Uh who really isn't getting that ending...?

Obviously most people get the ending but Wyatt is a midcard feud whereas Ambrose was on the cusp of the main event scene. To push him down to make room for Reigns is just a terrible idea given the reaction he's gotten lately. Last night's raw proved this is a boring midcard feud as they got 5 minutes without even Wyatt appearing live.
I don't accept it. I LIKED it. I enjoyed the creativity. I enjoyed the enigma. To fuck with a clean finish. Its Hell In A Cell. Half of them have a screwy ending.

You enjoyed the death of Ambrose's career? That's it for him, he's never going any higher. Rollins DOMINATED the entire feud and won every match while Ambrose was booked like a fool who kept getting beat down and never win. And in the pay off to finish off a five month long feud where the babyface should have gotten his revenge, he loses that match in the end too. Where is the logic there?

I get that putting Wyatt and Ambrose in a feud together purposely keeps them in the under card because they're not models and you only get pushed on looks these days but couldn't they just save that for the next night? Oh no because Ambrose needed to suffer another loss to kill his credibility to the negatives.
You enjoyed the death of Ambrose's career? That's it for him, he's never going any higher. Rollins DOMINATED the entire feud and won every match while Ambrose was booked like a fool who kept getting beat down and never win. And in the pay off to finish off a five month long feud where the babyface should have gotten his revenge, he loses that match in the end too. Where is the logic there?

I get that putting Wyatt and Ambrose in a feud together purposely keeps them in the under card because they're not models and you only get pushed on looks these days but couldn't they just save that for the next night? Oh no because Ambrose needed to suffer another loss to kill his credibility to the negatives.

Woah there buddy. SpoodBeest, this type of post seems uncharacteristic of you. I may have failed to detect sarcasm here, but I'll assume you're serious. I think you're jumping the gun a bit here to say he's never going higher and that's the end of him. We can't tell the future based on one main event outcome. Bryan has been booked like shite in the past, and look how he did at Mania this year. CM Punk was getting jobbed out to Mysterio and leading increasingly crappy factions in 2010.

Also while I understand your concerns, I don't think the loss kills Ambrose's credibility as it was a screwjob ending. He didn't look weak, he looked ganged-up-on. I agree that the payoff is a kind of petering out though. It's not a real conclusion.

Lastly concerning your point on looks, this is a rather subjective matter. Ambrose has loads of fangirls, and also Daniel Bryan is a main eventer (admittedly he's not ugly, just hairy in a bad way). :p
I was happy it didn't end with the screen turning black and Michael Cole saying "What's going on?"

I think it was Cole who said that and then silence.

My friend's son thought their t.v. broke so they scrambled to try another t.v. in their house and missed part of what happened. I'm curious if other people thought something had gone wrong.

It's not like we haven't seen that in the past. Once I think it was an In Your House that had technical difficulties and the other I think was maybe DDP vs Goldberg and the feed got cut off before the match ended.

Also I wouldn't have put it past WWE to do a storyline in this case where the feed cut out and the people at home didn't know what happened. Although with technology and such I'm sure whatever happened in the arena would have been released from fans in attendance.
I was happy it didn't end with the screen turning black and Michael Cole saying "What's going on?"

I think it was Cole who said that and then silence.

My friend's son thought their t.v. broke so they scrambled to try another t.v. in their house and missed part of what happened. I'm curious if other people thought something had gone wrong.

It's not like we haven't seen that in the past. Once I think it was an In Your House that had technical difficulties and the other I think was maybe DDP vs Goldberg and the feed got cut off before the match ended.

Also I wouldn't have put it past WWE to do a storyline in this case where the feed cut out and the people at home didn't know what happened. Although with technology and such I'm sure whatever happened in the arena would have been released from fans in attendance.

The huge "LIVE" banner was right at the top right of the screen the whole time. How did he miss it?
You enjoyed the death of Ambrose's career? That's it for him, he's never going any higher. Rollins DOMINATED the entire feud and won every match while Ambrose was booked like a fool who kept getting beat down and never win. And in the pay off to finish off a five month long feud where the babyface should have gotten his revenge, he loses that match in the end too. Where is the logic there?

