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TV title changes


I bring the meat even if ur a vegan
Ok so I've been waiting to bring this topic up since wednesday, so now that everyone hopefully has seen Swagger cash in MITB on Y2J on smackdown I wanna raise a question that comes with it. Is WWE past the point where they can have legitimate matches for the whc belt or wwe belt with an actual title change? Only times I remember the titles changing in a non ppv were when MITB winners cashed em in after the champ was destroyed and picked up the easy 1-2-3. So what do you guys think? Do you ever see WWE changing the WHC/WWE belts with legit matches? Oh Yeah and I did consider the battle royals like when Khali won the world belt and that seemed to follow my logic of MITB cash ins.
in my opinion this kind of co-insides with titles matches being advertised as dark matches. i honestly doubt we'll ever see a title change on TV. its too "up scale" a moment for us to not pay to see.
Well they have changed hands in non-money in the bank or battle royal settings

The most recent one for the WWE Titles would have been Randy Orton winning the title on RAW in a fatal four way after Batista vacated it last year. Before that it was Edge winning it from RVD in a triple threat also involving John Cena in 2006

The last time the World Heavyweight Championship changed hands on tv was When Chris Jericho beat Batista in steel cage match in October 2008.

So changes of championships on free tv have always been few and far between for the big two but they do happen and i wouldn't rule it out
Title changes on free TV are a terrible business move. The midcard titles, sure, go for it because it usually isn't that big of a deal anyway. But the main titles, World Heavyweight and WWE, are the money makers for the company. People buy pay-per-views to see the big title matches hoping the face can overcome the heel to win or defend the belt. If they start having title changes on free TV all the time, what's the point of buying the pay-per-view? You could just watch Raw the next night and potentially see a title change for free.
i think that would be the idea... to potentially see a title change. not to say they need the ratings boost. but as many say with raw being live its the excitement of not knowing. to have an hbk and taker -esq match with so many close calls only to see the title not change hands to me would be a nice build to a title ppv match.
I only see the world titles on tv if vacated and such bcoz title defences are their ppr matches and also, as you have said, MITB cash-ins etc.
If they do it on tv people wouldnt watch ppvs as much in my oppinion, and we all know McMahon doesnt want that
I think the only time the WHC or WWEHC should change hands is if A. Mr. Money In The Bank decides to cash in on T.V. or B. When a certain feud needs to come to an end or needs to really pick up so they can finally part ways with a new champion or have a rematch set for a pay-per-view respectively.

When I say for certain feuds to end, I mean like the ones we see drag out for months on end, and the last bit of rivalry should go into a televised match to sell tickets.

As for getting a rivalry off the ground, have a major contender beat the champion for the gold on cable and then have them face off in a rematch on the ppv with maybe an added stipulation.

I do not agree World Championships shouldn't swap hands on television, but I do agree that it should be a very very rare thing. You have to give the fans that special sense of awareness, you know? Gotta pull off a surprise here and there or your product will just look bland.
in 2007 i think it was edge that won the triple threat match for the wwe titile against rvd and cena, and also the battle royal that kurt angle won to get the whc. tv title changes happen , they just come once in a blue moon and i think it should be that way bc having the title change on tv all the time will take away the luster and prestige of the belt.
Remember 2005 how the world title were defended on free tv ? sure they dont have to change hands but remember what titles are for...EXCITEMENT
Well the only time MITB has been used in an actual match was 2006 and still the rules suited the challenger, and that was the only PPV the case was cashed in at in a proper match with build up (edge/cena had no build up to there match)

The fact most of the matter is TV title changes were weakend back in the attitude era, nowdays they happen like MITB cash in's and the champions come off looking weak and the the guy who wins looks like a paper champion, if WWE felt the need the need to do a TV title change, at least put effort into it, like Morrison/Rey 2009, or Edge/Cena/RVD or Kofi/MVP NOT like ShoMiz/DX, tho Punk's first cash in was unexpected, but it's leaving a trend we're the champions look weak, and the winner looks like a paper champion, my honest opinion the way MITB cash ins remind me of the attitude era, no regard for the belt or the champion, and to give it away on free tv personally I don't like it, Title changes on TV should be memerble like what I listed above, Bulldog/Owen and Austin/HBK, HHH/Jeff Hardy (SD 2001) RVD/HBK 2002.
I would like to see title changes happen on TV more often...but not TOO often...its almost not worth getting excited for a title match on TV because you pretty much know the outcome.
Some of you guys have been talking about how the attitude era had title changes on TV that were a bad thing and I have to disagree with ya respectfully.I mean yeah the one example everyone will cite is kane vs stone cold and no I can't defend that one. Kane looked ridiculous simple as that. However I'm reminded of Mankind vs the rock and how actually that feud helped push the fued to 3 great matches, 2 on PPV btw. But yeah there's a few TV title matches you guys cited so I thank you
Some of you guys have been talking about how the attitude era had title changes on TV that were a bad thing and I have to disagree with ya respectfully.I mean yeah the one example everyone will cite is kane vs stone cold and no I can't defend that one. Kane looked ridiculous simple as that. However I'm reminded of Mankind vs the rock and how actually that feud helped push the fued to 3 great matches, 2 on PPV btw. But yeah there's a few TV title matches you guys cited so I thank you

I agree! I think the title changes on Raw & Smackdown HELPED build the shows. I can't remember exactly when this was but one of the greatest false hope matches on raw was Taka Michinoku VS Triple H for the World Title. Now obviously it was ridiculous to think that Taka could actually win the title. But,because we have seen that in the past the title CAN change hands on Raw,this put a little hope in everyone's mind. I remember the crowd being so into this. Triple H was the big bad heal and he thought he was going to stomp Taka but it ended up being a decent showing by Take. He hit his finisher on Triple H and the roof just about blew off the place when he almost got the 3 count.

The reason I bring this up is because without the title changing hands on Raw prior to this,we never would have even thought twice about giving a match like that any credit.

Remember when Evan Bourne competed on Raw against then champ Sheamus. No one thought he would win and thus made evan bourne look like a chump and the match a waste of time for the audience. And if the matches on Raw (especially for the World Titles) are considered a waste of time by the fans,then they will stop watching the matches and in turn stop watching Raw. Thus ratings dropping.

So, I think there needs to be more "Parity" with the World Titles and actually have them switch hands occasionally every year on Raw or Smackdown so people actually care about the matches put on these shows.
Some of you guys have been talking about how the attitude era had title changes on TV that were a bad thing and I have to disagree with ya respectfully.I mean yeah the one example everyone will cite is kane vs stone cold and no I can't defend that one. Kane looked ridiculous simple as that. However I'm reminded of Mankind vs the rock and how actually that feud helped push the fued to 3 great matches, 2 on PPV btw. But yeah there's a few TV title matches you guys cited so I thank you

I don't think the problem is title changes, it's a fact that the matches are pretty crap on RAW, very few are memorible now if you had PPV quality world title matches on RAW and SD I think the fans would enjoy title changes, the fact that the matches are quick and boring fans can't enjoy the title changes on TV.

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