Unused Finishers

Nate DaMac

Fuck erbody but me
So I was bored, watching past PPVs like I tend to do from time to time and this time I was watching the Elimination Chamber PPV from this year. During the Smackdown Elimination Chamber match, Edge catches Rey Mysterio in a Sit Out Powerbomb and it results in a 2 count, being an excellent false finish. It got me thinking a bit and one question came to mind; Why doesn't anyone use the Pwoerbomb as a finisher anymore? Sure, Sheamus uses the Razor's Edge which is kind of a variation of the Powerbomb, but it's not really a Powerbomb and frankly he finishes more matches with the Brogue Kick than that anyway.

So after pondering that for a little bit, I started thinking of more finishers that have been unused for a while now, thus the idea behind this thread. We already have the Powerbomb, so let's look at a couple of others.

The Fisherman Suplex- To the best of my knowledge, this is the move made famous by "Mr. Perfect" Curt Hennig. There may have been others to use it before him, but they're a bit before my time. The only man I recall using this move as a finisher in recent years was Val Venis, and that itself is a vague memory. It's an effective move that I could definitely see some of the guys today who don't really have a finisher to speak pulling out.

The Jackhammer- The move made famous by Goldberg has also seemingly been deserted since his retirement. Once again, I vaguely remember Billy Gunn using it for a while but then again, I vaguely remember Billy Gunn. Certainly there is someone today that could benefit from using a move with a pretty good history of putting people away. Not as easy to stick with someone as the Fisherman would be since the Jackhammer is a powerful move and would need a powerful man to pull it off.

So now I will send it to you.

What Finishers do you think have been grossly underutilized in the WWE?

Who do you think should use it?

Note that I put this in the WWE section since I don't really know who uses what in ROH or TNA.
Interesting thoughts F.A.T

I think you have made 2 excellent choices in the powerbomb at the Jackhammer. Obviously, Batista and Undertaker used the powerbomb as their finishing move in recent years, but since Big Dave left the WWE and 'Taker started using Hells Gate the powerbomb has been under-utilised in the 'E. As far as I can see there is only Jack Swagger using any variation of the move on WWE tv right now.

As for the Jackhammer, noone has really used it as a finishing move since Goldberg. It puzzles me why, as WWE tends to recycle moves from time to time, for anyone other than its biggest stars (which is why you do not see anyone using the Stunner, Pedigree or Tombstone other than the guys who made them famous). Goldberg was never a huge megastar in the 'E, he was only there for a year and was not Vince's creation so I cannot see why this move has not been redone. It was over as a match-ending move, so the only reason I can see is that WWE are still hoping on a 1-off Goldberg return and want to keep the move free?

I would like to see someone like Wade Barrett start using the powerbomb or Jackhammer as a finisher. He is a big strong guy and his "Wasteland" finisher sucks, and does not look powerful enough to end a match. He certainly needs a new finisher, and either of these would suit him pretty well.
I think the simple DDT should be used more often.

It's basically become every divas finisher at one point ore another, but male has used it in ages.

I don't think it could be a standard one, perhaps a spike DDT or a variation of an edgecution.

Your Jackhammer suggestion got me thinking of retired wrestler's finishers being recycled. I think someone should use the F-5. The only tome I can remember an F5 being done since Brock was there was when Matt Morgan hit it on Big Show while he was Carlito's security guard.

Good thread, I'm interested to hear some other suggestions.
Fun little thread this, good job. Chris Jericho used a Powerbomb finishing move for a while, in fact it was a Triple Powerbomb. Pretty unique.

I was watching a video on Wrestlezone the other day. It was taken during a recent FCW event, and it showed a match between Brodus Clay and Husky Harris. Harris was not using that name, but a new one, Axel Mulligan. A new character and a new gimmick. What surprised me more than his new gimmick, was his new finisher. The Stone Cold Stunner. Obviously when he gets around to using it on one of the main rosters it won't be called that, but it was pretty cool to see it again.

Here's the link. > http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d_cxTzPtuD0&feature=related

I know this thread is regarding finishing moves, but one move which you rarely see nowadays is the Samoan Drop. I recently saw Chris Masters use it in a match on Superstars, but other than that I don't recall seeing it since The Rock / Rikishi used it way back.

I'd also love to see the Figure 4 or Sharpshooter being used as a finisher again. I can't even think of anyone on the current roster who uses either of them.
A finisher I would just love to see in general would be the Canadian Destroyer. I am sure there are very few people out there capable of doing this move, and a limited number of agile people that you could actually hit this move on, but it will always be my favorite finisher.

