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Triple H kicked out after the 3-count at WrestleMania 30


Mid-Card Championship Winner
Did anyone else notice this? I just rewatched the match and I was dumbfounded when I saw Triple H no sell the 3-count and immediately kick out immediately after the pinfall. That finish was made famous by Hulk Hogan when he wanted to stay protected while losing to Warrior. I have no idea why Triple H would want to protect himself against Bryan. It was never mentioned and most fans probably didn't notice, so why even do it?? I know a lot of people give Triple H grief about his ego, but when he does things like this, you can't blame them. We're at a time when Triple H is being used to build up other guys. Lesnar, Axel, Bryan, Evolution, etc. There's no point in messing with Bryan's moment like that. It looks to me like he just did it for himself and for no other reason.

Here's the video of the match:

Here's the exact spot at 25:44

And here's the gif of the entire finish:
The point doesn't stand, I'm afraid, Feedback.

He didn't kick out until after three, which is all that matters. Triple H lost clean. No negative rub on Bryan there.

Also it looks like a kind of half-assed kick out - "oh, I ... I think I've lost."
I don't get the point here. He stayed down for the 3 count and then threw a fit after the match. Does it matter how long he stayed on the mat after the 3 count? Plus, the same night Batista tapped out to Bryan. How does it affect Bryan's push?

Seriously I don't get the point.
The point doesn't stand, I'm afraid, Feedback.

He didn't kick out until after three, which is all that matters. Triple H lost clean. No negative rub on Bryan there.

Also it looks like a kind of half-assed kick out - "oh, I ... I think I've lost."

I think you're confused. I'm not saying there was a mistake in the 3-count. Bryan defeated Triple H. It was all well-done. But immediately after the 3-count, Triple H raised his shoulder off the mat, as in to make the point that he wasn't finished off completely.

That gesture does absolutely nothing for Bryan, and you could argue that it doesn't do anything against Bryan either. But what it does do is protect Triple H, making him come off as someone that wasn't knocked out for the count and could have kicked out of the 3-count if he had just 1 more second.

But why and put yourself over in that manner when the moment is supposed to be all about Bryan?? I just don't get why it was done at all.

I don't get the point here. He stayed down for the 3 count and then threw a fit after the match. Does it matter how long he stayed on the mat after the 3 count? Plus, the same night Batista tapped out to Bryan. How does it affect Bryan's push?

Seriously I don't get the point.

It doesn't really detract from Bryan's win, but it makes sure to not benefit him either. If Triple H had stayed knocked out, Bryan would have come off much stronger. Even a few seconds would have solidified this as a decisive victory. But Triple H kicked out immediately. I had never seen him do that before. He's laid down motionless and completely defeated for both Cena and Taker at WrestleMania. I don't know why he decided to protect himself at this moment.
you can't no sell a three count. A three count is a three count no matter what the situation. It was a clean pinfall. If HHH wanted to 'protect' himself, they could have ended the match with his foot on the rope and the ref didn't see it or something like that.
What you don't see there is the crowd complaining. Why? Because no one was looking at HHH after that. They were too busy shouting YES YES YES because Daniel Bryan had just gotten into the main event of Wrestlemania. This isn't a thing and I haven't noticed it in the six months since Wrestlemania, mainly because it doesn't matter. Also it's not even kicking out. It's moving his arms a bit.
Bullshit. He looks dazed as fuck during and after the three count. You're reaching with this one. He plays it off like "what the fuck just hit, where am I?"

But HHH probably loves that you feel the way you do. Keep it up.
HHH was the only main event caliber wrestler at 'Mania to not kick out of someone's finisher. I applaud him for that. He could have kicked out if it was a five count, but so what? 3 counts are what matter and Bryan got the clean 1-2-3, off his first finisher attempt. Great match, great finish.
He plays it off like "what the fuck just hit, where am I?"

And yet he still raises his shoulders off the mat. If you like that he did it, that's fair. You obviously enjoy the implication that he was dazed or whatever, instead of being knocked out for the pin like people usually expect. But don't tell me "I'm reaching" when I'm just stating a fact. The guy lifted his shoulder off the mat immediately when the referee counted to 3. I personally think he could have pulled off his "dazed and confused" look without doing that. He could move his arms 10 seconds after the 3-count, and it would have come off completely differently.

