Undertakers Greatest Hits.


Dark Match Jobber
The Deadman has entertained us for over 20 years. I have never been a big fan of the gimmick but the man can do it in the ring. There is no big man that comes close to his work in the squared circle. So I'm going to list some of my favorites. Feel free to partake.

VS. Kurt Angle- No Way Out. Angles just defended the belt at the Rumble and Taker made his intentions known by basically imploding the ring. The next month at NWO the tore the house down. I believe it ended in a pin/submission. I dont remeber the outcome and that might sound stupid but this match changed my opinion of the Undertaker. it was a long fun match with plenty of near falls.

VS. J.Hardy- Raw Ladder match. One word exciting. Yeah the match was all about Jeff but UT played his role perfectly in this match. After the match the Badass showed a change of heart by giving Hardy well deserved props.

VS. Batista- WM23 One hell of a world title match. This was the first match in a great fued. Cena and HBK went on last and no one thought this match would hold a candle to it. But Taker and Batista raised thier game on the grandest stage of them all. The streak continues and Takers brings home the gold at WM ten years after beating Sid.

VS. HBK-WM25 Really the greatest match I've seen in a very long time. I don't need to go on about this match. I'll just say this I probably watched three times that night. Two of the greatest being great. I was upset when the booked the second one because i knew it wouldnt top the this one.

Taker does not have many great ones left in him but I know this. He will go out on his shield. When he steps in the ring he will give us everything he has.
Agree with all the matches mentioned above.

vs Ric Flair - WrestleMania X8. Yes its not the greatest match ever, but it was never designed to me. This was a Veteran against another Veteran, and the younger Veteran carried the older Veteran to a great match. Flair said in an interview, that he was so nervous about this match and that Undertaker carried the both of them. That's the professionalism and experience of the Undertaker.

vs Brock Lesnar - No Mercy 2002. This was the Hell in a Cell. I always wished that Brock stayed on so he and the Deadman character could go at WrestleMania. Anyway, this was the first match where I've really seen the Undertaker, in any character exposed. The extreme bleeding, the cast, the brutality. Brock came out looking like a God after this match and we got a damn good Hell in a Cell match.
vs Randy Orton - WrestleMania 21. Orton's always been able to put on a good match with veterans, and in this match he was able to go toe-to-toe with one of the most gifted veterans in the entire company. Taker was great as always and really did work.

vs Edge - WrestleMania 24. This was the first time I legitimately thought that the Undertaker was going to lose at WrestleMania. He seriously put on a wrestling clinic with Edge and executed all of his finishing maneuvers but couldn't get the win for the title yet so I thought Edge really had it. Then, like always, Taker comes through and locks Edge into Hell's Gate.
To add to the list:

* The first 2 Hell in a cell matches he had - against Shawn Michaels and Mankind

* 1997 and 1998 Summerslam classics with Bret Hart and Austin

* Mania 17 and 14 matches with HHH and Kane

Many fans berate some of Taker's Mania matches while comparing him with Mr Wrestlemania HBK, but they don't realize that HBK always had good opponents at Mania and never had to face lazy clumsy giants like King Kong Bundy or Mark Henry or Giant Gonzales, like Taker had to due to, largely due to his gimmick since he was often pushed as a giant killer. But the deadman has given great matches with other opponents like Bret Hart, Mankind, Stone Cold, Brock Lesnar, Kurt Angle in other PPVs - isn't it surprising that some very long and popular feuds like Taker vs Mankind never made it to Wrestlemania?
Agree with all the aforementioned matches. Bottom line is that he's had a lot of great matches.

Funny that nobody mentioned a match he's had with Kane. I guess that for all the compelling storylines between the two there was never a match that rivalled Taker's finest moments eg. vs Mankind or HBK etc

My favourite Taker match (after the popular choices of matches with HBK and Mankind) is the HIAC vs Brock too. In fact, I'm gonna dust off the old VHS and have a play of it later!
Taker really put Lesnar over in that HIAC; one of the few times where I saw Taker really getting brutalized (Boiler Room Brawl). Taker has had some hits and some sure fire misses but his work speaks for itself. He's the only relevant and meaning full big man since Andre.
vs Mankind, King of the Ring 1998- I know Taker didn't really do much work in this match, but it nevertheless is one of the most legendary matches of all time and his presence in it cements him as one of the legends. It also works wonders for his gimmick to have done something like that to another person.

vs Kurt Angle, No Way Out 2006- A Wrestlemania caliber match that arguably was the match of the year for 2006. A technical masterpiece that's hard to believe that someone of Taker's size could have pulled off.

vs Shawn Michaels, Wrestlemania 25 & 26- These two matches speak for themselves and I honestly can't tell which one I liked better. You're damn right the one at 26 was above the world title matches on the card. Just two more notches in a belt that probably will never be beaten and extends Taker's lead as the greatest wrestler in WWF/E history.

vs Triple H, Wrestlemania 17- Just an all out brawl that satisfied the bloodlust that we all have when we watch wrestling. This was my favorite Taker 'Mania match until the ones with HBK.

vs Edge, Wrestlemania 24- The build to this match was great. It was nearly a year's worth of shit that exploded in one night, and Edge worked brilliantly, showing he could put up a fight against Taker, countering most of his moves.

vs Shawn Michaels, HIAC #1 at Bad Blood '97- Arguably the greatest HIAC match (along with #3 against Mankind). A brutal affair that again satisfied the bloodlust in us all and set the stage for all the HIAC matches to come. Kane's debut would also lead the Deadman down a wild ride to come.

vs Hulk Hogan, Survivor Series 1991- Not Taker's best worked match by a longshot, but taking the title off Hogan in the midst of Hulkamania showed that he was here to stay and set him on the course to become the legend that we all know.

Those are some of the matches in a career's worth of excellent matches that come to mind. Also, though it wasn't a great match Undertaker hanging the Big Boss Man in 1999 at Wrestlemania 15 was a cool moment in league with the full swing of the Attitude Era.
Vs. Big Bossman, Wrestlemania 15- I may be one of the few people who has ever seen this match and I enjoyed it. But for two big men and the time it was given, I thought it was a considerably good match and I was really into it. I will never understand the hate this match gets.
Let's not forget all of those battles against Brock Lesnar!! Some of them were pretty awesome including their HIAC match, one of the best ones without anybody being thrown off the cell...

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