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Undertaker Or Kane?


Aussie, Aussie, Aussie, Oi, Oi, Oi
Who do you prefer out of Undertaker and Kane? Personally I prefer kane, If those two had a match I would want kane to win as everyone always prefers the undertaker, but thats just my opinion, whats yours? :undertaker2:
mcguiness69 said:
Meh, who cares about the gimmick they have, what does that prove.

Then WHY start this thread?

Personally I'd take 'taker.

Better gimick. Better ground worker. Better aerial ability and of course better ring entrance
Undertake by far, imo they have ruined kane by gettin rid of his mask, i preferd kane when he 1st come in to wwe
i agree. taker is way better. he seems to amaze the fans night after night that he does wrestle, kane use to be really good, mask and all, and i like the both of them too, but yeah, taker is way way better than kane. simply because he can do more, like his size doesnt stop him as it does kane, like, he can run without a struggle, do a lot of other things without a struggle, yet kane isnt fast enough when he runs or does anything but he is pretty sneaky, then again so is taker.
This is a tough one for me. I would say Undertaker for his longevity, but Kane for his peak. It's like Roger Clemens v. Pedro Martinez with Taker being Clemens and Kane being Pedro. I think Kane had 4-5 years in which he was a BETTER wrestler than the Undertaker has ever been. Man, the guy was doing hurricanrannahs, tilt-o-whirls slams, double suplexes (one guy in each arm), dropkicks, you name it. All this for a guy who is actually bigger than Taker. What he did in that stretch was simply unprecedented and hasn't been matched.

I don't believe that taking the mask off has "ruined" Kane I think it has been the booking. The first few months after Kane demasked were simply awesome. Kane had the top and the makeup around his eyes and was just as intimidating as ever. He sat up from the Stunner and chokeslammed Stone Cold, Threw Bishoff off the stage, and came to the ring in chains.

The problem is that, over the last few years, Kane has been used as a veteran whose sole purpose is to put over youngsters. Whether that's Kane's choice or the WWE's, it has certainly been frustrating for fans of Kane. Taker, on the other hand, has remained dominant in the booking department. As for their entrances, I will always prefer Kane's original entrance to any other entrance in WWE history, with the Brood's a close second.
Kane because I find him more entertaining and more unpredictable than UT. ^ I liked Kane the most when he first debut the entrance and the moves he did was kick ass..
^spam....i personally think Undertaker is better in the ring, and has more charisma than Kane, and is also better on the mic. So im going with 'The Deadman'
this is a hard one, i can't really say one of the two. Kane is better in the ring i think and undertaker is beter at everything else. so i can't really choose one. bither their entracnes kick ass and all aswell
ChokeslamToHell said:
This is a tough one for me. I would say Undertaker for his longevity, but Kane for his peak. It's like Roger Clemens v. Pedro Martinez with Taker being Clemens and Kane being Pedro. I think Kane had 4-5 years in which he was a BETTER wrestler than the Undertaker has ever been. Man, the guy was doing hurricanrannahs, tilt-o-whirls slams, double suplexes (one guy in each arm), dropkicks, you name it. All this for a guy who is actually bigger than Taker. What he did in that stretch was simply unprecedented and hasn't been matched.

I don't believe that taking the mask off has "ruined" Kane I think it has been the booking. The first few months after Kane demasked were simply awesome. Kane had the top and the makeup around his eyes and was just as intimidating as ever. He sat up from the Stunner and chokeslammed Stone Cold, Threw Bishoff off the stage, and came to the ring in chains.

The problem is that, over the last few years, Kane has been used as a veteran whose sole purpose is to put over youngsters. Whether that's Kane's choice or the WWE's, it has certainly been frustrating for fans of Kane. Taker, on the other hand, has remained dominant in the booking department. As for their entrances, I will always prefer Kane's original entrance to any other entrance in WWE history, with the Brood's a close second.
Yes, I agree with you 100%.

Thats spam, state why you agree
The Undertaker. The best big man in wrestling history IMO, the best gimmick and the best entrance. His ability is incredible for his size. No one his size can move around the ring as much. Kane is very good too, but he has been horribly misused for most of his career since 1999. The Undertaker has achieved so much and his ability to change his attitude and appearance over the years has led to the character lasting this long.

