Umaga next ECW champ

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I think they have Lashley drop the title to Umaga. This way they can extend the feud with Lashley and he could get a fresh run in ECW. Umaga would match up good with the likes of RVD, Sandman, Dreamer etc.
Unfortunately I think this maybe the direction they are going. I think it is either going to be Shane or Umaga getting the strap. I would love to see Shane get the belt, be the GM of ECW, and have Umaga as a bodyguard. That would garner some much needed attention for the brand, and quite frankly, Shane McMahon is probably the best* in ring performer currently that ECW would have. (*RVD won't get the belt back and CM Punk is still too green).

I hope that we don't see Jamal become a world champion, that would be a death nail in the WWE coffin.
I don't think there's much left for Umaga to do on Raw now. I think his gimmick is pretty much done. Once it was shown he was beatable then it's downhill all the way. It's a shame because he's impressed me so far this year. I hope they gradually start to make him less feral. I don't see him winning the ECW Title I think he will go over to Smackdown and feud with Taker over the summer. Before they bring in Rosey and make the savage version of 3.M.W.
That would be cool if Umaga took the strap and Shane went to be like the G.M. on ECW or something, I kinda like that idea. Shane is damn entertaining. ECW definitely needs something that will garner it some serious attention. I still think that the brand is in its infant stages, but I feel like if we just give it more time than it will be something special.
Well not to go off topic, but ECW has been a leaderless promotion since Heyman left. Heyman is a draw. He was the top heel that people wanted to see him get shut up. ECW now is just a blob sitting there. Sure it's got some young talent, but there is no head on the blob. You stick a Shane O'Mac in there and make him the GM or something, you give ECW instant credibility with the fair weather fans. Would I go as far as to put him as champion, maybe not, but I'm not completly against it. I would personally love to see a RVD v. Shane McMahon match. I think Shane is very talented for a part time wrestler. I just don't want the belt on Umaga.
Yea, I don't really want Umaga to have the belt either, but right now the ECW title doesn't really have that much credibility anyway, at least not in my opinion, when you have Lashley on RAW every week and SmackDown occasionally, too. But I'm with you on the Shane factor, dude. Stick him in there, generate some hate for that son of a bitch, and people will start talking about ECW.
I personally think that Umaga should become the ECw Champ we seriously need a new ECW Champion and it's prretty obvious now that Umaga will win because WWE made him drop the IC Championship so it's like yes Umaga will win the ECW Championship.
But the problem is if Umaga wins the Ecw title then will he leave RAW and go to ECW? or will he keep on jumping between the 2 Brands.
Anyways whatever happens Umaga will look good with the ECW Championship and so a better chance for Lashley to get a Major Push for the WWE Championship.
They might as well put Stephanie as the head of ECW. They could do a cheap Stephanie w/ new breed vs. the Originals. The whole story line could be built around Stephanie trying to bury the originals because she always hated Heyman and wants all of his creations to die. Meh. It's something. Then they cuold bring Heyman back as a face. Meh.
Well the Steph thing woul dmake sense to, since she "bought" ecw from Heyman in 2001. I know that the rumor of having Heyman coming back to support the originals has been floated around since before WM, but Steph will have nothing to do with it. I honeslty think Steph maybe done as far as a fulltime on screen character goes. She's to busy trying to rip off some reality TV thing to put on WWE TV this summer.
unfortanutly none of that shit is going to happon vince will push umaga to the limit umaga will soman spike vince lashly will do a move possibly a spear cover him 1 2 3 still champ so suck my balls noob cheses's
Lashley will more than likely win at Backlash so i do not think Umaga is winning the ECW title any time soon or never. I did not care about this feud when it started and i sure as hell don't care about it now, i thought this was a one time thing that was going to end at WM23 but unfortunately this feud might last through the summer with Lashley destroying everything Vince throws at him. Then after it is finally over we will see Vince on SD every week(blabbing his mouth for 30 minutes most likely) feuding with Rey which is suppose to lead to a SummerSlam match between the two, another feud i will not give a sh*t about.
i think it would be a good idea for UMAGA to win the ECW TITLE...i mean it will give him an excuse to move over to ECW(cuz they need top HEELS on the show) and also him and LASHLEY could have a good feud throughout the summer...i definately wouldn't mind seeing him win the title..and also about STEPHANIE going over to ECW that would be great to have her manage the NEW BREED and HEYMAN manage the ORIGINALS...real life feuds are great..(just like matt and edge lita)
Really there is no place on the Raw roster for Umaga. Khali is now there to be the unbeatable monster. It just fits more for Umage to move to ECW, since they don't have a "monster" on that show. Who knows for sure.

seriously though I've been thinking about this all day and Umaga has started to impress me as of late, ignor the fact he's Jamal. I think he would fit well in ECW though i'm sure many many would disagree.

Though I'd love shane as the championay!
Ya i'm selling myself more on the Shane as champion/bad ass gm with Umaga as his personel body guard. Quite frankly, the WWE needs the Shane McMahon character back. I'm actually really stoking myself up for this storyline that won't happen. Damn, only if I was on creative.
I'd second that, shane mcmahon bad ass wrestler would be ace, him at mania 17 was incredible, he's great at taking bumps, ECW need him!
Or maybe we need creative to be on something instead. Think about it... if they were all cracked out maybe we'd see some more interesting storylines.

We'll see... depends how modest Shane wants to be and how tied down to his desk job he is.
What do you mean about Steph is doing some reality TV thing Shock? I haven't heard anything about that and would like more info if you may be so kind as to share it :D But I definately see both of these ideas being major possibilities (The Shane heading ECW one with Umaga as his guard more probable than the Stephanie McMahon one though). If Umaga did win then it is because they want some hype for a future interbrand PPV as they have been saying that we will be seeing more storylines featuring stars from all brands. I would rather see Lashley doing a Matt Hardy thing and fighting several times FOR the title if he loses it then maybe switching brands to Raw or back to Smackdown to battle for the Heavyweight belts. Then again Lashley has been pushed so far so suddenly... and perhaps they just need to hurry up and introduce a secondary (TV?) title for ECW...somebody like Punk or Burke could hold it giving each more reason to distrust the other and want to rule the New Breed.
The Stephanie reality tv thing is just the K-Fed, Diva Search, Tough Enough stuff still making it onto wwe tv. It seems that Steph is the one that is most influenced by pop culture and that it is reflected with her run as head of creative. With the emergence of reality tv, you've seen Diva Search and then the 1,000,000 Touhg Enough on smackdown. Ahh, I hate this crap.
At least Tough Enough isn't on anymore, even though it did uncover some good Wrestlers. Stephanie is unlikely because of her role in creative and she is probably not going to be taking Her and Triple H's daughter on the road with them. I wouldn't mind seeing Shane as GM of ECW, if They get 2 hours, ECW is improving so if it gets better than WWE could try and negotiate for a hour and a half and increase it from there. That is only if the quality gets better.
Umaga will never be ECW Champion ever I think CM Punk and Elijah Burk are the future of WWECW.
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