Undertaker - 1 final reign?


Championship Contender
Nothing to do with Rollins injury, but given that now The Undertaker appears to be in better health with injuries and surgeries done is their enough left for one final reign like Brock Lesnar style, not the same lengthy reign but over 2-3 ppv's before putting someone over one more time.
I like the idea,it would be nice to see one more 4 month reign for the deadman,would the climax be 22-2 at mania losing for the second time dropping the belt to someone?

The tournament would be a nice way of showing Takers testicular fortitude,have to win 3 hard matches in one night at his age with health problems,they would have to make it so the matches "looked" gruelling but also have a lot of catch your breath arm bars etc to pace him health wise.

The way HIAC ended it would set up his first defence of the title vs Bray Wyatt,no more buildup needed.
I would certainly love the Undertaker winning the WWE World Heavyweight Championship Title Belt, and defend it at WrestleMania 32 against Sting. Since the Undertaker's WrestleMania record is 22-1, I wouldn't mind what the result would be.
Nothing to do with Rollins injury, but given that now The Undertaker appears to be in better health with injuries and surgeries done is their enough left for one final reign like Brock Lesnar style, not the same lengthy reign but over 2-3 ppv's before putting someone over one more time.

I think right now with the way ratings have been, WWE needs a full time champ which Taker wouldn't be. I think at this point Taker just need to put over a talent before he retires.
Undertaker is my favorite of all-time and if he were to win the title one last time, Survivor Series would make perfect sense with the event being his 25th anniversary. Not sure how they can make it work storyline wise. Maybe a Fatal Four way with Taker, Wyatt, Kane and Reigns. Taker wins.

Undertaker has match with Wyatt on Raw the next night. Could be a title match or a tag match with Kane against two members of the Wyatt family. Great battle, with Undertaker winning. Wyatt family attacks Undertaker and Kane after the match, then Sheamus cashes in and wins the WWE world title.

After Brothers of Destruction end their feud with with the Wyatts they can go after Sheamus and Barrett.
If you guys think Brock's reign was an aborted piece of garbage, Undy won't be any different. Plus, who would be Taker's Paul Heyman be now that Paul Bearer isn't with us anymore?

With longer reigns being all the rage, I don't see him holding the strap for less than five PPV's, either.

He's given a lot of blood, sweat and tears - okay, maybe not tears - but maybe one last big Wrestlemania would be the better way to go.
I could see Undertaker winning the WWE World Heavyweight Championship Title Belt, with the help of his Brother, Kane, and then both siding with the Authority as the Corporate Brothers Of Corporate Destruction, Corporate Kane and Corporate Undertaker. Undertaker can tell Triple H that he’ll gladly be the Corporate Face of the WWE as long as Kane gets his job back as Director of Operations. Plus at their age, it would be Best of Business if Undertaker has the Authority watching his back. It’s like the Corporate Ministry, but more “Corporate” than “Ministry” this time around.

Plus Undertaker side plates on the WWE World Heavyweight Championship Title Belt would look really cool!! HAHA!!
Normally, I would be inclined to say no. Undertaker obviously doesn't need another Title run. And besides, I'm not a huge fan of the "part time champion who only appears occasionally and isn't mentioned otherwise".

But... looking at the roster right now, no Rollins, no Cena, no Orton, no Bryan, hell, no Jericho. I like Roman Reigns, but if it were up to me I'd wait a little while longer for him. So with that in mind, who's left that's over enough to be champion? Basically, Brock and Taker. Which is actually pretty sad. But WWE has been so bad at building talent, that nobody is left. So Undertaker winning another WWE title, not the worst idea.
They haven't announced a Brothers of Destruction vs Wyatt Family match for Survivor Series yet. So book it like this.....

Wyatt Family comes out on the next Raw talking again about how he has stolen the powers of the Brothers and blah blah blah. In the midst of this, have something happen that has 'Taker and Kane regain their powers. Maybe have 'Taker and Kane walk out looking all fragile and weak, have them enter the ring, and then 'Taker reveals the urn. 'Taker explains that if Wyatt has his powers, then the Urn will work on him as it did on the Undertaker. Somehow or another, 'Taker uses the Urn to absorb his and Kane's power from Wyatt and then, feeling rejuvenated, 'Taker and Kane clean house and take out the Wyatt Family. This allows 'Taker and Kane to enter the tournament at Survivor Series. Have 'Taker show a combination of his skill, wisdom, and will to win in the tournament by surviving grueling match after grueling match. In the Finals, have the Wyatt family come out to try and stop 'Taker from winning, but Kane helps 'Taker stop them and then 'Taker wins.