What you don't see there is the crowd complaining. Why? Because no one was looking at HHH after that. They were too busy shouting YES YES YES because Daniel Bryan had just gotten into the main event of Wrestlemania. This isn't a thing and I haven't noticed it in the six months since Wrestlemania, mainly because it doesn't matter.

I agree with you. I said it in the OP. The crowd didn't even notice. It didn't matter. So that's why I don't understand why he had to do it at all. I guess he just did it for himself. He wanted to come off strong despite losing, even if no one else noticed.
Why does someone have to be dazed to be pinned 1-2-3? You could spin it another way too. HHH was able to rest and kick out at two against others but this time against Bryan he was unable to do so because Bryan was that much better. I don't like your version so I'll spin my own.
Барбоса;4991831 said:
You want to see a proper 'kickout' after the three count that looked bad, check out Hogan vs Slaughter at Mania 7.

Or Orton vs. Hogan at SummerSlam... The ref counts to three, Hogan puts his foot on the bottom rope, and the ref says it was a 2 Count... fucking aye.
And yet he still raises his shoulders off the mat.

As DB simultaneously rolls off of him. Sounds like a natural reaction. But you have this idea that he is trying to keep himself strong as he getting wrapped up and pinned by a guy two/thirds his size.

If you like that he did it, that's fair.

What he did wasn't noticeable nor is it worth mentioning let alone liking or disliking.

You obviously enjoy the implication that he was dazed or whatever, instead of being knocked out for the pin like people usually expect.

People get hit in the head all the time and they are not completely knocked out. Why is HHH under such a microscope with you?

But don't tell me "I'm reaching" when I'm just stating a fact.

I'm telling you that you are reaching because you tied this incidence with HHH's reputation.

The guy lifted his shoulder off the mat immediately when the referee counted to 3. I personally think he could have pulled off his "dazed and confused" look without doing that. He could move his arms 10 seconds after the 3-count, and it would have come off completely differently.

He could have and it would have gone from unnoticeable except to one guy with too much free time on his hands five months later to possibly a twenty year veteran overselling. It was a great match and great moment, well done by both guys. There is nothing else to see.

I agree with you. I said it in the OP. The crowd didn't even notice. It didn't matter. So that's why I don't understand why he had to do it at all. I guess he just did it for himself. He wanted to come off strong despite losing, even if no one else noticed.

Guy is getting pinned, guy tries to not get pinned, he is too late. Why HHH?!?!? Why!?!?! Logic be damned, Why!?!?!

My lord, I must sound like a HHH mark.
I think we're jumping down Feedback's throat a bit here. I can see what he means, as Trips does raise the shoulder - but I think he's misinterpreting. Helmsley was probably readjusting or not thinking straight or whatever. I don't think he'd go out of his way to shit on a top money talent at this point in his career, no-one gains from it.
I have seen how this thread was conceived:

WM30: "YES! Daniel Bryan won! He just pinned HHH clean! ... Wait... He pinned HHH...clean? I must get to the bottom of this. There must be something wrong here."

5 months later: "I've got it! Everyone on the internet will love me now."

HHH kicked out so hard that it forced Daniel Bryan to get neck surgery months later. That was his REAL plan.

How do y'all bitches like my new tinfoil hat?
Well the fans didn't care, since this is the 1st thread or the 1st time I've heard anything about this I'm going with who gives a fuck.
It's a normal looking reaction. He's been wrestling for what, 20 years? Of course his instinct would tell him to kick out. He was just too late. It's good storytelling.
Triple H gets pinned clean in the middle of the ring, him and his wife get taken out by a flying goat, then he gets knocked out with his weapon of choice, all leading to Bryan's moment of glory...

...but because he barely moved his shoulder up, he was trying to mess up Bryan's moment. Keep up the good work brah!
Hulk Hogan kicked out after Ultimate Warrior pinned him at Wrestlemania VI. I mean, he full on no-sold it. But H only moves his arm up a bit, and he's still selling like a boss. Daniel Bryan still looked really good at the end of the match.
HHH is a wrestler who made a transition into the corporate world of wrestling. He must be evil!

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