Undertaker: Hall of Fame?

Vintage Nick

Climbin' in your windows...
Hopefully this is the right place. Anyways:

Well, we all know that Undertaker's accomplishments over the years guaranteed him a spot in WWE: Undefeated for a whole year since his debut, multiple time champion, seriously jumpstarting careers of different Superstars, and the coveted Streak at Wrestlemania. But I have a question. When Undertaker retires, how will be be inducted into the Hall of Fame without breaking character? Will he have to inevitably break character if he comes back to take the award and just be Mark, or will he be accepted quietly?
Well we all know what Mark is like thanks to his American Bad Ass gimmick. He doesn't have to prepare an acceptance speech with death references nor does he have to appear in a cloud of smoke to accept his induction. He could simply show up as Mark and accept it, maybe make a few references to his Deadman character. I don't think many Hall of Famers show up entirely in character anyways.
I think when The Undertaker goes in, he will talk & be normal, meaning it will be the end of an era becuz he is the last of the Kayfabe Gimmicks from the Hulkamania era. It should be pretty awesome when he goes in!
Yea, superstars almost always break kayfabe at the HoF ceremonies. Its just always been that way. So, to answer your question, I could def see him coming out as Mark, but just more reserved and quiet, with little to say. I dont know how theyre going to be able to honor this guy tho, cuz he deserves what Flair got x10 IMO.
Yeah, at the HOF, they usually break character. The only one's who stay in character are the wrestlers who are still wrestling.
True. I kept thinking it'd probably be Mark taking the honors and saying how great the business was and how fun it was to be with the Superstars...good ol' Mark.
Yea, I don't see him showing up as the evil Undertaker to do his acceptance speach, or the American Bad Ass Undertaker either.

He'll just show up as himself, as Mark, and accept the award.

What I wonder, is who will induct him? Paul Bearer? Probably not, but I dunno.
I keep thinking that someone like Glenn Jacobs would induct him, since he is Undertaker's kayfabe brother. Paul Bearer is also an option, but I think he's done with the WWE.
I keep thinking that someone like Glenn Jacobs would induct him, since he is Undertaker's kayfabe brother. Paul Bearer is also an option, but I think he's done with the WWE.

I'm pretty sure they didn't leave on bad terms though, so I think he'd be okay with coming back just to do the induction. I don't think Jacobs would do the induction, he's his fake brother, it would be kind of lame to do that.

I can't really think of anyone other then Paul Bearer, not sure who Undertaker really respects in the business but whomever that man or woman is most likely they will be the one to induct him.
If anyone were to stay in character for their induction, it would be, and should be The Undertaker. How awesome would it be to hear his name, and then the gong rings, and the lights go out, and when they come back he's standing at the podium in a cloud of fog?

I don't know who it would be to induct him. My guess is Mick Foley, just because of the history the two have had in the ring, and how fan friendly Mick is. Glen Jacobs would be cool, but I don't see him giving a serious speech, written for him or not. Percy Pringle would be great, but I don't think there's any connection left between him and Vince.
Well, he'll probably he normal like his "American Bad Ass" Gimmick, but I still think they'll refer to him as "Undertaker" and not Mark. He hasn't gone by his real name ever in the WWE, so I don't think the WWE will use his real name at all, unless he uses it himself. He'll be himself and there won't be special effects or anything during his introduction. I could see a few possibilities for people inducting him into the Hall of Fame.
I actually think of it in a different way. What if Mark doesn't come to get his award? I think the person inducting him will give a speech on how he had terrorised people in the ring and talk about his gimmick and then just accept his award without Mark shwoing up.
If Dory Funk can do it I know the Undertaker can do it - 6 times! I don't even know have of the HOFamers. He is a American icon! He will get in before he even retires. I mean 16-0 and counting. If he never gets in that would just be dumb.
It would be cool to see him stay in charracter and play some of his "mind games" but how awsome would it be to see him show up in a suit and Tie and speak intelligently?

As far as who culd induct him I only see about 3 or four people

Paul Bearer
Mick Foley

all four of these people have personal and professional ties to taker and any one of them would be a great choice
but I still think they'll refer to him as "Undertaker" and not Mark. He hasn't gone by his real name ever in the WWE, so I don't think the WWE will use his real name at all, unless he uses it himself.