Oh come on Spood, you're better than that. Has all that lumberjack hair finally gotten to your brain? Ambrose despite not getting the pin CLEARLY looked like the better man in at least this stage of what should be a long feud to come. Also, if we use your thinking, then we definitely enjoyed the death of Austin's career after being Bret Hart's bitch for 5 months and CM Punk had a great death after losing to Orton in 2011. Hell, Daniel Bryan enjoyed a great death after losing to Bray Wyatt earlier this year. I used these examples to tell you to quit being a whiny, drama queen and be the logical Spoodbeast that I used to know. Who's to say the feud is over? These guys are clearly the future main eventers and they have years left to settle things.

I get that putting Wyatt and Ambrose in a feud together purposely keeps them in the under card because they're not models and you only get pushed on looks these days but couldn't they just save that for the next night? Oh no because Ambrose needed to suffer another loss to kill his credibility to the negatives.

Let us forget that Ambrose just got done MAIN EVENTING a PPV inside Hell In A Cell that also featured Cena vs Orton in the very same structure (why do people just gloss over this fact?). Let us also forget that Bray Wyatt in this past year has gotten the better of Daniel Bryan, Chris Jericho, and The Shield while also looking quite equal to John Cena. But no, those guys aren't getting pushed at all. They don't have the "look", whatever that is. This clearly won't be the number two feud in the company for the Survivor Series PPV, no not at all. Hell, they're getting de-pushed so much that match will probably take place on the Pre-Show.
The huge "LIVE" banner was right at the top right of the screen the whole time. How did he miss it?

Probably because he's a kid and didn't even pay attention that there were words on the screen when the picture turned to all black. He probably just panicked like most kids around his age would have. :shrug:
Oh come on Spood, you're better than that. Has all that lumberjack hair finally gotten to your brain? Ambrose despite not getting the pin CLEARLY looked like the better man in at least this stage of what should be a long feud to come. Also, if we use your thinking, then we definitely enjoyed the death of Austin's career after being Bret Hart's bitch for 5 months and CM Punk had a great death after losing to Orton in 2011. Hell, Daniel Bryan enjoyed a great death after losing to Bray Wyatt earlier this year. I used these examples to tell you to quit being a whiny, drama queen and be the logical Spoodbeast that I used to know. Who's to say the feud is over? These guys are clearly the future main eventers and they have years left to settle things.

Let us forget that Ambrose just got done MAIN EVENTING a PPV inside Hell In A Cell that also featured Cena vs Orton in the very same structure (why do people just gloss over this fact?). Let us also forget that Bray Wyatt in this past year has gotten the better of Daniel Bryan, Chris Jericho, and The Shield while also looking quite equal to John Cena. But no, those guys aren't getting pushed at all. They don't have the "look", whatever that is. This clearly won't be the number two feud in the company for the Survivor Series PPV, no not at all. Hell, they're getting de-pushed so much that match will probably take place on the Pre-Show.

It certainly feels like after getting two-three segments a show usually closing the show, to only getting five minutes on raw and losing in his highest profile match yet, that he is being depushed. He may have the number 2 feud for survivor series ,potentially, but only because 10 people are in the number one feud making them 11th and 12th respectively. Wyatt has done nothing in months and before this he was getting buried. Ambrose was on the cusp of the main event and now to be pushed down into a feud that he'll likely lose because clearly they're repushing Wyatt. Ambrose despite terrible booking is getting great crowd reaction and it seems like they don't want him to get more over than Reigns so they're pushing him down. Ambrose has lost almost every match he's had since the shield split where as reigns hasn't been pinned or submitted since march, seven months ago and yet ambrose is more over by a significant margin. If they flipped their booking Ambrose would be the new austin right now and Reigns would be the new slater. Shouldn't that speak to what they have on their hands with Ambrose? If he had more than one segment on Raw or closed the show again I'd feel better but they clearly want to move on without Ambrose with 3 out of 4 main eventers from HIAC in one feud and ambrose demoted to midcard.
Oh come on Spood, you're better than that. Has all that lumberjack hair finally gotten to your brain? Ambrose despite not getting the pin CLEARLY looked like the better man in at least this stage of what should be a long feud to come. Also, if we use your thinking, then we definitely enjoyed the death of Austin's career after being Bret Hart's bitch for 5 months and CM Punk had a great death after losing to Orton in 2011. Hell, Daniel Bryan enjoyed a great death after losing to Bray Wyatt earlier this year. I used these examples to tell you to quit being a whiny, drama queen and be the logical Spoodbeast that I used to know. Who's to say the feud is over? These guys are clearly the future main eventers and they have years left to settle things.

