Triple H: The Last Great Superstar

In all the talk about Cena's in-ring ability being as good or better than Triple H's that's rubbish and all you have to think about is that Submission Match he had years ago, I forget who with but leading up to it he was winning matches with Sleeper Holds, Figure 4 Leglocks, Indian Death Locks, and others. He also has shown the ability to use several other submission holds from an abdominal stretch to a surfboard.

Triple H is a great wrestler and technician when he has to be. He is a once in a lifetime talent and far better in the ring than the likes of Hulk Hogan ever were while carrying the same presence. Trips is, as Tuffy explained, the last great superstar.
I LAUGH at people saying HHH is way better than Cena in the ring.



You don't need 100000 moves and jumping off of ladders to be a "good in-ring performer". Cena can give great matches and can do JUST AS MUCH as HHH can do in the ring if not more (he takes WAYYYYY more bumps than HHH does).

Please please please please understand that the "5 moves of doom" aren't there because Cena can't perform or something. He's scripted that way. The "superman" thing he has going on is SCRIPTED. He could easily do more. He's an athlete and professional wrestler for petes sake.
Difficult to know where to go with this one.

Triple H has been very lucky with the quality of the wrestlers around him, Rock/Austin/Hart/Michaels etc., that have continually carried him in more matches than you can shake a stick at. Plus being in bed with the bosses daughter clearly helped; in a different time, he may have been an also-ran.

As the case is now, he clearly is one of the last WWE Superstars because of the lack of quality around him and the fact that people are very sentimental about the era when he was in his prime.

I would rate him as a whole, higher than Cena or Orton but in all honesty, he has been very, very lucky which is why I can't really jump on the pro-HHH bandwagon.
I seem to remember all of the talk/buzz that was around when Ric Flair "retired" from WWE about how he was the last of his kind/the end of an era (from the territory days)...

The fact that Triple H/Hunter/The Game/Paul Levesque/whatever shows respect for Flair...could/can we put him in the same class as Flair?

The Last Great Superstar being Triple H....debatable, but no.
Huge, intimidating, and full of charisma.

And this can't be fulfilled by anyone else currently in professional wrestling? Not true, not at all.

First of all, I'll admit that I'm a big Triple H mark, and I'll definitely agree that WWE without him would be quite a lackluster due to the sheer importance and impact he's had on WWE over the past 10 years.

Triple H is a big star, and he'll be sourly missed when he does disappear, however he's not the last great superstar that WWE has produced, or ever will produce.

John Cena is probably the closest we can get to it right now, at least of truly established people (Because I'll gladly hang my hat on Sheamus having the potential to be a truly great superstar 3-5 years down the road). John Cena, much like Triple H is a beast of a man in terms of build, he's intimidating to be in the ring with just looking at the sheer amount of muscles he has, as well as the sheer power behind his wrestling style (--><---) as well as his charisma is almost, if not completely unparalleled in todays WWE. John Cena is able to make the crowd go absolutely insane, in boos or cheers it doesn't matter, because in the end of the day, he gets a reaction. John Cena is able to put on great matches, some might even say greater matches than Triple H, and to some extend I tend to agree with some of the choices of John Cena matches being said to be better than Triple H's top matches.

John Cena will go down as one of the greatest WWE superstars, and it won't be due to the fact that he could hang his hat on being a top talent, and top draw of WWE for many years, no it'll also be due to the fact that John Cena is one of the few ultimate packages. Sure he's not Bret Hart in the ring, but he gets by with what he has, and puts on great matches on a regular basic. He has a great energy on the microphone that I would say might even outdo The Rock (Yes, I said that, outdo The Rock, I said it again, it's not an error people!) and maybe even Ric Flair and Roddy Pipers energy and intensity. John Cena has a great flow with words, something he proved this past RAW, as well as many many times in the past with his raps as well as general promos. The man just oozes charisma.

Overall, Triple H is a great, great superstar, there's no denying that. He might easily rank among the top 10 or 20 greatest of all time, at least if you ask me. However, to say that Triple H is the last great superstar, is quite frankly, bullshit.
I agree, there are so few superstars like HHH that we can call 'legendary' still active, He has acomplished so much in his long career in WWF/E, 13 World Titles, countless main events at Wrestlemania and other PPV'S, He's teamed up with the best like HBK, Stone Cold and Ric Flair and there is just hardly anyone who can come near HHH's Legendary status who is still active.

Another point, If Taker's streak is going to end, who is going to end it? In my mind, only someone who is at Taker's legendary status can end it, having some cheap heel end it would be an awful move on the writer's part, So why not have HHH end it, this year?? I mean you wouldn't want Cena, Orton, Mysterio or any of those guys end it, So why not HHH, it would be a great way to end the streak, i mean these guys are both old and coming to the end of thier career's anyway so why not??
While I agree with most of what you said, I have to disagree with Cena.

I hate Cena. Do not get me wrong. But I dont hate him because he does not have "it". I hate him because its fun to hate him.

Cena is over. Way over. He is this generations Superstar. He is this generations Hogan, or Austin. He gets a mega reaction. Wether that is cheers or boos. And Cena still has many many years to build up.

But HHH will be missed. Lets hope hes still got 2 or 3 years left in him.
HHH is one of the greats, but i wouldnt say hes as big as taker, hbk, the rock, austin, even cena will be bigger when hes done.

HHH has made a great career out of being average in the ring and ok on the mic. Hes huge and a badass which is why i liked him. LOL at the guy hatin on hunter for marryin stephanie LOL and if HHH ends the streak, ill eat my hand.

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