
I am interested to know what GR will do when the editor at his new job tells him that he has to tone down his style a little and lose about 50% of his word count...

Will that website be brought down too?

Maybe the whole interweb is in danger

Well see actually since I am a better writer with more talent in my terds than in you peoples whole existence it won't be a problem. That is a completely different style of writing anyways. Shows what you know.
The most troubling aspect of all of this is that you must try and outfox an internet forum to feel good about yourself.Thats pretty sad.
Man, I love this. Rage is claiming that he can come back onto this site with a new IP, new screen name, new personality, he can make the rain come, cure cancer, solve the poverty crisis, and discover the secret to morning wood.

That's awesome, considering that it'll all be done from this prison.
Man, I love this. Rage is claiming that he can come back onto this site with a new IP, new screen name, new personality, he can make the rain come, cure cancer, solve the poverty crisis, and discover the secret to morning wood.

That's awesome, considering that it'll all be done from this prison.

D-Bag you give me too much credit!!! You rascal you!!! This is so much more fun than the regular circle jerk you guys all like to have.
Well see actually since I am a better writer with more talent in my terds than in you peoples whole existence it won't be a problem. That is a completely different style of writing anyways. Shows what you know.

I am intrigued by this. What makes you so much smarter and better than me? Have we met in real life? I think I would remember you
The most troubling aspect of all of this is that you must try and outfox an internet forum to feel good about yourself.Thats pretty sad.

Oh no, I feel great about myself as is. I don't need to so any of that to feel good about myself, it's so much fun though.
D-Bag you give me too much credit!!! You rascal you!!! This is so much more fun than the regular circle jerk you guys all like to have.

The best part about this is that you think little comments like this get to us and we all KNOW that we've gotten to you.


You fucking ingrate.
Shouldn't you be on a short bus somewhere wearing a helmet? Fucking ***.

Oh, yeah, THAT'LL make them take you out of prison.

By the way, if you were serious about coming on with another account and such, you'd have done so already. Instead you're still in this thread, with the same account, yelling at everyone else because it makes you feel important.

Walk the walk instead of talking the talk. Then you can get put back in here and I can laugh at you some more.
Instead you're still in this thread, with the same account, yelling at everyone else because it makes you feel important.

Walk the walk instead of talking the talk. Then you can get put back in here and I can laugh at you some more.

Oh it doesn;t make me feel important, I'm already important enough as is. It's just fun to fuck with you ******ed assburgers.
Oh it doesn;t make me feel important, I'm already important enough as is. It's just fun to fuck with you ******ed assburgers.

Mhm. You just keep on believing that, douche. If it makes you feel like you've accomplished something, even when you haven't, keep on believing.

Also, you're still here. Where's this alternate account I keep hearing about?
YOU'RE fucking with US??? HAHAHAHAHAHA

Aren't you the one crying that you're in prison while we continue to e-********-assfuck you?
By the way, if you were serious about coming on with another account and such, you'd have done so already.

No, I just foolishly tried to appease the wants and desires of the putrid pucked on piles of shit you call mods to try and do it their way. They don't want that though.
YOU'RE fucking with US??? HAHAHAHAHAHA

Aren't you the one crying that you're in prison while we continue to e-********-assfuck you?

Well about a half hour ago I stopped giving a shit and it just became more fun to fuck with you guys and watch you take the bait like the tadpoles you are. Keep thinking you've done something. I tried to do it your way, but your way is fucking stupid, much like you yourselves.
Well see actually since I am a better writer with more talent in my terds than in you peoples whole existence it won't be a problem. That is a completely different style of writing anyways. Shows what you know.
Yep. If there's one thing I came away from this post knowing, it's that Rage is a great writer.

So, are we going to get invited to your house again for tea and biscuits?
Well about a half hour ago I stopped giving a shit and it just became more fun to fuck with you guys and watch you take the bait like the tadpoles you are. Keep thinking you've done something. I tried to do it your way, but your way is fucking stupid, much like you yourselves.

Yeah, ok. Have fun thinking your in the drivers seat here. whatever makes you sleep at night.
Yep. If there's one thing I came away from this post knowing, it's that Rage is a great writer.

So, are we going to get invited to your house again to tea and biscuits?

Oh of course, why not. That would make it all the easier to knife you all to death!
You homophobic son of a bitch. I hate you now with the power of a drill that can pierce the heavens. I hope you die by getting *******d by a mace. That would be ironic, you stupid, bigoted, fucking cuntnugget. Right now I want to rip your face off and shove you in a salt pile over and over again. I hate you, I can't stand anything about your being. You deserve to be thrown in here for the rest of time, and to be crushed under a bulldozer in the real world.

I tried to help you and not only did you spit in my face, you managed to become nothing but a stupid, whiny child.

Have a nice life, you piece of shit.

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