Actually, during the DDP stalker angle, Sara referred to him as Mark several times.

I can't honestly see him being inducted before retirement like Flair. Taker is VERY devoted to the maintainment of kayfabe. Hell, he doesn't even sit with everyone else during the other HOF ceremonies, he waits backstage and chills with the inductees, so he wouldn't come out and go 'Hey it's me, Mark Callaway, on behalf of my kids and Michelle i graciously accept this award' and then go on to talk about how much he hates his gimmick, only to appear on PPV the next night as The Undertaker.
I'm pretty sure they didn't leave on bad terms though, so I think he'd be okay with coming back just to do the induction. I don't think Jacobs would do the induction, he's his fake brother, it would be kind of lame to do that.

I can't really think of anyone other then Paul Bearer, not sure who Undertaker really respects in the business but whomever that man or woman is most likely they will be the one to induct him.

But him and Jacobs are supposed to be really good friends backstage, so it's not that bad an idea.

I think it would be really bad taste for him to do a HOF acceptance speech in such a surreal character, especially considering how huge the celebration for him will be. He'll be himself, maybe show a slight hint of deadman, then get off stage.
The only other person other than the ones already listed that could induct Mark is the man himself - Vincent Kennedy McMahon! The reason I say this is because other than a close friend, who else could give his longest serving superstar a true mark of respect with his Hall of Fame induction, the boss! Along with that, you could possibly have him being inducted in role or out of role. But the only problem is, if they induct him before his last Wrestlemania, unless the storyline involves him breaking character saying it's his last, it would be hard to see him being inducted out of character.

Why do I have the strangest feeling his ending line will involve him rolling his eyes and going "My career will now rest innnnnn peace!"
No Question HOF all the way,he does whats best for the business he has no problem taking a loss 2 someone,18 years of destruction baby,he is the WWE!
he's not going 2 show up at the HOF in wrestling gear be real!Or he just might!LOL
No way he breaks character. From all that has been said, he takes the kayfabe, the serious mystical nature of his character very very seriously. I can see a ton of guys honoring him, and speaking of him, but I absolutely do not see him appearing, and just speaking as a normal person. I saw him leaving an event, driving out of the parking garage, and he gave me and the other fans out there pretty much the harshest glare one can, seemingly, becuase we saw him looking like a normal person. On that experience alone, I wouldve told you he would never do the tearfull goodbye that so many others have.
I can't imagine he says anything either. With all of the people he's been associated with over teh years, he could have either Kane or Bearer accept for him. I could see him appearing and taking the plaque, but if he says more than two words I'd be stunned. If he breaks character, so much of the mystique goes with it. Never do I recall hearing of someone keeping character like he has. Not even from back in the old days. For him to accept an award like that would just not work for me at all.
No,he is pretty overrated i mean a dead man gimmick is just plain the worst gimmick ever
seriously Kevin Nash would've sell the gimmick more than Mark Calloway.
and the mania streak he carries on,isn't an excuse to make him what people call
''Legendary''.HOF are people with talent like Ultimate Warrior and Batista,that make classic matches like
batista vs cena and Warrior/hogan,no one would forgot.
No,he is pretty overrated i mean a dead man gimmick is just plain the worst gimmick ever
seriously Kevin Nash would've sell the gimmick more than Mark Calloway.
and the mania streak he carries on,isn't an excuse to make him what people call
''Legendary''.HOF are people with talent like Ultimate Warrior and Batista,that make classic matches like
batista vs cena and Warrior/hogan,no one would forgot.

Oh dear. :lmao::whatthe:

Anyway as for Taker being a Hall of Famer, the simple answer is yes, definatly. You don't have to like him and/or his gimmick, Taker has done so much for the company since he joined. He became a top star pretty much from day one, having some incredible matches along the way. He and Shawn Michaels pretty much held the company together in the mid-90's and he an incredible of amount of class matches over the years. He has always been great to listen too on the mic, he's always been able to portray his character extremely well. He has been an innovator in several types of matches: Hell in a Cell, Casket Match, Buried Alive, Inferno Match & Last Ride Match. He's had some of the most unforgettable moments in WWE history (ie/ throwing Mick Foley off the Hell in a Cell, leaping over the flames onto Kane and Vader during the first ever Inferno match just to name a couple. He's won 6 world championships, won the royal rumble match, had some of the most classic fueds the companys ever seen and of course, being 16-0 and Wrestlemania.

