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Triple H is playing you like a fiddle.


Mid-Card Championship Winner
I see a lot of posts these days by haters who say that Vince McMahon should retire, and Triple H will take over. They are also excited when Triple H takes over WWE and site the success of NXT as an example.

What? You really think things will be much different?

Here's some points to consider:-

1) First off, let's explain a misconception. People here mark for NXT like it is some indy league, in opposition to WWE, and that if you start following NXT, it will cause WWE to pick up its game.

NXT is NOT an independent company! It belongs to the WWE. That means when you mark for NXT talent, you are marking for WWE talent. When you criticise RAW or SD Live! it doesn't make NXT stronger.

ROH is independent of WWE.TNA Impact is independent of WWE.NXT isn't.

How come you people didn't mark for people like John Cena and Batista when they first came on the scene? They wrestled in a WWE development league, called "Ohio Valley Wrestling". So, what is the difference between OVW and NXT. NXT is TELEVISED on WWE Network. That's it. That's all the point of difference. You only even know about these people because of WWE Network. So cheering NXT is cheering WWE.

So, Vince McMahon is responsible for NXT. If he didn't want NXT, or saw it as a threat, he would stop financing it, and it would die. So Vince McMahon is the reason NXT exists, and is allowed to continue.

2) People here say it is great how Triple H builds new stars.

Okay, then I must have him mistaken for another guy called Triple H. The Triple H I remember buried guys like Goldberg, Booker T and RVD. Kane had the greatest match in RAW history (the TLC Match which was voted "Greatest RAW Match" at RAW XXth anniversary. But all people remember is a guy called Triple H mumbling something about some girl called Katie Vick.

He was even generous enough to do the job for a debuting Sting at "Wrestlemania 31". Oh, that's right, he didn't.

Now, I know you will say that those guys were from other companies, and somewhat established. But what about someone like Maven? Remember him? He was the winner in the original season of "Tough Enough" and he was a big deal enough to pin Undertaker for the Hardcore belt and was involved in a story where he, Chris Jericho, Chris Benoit and Randy Orton got to take it in turns to run RAW for a month.

The other three I knew what to expect, but Maven was unproven in the role. However, his night of being GM, a star emerged. He was charismatic and had good interplay with others. That night he main evented RAW against Triple H.

Now, I read that the original reason for Triple H beating Maven at the end of the show was for Maven to turn on Jericho, Benoit and Orton, and join Evolution. This would have set him up, as rubbing shoulders with Triple H and Ric Flair, and having feuds with Jericho, Benoit and Orton, would have stamped him as a star.

Yet nothing changed. He didn't join Evolution and barely did much again, until he was future endeavoured. I think that Triple H didn't want a young guy like Maven to be a star, and take his spotlight.

Triple H also did the same thing to Randy Orton. Orton was set to turn face and fight Triple H at WM21. But Triple H fast-tracked it, fought Orton at "No Mercy", buried Orton, and instead fought Batista, a guy who is not as athletic as Orton, was only fighting his third singles match and wasn't over like Orton. Also, Triple H trained him, so he put Batista over to make himself look good and make sure that Orton didn't go past him.

Has Triple H got in the ring and put over any people in NXT? He has fought Seth and Roman, but they were long established stars before them. Name me one person who Triple H has built up for non-selfish reasons?

3) You really think Vince McMahon would have as his successor someone who will overhaul everything he has built and then re-build it in their own image? To quote the Miz "Really? Really?"

I have seen situations where someone who is retiring or leaving doesn't pick the best person to take over from them, but the one who most shares their "vision". They will sooner hire a toadie than someone who might have some fresh ideas.

So, don't be surprised if Triple H turns out to be mini-Vince McMahon once he takes over. Vince wouldn't be grooming him as the heir apparent if Triple H wasn't going to have things run the same or similar as usual.

If Vince wanted a fresh thinker, Shane would be the next to run WWE. I get the feeling that Shane would have fresh, new, innovative ideas. But Vince doesn't want that. He wants what he is used to, and Triple H and Steph probably say "Yes" to all of his ideas.

So, these are some things to consider next time you become a Triple H cheerleader, over his handling of NXT. If you think things will be much different once Tripper takes over, I have a bridge to sell you and there are some Nigerians who want you to send them money online.
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First of all, i completely agree with you. You just have to watch 205 live to realize that HHH will book wwe the same way as Vince does.

Secondly, just watch how HHH is doing things down in NXT, he signing every top Indy talent to try and kill any competition he might get from other big Indy company just like Vince did in the past. HHH is a younger version of Vince in the aspect.

Third, HHH will do anything that's good for business. The fact that stephanie will be in charge of the business side of the company pretty much means that HHH won't have free range to change anything major in the way the company is presented. In the end, you need to please the investor.

Finally, as reported before, NXT is a money pit right now. The company is losing a lot of money with NXT, the only reason it's still around is because Vince likes keeping everything in house and while it's losing money, it's better to keep the developmental territory in house then losing money on a outside territory. So that's why it's still alive.

