Who cares. I honestly don't care if Kane is ever on WWE TV ever again. IMO, he hasn't had an interesting storyline since he was X-Pac's tag partner. The Mysterio storyline is soooo awful and I'm sorry, but Mysterio bores me too. Kane will never be on top again (assuming his less than 24 hr. title reign years ago puts him "on top"). He's a big guy who is getting older, slower, and his mic work has always been awful because he's not a guy that needed it when he came around. Kane doesn't quite deserve to be jobbing to Snitsky or anything, but he should be a consistant low mid-card performer. I don't know what he'd do, but the way he was brought into the WWE was so good, it will never be topped. With that, you can't do anything else with that type of character. You can't throw facepaint on him and have him think he's Doink the Clown or anything. Then he won't be taken seriously. He has been stagnant for years and he'll never get out of that funk he's been in for some time.