The man will definataly be a Hall of Famer, theres no question. I hope though it ain't for some time as I still enjoy watching him wrestle. A WWE with Undertaker would be a strange WWE.
Well my vote as for who should induct Taker once his time to enter the HoF comes goes definitely to Mr Percy Pringle aka Paul Bearer (funny to think that "Percy Pringle" really IS his real name - that sounds more like a gimmick/alias than many of the ring names wrestlers use these days, heh). I really don't see anyone else having that clear cut a relation to the Undertaker.

But Paul Bearer was somehow always there, especially at the beginning of course, when the "Urn" was still such a big deal about the entire gimmick... besides, I guess he could be one who could tell a lot of stories about the Undertaker due to their history... and it sure would be funny as hell if Bearer, during his speech, would occasionally switch into that high-pitched character voice... "oooohhh yeeeesss myyyy Underrrrrtakeeerrr"... pure awesomeness.

I really couldn't think of anyone more fitting. Besides, I don't think relations between Pringle and WWE are bad - as far as I know I think WWE actually helped pay for a surgery he had to help him reduce his weight? So I guess it's really quite possible for him to do that appearance once the time comes, if he is available then.

As for Taker himself... I'd expect him to come out dressed all in black - of course the tuxedo, but no white shirt, and a pure black one instead. Maybe even using the hat for his entrance. Also, the idea with the classic "lights out" and gong, and then him appearing on stage would definitely be fitting! I also think that he won't be inducted as long as he is active - simply because the Undertaker is really the only gimmick WWE and Mark himself have been keeping up more carefully than any other, because it depends so much on keyfabe. But once his career is over, and he gets inducted, I see no problem for him doing a speech, as he would not have to maintain his character in that case. But somehow I cannot see him doing a really long speech either, it just does not seem to fit him, because that's what we're used to from his gimmick. But I'm definitely looking forward to his HoF ceremony, same as with HBK's.
I think he does deserve it and he has earned an induction in the HOF. I could list all of his accomplishment but I’m sure most of you know them, so if we go by his accomplishments alone then that would earn him a spot too. Like I said I won’t list every single one of his accomplishments but the fact that he is a multi-time world champion, has been with the WWE a long time, has the Wrestlemania streak, etc., and should indicate that he deserves a spot.

Also, he is a loyal worker. He stayed in the WWF with Vince McMahon when they were going through hard times even though he was probably offered a lot more money from WCW to jump ship to their company.

Also, he is willing to put people over if it will benefit them or if he thinks they’ll be a major player in the future, the first person that comes to mind when I think of someone that ‘Taker has put over, it’s Randy Orton. He really did help him a lot and look at where Orton is now at.

As far as who is going to induct him, well it has to be Paul Bearer, Kane, or maybe even Vince McMahon. It could be Paul because he was his manager for a long time and because he was involved with him for a long time ( I.E him being Kane’s manager during their feud). I think there’s the possibility of it being Kane because that’s probably one of his best known feuds and because I remember hearing a rumor about ‘Taker wanting Kane to end his streak, so you know they are probably good friends and he would want his friend to induct him. As far as Vince McMahon, it all goes back to The Undertaker being loyal to him for so many years.
He is defeintely a Hall of Famer, and I also think Percy Pringle, aka Paul Bearer should induct him.

I completely disagree about him not saying anything during his speech. I honestly could see him come out, dressed normally, maybe even a bandana, and say a speech for atleast an hour. You don't think he has stories? Please, hes been in for over 25 years, including before WWF. At the Hall of Fame, everybody breaks character just for that honor. Think about it, why would he just talk for a couple minutes and leave? Doesn't make any sense.

He is a true legend, an icon, and deserves it all.:undertaker2:

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