
This wall is more intelligent and a better person than you will ever be. I've never been banned, never been imprisoned. Anyone who sees that debate and then looks in this prison will see that I won and that you are nothing but a child. You are pathetic, clinging to this as a cry for attention. You're doing the time for all your crimes, and you're just piling on the penalty. All you needed to do was swallow your pride and take my advice and you would have been out of here in no time.

Look at The Sullinator. He was put in here and he improved without having an attitude. He was then released. You could have done the same.

You did not. You are a skid mark on the underwear of progress, and I despise you down to the very core of your being.

Sure thing Poindexter. Your a weak little scared fuck. You're the type of pussy that used to pay me for protection so they didn't get beat up. So how much time am I looking at now shit for brains?
Yup... he's right. I'm but a mere blemish on the ass of one known as GameRage. I have been beaten on an internet wrestling forum. I guess I'll just have to go back to my regular life of having sex with gorgeous women, making lots of money at my job, and being a part-time rock star.

It's quite depressing.

Yeah sure, the typical internet liar who always talks about how good they have it in the real world but lives in their moms basement or something.
Well, I'd love to stick around and play but I got bigger fish to fry and I've got a few priorities now. I'm still debating on whether to have a friend crash the server or not, but I will be back in another form some time soon. Later bitches.
So, wait.

Hacking is illegal. You DO recall that you definately gave out your entire address on this forum dont you?
That might not be safe. You know, because the board could crash at any time. Someone write that down in a word documant or take a picture of that post and the post where he threatens to crash the site. If you don't trust your computer (because of the hackers), make sure to print all of that. And if you don't trust your home's ability to keep those papers protected, lock them in a safety deposit box.
Yup... he's right. I'm but a mere blemish on the ass of one known as GameRage. I have been beaten on an internet wrestling forum. I guess I'll just have to go back to my regular life of having sex with gorgeous women, making lots of money at my job, and being a part-time rock star.

It's quite depressing.

I just dont know how you can make it through the day to day of such a drab existance Mizzle, I just dont
That might not be safe. You know, because the board could crash at any time. Someone write that down in a word documant or take a picture of that post and the post where he threatens to crash the site. If you don't trust your computer (because of the hackers), make sure to print all of that. And if you don't trust your home's ability to keep those papers protected, lock them in a safety deposit box.

And what about the safety deposit box?He could get to that no?
Look, Rage, here's the fact of the matter. You can insult us and talk about how we are all losers and how you're playing us or whatever you want. But the fact of the matter is, you're the one who is still here. So what's worse, being the people getting insulted who will forget about it in a hour or two and go on with their lives, or the guy who keeps insulting the people and is begging those same people to have mercy on him? Every time you keep coming back, you are losing more and more.
Sure thing Poindexter. Your a weak little scared fuck. You're the type of pussy that used to pay me for protection so they didn't get beat up. So how much time am I looking at now shit for brains?

I don't see how you get "weak scared little fuck" out of that post. I don't like confrontations, that much is true. I have never payed ANYONE for protection in my life. If I have a problem, I say it and hope that me and the other person can work it out maturely, like men. I handle my problems by myself, or at least try to. Sometimes it doesn't work out so it's nice to have someone around to help. I don't even know what I'm saying anymore!

And you're going to be here until the end of time. Do you react this violently to everyone who tries to be nice to you?
I know he would like to stay because he does enjoy being in the forum. I would suggest that he does talk to one of the admins and try to figure out things and talk in a civilized matter.
Option C: Let him try to shove his little dick up his own ass so he could literally go fuck himself.
Dude, if you push someone far enough, they're bound to snap. What did you people expect?
I didn't. I told him exactly what he needed to do to get out and he argued with me and said he's never changing.

I hope you're playing Devil's Advocate, Coco.

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