But who do the casual fans remember? The winner and that was Rollins and has been for every match of the feud dating back to MITB. Ambrose had nowhere to go after the Rollins feud. This feud with Wyatt won't propel either of them because neither guy is a bigger star than the other. Bret Hart was the bigger star and put Austin over in a big way. In the case of Punk he got lucky they gave him the shoot in 2011 post-Orton feud that caused a lot of mainstream sources o turn their heads because they couldn't tell if it was real or not.

He nearly had to let his contract expire and play the company's hand to get to the top. Do you really think he would have made it to where he did if things didn't play out like they did in 2011? Not on their booking choices thats for sure. Now I won't deny that Rollins and Ambrose may feud again but by the time that happens Rollins will be a much bigger deal what would be the point for him to feud with a midcarder by then? This feud was for Rollins benefit only. It made one star, never was meant to make two.

Let us forget that Ambrose just got done MAIN EVENTING a PPV inside Hell In A Cell that also featured Cena vs Orton in the very same structure (why do people just gloss over this fact?). Let us also forget that Bray Wyatt in this past year has gotten the better of Daniel Bryan, Chris Jericho, and The Shield while also looking quite equal to John Cena. But no, those guys aren't getting pushed at all. They don't have the "look", whatever that is. This clearly won't be the number two feud in the company for the Survivor Series PPV, no not at all. Hell, they're getting de-pushed so much that match will probably take place on the Pre-Show.

It will be the last time he headlines a PPV mark my words. It was a blowoff to a huge feud that had Rollins in it. Rollins is the next big star they're building and Ambrose happened to be the good hand doing the favours. As for Wyatt looking equal to Cena only until their Mania match. After that Cena pulled his usual shtick and Wyatt has never recovered from the damage done between Extreme Rules and Payback this year. He went the same route as Wade Barrett before him.

Which is the exact ceiling they have for Dean Ambrose. They're not going to push him as a headline act, he is going to be kept in perhaps at the top of midcard to make it seem like they invest in him. As for Ambrose/Wyatt being the second biggest feud I'm sure Orton/Rollins is higher in the rankings because the company actually cares about those two being a big deal. Ambrose and Wyatt are only feuding because they're at the same level and creative thought they needed something to do.
If you went to a sold-out Raw with a picture of Don Muraco and gave everyone who correctly guessed who it was a dollar, you wouldn't have to break a $100 bill.
Before I get in to this, I would just like to say that you're killing me with these long ass posts. However, you dig your own grave as they say.

It certainly feels like after getting two-three segments a show usually closing the show, to only getting five minutes on raw and losing in his highest profile match yet, that he is being depushed. He may have the number 2 feud for survivor series ,potentially, but only because 10 people are in the number one feud making them 11th and 12th respectively. Wyatt has done nothing in months and before this he was getting buried. Ambrose was on the cusp of the main event and now to be pushed down into a feud that he'll likely lose because clearly they're repushing Wyatt.

It's been 2 damn days since they started feuding. This week's Smackdown hasn't even happen yet who's to say they don't get segments then? Also, Wyatt hadn't done nothing in months? :wtf: He only disappeared for a couple of weeks while also having videos over him "releasing" Rowan and Harper being played again and again. Before that, he got the better of Jericho. If Ambrose was getting depushed then he wouldn't be feuding with Wyatt, he'll be getting served to Rusev.

Ambrose despite terrible booking is getting great crowd reaction and it seems like they don't want him to get more over than Reigns so they're pushing him down. Ambrose has lost almost every match he's had since the shield split where as reigns hasn't been pinned or submitted since march, seven months ago and yet ambrose is more over by a significant margin. If they flipped their booking Ambrose would be the new austin right now and Reigns would be the new slater. Shouldn't that speak to what they have on their hands with Ambrose? If he had more than one segment on Raw or closed the show again I'd feel better but they clearly want to move on without Ambrose with 3 out of 4 main eventers from HIAC in one feud and ambrose demoted to midcard.