The fact that they barely produce any major star with NXT should tell you that they're something missing with the NXT program. If they we're more concern about prepping guys for the main rosters and less about making a cool product for the IWC then maybe the percentage rate would be higher. But now, it's falling and it's going to reflect on HHH when he takes over and he knows it. Also the fact that he not willing to make the tough decisions by doing a spring cleaning like all his predecessors did isn't helping either but that's for another time.

HHH's isn't the savior that everybody is waiting for, He's just another corporate guy that's playing the game like everybody else and the IWC is falling for it because they like the falling product that is NXT.
I see a lot of posts these days by haters who say that Vince McMahon should retire, and Triple H will take over. They are also excited when Triple H takes over WWE and site the success of NXT as an example.

What? You really think things will be much different?

Here's some points to consider:-

1) First off, let's explain a misconception. People here mark for NXT like it is some indy league, in opposition to WWE, and that if you start following NXT, it will cause WWE to pick up its game.

Oh, I see where this is going.

NXT is NOT an independent company! It belongs to the WWE. That means when you mark for NXT talent, you are marking for WWE talent. When you criticise RAW or SD Live! it doesn't make NXT stronger.

No. What made NXT strong wasn't being critical of Raw and Smackdown. It was just a better product. No one cares if it is a part of WWE or not.

ROH is independent of WWE.TNA Impact is independent of WWE.NXT isn't.

You say it as if ROH was anything good.

How come you people didn't mark for people like John Cena and Batista when they first came on the scene? They wrestled in a WWE development league, called "Ohio Valley Wrestling". So, what is the difference between OVW and NXT. NXT is TELEVISED on WWE Network. That's it. That's all the point of difference. You only even know about these people because of WWE Network.

Yeah. No shit. What's your point?

So cheering NXT is cheering WWE.
Uh, yeah. Again, what is your point?

So, Vince McMahon is responsible for NXT. If he didn't want NXT, or saw it as a threat, he would stop financing it, and it would die. So Vince McMahon is the reason NXT exists, and is allowed to continue.

OK. No, seriously. What is your point?

2) People here say it is great how Triple H builds new stars.
People where? It's certainly not fans that know where those stars come from.

Okay, then I must have him mistaken for another guy called Triple H. The Triple H I remember buried guys like Goldberg, Booker T and RVD. Kane had the greatest match in RAW history (the TLC Match which was voted "Greatest RAW Match" at RAW XXth anniversary. But all people remember is a guy called Triple H mumbling something about some girl called Katie Vick.
Yeah. He was a wrestler who was desperate to keep his spot back then. Now he's responsable for a developmental promotion. Call me crazy, I think those are two totally different things. Unless you see Triple H trying to stick himself into every Takeover.

He was even generous enough to do the job for a debuting Sting at "Wrestlemania 31". Oh, that's right, he didn't.

I thought you were the one yapping about it all (NXT included) being "Vince's call". Now it's all Triple H? Make up your mind.

Now, I know you will say that those guys were from other companies, and somewhat established. But what about someone like Maven? Remember him.
He was the winner in the original season of "Tough Enough" and he was a big deal enough to pin Undertaker for the Hardcore belt and was involved in a story where he, Chris Jericho, Chris Benoit and Randy Orton got to take it in turns to run RAW for a month.
Ah yes. Maven. A wrestler that was promoted far too soon to his position because of a failed reality TV program. He sucked. Massively. Also, what does he have to do with any of this?

The other three I knew what to expect, but Maven was unproven in the role.However, his night of being GM, a star emerged. He was charismatic and had good interplay with others. That night he main evented RAW against Triple H.
Oh dear.
Now, I read that the original reason for Triple H beating Maven at the end of the show was for Maven to turn on Jericho, Benoit and Orton, and join Evolution. This would have set him up, as rubbing shoulders with Triple H and Ric Flair, and having feuds with Jericho, Benoit and Orton, would have stamped him as a star.
If Maven is your ruler for measuring stars, I suggest buying a new one.

Yet nothing changed. He didn't join Evolution and barely did much again, until he was future endeavoured. I think that Triple H didn't want a young guy like Maven to be a star, and take his spotlight.

So many to choose from and you choose MAVEN as your big evidence that Triple H held down guys. Could've gone with CM Punk, Daniel Bryan, Booker T, naaah dawg. MAVEN was the money well we ignored.

Triple H also did the same thing to Randy Orton. Orton was set to turn face and fight Triple H at WM21. But Triple H fast-tracked it, fought Orton at "No Mercy", buried Orton, and instead fought Batista, a guy who is not as athletic as Orton, was only fighting his third singles match and wasn't over like Orton. Also, Triple H trained him, so he put Batista over to make himself look good and make sure that Orton didn't go past him.

One makes millions with Marvel and the other one is a sure-fire Hall-Of-Famer. This analogy needs more Maven.

Has Triple H got in the ring and put over any people in NXT? He has fought Seth and Roman, but they were long established stars before them. Name me one person who Triple H has built up for non-selfish reasons?