This would easily set up Wyatt as 'Taker's first challenger so that'd be cool. Have 'Taker hold the belt until 'Mania 32 and have 'Taker say win, lose, or draw 'Mania 32 is it. Have him inducted into the Hall of Fame. Finally, the match that we never really got to see happens at 'Mania 32. The Undertaker vs John Cena for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship. Have 'Taker lose for Cena's 16th title victory and arguably his biggest title win and have the fans and roster alike pay their respects to 'Taker as he walks to the back, never to be seen again........

That would be epic, awesome, outstanding, incredible, brilliant, enjoyable, great, sensational, cool, phenomenal, and any other superlative you can think of to describe it. I would definitely be crying after something like that.
I could see Undertaker winning the WWE World Heavyweight Championship Title Belt, with the help of his Brother, Kane, and then both siding with the Authority as the Corporate Brothers Of Corporate Destruction, Corporate Kane and Corporate Undertaker. Undertaker can tell Triple H that he’ll gladly be the Corporate Face of the WWE as long as Kane gets his job back as Director of Operations. Plus at their age, it would be Best of Business if Undertaker has the Authority watching his back. It’s like the Corporate Ministry, but more “Corporate” than “Ministry” this time around.

Plus Undertaker side plates on the WWE World Heavyweight Championship Title Belt would look really cool!! HAHA!!

Undertaker is past the point of being a villain for the authority I think. He is mostly just an independent agent that shows up every so often to fight someone, so I don't see that changing much.
A serious injury to the WWE WHC and Undertaker wrestling at an event, where WWE is heavily promoting 25 years of Taker, with Taker front and center on the main promotional poster for Survivor Series, complete with a 25 Days Of The Deadman countdown on WWE.com. Add in the undeniable void in his career, with Taker never having that one memorable run as a world champion, and you get the feeling Survivor Series is the ideal stage for Taker to start one last, nostalgic world title run before he retires.

It's a very strange series of events, the timing for Rollins' injury is really eerie, and you can say the stars are aligned for Taker winning the WWE WHC, but realistically, I can't see it happening. Trust me, the sight of Taker closing Survivor Series on one knee, while raising the title in his signature pose is enough to give me goosebumps, but it's hard to ignore a few hurdles.

Will Taker wrestle more than one match as WWE WHC? Will he sit on the title until WM 32? Who is Taker going to feud with? The feud with Wyatt works, because the two have history going back to Wrestlemania 31, but with so many top stars out of action for various reasons, you're going to have a hard time drumming up interest or sparking buzz for a WWE WHC Taker/special attraction wrestling a mid card heel or Sheamus, and you can't do another Lesnar VS Taker match for obvious reasons. There's a slight chance WWE WHC Taker VS Wyatt could work, but I'm not so sure.

If we're talking about part-timers, Taker rarely shows up, Lesnar trumps Taker for more appearances and matches this year, and that's saying something. Also, Taker's age is a question mark. Can Taker handle more dates and matches? How long will his body hold up? Yes, Taker looks good, and he had three good matches with Lesnar and Wyatt this year, but you have to believe it's only a matter of time before the sand in the hourglass runs out.
Absolutly not, it has been awful to see him out of shape against Brock Lesnar.

It's disgusting, WWE need to build new stars, Taker is too old now and just need to retire. It's just sad to see him, and his belly look out of shape too.
Just as someone said it is just weird that Seth got hurt right before Survivor Series, Undertakers 25th anniversary and we need a new champion. It is eerie but it would not be a bad idea but could Taker wrestle some more dates we know he probably could show up, we do not want a repeat of last year when Brock held the title.
Let's see it would be about 3 matches in the tournament and than 4 more matches including WM32. He could just show up on Raw but not fight, and they do need some big names to show up at Raw with Seth, John, Brock and Randy gone. This just might work if Taker is up for it just one other thing keep Kane and maybe another guy by his side to do the dirty work for him.
No, part-timers shouldn't be given title runs just because.

It devalues the championship and every challenger.

WWE needs to create new stars, and you don't do that by giving legends one last run with the world title.

NOTE - I love Undertaker as much as anyone. He's one of my favorite wrestlers, but his time is up (pun intended).
I disagree. Definitely disagree. I was gung ho about Kane potentially winning another title because the man not only works full time, but he had a long time rivalry with Rollins, so a feud over the world title between them made sense. Undertaker is not a full time star, and he has no real reason to win the world title again. It wouldn't add anything to his legacy that isn't already there. It would be like WWE deciding to put the IC title on the Undertaker because he hasn't won it before. And Undy just had two matches recently that were billed above the world title, so he's kinda above it right now anyways.
No he should not win it anymore especially after his feud with Brock Lesnar.....
New stars should be made now....
More like 1 final WrestleMania match.. That's good enough, then he could drift off into the sunset until he gets inducted to the Hall of Fame. He doesn't need the title, Undertaker is literally the last guy who needs the title. WWE is struggling to build stars right now, they need to focus on that right now and not worry about giving the title to someone who doesn't benefit at all from it.

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