First of all, where do you get these terrible booking ideas from? I swear everybody thinks somebody is always on the receiving end of terrible booking and conspiracy theories over which guy is "made to look good." Reigns was getting those cheers way before Ambrose started to be known as "The Lunatic." Let us remember that originally it was Ambrose that was being made to look like the star of the Shield while Rollins and Reigns was his backup. The fact that all three are in the position they're in right now should not make us worry about who looks better than who (b/c all three are as equal as they can be right now) but celebrate at 3 new, fresh faces in the main event scene.

Also, I must have missed all those times Ambrose pinned former world champions like so:



Or how about fellow rising stars:



But naw, Ambrose has been doing nothing but losing since the Shield split.

But who do the casual fans remember? The winner and that was Rollins and has been for every match of the feud dating back to MITB. Ambrose had nowhere to go after the Rollins feud. This feud with Wyatt won't propel either of them because neither guy is a bigger star than the other.

Somebody already pointed out how stupid that casual fans remember the winner part. Wyatt is guy who has pinned 3 former multiple time world champions and Mania main eventers in Bryan, Cena, and Jericho in the past year while winning their feud in the case of Bryan and Jericho. His faction also got the better of the Shield in the meantime too. I find it very safe to say that this isn't a step down for Ambrose and could propel both men regardless of who wins and who losses.

Bret Hart was the bigger star and put Austin over in a big way.

In that case, why do we complain about Cena winning all the time since clearly he's the bigger star and he puts guys over in a big way.

In the case of Punk he got lucky they gave him the shoot in 2011 post-Orton feud that caused a lot of mainstream sources o turn their heads because they couldn't tell if it was real or not. He nearly had to let his contract expire and play the company's hand to get to the top. Do you really think he would have made it to where he did if things didn't play out like they did in 2011? Not on their booking choices thats for sure.

Wow you have really been worked by the WWE b/c that was pretty much what was put on tv throughout the weeks leading to MITB that year. Punk was already at that time a guy who had been given opportunities since he got their. His entire career is based on a myth that they never wanted anything to do with him. If that was the case, then why the hell did they sign him in the first place? Do you realize how stupid it sounds to claim that a company is giving money to a guy that they don't really want? It was also a booking choice that gave Punk the mic on the stage on that particular night. He doesn't say what he says unless Vince gives the go ahead that's for sure.

Now I won't deny that Rollins and Ambrose may feud again but by the time that happens Rollins will be a much bigger deal what would be the point for him to feud with a midcarder by then? This feud was for Rollins benefit only. It made one star, never was meant to make two.

Yes, Rollins and Ambrose will feud again and BOTH guys will be even bigger than they are now even after they just MAIN EVENTED A PPV inside HELL IN A CELL. How in the hell did this not make both guys a star? Both are clear fixtures in the main event while being the number two heel and face respectively. They have also been shown getting the better of multiple time world champions/top guys of the company in Orton and Cena. Once again I must ask why would they build a main event level feud to the point where they make it the closing match on a PPV over a match that features two of their biggest guys having a #1 contenders match for the world championship and only for the benefit of one guy? If WWE was as stupid as you think it is, we wouldn't even be looking towards Wrestlemania 31 next year, but Starrcade 2014.

It will be the last time he headlines a PPV mark my words. It was a blowoff to a huge feud that had Rollins in it. Rollins is the next big star they're building and Ambrose happened to be the good hand doing the favours. As for Wyatt looking equal to Cena only until their Mania match. After that Cena pulled his usual shtick and Wyatt has never recovered from the damage done between Extreme Rules and Payback this year. He went the same route as Wade Barrett before him.

