Triple Threat Match: Randy Orton VS Cody Rhodes VS Ted Dibiase

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Dibiase will get the win.

While I was on the frontlines telling everyone "Hold on, let them build" during their early days, there is no question now that after a year and a half Legacy completely stumbled and collapsed. I put the blame on Shamu or Samu or whoever that Samoan was that got fired literally a week after he was inducted into Legacy. After that Legacy was cemented as inferior to Orton, and they never regained the momentum.

This would have been more explosive if they timed the split closer to Mania. But we've already seen the break up and seemingly the aftermath. I don't care if Orton wins this, if Rhodes wins this, or if Dibiase wins this. To me Legacy is already done. Give me Cena/Batista instead.

However, Dibiase will end up pinning Rhodes. It frees Orton up to feud with someone new, and it sets up a Dibiase/Rhodes feud that will hopefully see the inclusion of Dibiase Sr. and Dusty.

Dibiase to win. In a match that should for all intents and purposes be a lot better than it will be.
Ideally I want this to go the route of the DX/Cena triple threat at Survivor series. Essentially this Legacy have a bit of argy bargy but stick together afterwards.

Why do you ask? Good question, but it's because I still think Cody and Ted aren't ready to step up as individual stars yet, however it would be a bit boring if it's two on one.

I see Randy coming out on top of this and he needs to to step to the next level of being a face and feud with someone else.
I'm only looking forward to this match because of Orton. I'm really bored with Legacy at the moment and hope they finally split up after this. The match probably won't be anything special, but it won't be the worst match of the night either. I honestly am not liking the odds for either Rhodes or Dibiase. It's great that they made it onto the Wrestlemania card, but them losing won't hurt them too much.... They have their whole careers ahead of them. Orton should win because that can give him some momentum going into a world title feud after Wrestlemania back in the main event scene where he belongs. I also predict that Legacy WILL split up after this match, they have gotten even more boring as a stable and there's just nothing else they can really do with the group but split them up.

Randy Orton will defeat Cody Rhodes and Ted Dibiase.
This match will probably be a fight. Orton and Legacy don't like each other right now, and even DiBiase and Rhodes aren't getting along. I can see Legacy working together at the start, before their egos get in the way. I can't see it ending cleanly, so I will predict that Orton will win with a roll-up. I really have no idea where this feud will go after WrestleMania, but it will not end here.
Finally this feud is (somewhat) ending. This went on for way, way, too long. Not saying that made me lose interest in this. It's the fact that these are 3 of the blandest wrestlers on the planet that did that. At first glance it just looks like a single blob of oily, muscular, young flesh, when it's actually a triple threat match.

Who is going to win here? I don't freaking know. I guess Orton would be a good choice, if they really want to complete his face turn. I can tell you that the beginning of the match will see Orton dominate, only for the numbers game to catch up, only for Ted and Cody to stop working together, and so forth. One things for certain, guy with a bulge is going to win this.
I can't see this being very good, but as long as everyone in it gets a fair crack of the whip, it'll be good at serving its purpose and it will be solid enough provided that DiBiase and Rhodes start wrestling as DiBiase and Rhodes and not Orton Jr and Orton III. The potential for this to turn into a stamp and headlock-fest. If we avoid that, then I am expecting a short match used to getLegacy over but with them both losing and Orton turning face. Expect a failed punt attempt on Orton.
I can't see this being very good, but as long as everyone in it gets a fair crack of the whip, it'll be good at serving its purpose and it will be solid enough provided that DiBiase and Rhodes start wrestling as DiBiase and Rhodes and not Orton Jr and Orton III. The potential for this to turn into a stamp and headlock-fest. If we avoid that, then I am expecting a short match used to getLegacy over but with them both losing and Orton turning face. Expect a failed punt attempt on Orton.

Woah that was incredibly accurate. I was hoping for a better match but as you said, it was a stamp fest. This match would have been much better if they had DiBiase and Rhodes implode before Wrestlemania so it wouldn't have been so limited.Disappointing match I thought
This match was pretty average. It had it's moments, and it wasn't a bad match by any means, but it's definitely one that will be forgotten within months.

I love Randy, but why did he need to win? I know Legacy sort of screwed themselves over because they were fighting, but Ted or Cody should've gotten the win as they need the credibility a hell of a lot more than Orton.

I did like that once Legacy stopped working together and became a true triple threat, the match was pretty even. Each guy got in a lot of offense and they Legacy came out looking strong even in defeat. It'll be interesting to see what happens Monday night between these three guys and where they each go from here.
This was a fun and solid triple threat match, if not particularly great. Good psychology with DiBiase and Rhodes teaming up to try and take out Orton, and some fun spots in the match like the double fallaway DDT to both Rhodes and DiBiase. Another match that was a bit short, but really I can't complain because it was good for what it was. Orton picks up the win and received probably the biggest pop of the night from the Phoenix crowd. I really am not sure where any of these guys are going from here, but I'm looking forward to seeing how it turns out.
I thought this was one of the best matches of the night. I was just disappointed how the feud ended. It started white hot building up over the past few months and then it just fizzled out Orton gaining the upper hand on every encounter. I didn't mind seeing Orton win since I knew he would be the victor tonight. Ted and Cody looked good. I'm just wondering where their paths will lead now.
I thought this match was great, the important thing that this match needed for me was for Cody and Ted to perform and they did just that. My only complaint really was the length and the position on the card, but given they wanted more time for other matches and also more important feuds were taking place, I can level out there. The psychology was great, the pace and moves were great two and I just loved the finish. To me, this match had to end with Orton winning, putting Legacy behind him but more importantly, it will now hopefully sprout a Cody/Ted feud as they couldn't let either one of them win to beat Orton, so they will now settle it.