Another one that comes to mind is the Pearl River Plunge that Ahmed Johnson used. I don't know if I remember anyone else using that, I could be wrong, but I could see some on new using that.
I always thought the FameAsser was a cool move just given to a lame wrestler. I always gave it to my created wrestler in all the smackdown games. I would like to see it make a return but given to the right guy. For some reason Jack Swagger comes to mind.
There are plenty of "finishers" not being used that I don't think they can be used as finishers anymore. Sleeper hold, leg drop, lariat, figure 4, Macho's Elbow drop to name a few. I would love for Jack Swagger to use the jackhammer. That would be perfect for him. I also wish Sheamus would use the Celtic Cross more as his finisher instead of the Brough Kick. Maybe with HBK being retired for good, John Morrison could use sweet chin music as a tribute to him.

Fishermen's suplex not used ehh? It is used quite often, however, it just isn't "flashy" enough to be a finishing move any longer.

I do like the suggestion about Wade Barrett using the Jackhammer...

For me... I'd like to see someone credible given the Super Kick. Easily one of my all time favs. I mean they don't have to "Tune up the Band". But, let's pay homage to HBK and keep that move around. Jomo being the obvious choice... But... What about the Miz? He would get face pops immediately if he broke out a Super Kick.

And, there you have it.

Fishermen's suplex not used ehh? It is used quite often, however, it just isn't "flashy" enough to be a finishing move any longer.

Lulz. Look, Cena is one of my favorite guys, but he has the most horrid Fishermen's Suplex I've ever seen. He doesn't even cradle them at all, he just holds the knee and lets go, essentially making it a regular suplex. If someone were to do it right and actually hold them, it could easily be a finisher for someone. Not to mention that the inventor's son works for the damn company. Why not give him the move? If he already has a finisher, oh well. Not like it's way over right now or anything.

I also like the idea of giving someone the Super Kick, but I feel like it's a bit too soon to try to do it. We're only a year removed from Shawn's retirement, I suggest they wait a bit before giving that to someone else.

To whoever suggested Swagger to take on The Jackhammer, I think that's a great idea. Too bad he has an effective finisher right now, the Jackhammer would suit him very well.
I always like the fameasser although at the moment ziggler is using it as a regular move and cena does that top rope version. There does seem to be a lack of top rope finishers at the moment as well there is evan bourne, John Morrison and Justin Gabriel and thats it. Morrisons isnt even really a top rope move either. I'm Sure there must be some one on the roster who could do something from there frog splash diving elbow even a front flip leg drop maybe?
The Canadian Destroyer was used by Petey Williams in TNA and is the only person that I have ever seen video of doing it. I always loved the reactions from people when he did the move, including most of the refs. If you watch the videos of him doing it, especially in the early days the refs always seem to jump in disbelief when he does it.

Yeah the Pearl River Plunge is a modified sit down Powerbomb, it just always looks more powerful when Ahmed did it.
I actually miss the Heart Punch. It was basically a punch to the chest but if you think about the actual implications of such a move it can stop the heart and knock the guy unconscious. Imagine Big Show punching you square in the chest instead of the jaw, yeah pretty sick.
Any move given to Barrett other than that Wasteland crap will be an improvement. I think one move I use to like is Big Bossman's side slam. It was simple, but it was an effective finisher. The Jackhammer was my absolute favorite. They definitely need to bring that back.
I've always been big on the moves that can come out of nowhere. However, there are some finishers that I love seeing regardless.

I loved seeing the Canadian Destroyer and I doubt anyone in WWE could pull that off. Plus you'd REALLY have to trust the other person to do their part.

I think Ezekiel Jackson could use the Jackhammer as a finisher - it's better than his current. Barrett could use a running powerslam. Or have Jackson use the powerslam, and Barrett use the Jackhammer. Either way, both their current finishers are meh.

I like Ziggler bringing back the sleeper hold as a viable finisher. I'd like the standard DDT being used more as a finisher. The most recent person I know using it as a finisher is Raven.

How about bringing back the Iron Claw. My favorite singles finisher to see was the Vertebreaker, which Homicide used in TNA too. I wish someone would use that again. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IQwlmJr-k8Y Again, that requires REALLY trusting your opponent to not break your neck or shoulders.

IMO, best tag team finisher EVER, no disrepsect intended to the greats like LoD, Steiners, etc. but I have to say Total Elimination. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gb4M_ojsT3I

Given to a team with good chemistry, that would be sweet. I'd say Slater and Gabriel, but Gabriel does the 450 too well. Even if the MCMG had it, it would be cool.
I like this thread I was trying to think of a way to do a very similar one.

I was going to ask what old moves can be used to help guys today and who?

I was going to say how Mark Henry/ Mason Ryan/ Big SHow or Jackson should use either the Powerbomb or Jackhammer.

