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[Turning Point] *Matt Morgan* v. Jeff Hardy (c) [TNA World Heavyweight Championship]

Who walks out TNA World Heavyweight Champion?

  • Mr. Anderson

  • Jeff Hardy

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It's Damn Real!

The undisputed, undefeated TNA &

WORLD TITLE MATCH: On Sunday, November 7 at "Turning Point" live on Pay-Per-View, TNA World Heavyweight Champion Jeff Hardy defends against *Matt Morgan!

All discussion here.
As much as I would love to see Anderson pull this one off, you don't take the belt off Hardy for a while. But if there is a man to do it, it is Mr. Anderson. AKA the biggest asset to TNA. That's right. Take a look at the fans, listen to the reaction. There is one man who could set this company on fire and it's Ken Anderson.

As long as we don't get a bullshit finish (which we probably will..) then I'm going to be happy with this match.

How about Hogan and Bischoff turning on Hardy to side with Anderson? hahaha...

I know.. :lmao:
Ill keep my response short.

Should be a good match. There probably will be some interference that the ref will not see.

In the end no matter what happens Hardy needs to win. Without this angle i would say Anderson would of won at bfg but now Anderson doesnt need it. Hes completely over along with the Pope. The one thing that i would hate is for Anderson to catch the randy orton fever which means he'll get the title and then wont mean anything anymore.
I don't see how Hardy can lose the title yet. He needs a long reign to really build up his heel persona. After a few months with the title, Anderson would be a prime candidate to take the belt from Hardy. But not yet. Hardy wins, probably with outside interference. Should be a decent match though. Wouldn't surprise me if Anderson also is the victim of a beat down, "injuring" him and putting him on the shelf for a month or 2.
On paper, this looks like a great match. Two talented guys, even with Jeff not being half of what he was two years ago. But I just have a feeling this will end in a DQ, or Anderson gets screwed, or something like that.

Do I think Anderson should win? Scratch that; Do I think Anderson will win? Not a chance in hell. I think predictions are about as useless as a third nipple, but I can guarantee Hardy walks out with the title. And because of this, there's no way I'm buying this PPV. As I said earlier, these two guys have the ability to put on a match, no doubt about it. But chances are we will see almost the same match on Impact before the end of November. When you're this sure the champ is going to retain, there's almost no point in watching the PPV.
2 talented guys in one ring squaring off for the biggest prize in TNA not a bad matchup if you ask me. Hardy has only just won the title and I doubt he'll be losing it at Turning Point. Mr Anderson I don't think is quite ready yet, and the way I see this match going is by DQ or something along the lines of that though. But still Jeff walks out with the title.
Yeah, Hardy is going to retain here. He has just been crowned Immortal's crown jewel, so there's no way he's going to lose this one. Jeff Hardy is going to be the world champion for a long time. His reign isn't ending anytime soon.

As far as the match goes, we'll probably see Anderson fighting through the pain of his injury here. Anderson will probably put up a valiant fight, but he won't be able to overcome Jeff. I just hope Hardy won't need help to beat a one armed man like kaz did on Impact, because that was just ridiculous.
No faction or champion loses the belt this quick without it ruining the factions credibility (and Immortal has enough problems as is). So unless Hardy's jail possiblities get a lot more real, he's safely keeping the belt past Turning Point. But then again TNA booking is known to do a lot of surprises (for better or for worse), so who knows? Anderson might pick it up.
I think it pretty obvious that the Anti-Christ Jeff Hardy will definitely get the win here. There is no reason for him to lose and I predict a Long title Reign for Hardy. I think that this could be a pretty good match.

Prediction: Hardy Wins with the Twist of Hate
The only way I can see Mr. Anderson winning is with this scenario.

Anderson pulls the upset and wins the title fairly and the fans go wild.

The next Impact Bischoff and/or Hogan come out saying the win was a fluke and strip him of the belt and hand it back to Jeff Hardy.

Could it happen? Yes. Do I think it will? Not really.
I can see this one being a great match, with the champ retaining. I think and hope that Jeff wins, it'll be a big shock if Jeff loses, he's only been champ since BFG so he won't lose on his first defense. Anyway my prediction is for Jeff to win.
Not a chance Hardy loses the title in his first title defense.

They've only been building this angle for, 8 months? And regardless of who gets the most TV time, the champion is and should be the centerpiece of the angle. Hardy was the handpicked choice of Bischoff, Hogan and co. as that champion. To take the title off of him would cripple the angle that TNA is riding EVERYTHING on. There's no way in hell they're doing that.

Just to look at, this seemingly should be a good match. But we'll probably see the Anderson injuries come into play, and a screwjob finish. Hardy will retain here, with no doubt in mind, which makes the match really uniteresting, honestly.
As was seen on iMPACT! tonight, Matt Morgan signed the contract and was announced as the new contender to face Jeff Hardy for the title this Sunday.

