UFC 142: Aldo vs. Mendes

Too cheap a bastard to buy the PPV, what was the big "Holy Shit!" KO?

I cant buy it I have dish and its storming and even if it wasnt dude I have cerebal palsy I live off a disability check so I have to choose between this and the RR and wats wrong with watching a legal yes legal stream off my xbox
Unless I missed something, he never warned Silva and there was one shot to the back of the head. The other guy didn't even stand a chance to begin with. Worse than Jones being disqualified against Hammil.
Bro, he said he's to poor to buy it, he's not talking about you. He wanted to know why we were all going wild.
Ah ok my bad im sorry bro I thought he was making a refrence to what I said about getting it on my xbox even still I got a buddy callin me cheap because I got it free
Just like to say, the Palhares fight. I called that shit to the tee in the non spam thread. Barbosa fight......holy Santa Claus shit!

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