He built a promotion and a very very large gym to house over 200 students. Damn selfish.

3) You really think Vince McMahon would have as his successor someone who will overhaul everything he has built and then re-build it in their own image? To quote the Miz "Really? Really?"

Oh jeez. I was cringing before. Now I just feel bad.
I have seen situations where someone who is retiring or leaving doesn't pick the best person to take over from them, but the one who most shares their "vision". They will sooner hire a toadie than someone who might have some fresh ideas.
Name a better candidate. No, seriously. Name a better person to take WWE.

So, don't be surprised if Triple H turns out to be mini-Vince McMahon once he takes over. Vince wouldn't be grooming him as the heir apparent if Triple H wasn't going to have things run the same or similar as usual.
Oh no. Being like the guy who made two wrestling booms. How horrifying.

If Vince wanted a fresh thinker, Shane would be the next to run WWE. I get the feeling that Shane would have fresh, new, innovative ideas. But Vince doesn't want that. He wants what he is used to, and Triple H and Steph probably say "Yes" to all of his ideas.
No. He want's a guy that doesn't try to make stupid purchases like Shane tried to do by buying dying by debt ECW or marred in controversy UFC and instead produces something that shows results like the Performance Center. Shane's a terrible idea, even from a CEO point of view. He's been trying to sell PPV's to China for years and it failed. You do realize there's a need for proper experience and success to do the job, right?

So, these are some things to consider next time you become a Triple H cheerleader, over his handling of NXT. If you think things will be much different once Tripper takes over, I have a bridge to sell you and there are some Nigerians who want you to send them money online.

Oh, you're so cute trying to sound smart.

Let me sum this up for you because it seems to complex for you:
People like NXT because it's good. WWE has been in MANY occasions. Good. Nobody gives a damn if NXT is a part of WWE or not. Because they want to watch something that is good. They do not care if it looks different or if it's "independent". They just want something good. Shane McMahon has never offered anything good to wrestling. Triple H took a developmental territory, rebranded it, put it on TV and people enjoy it now. Good! That's all people want! No one gives a shit if it's him or Dixie Carter in charge when Vince dies. Because they just want to watch something, and read carefully this bit, that it's good.

The only "mark" here, is you. Putting up completely pointless trivia to slander a guy for a nonsensical reason. This isn't an election, kid. People want Vince out because he's not been offering a good product over the past decade. People enjoy Triple H because his product has been fun to watch. They don't care if he killed Maven's career because that's irrelevant to the quality of the product presently.

And because Maven sucked.
But at the same time, he brought up some good points. While NXT is popular and something different that the IWC gravitated to, it doesn't turn a profit at the end of the year in fact, it's one of the section of the WWE that loses the most money every single year and that reflects on HHH in the end since he in charge of NXT.

The thing is, I've seen a lot of thread over the year we're fans we're clamering for Vince to retire just so HHH could take control because they like his vision of what wrestling should be. The problem with that is if they booked the main roster like they do NXT, they would go bankrupt by the time the next tv deals are up because that way of booking only work with a certain group of fans. That's why they don't booked huge arena's for the NXT house shows.

HHH is a smart guy and he knows that what He's doing in NXT wouldn't work on the main roster and that's why he would do what best for business. If it wasn't for WWE making a ton of money, NXT and the performance center would have been close a long time ago or at less have his resource cut tremendously because in the end, it's all about the money and pleasing the sponsors and shareholders and these peoples don't care about the product, they just care about result and if they can't produce result, they will leave.
But at the same time, he brought up some good points. While NXT is popular and something different that the IWC gravitated to, it doesn't turn a profit at the end of the year in fact, it's one of the section of the WWE that loses the most money every single year and that reflects on HHH in the end since he in charge of NXT.
No, WWE Studios is one of the biggest money pits WWE has and offers nothing in return. NXT is just another brand of the touring. And just like all WWE house shows, they lose money because their purpose is to have the wrestlers practice. The money made is on merchandise, hours of content and Network distribution. If NXT offered nothing, it would've been cut. Just like pyro.

The thing is, I've seen a lot of thread over the year we're fans we're clamering for Vince to retire just so HHH could take control because they like his vision of what wrestling should be. The problem with that is if they booked the main roster like they do NXT, they would go bankrupt by the time the next tv deals are up because that way of booking only work with a certain group of fans. That's why they don't booked huge arena's for the NXT house shows.

"Booking the main roster like NXT would make them go bankrupt". What crackpot came up with that baseless claim? Seriously, what's the basis for that? NXT doesn't book big arenas because it has less than 1 millions watcher on a niche network service. No shit, it's gonna be a low attendance when half the card features guys who aren't even on NXT TV. A fraction of a fraction.

HHH is a smart guy and he knows that what He's doing in NXT wouldn't work on the main roster and that's why he would do what best for business. If it wasn't for WWE making a ton of money, NXT and the performance center would have been close a long time ago or at less have his resource cut tremendously because in the end, it's all about the money and pleasing the sponsors and shareholders and these peoples don't care about the product, they just care about result and if they can't produce result, they will leave.

