[Unofficial] Explain Your Forum Name

Cena's Little Helper

Mid-Card Championship Winner
I searched the forums and I couldn't find a specific thread on forum names, although in [Official] threads for specific members, inquiries about the meaning of their names always pop up.

So, what is the meaning behind your forum name?

My namesake is one of the main characters in The Savage Detectives , a novel written by the late Roberto Bolaño. I just finished reading this book about two weeks ago, and its awesomeness behooved me to pay tribute to it in some form. Thus, so as not to freak out those in my real life by demanding that they call me Ulises Lima, I made it my name here.
Mine is my first two initials
It is also the abbreation of Trademark, who is my OCW character.

I thought it looked neat.

My name before was TM Canada Bowles

TM sounds like Team

so it was Team Canada Bowles

But Bowles is my last name

Not bowels

So in reality it was TM (my first two initials) Bowles (my last name)

So my real name is TM Bowles

And I live in Canada

TM Canada Bowles

Name and country, or Team Canada, and last name

Shortened to TM


That is it.
My forum name here is self explanatory. The reason it's Ms TM Canada rather than just Ms TM is that I made this account quite awhile ago and never posted. At that time, TM was still TM Canada.
On my "home forum" my username is my childhood pet's nickname. It was lame, but it stuck. On that forum, name changes aren't allowed unless you used your real name and want it changed for security reasons.
Heads up, Tim's name is actually Tim

His story will be much shorter than mine.

Guess what Ms. TM Canada's name means.

Oh, she explained already.
The Terminator quote "There is no fate but what we make for ourselves" + 007 from the Bond series.

No good story there.

I actually thought about changing my user name to Etcetera for a while, but never did, and now it's too late lol.
Well, originally I was RichardREVENGE, because I used to use that on myspace, bebo etc etc and couldn't think of anything when I signed up then I just got sick of it and now it's just Richard, because it's my name.
I was trying to think of a witty pun that was vile, but acceptable. I failed, but you can see were I tried. I kind of want to change it now as I'm bored of it. I don't really have much character depth on the forum, so nobody would be like "hey, where's tastycles?", but it's just a matter of coming up with something else.
FLUK = FlameLeeUK

FlameLeeUK comes from my original name of FlameBoyUK...I decided to replace boy with Lee as Lee is my name.

Flameboy comes from the friends episode where Phoebe comes up with a stage name for Joey.

UK is because I''m British.
Okay.. here goes.

"The One": It was my "wrestling" nickname, for when I truly wanted to be a Wrestler. I developed it, and even thought it up way back around 2000, or possibly even late 90's. (98, 99, something like that) I brought it to be, because I used to constantly tell everyone I was number 1. I was cocky.

Big Will: Compared to my friends, at that time, I was the tallest one. I'm only 6'0-6'1.. so I'm actually not that tall in theory.. but it was my friend Dan, who used to always say "Hey Big Will".. and it stuck.

TheOneBigWill: I've never been comfortable enough with my full name, to use it as a wrestling name. So I used "The One" as a nickname, with Big Will as my wrestling name. I liked it.
Well theres alot of variations

C********** C**** S****

Chocolate Covered Strawberry

Crazy Cracka Superstar

Caramel Candy Slice

more to come...................

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