Tyler Reks released?!

I can't say I'm sorry he's gone. He did impress me a little over the last month or so, and I thought him and Hawkins were gonna get a chance to go after the titles in some time.

But as it also says, it was his own choice, so i can only be happy that he got what he wanted ;)
Gabe Tufts? That so stupid I'm surprised WWE didn't alloow him to keep it.

Considering nobody brings up to the main roster these days wrestles an interesting style I would've pushed Reks. I actually thought he looked like somebody who could potentially be a solid mid-card talent. Yeah, push him on his looks considering they all look the same, that's how I feel.

Hawkins & Reks should've been pushed harder as a tag team than The Prime Time Players but his release doesn't move me in any way. In fact, I'm so unmoved I wonder why I've wasted a minute of my time writing this.
Sounds like he has had to make the tough choice to put family ahead of "the dream". I think over the next few months we will see a few more like this, guys who just "give up" and take the money they have made back into "civilian life". The time it takes to get over in the WWE is the difference between seeing your kids grow up or not... For some the success to loss is too great. Fair play to him for being honest.
I'm pretty upset, I'm a huge Hawkins fan, and I really liked this team. Well Curt, at least NXT is looking better. I hope this means Hawkins and Ryder team up again, or maybe even Hawkins and Barreta. As far as Rex as a singles wrestler, don't care. I only care how Hawkins will be effected in all of this.
Got to respect his decision. He wasn't big like Punk or Cena but he's still out on the road a lot and that takes a toll on your family life. This is one of those times where you decide what's more important to you: family or wrestling. He decided his family was more important and I can't blame him for that.
I used to really like him so its a shame he had to go, but I respect his decision. It takes alot to have to leave for his family and I give him a ton of credit for that. It sucks, though, he seemed like the kind of star VKM wants at least lookwise, he was big, tall, muscled, and could've made a good monster heel sort of like Kane or Batista. Him and Curt seemed to climbing the tag team ladder and seemed like they were gonna get somewhere, but I wish him the best and I hope Curt can find another partner, its not good for superstars to be wasted.
I really thought Reks & Hawkins were going to be a centerpiece of the tag division by now. They absolutely owned NXT before getting moved up. Instead, they lingered in the fringes for weeks.

It's a bummer, because their turn was probably going to come in the tag division. It'll be tough for Hawkins to find the same kind of chemistry with a new partner.
As much as I liked Reks and Hawkins and wanted them to succeed in the tag team division, I gotta respect a man who wants to be with his family and doesn't want to miss his child growing up. I feel that with some changes, he could've been a champion one day. Best of luck to him.
Unfortunately, to be successful in the Wrestling industry (or most industries, for that matter) you almost always have to put career before family (Cena), or make those around you your family (HHH). If you don't agree, just think about it, and for the MOST part it makes sense.

If you pick one, the other almost always fails or has it's problems.

I respect his decision to go be a dad. Good for him, I hope he has a wonderful life, and maybe down the road he can return to Wrestling.
Isn't it ironic how a push can look the same as a "last time we'll be seeing a performer?" Here, I thought Tyler Reks and Curt Hawkins were finally being given a program to run with when they won last Friday's match......yet it was only just a last hurrah for a longtime employee.

Doubly ironic that Tyler couldn't have the moment for himself, having to share the stage with Hawkins. Oh well, the more the merrier, I suppose.

Best of luck, Tyler. Despite being barely used, you kept yourself in great shape and gave your all whenever you were called on. I suppose it's all you can do when management has nothing for you.
I was never a real fan of Reks but Hawkins has always been a favorite of mine. Reks had a hard decision to make & he made the best choice. I'm not too worried about Hawkins though he's very dedicated to wrestling & isn't one to have heat on him. This could be a chance for a singles push or to find a new tag partner. Curt Hawkins is more than capable of working with anybody as a tag team,he has universal adaptability which gives him so many options for potential partners. Trent Barreta,Michael McGillicutty & Johnny Curtis are 3 potential candidates for partners that come to mind right off the bat.
I can't really tell you much about Tyler Reks, because I usually flip the channel when he and Hawkins are on my tele.

How much time was he getting on television week in and week out anyways? If it was a foreseeable problem I believe the WWE would have tried harder to keep him around, but considering the amount of television time, lackluster appearances, and overall boring run he had as Tyler Reks I'm not really phased by this.

I'll still be tuning in on Monday Night, and I'll still be tuning in on Friday night without hesitation. This simply doesn't effect the quality of the roster in any way shape or form.
I just read a statement that he posted on Facebook and I have a new found respect for the guy.

When I heard that he'd asked for his release, I expected he'd do like so many other guys these days in wrestling and just bash the company relentlessly online. However, I was pleasantly surprised to read that he issued a statement that was classy, insightful, respectful and just all around unselfish.

Ric Flair said something one time, I can't quote it exactly, but the jist of it was that you have to be a selfish bastard if you want to be a huge star in pro wrestling. You have to put yourself & your career ahead of everything else in life. That's all well and good. I mean, if that's what you really want out of life, then more power to you. I admire Reks' decision to hang it up and be a full time father to his new baby. After all, based on everything you seem to hear or read about regarding today's society, you'd think that putting family first was something that was completely out of style.

I think Reks had potential but, at the end of the day, he's got something far more important to him.
He asked for all the right reasons. Especially as he's as underutilized as he is. Given the right push, he could've been a very solid mid-carder with top-card possibilities (they pushed Miz didn't they?). He's got a really good look and the right combo of size and speed (kind of a small Goldberg). He just wasn't getting pushed the same as a lot of other guys. It's sad that over half the talent isn't getting used just to keep pushing the same six or seven guys

Good luck with fatherhood!
You know, my first reaction to this post was "who's Tyler Reks?"