As far as Undertaker vs. Kane. Undertaker wins easily, he has beaten Kane so many times in singles competition. Kane has only defeated The Undertaker once in a singles match to my knowledge (Raw 1st June 1998).
I have been a kane fan since i strated watching wwe 6 years ago and i really connected with his character has the vengeful psycho monster that destroys the opposition his back story only made it easier to accept him. In my opinion, wwe put in way much more time and effort into kane's gimmick them undertakers. When taker first debuted, fans new almost nothing about his origions until kane debuted and the undertakers story deepened. If you actually read the story behind the debut of kane or his book, Journey into darkness, you see a depth to kane that no other gimmick had, including takers. As far as talent, I think that both taker and kane are potenially equal. Cept undertaker is always pushed and Kane is held back. IMO the feud the two have are pure gold, rivaled by none, except wwe is probably going flush all that potenial away. It also pisses me off that kane is continuously missused and I know that writing hatemail to wwe won't fix anything.
well they both Rule but i'de go with the undertaker.Because with his experience 14-0 at wrestlemania
Feuds with
Hulk hogan
big boss man
Rock 'i think'
And all that is the deadman
Kane had been my favorate wreslter around 1999-2003 becuase of his style, gimmick and persona. But ever since he got rid of the mask, he just hasnt looked the same, and is less intimidating and less athletic. I would of liked to see the Kane Vs Kane angle they did earlier this year to have continued because it seemed real interesting. As for the matter at hand, I'd say Undertaker because his gimmick is super cool, and has lasted him for a decade.
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do you think that kane should either stay a baby face wrestler and stay with his brother the undertaker and stay the brothers of destruction, or do you think they should have kane or even undertaker turn heel on each other close to wrestlemania 23 and have kane face the undertaker at wrestlemania 23 and have kane beat the undertaker finally?

I wouldnt mind if they had kane turn heel and DESTROY undertaker cuz we all know that KANE Is the better brother.
I loved Kane when he had his full attire, but over the years bits just fell off of it for some reason. I hate him know that all he wears are the tights, which aren't even the original design. So, I'd definitely take Undertaker at the moment, he's great as the ressurected deadman and is a great wrestler. Slightly off topic, I'm a complete Abyss mark at the moment.
o you think that kane should either stay a baby face wrestler and stay with his brother the undertaker and stay the brothers of destruction, or do you think they should have kane or even undertaker turn heel on each other close to wrestlemania 23 and have kane face the undertaker at wrestlemania 23 and have kane beat the undertaker finally?

I wouldnt mind if they had kane turn heel and DESTROY undertaker cuz we all know that KANE Is the better brother.
ok first, undertaker is better. more championships, better entrance, and better gimmick. secondly, i hope they both stay "good guys". they destroy other tag team when their together
Rated R Superstar316 said:
o you think that kane should either stay a baby face wrestler and stay with his brother the undertaker and stay the brothers of destruction, or do you think they should have kane or even undertaker turn heel on each other close to wrestlemania 23 and have kane face the undertaker at wrestlemania 23 and have kane beat the undertaker finally?

I wouldnt mind if they had kane turn heel and DESTROY undertaker cuz we all know that KANE Is the better brother.

No they don't need to have another feud where Kane trades on Taker and they fight at mania again.That already happened,remeber when Kane buried Undertaker alive at Survivor Series 2003 and taker came back and they fought at Wrestlemania XX.Personally i don't think they should fight at mania for a third time.Maybe instead Undertaker could fight someone like edge at Wrestlemania 23
I'd like to see a Taker/Kane feud where Undertaker is the heel. In my oppinion Taker is stale in his current state, the fact he's rarley on T.V. makes it worse. I dont know if him as a heel would work though, with him only making occasional appearences.
definately kane against undertaker.i think it wud be cool if they had undertaker vs kane in an inferno match at wm 23. undertaker would win then he puts kane in the casket and burns him alive and now kane can retire which is wat he's been wanting to do.
They have to jeep them together for a while now, but I'd like to see them face off later on down the line. It'd make no sense if they made them feud now after they have just reformed, I'd like to see them have a match at WM, but we all know who would win

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