Triple H - The Politician?

I am far from a Triple H apologist, but there are some inaccuracies in your rants.

Edge won the title 11 times, and his first reign was in 2006.

John Cena has won the title 12 times, and his first reign was in 2005.

Randy Orton has won the title 9 times, and his first reign was in 2004.

The amount of championship reigns is a sign of the time. Triple H may have 13 reigns as champion, but I wouldn't doubt that Cena will pass that. Hell, he'll probably pass it this year. Last I checked, Cena isn't married to any member of the McMahon family.

You're wrong. Hogan main evented eight of the first nine Manias. The only one he didn't main event was IV. Triple H has main evented five. That's the same amount as Shawn Michaels. Again, don't think HBK is married to a McMahon.

That's not true either. Hogan was the title picture from the time he won the title in 1984 until he left in 1993.

He fought Sheamus at WrestleMania 26. That was neither a match against Undertaker nor a match for the world title.

Orton was elevated too soon. He never should have beaten Benoit for the title in Toronto at Summerslam. Orton wasn't ready to be on top.

You do know that beating a guy doesn't mean you're burying him, right? Punk seems to be doing just fine right now. Some might say he's the hottest thing in wrestling at the moment. If that's a burial, I think we'd all be so lucky to get buried like that.

So Triple H isn't the best wrestler of all time, one of the best promo men of all time or one of the most charismatic wrestlers ever? If you hold him to that standard, that means NO ONE should be on top. HBK couldn't "strut" like Rock or cut promos like Austin. Austin couldn't wrestle like HBK or "strut" like Rock. Rock could cut one helluva promo, but he couldn't wrestle lke HBK. Guess all those guys politicked their way to the top too.

He's not better than everyone else, but he's still pretty damn good and worthy of his accolades. Triple H would have been great even if he didn't marry Steph, and while he's not the best of all time, he is a Hall of Famer. Steve Yzerman wasn't Wayne Gretzky, but he was a damn fine player. Triple H is the Steve Yzerman of the WWE.
Could not have said it better myself.

I have been reading WZ for a long time, and just now have decided to join the boards and post as I am a huge Triple H fan and love all these guys trying to use the "Married into his position" argument.

Triple H is a Legend and has done things that some superstars only wish they could do. He is great on the mic and tells a great story in the ring. He has all of these talents because he is truly that damn good.

Cant wait for Triple H/Undertaker at WM28!
ill admit he would have been a main eventer on his own, but will anyone admit that he has stayed on top for so long because of being married. I mean you can say alot about, he was a workhorse, and this and that, but if you look at the guy objectively, he really isn't that talented to warrant 13 world titles. And yes he did bury cm punk when he beat him, even though he was being attacked. Tell me that punk didn't lose most of his steam from then. Yeah he is the champion, but back then he was the main event.

Punk got buried , eh? I can remember Punk getting 4 finishers and a high risk move on the announcers table. Do you think he got buried as he ate 4 finishers and lost? :lmao: Another improper use of the word "Buried". John Morrison is an example of getting buried not CM Punk. He didn't even lose any of his steam because that story line was a clusterfuck.
If VKM made main event choices based on family surley Shane would be in the HOF by now as a 18 time World Champion, sure he walked away but he was in the WWE for years. I'm pretty sure if VKM wanted him to be champion for a long time he would have forced it, I'm sorry but you don't become a good businessman and build a global empire by pushing guys into spots they aren't good enough to handle based on family. HHH earned his spot, he wouldn't have his current position in the company but he would still be highly thought of.

If he had never married Steph then people would idolise him like they do Stone Cold, but because he happened to fall in love her he will always have those who detractors. Does he care? I doubt it.
Of course Triple H has used his friends (The Kliq) and his relationship with the bosses daughter for what it's worth. Why shouldn't he? And I bet every other guy would have done the same thing. It happens everywhere, not just in wrestling.

People arses their way up the corporate or social ladder by every means possible. It's just the name of the game. (Pun intended)

Would Triple H have made it without his marriage to Stephanie and/or his friendship with the likes of HBK? Well, I guess the jury is still out on that.

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