But it seems he's quitting for all the right reasons. Let's face it, Tyler Reks was never going to be headlining a WrestleMania. His destiny was the bottom part of the card and an ignominious release. If he's quitting to start a family, I have nothing but respect for that. So many people in the professional wrestling industry blow off their family for the sake of futilely chasing a dream. There's nothing but the deepest honor for a guy that can give that up for the sake of his child.

My leather cowboy hat is tipped to Gabe Tufts. If we're hearing the truth this time, you've done a very honorable thing that many people in your industry do not do.
I was surprised actually, because he and Hawkins are having their TV time with Ryback and their new gimmick. He is a loss, and I hope he can comeback.
He left on good terms with the company, so I'm sure if he wants to come back one day, he can.
Future Endevored for Hawkins.

Reks was a powerhouse that could've had success if pushed right. I commend him for stepping away for the right reasons.
Dude wanted to be a family man first and foremost, a commendable and very rare trait in today's society. Dude had a great look and decent abilities. I'm sure he amassed enough money over his few years with the WWE to take care of his family for a good while. I do wish him the best in his future though.
I kind of feel bad for Curt Hawkins. They just got the new Magic Mike type gimmick and it looked like WWE was ready to push them on Smackdown. Cant really argue with Reks reason for leaving just the timing sucked for Hawkins.
Think Reks looked good in the ring, especially with bigger guys.I wouldnt go into detail of how good he was as a wrestler cause franky we barely see him on television.He had a good look and we dont really know his mic work.I guess he did what he could since creative hasnt had anything for him since his "intense" repackage with the dreadlocks and all.

Much respect for going on and being a dad, which is so much more important.Especially since, in today's society you would think that, that would be the last reason he would quit.
Gabe Tufts? That's a lame name (sorry Reks).

When he first started in the WWE, Tyler Reks was booked strong. Too bad he was later paired up with Curt Hawkins when he immediately lost steam, who clearly slowed him down. Either way, he wouldn't have made it big in the WWE.

Family comes first. Anyone would've done the same thing if one was on his shoes. Reminds me of a Filipino Drummer (Mike) who had to leave his Filipino Bandmates (Ebe and Jal) to support his family back in the mid-2000s. Sad. :(

On the bright side, Reks got to leave on his own terms (e.g. MVP). Few people can only say that they quit the WWE and weren't fired. Moreover, he was on good terms with them when he left, making his possible plans to return possible. Should he decide to return, I wouldn't be surprised if they pushed him.

Good for Reks. Bad for Hawkins.

I wish Curt Hawkins the best in all of his future endeavors.
i'm sad they got rid of Tyler reks..I hope he enjoys his time off.

But i'd love to see him back.. maybe with a 'test' gimmick.. pair him with a WWE diva, give him a make over and turn him into this powerhouse of a guy.. he's got the size and weight for it.. when was the last time WWE had a guy like reks and used him right? sure, lets go with the WHC Sheamus...But i mean, everyone seems to be bored of him as champion anyway so he didn't go that well with WWE fans as they thought.. So why not, in like 6 months to a year, bring him back, build Tyler up as this former WWE star who's out to prove himself as a dominate force..Give hawkins a title and push him and Reks into a feud with over it..have it about how reks was 'released' and hawkins wasn't..make him come back as a monster heel and destroy some low card guys like primo, epico, tatsu, and some NXT guys. Then have him go through with the feud with Curt, and lose the title match(s).THEN have him get paired with a diva kinda like how test was paired with Stacey Keibler. The diva then gives him a makeover and turns him into a face for a while. to see how he gets over , see if he can get somewhere or get a title, then have him turn again a couple months later and keep his title and feud with a top face or mid-card face over it.. lets say cody is a face by then (probably not) and reks is in a feud with him. Now, it will boost the feud because of cody being in the company longer and how he's held different titles this whole time, and gives reks the opportunity to showcase his skills and get over more because of cody... seems logical and would at least make him worth while to keep for a year or two.and if they don't need him after that, then scrap him or change him into what they would want...seems decent.....:crossbones: :thumbsup:
I say good riddance. Tyler Reks SUCKED.

The only time I was ever remotely interested in anything he did was when he was getting destroyed by Ryback. He could have stuck around a little longer to tag team with Hawkins, but now that obviously won't happen. Too bad. I feel sorry for Hawkins, he keeps losing tag team partners. Ryder went on to become his current persona, ending the Edge clones tag team they had. Archer got fired when everyone realized how INTENSELY boring he was, ending the Gatecrashers tag team. Now Hawkins and Reks have ended as well. Maybe it's time for a Hawkins singles run? A gimmick change could do wonders for him like it did for Ryder, considering that they used to play identical characters when they were Tag Team Champions.

Oh wait, this thread was about Reks, not Hawkins. Right. Back on topic.

I never once liked this guy. I gave him a chance on ECW when he had that horrible surfer gimmick, I gave him a chance when he defeated Kaval to get onto the Smackdown Bragging Rights team, I gave him a chance when he received random pushes that never amounted to anything, and finally I gave him a chance when he had a tag team with Hawkins. As I stated in my first paragraph, the only time in his entire career that he ever was remotely interesting was against Ryback, and that's due to Ryback destroying him. He was in WWE for 3 years and never once did anything worthwhile, so I'm surprised he lasted as long as he did. I won't miss him, he sucked.

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