
You outdebated me? Really? Where?

Let me reintroduce myself... D-Man - 2009 Debate League Champion

Pleased to meet you.

You never stepped to the plate pussy, I put out an open challenge to all, all comers were defeated, you like a bitch never stepped up, or any of the wind bag big wigs who act like their top shit.
I completely obliterated you in my Bible-Gay Rights thread. Hence why you green repped me and failed to respond after my final rebuttal.

You lose, good day sir.

No no, it was like talking to a wall so I decided for once to just let you think you were right which you still aren't and never will be. You, nor anyone else has ever beat me, nor will they, nor could they.
You never stepped to the plate pussy, I put out an open challenge to all, all comers were defeated, you like a bitch never stepped up, or any of the wind bag big wigs who act like their top shit.

Where and when? I must've missed that while I was too busy living a normal life.
Don't you wastes of skin get it by now, I am having fun with you. You are the ones who are now continually coming back for more, all I have to do is keep playing you like a fiddle.
Don't you wastes of skin get it by now, I am having fun with you. You are the ones who are now continually coming back for more, all I have to do is keep playing you like a fiddle.


Let me out or ban me. I'm not playing any games with you, I'm not bending to anyones will. Either let me out and I will do exactly what you want, or ban me and get it over with. This is like a sick fucking game and I am the pawn. I am not doing it anymore. Let me out, and you have my word I will do things your way, or end it. I am not going to sit in here talking to myself 99% of the time to try and prove something. You want me to prove something, give me a real opportunity to do it and I will, but I'm not playing anymore of your games period.

Yeah, you sure played us like a fiddle.
No no, it was like talking to a wall so I decided for once to just let you think you were right which you still aren't and never will be. You, nor anyone else has ever beat me, nor will they, nor could they.

Wow. That may be the most arrogant statement I've ever read.

You have to be a world record holder for largest inflated ego.
Don't you wastes of skin get it by now, I am having fun with you. You are the ones who are now continually coming back for more, all I have to do is keep playing you like a fiddle.
The stock last resort once you've failed in every other way. Well done, sir. You're now a complete cliché.
No no, it was like talking to a wall so I decided for once to just let you think you were right which you still aren't and never will be. You, nor anyone else has ever beat me, nor will they, nor could they.

This wall is more intelligent and a better person than you will ever be. I've never been banned, never been imprisoned. Anyone who sees that debate and then looks in this prison will see that I won and that you are nothing but a child. You are pathetic, clinging to this as a cry for attention. You're doing the time for all your crimes, and you're just piling on the penalty. All you needed to do was swallow your pride and take my advice and you would have been out of here in no time.

Look at The Sullinator. He was put in here and he improved without having an attitude. He was then released. You could have done the same.

You did not. You are a skid mark on the underwear of progress, and I despise you down to the very core of your being.
No no, it was like talking to a wall so I decided for once to just let you think you were right which you still aren't and never will be. You, nor anyone else has ever beat me, nor will they, nor could they.

Bow to thy master of greatliness,in all of thou universe.He shall be forever known as roi... erm Game Rage Master Of The Universe!
You have to be a world record holder for largest inflated ego.

Oh you don't have to keep complimenting me, I know I'm awesome.:blush:

So is that why you are the one with the red name and prison avatar, Mr. Fiddler?

Oh, that's because a bunch of bitches with just enough power to be assholes put me in here because I am better than them and they don't like it.
Oh, that's because a bunch of bitches with just enough power to be assholes put me in here because I am better than them and they don't like it.

Yup... he's right. I'm but a mere blemish on the ass of one known as GameRage. I have been beaten on an internet wrestling forum. I guess I'll just have to go back to my regular life of having sex with gorgeous women, making lots of money at my job, and being a part-time rock star.

It's quite depressing.

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