I don't get it. What's the argument then? How can it be such an issue but at the same time you say it would be shut down if there's an issue? Under was basis do you "know" booking Raw/SD like NXT would lead to bankruptcy? It's still crapping millions on rights fees because Triple H's wife, egomaniac as she may be, can actually negotiate a good deal. Why would the show making more sense all of the sudden make it so bad it just dies? Because not as many people watch NXT? No shit? It's almost like its on a harder to watch place with less tradition tied to it or something.

"Oh no, the heel and face turns make sense now, but our ratings..... Oh wait, they already were going down."
Simply put, when they release the WWE financial last year, one of the biggest point that was outline was that NXT was in the red by a lot. I don't remember the exact number but i know it was a huge number, i think it was even beating WWE studios as far as lost were concern. Also the lose was higher then the previous years and from what the report said, it's been a trend for a few years now. So that looks bad for whoever's in charge of this portion of the company.

The point i'm making with this is You can't go and booked a NXT style product for the main roster and hope that it will be successful because the NXT product is a niche product. That's why, HHH went back and pretty much started to booked the cruiserweight the same way vince was doing it because audience don't care about the in ring aspect, they cares about the characters which are secondary in NXT. I might went overboard about the would bankruptcy think but it got you to reply so you probably got my point about this.

WWE will never go out of business unless it's not a Mcmahon that'S running it which they are rumors circulating that vince's might want to sale the WWE to Fox if the price is right, in this case, they might not even want HHH is charge of wrestling operation and just put somebody else in there.

The Fact is, Vince keeps NXT around for the same reason he keep FCW around for as long as he did, it's better losing money on a developmental system that's within the company then losing money on a outside one. NXT will always lose money despite his popularity, it's a money pit and will always be but they make enough money to cover what ever the lost is. The only problem with something like that is that as far as business is concern, it reflect badly on the guy who's running it and will investors and shareholders really be willing to give to reigns of the whole company to somebody who is running a brand that's falling financially? That's the question that we might never have the answer to because in does the end, Vince might retire, i doubt it but you never know, but he doesn't have the last vote on who take his place, the executive committee and if they don't want HHH in that position, then he not getting it. So if HHH want the job, he will do whatever it takes to get it even if that's continuing the same type of product that we are getting right now.
Simply put, when they release the WWE financial last year, one of the biggest point that was outline was that NXT was in the red by a lot. I don't remember the exact number but i know it was a huge number, i think it was even beating WWE studios as far as lost were concern. Also the lose was higher then the previous years and from what the report said, it's been a trend for a few years now. So that looks bad for whoever's in charge of this portion of the company.

1. If you're looking at NXT strictly from a touring brand standpoint, yeah it's a moneypit. But how about the money it brings in through the WWE Network? And please, don't try and act like NXT isn't a huge selling point of the Network because for a lot of people, it's the main selling point. You get rid of NXT, you likely lose a shit-ton of Network subscribers (and dollars) along with it.

2. NXT is not there to make money. If it was, it would have been scrapped a long time ago. It exists firstly because of the reason above, and secondly because WWE execs know "NXT stars" will make them money almost immediately once they hit the main roster, either through merch sales or ticket sales.

The point i'm making with this is You can't go and booked a NXT style product for the main roster and hope that it will be successful because the NXT product is a niche product.

Ugh... NXT is a niche product because it's only available to a niche audience. It doesn't have the platform to be anything more. Acting like that has anything to do with the booking or wrestling is downright... stupid. Put NXT on USA Network, make it a third brand, and it draws exactly the same audiences/ratings as Raw and Smackdown.

The Fact is, Vince keeps NXT around for the same reason he keep FCW around for as long as he did, it's better losing money on a developmental system that's within the company then losing money on a outside one. NXT will always lose money despite his popularity, it's a money pit and will always be but they make enough money to cover what ever the lost is. The only problem with something like that is that as far as business is concern, it reflect badly on the guy who's running it and will investors and shareholders really be willing to give to reigns of the whole company to somebody who is running a brand that's falling financially? That's the question that we might never have the answer to because in does the end, Vince might retire, i doubt it but you never know, but he doesn't have the last vote on who take his place, the executive committee and if they don't want HHH in that position, then he not getting it. So if HHH want the job, he will do whatever it takes to get it even if that's continuing the same type of product that we are getting right now.

This whole paragraph shows how narrow-minded and short-sighted your views are. You need to do more research than listening to a Jim Cornette podcast if you're going to try and act like you know what you're talking about man.
1. If you're looking at NXT strictly from a touring brand standpoint, yeah it's a moneypit. But how about the money it brings in through the WWE Network? And please, don't try and act like NXT isn't a huge selling point of the Network because for a lot of people, it's the main selling point. You get rid of NXT, you likely lose a shit-ton of Network subscribers (and dollars) along with it.