I'm going to remember this line. Hell, I might even sig it. What usual shtick would that be by the way? B/c in Extreme Rules he made John Cena look like a lost puppy questioning every moral of his life while also winning the match and at Payback he look like a guy who was just about as equal to Cena in a pretty good Last Man Standing Match. Wade Barrett as you mention also went after that to become a multiple time Intercontinental Champion, lead his Survivor Series team to a victory of Randy Orton's, and do a complete reignite his character with the Bad News gimmick. Can't be helped that man has been hurt for quite a while.

Which is the exact ceiling they have for Dean Ambrose. They're not going to push him as a headline act, he is going to be kept in perhaps at the top of midcard to make it seem like they invest in him. As for Ambrose/Wyatt being the second biggest feud I'm sure Orton/Rollins is higher in the rankings because the company actually cares about those two being a big deal. Ambrose and Wyatt are only feuding because they're at the same level and creative thought they needed something to do.

So Bray Wyatt only cost Ambrose the match in the MAIN EVENT of a PPV inside HELL IN A CELL because creative thought they needed something to do. See, I'd buy that if it was Sheamus vs random throwaway heel of the week, but these two guys have been getting main event programs since the start of the year so you damn right their the second biggest feud right now. If he was truly relegated to the midcard, then he wouldn't have just got done handing Cesaro his ass last Monday. It would've been the other way around. Now if you want to argue about the mishandling of Cesaro then there's no discussion to be had, but Wyatt and Ambrose have been on the receiving end of great treatment so far.
But who do the casual fans remember? The winner and that was Rollins and has been for every match of the feud dating back to MITB.

I think casuals are actually far more likely to remember the character than anything. This is why Foley got over in the first place. This is why Attitude Era went mainstream; every midcard character was memorable. Too Cool were super over for crying out loud.
It literally took you less than 2 months to be wrong Spood. Lucky for you, I'm not an asshole who loves to rub it in anyone's face when I'm right about anything, unless you're jmt because fuck the Saints. I'll happily accept you saying that you was wrong and move on.
It literally took you less than 2 months to be wrong Spood. Lucky for you, I'm not an asshole who loves to rub it in anyone's face when I'm right about anything, unless you're jmt because fuck the Saints. I'll happily accept you saying that you was wrong and move on.

Yep he headlined again and you were right. I don't like that he lost yet another PPV match, and I still don't think his booking is on par with his other two ex-Shield cohorts, but I am a man who can accept defeat in getting one wrong every now and again. Here's some rep for you.
Yep he headlined again and you were right. I don't like that he lost yet another PPV match, and I still don't think his booking is on par with his other two ex-Shield cohorts, but I am a man who can accept defeat in getting one wrong every now and again. Here's some rep for you.

Thank you sir, I somewhat agree with your view on the loss. I'm not going to dwell on it that much as he wasn't made to look inferior to Rollins or Wyatt. Unlike Erick Rowan, who I do think was given the shaft tonight because Big Show doesn't need to be winning against upcoming talent in 2014.
Thank you sir, I somewhat agree with your view on the loss. I'm not going to dwell on it that much as he wasn't made to look inferior to Rollins or Wyatt. Unlike Erick Rowan, who I do think was given the shaft tonight because Big Show doesn't need to be winning against upcoming talent in 2014.

I groaned watching that too. I was trying to understand not only how the stairs were of any extra aid during the pin but why Big Show needed to win. That young, up-and-coming Big Show you know? He needs those victories I guess.
Thank you sir, I somewhat agree with your view on the loss. I'm not going to dwell on it that much as he wasn't made to look inferior to Rollins or Wyatt. Unlike Erick Rowan, who I do think was given the shaft tonight because Big Show doesn't need to be winning against upcoming talent in 2014.

Ambrose loss at least played up his character and its unpredictability(or moments of stupidity).

Whilst, I think Big Show went over with a view to generating more heat when he interfered in the Rollins-Cena match... :shrug:
Ambrose loss at least played up his character and its unpredictability(or moments of stupidity).

Oh I have no problem with Ambrose losing other than it's another loss on PPV, but even that isn't much to complain about.

Whilst, I think Big Show went over with a view to generating more heat when he interfered in the Rollins-Cena match... :shrug:

Oh I get why they did it, I just think that it's wrong. Big Show interfering in that match would've worked despite the loss, or just insert Kane instead of Show it's not like he doesn't have a history of helping Rollins win.

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