Ty's Half Baked Attempts at Signatures

Ty Burna

Getting Noticed By Management
Alright so I just recently became acquainted with Photoshop so this is really a journey through the learning experience of a rookie if you will. My first sig I made was a Krayzie Bone sig that I attempted to make look like he was surrounded by smoke like flames. While it didn't turn out as well as it wanted to, it was really just me messing around in Photoshop and seeing what I could come up with on the fly.

My second sig was the following:


I'm pretty proud of this sig as it was definitely more polished than my first one, and I had Phoenix to help mostly for it. The image i had for the sig was to have a more gritty feel to it, with graffiti writing on a cement slab. How I made the cement like background was use a huge brush and then distorted it over and over accordingly. I wish I could say the exact method I used but it was awhile ago and I don't remember. Otherwise the sig was pretty basic, graffiti style text in blue with the emboss styling to make it pop out and the cut picture. The headphones were a set of brushes I used to set the background and cover up an ugly cut off for the shoulders to your left.

This latest sig is probably my favorite so far.


And this was actually a lot simpler than it looks. I basically took the default checkered pattern in Photoshop and distorted it with the wave style about 15 times to get the swirl you see in the background. I added luminosity to the blending with a green color. The cut of Layzie Bone I used a blend that would allow the swirls in the back to overlay on top of him to give the pic a nice blend into the background with an outer glow to define his outline. The text I went with a script text with white color. I used a drop shadow, emboss, and outer glow to give the text some more pop from the background.

I know my explanations may not be as detailed or accurate as veteran Photoshop users are but I'm hoping this small showcase can show how much one can learn just from simply trying different things within Photoshop.

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