I don't think it is, the main selling point for must subscribers are the PPV more so then NXT. NXT would leave the network and they would lose that many subscribers because NXT is just a bonus for a lot of fans.

2. NXT is not there to make money. If it was, it would have been scrapped a long time ago. It exists firstly because of the reason above, and secondly because WWE execs know "NXT stars" will make them money almost immediately once they hit the main roster, either through merch sales or ticket sales.

First of all name me one NXT star that Immediately made then money when they got called up? Most of them didn't change a thing to their bottom line in the end. They had more success with guys that did go to NXT first then guys that went through the system.

Ugh... NXT is a niche product because it's only available to a niche audience. It doesn't have the platform to be anything more. Acting like that has anything to do with the booking or wrestling is downright... stupid. Put NXT on USA Network, make it a third brand, and it draws exactly the same audiences/ratings as Raw and Smackdown.

On that point will have to wait and see since they're a rumor that NXT might move to one of Fox smaller channels next year but i doubt that it would do that much of a difference unless they change the presentation of the product

This whole paragraph shows how narrow-minded and short-sighted your views are. You need to do more research than listening to a Jim Cornette podcast if you're going to try and act like you know what you're talking about man.

I actually did research before writing this paragraph. It's not me being narrow-minded, it's me being realistic. In corporate america, that's how it works, when a company search for a new CEO, they will never look at the guy that's is losing money in his department, they will take the guy that's successful. Yes, in a way, NXT is successful, it's a popular brand with a certain group of fans, there no denying that but at the same time, it's one thing to be popular but everything in WWE has to make money eventually, that's why they close so many developmental territories over the years. That's how it works. WWE is a corporation and the main reason is there is to make money. Right now, they keep NXT around because at while they are losing a ton of money on it, they might get it back in a few years. But if Vince decided to sell the WWE, do you really believe that whoever is the new owner will keep NXT around or even HHH in his current position? i don't because it make no sense business wise to keep it open because while NXT is a popular show on the network, it's not something that fans will cancel their subscription over if they cancel it.
Oh, I see where this is going.

No. What made NXT strong wasn't being critical of Raw and Smackdown. It was just a better product. No one cares if it is a part of WWE or not.

You say it as if ROH was anything good.

Yeah. No shit. What's your point?

Uh, yeah. Again, what is your point?

OK. No, seriously. What is your point?

People where? It's certainly not fans that know where those stars come from.

Yeah. He was a wrestler who was desperate to keep his spot back then. Now he's responsable for a developmental promotion. Call me crazy, I think those are two totally different things. Unless you see Triple H trying to stick himself into every Takeover.

I thought you were the one yapping about it all (NXT included) being "Vince's call". Now it's all Triple H? Make up your mind.

Ah yes. Maven. A wrestler that was promoted far too soon to his position because of a failed reality TV program. He sucked. Massively. Also, what does he have to do with any of this?

Oh dear.

If Maven is your ruler for measuring stars, I suggest buying a new one.

So many to choose from and you choose MAVEN as your big evidence that Triple H held down guys. Could've gone with CM Punk, Daniel Bryan, Booker T, naaah dawg. MAVEN was the money well we ignored.

One makes millions with Marvel and the other one is a sure-fire Hall-Of-Famer. This analogy needs more Maven.

He built a promotion and a very very large gym to house over 200 students. Damn selfish.

Oh jeez. I was cringing before. Now I just feel bad.

Name a better candidate. No, seriously. Name a better person to take WWE.

Oh no. Being like the guy who made two wrestling booms. How horrifying.

No. He want's a guy that doesn't try to make stupid purchases like Shane tried to do by buying dying by debt ECW or marred in controversy UFC and instead produces something that shows results like the Performance Center. Shane's a terrible idea, even from a CEO point of view. He's been trying to sell PPV's to China for years and it failed. You do realize there's a need for proper experience and success to do the job, right?

Oh, you're so cute trying to sound smart.

Let me sum this up for you because it seems to complex for you:
People like NXT because it's good. WWE has been in MANY occasions. Good. Nobody gives a damn if NXT is a part of WWE or not. Because they want to watch something that is good. They do not care if it looks different or if it's "independent". They just want something good. Shane McMahon has never offered anything good to wrestling. Triple H took a developmental territory, rebranded it, put it on TV and people enjoy it now. Good! That's all people want! No one gives a shit if it's him or Dixie Carter in charge when Vince dies. Because they just want to watch something, and read carefully this bit, that it's good.

The only "mark" here, is you. Putting up completely pointless trivia to slander a guy for a nonsensical reason. This isn't an election, kid. People want Vince out because he's not been offering a good product over the past decade. People enjoy Triple H because his product has been fun to watch. They don't care if he killed Maven's career because that's irrelevant to the quality of the product presently.

And because Maven sucked.

First of all, good of you to join us, Stephanie. I see you are here to defend your husband.

"It is a better product". In your opinion.

Triple H was dating the boss's daughter, yet still buried guys. He wouldn't have been downgraded, yet still buried guys.