A lot of people are going Ted should have gone over? Why? He got over by being in the match and the fact is that this match made me a believer out of him and Cody at the same time, they got over as themselves, not a stable and Orton had to win otherwise if Ted did, Cody would get lost in the shuffle, Orton would have no point or momentum out of the feud, I think Ted winning would have been the worst decision. But it benefitted Cody and Ted better through what they did, not who won.

The only thing that was a downside to this match was Cody's attire, what in good's name was he wearing?!
This match as pretty darn good. It wasn't a classic by any means but was still very good. It was a basic triple threat which works very well and this one did exactly that. Cody and Ted worked well together for the start and then turned on eachother which was good. The double DDT was a good spot as was the plancha from Cody on Ted because Orton moved. The match could of recieved a bit longer but it was given enough time to tell a story and give a good match. I'm actually glad that Orton won even though I feel it did make them both look like jobbers but I'm sure I'm being silly.

A solid match so I give it 3 stars.
This match was way better than I had hoped for and I hope both Rhodes and DiBiase get nice pushes along the way. As for Orton, he needs to get off Raw and go to SmackDown and get away from Legacy for as long as possible. The legacy is over and it drew out to the end and it's time these guys go their seperate ways. The match was kinda slow, but intense and the finish was nice. The double in the rope DDT was good and everyone I was with totally popped for it. I was really hoping for Rhodes and DiBiase to just have at it at some point and possibly start a feud between themselves, but can't complain I enjoyed this match.
Triple Threat Match

At the beginning of the match was a handicap match as expected, but the way everything has changed and now the fight that was proposed. It was not very long fight, it was worth it because to be quite interesting. Three outstanding wrestlers in the ring which gave a good fight. I think Ted DiBiase and Cody Rhodes could have gotten the victory but ready. Still in good plan to Wrestlemania.
Duration of combat: 10 min
Rating: 8 / 10
Very good match to me. All 3 provided excellent wrestling. Orton's double DDT was pretty cool too. Best part for me is when Orton came out. Hearing the crowd's cheer sent chills up and down me :icon_eek:
It was OK match.I expected DiBiase to win and get the rub but will have to wait more for that to happen.

I got a question.Do you think Rhodes now is on the shelf because he is punted by Orton or is he gonna back tonight?I think that this is gonna be Ted vs Randy from now on(well if they dont throw in Teds brother Bret into this)
I was pretty happy with this match. Randy Orton seems to be on the verge of something fucking huge. It's amazing to think of how many "primes" this guy has had, and he's still in his 20's, if not early 30's. He has a long career ahead of him

DiBiase and Rhodes did what most anyone with a brain would think, work together and then get pissy with each other over who gets the pinfall on Orton. This is basic psychology of Triple Threat matches that look to be handicap matches.

The Double DDT spot on Rhodes and DiBiase was fucking sick. I'm honestly surprised that Ted Jr. took the pinfall, but still a pretty good match. For anyone that thinks Legacy got buried, they clearly weren't watching the match.
This was a pretty good match. You just knew Ted and Cody were going to turn on each other at some point, and they did. The crowd was going ape shit for Orton, but Ted and Cody really didn't get that strong of heel reaction form the crowd.

I was shocked Orton punted Cody. I thought he would just give him another DDT or an RKO, but he delivered the knockout blow. Cody being punted isn't a good sign for him at all. I think he will be kept off TV for a while to sell the punt, and will be eventually drafted to Smackdown, where he will surely fade away into obscurity. Ted on the other hand, looks like he might continue the feud with Orton because Randy really didn't put him down for good last night.

It seems Orton will be a huge face on Raw. I wonder how this will work out with him and Cena and the same show? Anyway, the crowd is going nuts for Orton, and when he did the Legend Killer pose at the end of the match last night, I knew for sure the face turn was officially in full swing because that pose is just meant to get a face reaction.
Thought this one was one of the better matches of the night. Showed a good demise of legacy, and really showed why wwe should pull the trigger on Randy with how over he is as a baby, but working heel... reminds me of how Austin got popular.
I enjoyed this match a little more than I expected too so it certainly delivered the goods. I also liked that Orton got the win for two reasons. Firstly, Dibiase and Rhodes don't need the rub just yet. They've still got some way to go before any serious push is executed. Secondly, Randy is on freaking fire right now and this win just keeps his momentum going.

The match was what I'd call textbook, in the sense of the story of the match. Two guys team up on the fan favourite and dominate the majority of the match. At this point the match wasn't doing anything for me but the good thing is it didn't drag on for too long.

When the Dibiase/Rhodes double cross came about, the match really took off and the last five minutes of this match in particularly was good stuff. It was good to see a wrestlemania punt and then I liked the clever ending when Dibiase went for his finisher. I wonder how many people at that time thought Dibiase was getting the big win. I did for a second but a nice RKO finished a very solid match. It'll be interesting to see where Orton goes from here. There's no doubt he's on fire at the moment.
Randy Orton will defeat Cody Rhodes and Ted Dibiase.

I was right about this result. The match was kind of boring up until the end, and I really hope that Legacy will split up now. There were 7 of us watching Wrestlemania together at my friend's place, and 6 of us wanted Orton to win while one guy had picked Ted. He got mad when Orton won but the rest of us marked out. It wasn't a terrible match but it was boring when compared to the rest of the card because nothing memorable happened other than those RKO's at the end of the match.

I give this match a rating of 4 out of 9.
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