Anderson has a legitimate concussion so TNA needed to replace him, but in terms of story Morgan was written in by signing the contract Bischoff brought to the ring after attacking him and pinning him.
I thought the insertion of Matt Morgan into the title match versus Jeff Hardy was a pretty good idea. With Mr. Anderson legitimately injured (now there's a shocker!!!), someone had to step in and fill his shoes. Morgan is a deserving candidate, with his size, his wrestling style, his in-ring talent, and his ever-improving mic skills.

Let's face it, in all likelihood, Jeff Hardy was going to retain this weekend anyway regardless of his opponent. With the whole "they"/Immortals thing going on, the shocking Hardy heel turn, and this being his first title defence, there's no way in hell he was going to lose this weekend anyway.

Hopefully the Morgan face turn is legitimate, and this won't be case of him laying down for Hardy, and still being affiliated with the new regime all along. I don't think so, I think the face turn is real. Who knows, if Matt Hardy doesn't have a 90-day no-compete clause (as he has claimed), maybe he debuts on Sunday to cost Morgan the match and join forces with his brother. After all, "they" are coming, aren't they?
It really sucks that Anderson but this May be Good thing so that they delay an Anderson Vs Hardy match for down at a Bigger PPV. I think that this will be good match and obviously Hardy gets the win here and he should because he just became Champ and he should be for a LONG time. Hardy finishes the match with a Twist of Hate.

Prediction: Hardy retains the TNA World Title
Well first off Mr. Anderson having a concussion due to an unprotected chair shot is about as injury prone as a person being shot with a gun. Just wanted to clear that up. Hardy will obviously win here since he has Immortal on his side. Morgan was pushed in the title spot at the last minute so he is just warming up the main event scene until Anderson comes back. I'm sure it won't be a clean victory. There will probably be an interference or a DQ.
Definitely a Jeff Hardy win. The Morgan push has been rushed due to the injury suffered by Mr Anderson, and as Immortal have just taken control of TNA, there is no way that Jeff will be dropping the belt so soon, has he even defended it once yet???

To have Hardy, the main event of Immortal, lose the title so soon after winning it would damage the credibility of Hardy himself, and Immortal as a group. The aura would be gone.

So Jeff to win with a Swanton Bomb on Morgan, for a 1...2...3
Too bad about Anderson. Morgan will absolutely lose here, no questions asked. It will probably close the show and should be pretty interesting. I like Morgan, but he's filling in for Anderson who was most likely going to lose himself anyhow. Jeff Hardy's going to win because then his reign will continue as he moves on to the next challenger whereas Morgan moves on to.... who knows, some random feud I guess.

Jeff Hardy will retain the TNA World Heavyweight Championship.
Obvioulsly, jeff hardy wont lose his title, but Matt Morgan is kind of on a high now so i think hardy will keep his title, via dq or some interference from bischoff after impact this week.
Hardy. Hardy. Hardy.

Morgan is just filler for Anderson here. The whole Immortal storyline is based around having control over TNA, right? Thus it would make no sense if Morgan got the title here. The belt will be given to Anderson eventually, but that is ways away.

Should be a solid match. I'm hoping for a clean finish, but I wouldn't be surprised if it ended in a dusty manner. Look for Hardy to get Morgan over here, while retaining his title.
I thought that this was Pretty Good Match and better than I expected. I knew Hardy was going to win the Match but I thought that they did a Really Good Job Of Making Morgan look Strong even in Defeat It took 3 Twist Of Hates to put away Morgan. For a Last Second replacement I thought it was a Pretty Good Main Event.
I don't care how big of a draw Jeff Hardy is, he is one of the worst main event performers I have ever seen. His matches consistently bore me and he has little to no charisma. Honestly, I feel like I shot myself with heroin these matches are so slow. It's just not good. When the best match on the whole card features Team 3D, something is wrong. Don't get me wrong, I love Team 3D, but there should be something better than that. Something. And it's not Jeff Hardy.
I liked how this was booked. As Joe's Gonna Kill You said Morgan was made to look super strong even in defeat. Another thing that caught my attention was the fact that Jeff was booked strong as well. He did not need anyone to put away Morgan. This could be the different direction that Bischoff was talking about. Jeff is not playing a sneaky heel who hides behind his stable but rather a strong daredevil leader with a stable full of cowards who are using Jeff as a tool to maintain control over TNA.
Damn this was a snoozefest.

Although I agree with the booking of this match, as ultimately, Jeff had to win and Morgan needed to look strong however the pace and work of these men in the ring coupled with the confusing 'Hardy' chants just made for a rather shit main event. I was left with a meh feeling.

One positive from this match, is I really like Morgan as a face. He could've been built as a bigger face with a gradual breakaway from Fortune, however they did need to replace Anderson and I can understand that.
Yeah I totally agree with the posters above me. Good booking -- meh match. As a matter of fact, that applies for the entire PPV. The booking was on spot in every single match, the matches weren't horrendous but they were ... meh. I guess that this PPV came out as it did because nothing significant happened. They just ... wrestled and that's it. I swear it was too WWE-ish. I miss Russo's wild booking .. at least stuff happened :(

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