that detracts from whoever you're trying to get over as it becomes about Hogan rather than his charge... and if you say NWO, leave and never come back!
The latest batch of rumors going about continues to mention that WWE, allegedly, offered Hogan less money that TNA and that he'd make in a year's time what Lesnar & Rock earn for 1 match. The one additional bit of info is that Hogan reached out to WWE in the hopes of having a WM XXX program with John Cena.

WWE offering Hogan less money than TNA sounds believable because WWE's direction for the past several months is that they don't NEED to hire anyone from TNA. Doesn't mean that they can't or won't, but that the feeling is that they can ultimately accomplish the same thing with developing their own talent and the use of part timers like Taker, HBK, Lesnar, etc. rather than hiring TNA stars. Also, Hogan hasn't exactly been any sort of significant draw for TNA beyond the initial 3 to 4 week boost when he first debuted for the company or occasional hiccup ratings pop. He has his name, true, but his name doesn't have nearly the same kind of oomph it once had.

I have a little trouble, however, with the rumor of Hogan wanting to work with John Cena. Or, I should say, I'd have a little trouble with it depending on what sort of program Hogan had in mind. Hogan's a big mark for himself, so it'd be no surprise for him to want an angle at the biggest show of the year with the overall top star in pro wrestling. If that angle included Hogan getting it on in a match against Cena, then WWE has to know it'd be a laughable waste of Cena. Cena is much too valuable of a commodity to put into a program on the 30th anniversary of WrestleMania with an opponent who can't really compete. If it's some sort of tag team match in which Hogan tags with Cena, then it MIGHT work. The novelty of seeing Hogan in a WWE ring wrestling again to any degree could draw. He could tag in, hit most of his own 5 Moves of Doom, do his poses, maybe take a few minor bumps like punches or kicks, tags back out and lets his partner or partners carry the rest of the match. Of course, that's if Hogan is able to come through the barrage of medical tests WWE would put him through in order to see if he's healthy enough to risk putting in the ring.

A possible role for Hogan would be to show up and to want to be in Cena's corner, buddy up to him during the WM build up, and ultimately do something to screw him over and cost him the match, thereby siding with whomever his opponent is. The downside is having to possibly spend the next several months with Hogan front & center. As I said earlier, the trouble of making Hogan a mouthpiece is that there's the risk of him overshadowing whoever he manages and/or being put with someone who doesn't really need a manager. Then there's whatever comes next because Hogan will want to be a central focal point no matter what program he's a part of and he just isn't worth it in the long run.
A report via F4WOnline.com suggests that Hogan will be re-signing with TNA, alleging that WWE made him a lowball offer. The report doesn't give list any monetary figures, stating only that Hogan & WWE couldn't come anywhere close on the numbers and that it's far less than what they've offered to other stars in past years. Reportedly, Hogan would make the same amount for 1 year that The Rock & Brock Lesnar would make for 1 match.

IF that's accurate, then Hogan won't be heading up north anytime soon.

Personally, I think this is good news for TNA. No matter what anyone thinks of Hogan. His name attached to TNA adds value. Sponsors and the higher-ups love the name "Hulk Hogan." You could always squeeze a match out of him to up PPV buys. The best role on-screen for him is the GM position. If true, I'm glad he's re-signing. I enjoy see him every week, where WWE only uses their legends once a year.
It'd be an awful idea to put him in the booth. He'd spend all the time putting himself over and using "brother" every other word.

WWE has in the words of Quint bee in "either been very smart or very dumb". Personally I think Hunter made the right noises to Hogan but as reverse psychology - pushing him back to TNA as he knew that Hogan in the mix around WM30 would be poison to the locker room if not the box. Sure the money of Hogan being there would be a factor and it would draw - but not enough to damage the relationship with talent they already have who may get bumped off the card for that spot and perhaps more importantly, make Sting feel he would be more of a focus if he goes there for the event. If he thought Hogan was sharing the thunder, why bother?

Usually, I agree very often with your sentiments, but let's be honest here, you lack objectivity when it comes to what you say about Hogan. Again, I'm Hogan biased, I whole-hardheartedly admit that, and I don't shy from that. Say what you want about this and that, or what you THINK you know about the wrestling business. But you or I have no real idea what HHH, Vince and WWE are thinking in regards to the notion of rekindling a working relationship with Hulk Hogan.

You're forgetting that WrestleManias of past have had less meaningful people like Maria Menounos and Snooki taking up precious airtime from other competitors. To boot, Snooki was featured in the penultimate match of WrestleMania XXVII, say what you want, I know Jersey Shore was the hottest thing some time back, but with The Rock as the WrestleMania host, I think we had enough to sell that event.