How do you know that Maven wouldn't have been a star when Triple H buried him before he had the chance to shine?

I bet if Maven had been on NXT, you would jizz your pants and call him a star, because you think everyone on NXT a star.

Even if NXT wasn't good, you would say that it was, because it is the cool thing to do here these days.

NXT is like the old ECW. There were people who gushed about it, and said it was better than WWE, like people say today about NXT (except that NXT is part of the WWE). But ECW went under, because there was a samll but vocal minority, who don't bring in enough money long-term, just like the territories in the 80's, and indy leagues. They run on an oily rag. NXT only survives because it is financed by Vince and WWE. If it were independent, it would be dead by now. But people like you delude yourself and think that it is a shining beacon. Keep drinking the Kool-aid.

You call Maven a failed reality star? But did you know that NXT failed as a reality show as well. NXT was originally a "Tough Enough" style show, until they changed it to a feeder league.

BTW, The Miz was a failed reality star as well, and he made it. The difference is that he didn't get buried by Triple H early into his career.

You bag Shane. That's not nice to say about your brother, Stephanie. Shane is an astute guy, who made money outside of WWE, and not solely riding on daddy's coattails, or marrying into the family. He didn't get the gig because he was outvoted, two to one, by Steph and Triple H, and Vince let it happen, because Triple H is more of a clone of him than Shane is. Triple H is more of a puppet that Vince can control.

Other people have told you the bottom line on this, but you continue your fanboyism. If you aren't Stephanie McMahon, then why are you so defending of Triple H?

Anyway, nice to see someone as high-up in WWE as Stephanie McMahon post here. However, I haven't changed my opinion of how two-faced your husband is.
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I don't know where to even start with some of the odd statements that I've read in this thread. Maven? NXT? Miz a failed reality star?

Simply put, it's unlikely HHH will make major changes to Raw and SD. But I have more faith in him then I do Vince. I expect HHH will do a better job with continuity and at the same time be less stubborn but at the same time Raw and SD have giant responsibilities compared to NXT. HHH will be responsible and serve his network masters whether we like it or not.
If you are reading this, I am writing to you in the year 2018. All the guys Triple H buried rose from their graves to win world championships. They would go on to have great matches with all the guys Triple H put over, including but not limited to John Cena, Chris Benoit, Seth Rollins, Roman Reigns, and Batista.

Everyone except Maven, who didn't win shit even in the indies. The shovel was lodged too deep inside his chest, experts claim.
I actually did research before writing this paragraph. It's not me being narrow-minded, it's me being realistic. In corporate america, that's how it works, when a company search for a new CEO, they will never look at the guy that's is losing money in his department, they will take the guy that's successful. Yes, in a way, NXT is successful, it's a popular brand with a certain group of fans, there no denying that but at the same time, it's one thing to be popular but everything in WWE has to make money eventually, that's why they close so many developmental territories over the years. That's how it works. WWE is a corporation and the main reason is there is to make money. Right now, they keep NXT around because at while they are losing a ton of money on it, they might get it back in a few years. But if Vince decided to sell the WWE, do you really believe that whoever is the new owner will keep NXT around or even HHH in his current position? i don't because it make no sense business wise to keep it open because while NXT is a popular show on the network, it's not something that fans will cancel their subscription over if they cancel it.

Why do you continuously ignore what numerous others have told you? NXT was never designed to be a moneymaker for the company, it was initially designed to be exactly what it was
originally designed to be: WWE's new developmental territory. A strange thing happened though in that the NXT product proved highly popular, ideas were tossed about and it became a touring brand due in part because WWE felt that what was gained was worth whatever money might be lost and what was gained was a platform to get new signees over and familiar with WWE audiences instead of doing what they did before. What they did before was bring up someone from OVW or Deep South, spend months and months building them up and see what happens. Right now, some 75% of WWE's main roster is made up of people who came through NXT; NXT wasn't designed for nor can it make everyone who comes through a star, nothing can do that. That doesn't mean that there aren't people who may have been overlooked for whatever reason or reasons in favor of others, that's sometimes just simply how it happens and it happens that way in every other company. NXT, as a touring brand, was never really designed to make a lot of money because NXT performs in small venues, I don't know if there's a purpose for that or if it's an edict from Vince himself, but it's hard to make money when you're having house shows at venues for a thousand people or so and when you have so many people signed to the roster. All that's needed to change that? Get NXT a TV deal and have them start playing in bigger arenas. I have little doubt they'd do well enough and it's hard to view NXT as just reaching a niche audience when their NXT TakeOver shows, which are NXT's ppvs when you get right down to it, draw 10,000 to 15,000 fans.

