UFC Live: Nate Was Fired because Cheick Kongo main events a UFC Card by Default

I have a strong feeling that this fight will be absolute shit. Kongo will cage hump his way to a victory me thinks.

Seriously, that was amazing. I have NO CLUE how the ref didn't stop it after those few shots from Barry, and then Kongo just comes out of motherfucking nowhere with a one-hitter quitter man! One punch and he was GONE. Goes to show any fight is always one punch away from winning.

God damn what an awesome little fight. In-freaking-credible. That made this whole show worth watching.
That was reminiscent of that amazing Pete Sell vs. Scott Smith fight from years past, these post-show announcers are right. That fight was better and might just be my favorite fight ever, but god damn that finish was INCREDIBLE man, Kongo just made me a fan.
I mean I still think Kongo is a dirty fighter, but hot damn that fight and finish was entertaining as hell.
If Barry showed an ounce of composure he would have won. He ran in, hands down with no regard. Kongo is a piece of shit and always will be in my eyes, but that was pretty chill.
I would just like to take a quick moment and post some better first round comebacks, just so we can keep a level head about what we just witness and not put Kongo on some pedestal.



They need to stop airing these on Sunday nights. My body starts going into shutdown mode at 10:30 on work nights. Passed out during Brown/Howard, pissed I missed the main event.

Last time, I passed out as Diego vs. Kampmann was about to start.

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