Hulk Hogan's last WrestleMania appearance was almost a decade ago, off the heels of his WWE Hall Of Fame 2005 induction, he came out in the middle of the show to save Eugene from a beatdown at the hands of Muhammad Hassan and Shawn Daivari. Of course, this was to build up for his summertime angle with Shawn Michaels. I digress, Hogan didn't wrestle a main event match that night or walk out with every single belt on his shoulder using that infamous "creative control" clause that he always is accused of having.

To be quite honest, I'll take a guess and say that competitors over the years feel more slighted when non-wrestlers compete in actual matches, as opposed to legends of yesteryear coming out for nostalgia appearances.

So seriously, while I've given you credit for a lot of your posts in the past, you come off sounding very nonobjective and awfully absent minded at what WrestleMania has been in the past several years. Hulk Hogan's last appearance wasn't a threat to any of its young talent. And should this whole TNA re-signing somehow not actually be true, and there is some glimmer of hope that he'll be back at Mania 30, worse things could happen.

By the way, the next time you talk to Hunter since you seem to know how he thinks, do you now the guy, is he on your speed dial or something? If that's the case, please ask when Randy Savage is going to get his Hall Of Fame nod, I've been dying to know so I could start saving up for my airfare to attend, especially if it's this year. Then again, that might be a touchy subject, unless HHH is cool and all about the fact his old lady got her cherry popped by the Madness. I'm being sarcastic of course, since like many internet urban legends, I'm not going to subscribe to the adage that if it's posted on the internet, it has to be true.

However, I know you're never one to shy away from internet stuff being gospel, so who knows you might even believe that nonsense too, like so much of the other BS you usually cite as truth.
With WWE badly needing to create new stars.I think getting Hogan in any program with John Cena would just leave talent that would otherwise get over from a feud with Cena.

I'm tired of these "lets get some hasbeen so we can pop a good buy on WM".Well why not create stars that will make people wanna buy WM.

I have nothing agaisnt Hogan as a person, he is who he is and its not my business how he handless himself and if he wants to spend his free time doing Miley Cyrus commericals, but him in the WWE in any fashion would just be a waste of time.

Like he cant be a manager because lets face it he will get himself more over than the actual talent.And the only talent I see whom he can manage would be Dolph Ziggler and we all know how WWE supposedly feels about him.

He cant compete in the ring the man is a mess physically.

I just dont see place for him in the show.WWE has other focuses, Cena and CM Punk are getting there in age and are both heavily banged up and working through it, but for how long?We need new "legends" not Hogan.
Call me cynical, but I'm not totally convinced that Hogan was ever going anywhere. I don't doubt that his contract on paper may have expired as of October 1, and that theoretically, he was free to go elsewhere. But I cannot imagine that Hogan truly had any realistic aspirations of a return to WWE, least of all in a program with the biggest name in professional wrestling today. I have presumed all along that Hogan's contract was allowed to expire, just so that he can shock the world (again) with a "surprise" return to TNA at Bound For Glory, likely involving assisting AJ Styles in winning the TNA World Heavyweight Championship (another guy who I am certain is going nowhere, whose expiring contract is a Punk-esque storyline).

I see Hulk Hogan returning at BFG to help AJ Styles defeat Bully Ray, exacting revenge against Bully in the process, and becoming a pivotal character in the Hulk Hogan and AJ Styles versus heel Dixie program. Which unfortunately will overshadow Styles once again, much like Flair did previously.

WWE has no interest in any significant involvement of any aging superstar, even one of the reputation of Hogan. And as things transition over from Vince to Hunter and Steph, this divide will only broaden. Look for Hogan at Bound For Glory. Count on it.
Well if Hogan is staying with TNA, it might help the storyline with Dixie, yet it could overshadow AJ's story. Thing I seem to read mostly is that Hogan is on TV way too much. I'm inclined to agree at times, but the same could be said for "Commissioner" Foley back in 2000, Bischoff and Stone Cold in '03/04, and the like. Let Hogan get a measure of revenge on Bully, and leave it a that until its time to make matches.
It was pretty much inevitable that Hogan was going to re-sign with TNA and him just quitting would all be a work and that they are going to have Hogan return either at Bound for Glory or have him return right after but it is obvious Hogan he will turn into the "Black and White" Hogan becoming Hollywood which means aligning himself with heel Dixie
Hogan helped make WWE big in the 80's and early 90's,so they could have at least offered him more than they did.It makes sense he would re-sign with TNA.He did more for WWE then Brock has and is a very big name in the business next to the likes of Rock..

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