As for the company's faith in Triple H, it seems that WWE has tremendous faith in him as it's been reported that it was Triple H and Stephanie who negotiated WWE's big television deals as Vince and Kevin Dunn are said to have had nothing whatsoever to do with it. They're keeping Raw on USA for another 5 years making $235 million per year in TV rights and SmackDown Live is going to the Fox Network for 5 years and $205 million per year which means, if you wanna get technical about it, Triple H was one of the two principle players who successfully negotiated a pair of billion dollar TV deals for the company. Now, here's where common sense comes into play: I don't care what anyone's opinion might be of the two of them personally, I don't care about any of Scott Steiner's nonsensical ramblings, I don't care about what sort of political strings Triple H has pulled to attain what he's attained, the people who run a major corporation like WWE aren't going to entrust such a massive responsibility of negotiating TV deals with an executive they don't have faith in, that they don't feel has proven himself and doesn't know what he's doing.

As far as people not cancelling their subscriptions if NXT was cancelled by a new owner, or whatever, that's pure speculation and you're doing what you usually do when it comes to NXT: You deliberately discount its credibility, its popularity and how much of a cornerstone it's become to the overall success of the WWE Network. NXT is a MAJOR reason why I've maintained my network subscription and I'm quite certain the same can be said for a lot of other posters on this site over the years. With the exception of ppvs, whether main roster or NXT TakeOver events, NXT is almost always the most watched program on the WWE Network. Not Storytime, not Ride Along, not Southpaw Regional Wrestling, not the Edge & Christian Show, not Camp WWE nor anything else from the nearly 10,000 hours of older content available On Demand.

When we start talking about the actual business side of things, more often than not, we really don't have much of a clue what we're actually talking about. We don't know the ins and outs of high finance, nor do we have access to all the various financial records of WWE. If NXT was any sort of significant drain on WWE's coffers, which doesn't seem to be the case whatsoever, changes would be made.

I don't know how much Raw or SmackDown would change, though I think the biggest changes would come in the ways of a lot of small things being done ranging from paying attention to continuity and a distinctive cutting back on filler. I just have a lot more faith in Triple H than I do in Vince McMahon when it comes to these seemingly little things; the problem is that when you have a LOT of little things going wrong, they can add up to a lot of problems and Vince doesn't sweat those little things nearly enough.
First of all, thanks for using my quote but putting somebody else's name on it, that was nice of you. Secondly, i totally agree with pretty much everything you said except for maybe one or two thing. While i get that NXT prime objective isn't to make money, it's still need to make money at some point for it to stay viable for the company. Look at all the other developmental territories that WWE had before creating they own, all of them had one thing in comment, while they were popular they didn't turn out a profit and WWE stop using them. the only difference is that NXT is a WWE property and it's on the network.

The other thing is that while i'm sure that NXT is the primary reason why a lot of people on this board got the network, for what it worth these day it's not a lot, on PPV week, NXT is way behind as far as viewership is concern compare to monthly PPV. The prime reason most fans got the network in the first place was and always will be for the PPV main rosters or other wise first and NXT second. If NXT is taken off the network, they might get a small drop in the number but the majority will keep the network anyway because they won'T want to miss the big events. That's why i got the network in the first place, not NXT or anything else, it was for the PPV and i'm certain i'm not the only one. So yes, NXT is popular, but to put it on a pedestal the way some of the fans does and saying that it the sole reason why the network is so successful is really being narrow minded in my opinion.

As for HHH being in charge, the guy learn from the best in the business, like it or not Vince is one of the best businessman in pro wrestling history and it shows how much HHH learn from vince because he'S been doing pretty much the same type of moves that vince has done in the past. From taking every single stars from rivals promotion to make deals like the current tv deal you just mention, That'S pretty much stuff that vince would have done in the past. If HHH is in charge when Vince's dies, because let'S face it, vince won't retire, Then it's going to continue to be business as usual. I don't see HHH changing much about the way the product is produce because what they are doing works and it's because of that product that vince is producing that HHH was able to get that TV deal. That because of that current product that he was able to get Sammartino, Warrior and a bunch of other legends that didn't want anything to do with the company to comeback. So i guess what i'm saying is that fans thinks that HHH will change the presentation of the product when he's in charge but they will be disappointed because he won'T change a thing about it.

Finally just to close this. I just want to play a little game. Go on the WWE network, go watch the last year of WWECW brand, then compare it to NXT, it's pretty much the same concept with a smaller crowd. Also go watch some of 205 live when they first started with Vince in Control, then go watch recent episode of 205 live with HHH in control, Same product different men in charge.

HHH didn'T change anything, he just took idea's that didn'T work in the past and sold them in a way that they became popular because Vince's name wasn't attach to it. the only difference between all the brands that HHH is charge of and what was done in the past is that Vince's isn't attach to it. If HHH was in charge of the main roster and release the same crap that they release on raw and Smackdown, everybody would praise it because it HHH that produced it.
First of all, thanks for using my quote but putting somebody else's name on it, that was nice of you. Secondly, i totally agree with pretty much everything you said except for maybe one or two thing. While i get that NXT prime objective isn't to make money, it's still need to make money at some point for it to stay viable for the company. Look at all the other developmental territories that WWE had before creating they own, all of them had one thing in comment, while they were popular they didn't turn out a profit and WWE stop using them. the only difference is that NXT is a WWE property and it's on the network.