Morrison should use Chaos Theory http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dN2mXm7RRJ0 maybe even amp it up by doing 3 germans then finish
I think the Fisherman suplex has been used by so many wrestlers that it doesn't seem believable as a finishing move anymore.

As for the Jackhammer,it's a strong move that suits a big,strong guy.Too bad Chris Masters is a joke now,he seems like a good fit.

Apart from just impact moves,I think submission moves have been all but deserted.I can only think of 2 wrestlers using submission moves as a finisher - John Cena and Alberto Del Rio.I don't understand why submission moves aren't as popular.It makes wrestlers look like they have more technical ability.

Texas Cloverleaf and the Sharpshooter - Guys like The Miz,John Morrison or Dolph Ziggler could use it as their alternate finishing move.Morrison and Ziggler definitely need a better finisher.
I always thought the FameAsser was a cool move just given to a lame wrestler. I always gave it to my created wrestler in all the smackdown games. I would like to see it make a return but given to the right guy. For some reason Jack Swagger comes to mind.

If i remember correctly, Kelly Kelly uses the FameAsser its called the K2. As a poster stated before the Canadian Destroyer is a great move. The reason its not used more often its because it is really dangerous to execute if the other wrestler is not good enough. The other reason is because its a modified pile driver and WWE banned the pile driver since Austin was injured by one.
I always liked the surfboard submissions, so maybe DBD (I know he used it before, so could be a nice alternative to the lebell lock), Sin Cara could use them.

But imagine the surprise if one of the "big guys" all of a sudden would pull this off. Someone like Kane punishing someone for minutes with this...sounds nice to me. And the move has enough variations so he could even use it without elevation on guys like Mark Henry.

Actually, I think Vince might have banned the Jackhammer, I remember that Goldberg barely used it in WWE, instead he used the spear. I'm not sure if Vince only banned Goldberg or his entire roster, but I haven't seen regularly since. The sharpshooter gets used all the time by Nattie, and was used by D.H. Smith and Kidd when they were a team (I know, seems like a long time ago). Same with the fameasser, Dolph, Kelly Kelly and Cena (top rope, looks like a regular leg drop tho) use it. The Canadian Destroyer is a very nice move, but like other ppl said, both guys have to really know what they're doing, and the E has too many rookies to do that safely. I agree, Barrett badly needs a new finisher. The jackhammer or tigerbomb would be perfect for him too. If anybody is going to use a ddt, I'd advise them to use Gangrel's impaler ddt, I kno Edge uses it as move, but he tends to swing them to the side instead of driving them straight down. I think Alex Riley was using a version of the F5 as his finisher in FCW and NXT as well, Brock was so powerful, hw would fling ppl off his shoulders, I think Rileys was actually the "truer" version of the move. I'd like to see him use it more.
I'd love to see the brainbuster brought back as a finisher, instead of a setup.
Also used to love seeing the slingshot suplex. Although I don't see how it could have the impact it used to.

Oklahoma Stampede could work too, especially for guys like Barrett, or Jackson.
Wow. All the post but a few good ones have yet to be mentioned. A good flying elbow drop as a finisher I know black machismo was using it. But it was a gimmick that wasn't his own. Also the camel clutch is just another move and not being used as a finisher. The main two that come to my mind come from the same wrestler. The running forearm and the torture wrack! I remember the torture wrack making a person look crippled! And the story behind the forearm having a steel plate in it made it devastTing. I have always loved the power bomb and Nash still is the man that has it mastered. And lastly, for shiggles.....everyone it's time to step up on the hooooooooe train!!!!
How about the Worm, hasn't been used since scotty 2 hotty. JK, just had to do it.

I loved the Jackhammer, yes it would look good for Barret to do, but i think it would fit better into Cena's arsenal. Make it look like he was going to do the AA and do the jackhammer instead, you know they would come up with a corny name for it though.

I used to like the move the Ultimate Warrior did when he picked them up and just dropped them on their face, i know its just a Gorilla Press, but done with someone like Zeke or Show would be cool with their strength just to hold someone their and just let them go.

I would like to see more decent tag teams with cool finishers like the DUI used by beer money. Kronic had a cool finisher can't remember what they called it but I loved it. If the E ever came back with good tag teams again sweet finishers done by the team together would be nice.
Re: The Canadian Destroyer... WOW. Check it out here .. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IOufaLiNwrg

I have to say I've never seen that move before. Who actually used this move originally?

And you're right, I don't think there's anyone in the WWE that could pull that off. Its a ridiculous modified piledriver, which I think is banned in the WWE anyway.
I always thought that move was over the top ridiculous. Yeah we know everything is choreographed, but you can see how someone could pull off a stunner a normal piledriver or a ddt by themselves. The canadian destroyer is way too blatant in its need for the receiver to help for my tastes.

As far as a finishing move id like to see I always liked the brain buster

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