The other thing is that while i'm sure that NXT is the primary reason why a lot of people on this board got the network, for what it worth these day it's not a lot, on PPV week, NXT is way behind as far as viewership is concern compare to monthly PPV. The prime reason most fans got the network in the first place was and always will be for the PPV main rosters or other wise first and NXT second. If NXT is taken off the network, they might get a small drop in the number but the majority will keep the network anyway because they won'T want to miss the big events. That's why i got the network in the first place, not NXT or anything else, it was for the PPV and i'm certain i'm not the only one. So yes, NXT is popular, but to put it on a pedestal the way some of the fans does and saying that it the sole reason why the network is so successful is really being narrow minded in my opinion.

As for HHH being in charge, the guy learn from the best in the business, like it or not Vince is one of the best businessman in pro wrestling history and it shows how much HHH learn from vince because he'S been doing pretty much the same type of moves that vince has done in the past. From taking every single stars from rivals promotion to make deals like the current tv deal you just mention, That'S pretty much stuff that vince would have done in the past. If HHH is in charge when Vince's dies, because let'S face it, vince won't retire, Then it's going to continue to be business as usual. I don't see HHH changing much about the way the product is produce because what they are doing works and it's because of that product that vince is producing that HHH was able to get that TV deal. That because of that current product that he was able to get Sammartino, Warrior and a bunch of other legends that didn't want anything to do with the company to comeback. So i guess what i'm saying is that fans thinks that HHH will change the presentation of the product when he's in charge but they will be disappointed because he won'T change a thing about it.

Finally just to close this. I just want to play a little game. Go on the WWE network, go watch the last year of WWECW brand, then compare it to NXT, it's pretty much the same concept with a smaller crowd. Also go watch some of 205 live when they first started with Vince in Control, then go watch recent episode of 205 live with HHH in control, Same product different men in charge.

HHH didn'T change anything, he just took idea's that didn'T work in the past and sold them in a way that they became popular because Vince's name wasn't attach to it. the only difference between all the brands that HHH is charge of and what was done in the past is that Vince's isn't attach to it. If HHH was in charge of the main roster and release the same crap that they release on raw and Smackdown, everybody would praise it because it HHH that produced it.

I get the Network for the current PPVs first, and the historical PPVs second.

I like having a library where I can watch any WWF/E/NWA/WCW or ECW PPV on demand. Those would be the two things I watch the most. I even hope that TNA goes under so that TNA PPVs and shows can be added to the Network.

Then maybe old RAWs, SDs etc (I would love implemented a thing where you get a match or scene select, so that I can watch particular matches, without watching the whole show). I barely ever watched NXT (I did once, and saw Charlotte vs Sasha Banks (this was a year before their feud) and I thought it was awful, with a few wear-down holds and little else, and botches, especially from Charlotte. A year later, they were much better.

I don't even watch RAW or SD every week (I sometimes have other things to do) , so after that, I don't then feel like watching NXT and 205 Live. But NXT is not what I buy Network for.

As for Triple H, I still say that leopards don't completely change their spots, and Tripper might still do what benefits him.
NXT is over because it’s the home of the Indy darlings. Samoa Joe, Nakamura, Neville, Balor, Owens, Zayn, Ambrose, Rollins, Bryan, Itami all made their names on the Indies. Styles somehow dodged nxt and got a decent push and he’s done the rest. HHH hardly creating new stars, just taking established stars and tuning them the wwe way
NXT is over because it’s the home of the Indy darlings. Samoa Joe, Nakamura, Neville, Balor, Owens, Zayn, Ambrose, Rollins, Bryan, Itami all made their names on the Indies. Styles somehow dodged nxt and got a decent push and he’s done the rest. HHH hardly creating new stars, just taking established stars and tuning them the wwe way

That's true, just like Vince was doing back in the 80's. HHH is pretty much following Vince's formula and making it cool again. All we are seeing is Another Mcmahon running the show and fans will turn on him when he gets in charge and doesn't change a thing because they all think that the way NXT is booked is new and that the main roster should be booked that way when in reality, it's pretty much the oldest way of booking and can't never work on the main rosters mostly because of the length of the shows.
But how about the money it brings in through the WWE Network? And please, don't try and act like NXT isn't a huge selling point of the Network because for a lot of people, it's the main selling point.

are you crazy or re-tar-ded? NTX the MAIN SELLING POINT OF the Network. my god I haven't laughed so hard in YEARS! PPVs ARE AND ALWAYS WILL BE the main selling point of the network..don't believe me let me explain.
WWE PPVs run around 50-60$ each EVERY MONTH, BUT you can get the Network paid yearly IN ADVANCE for...60$(same price as 1 PPV & get what 14-15 PPVS a year.

tell us all again how NTX is the main selling point of the Network
i will start with the point of NXT not making money your right it doesnt it loses money now go look at any business you want go take a look at the finacials for there training department and tell me how much google, amazon, microsoft or facebooks training departments made last year!! the answer is none they all make a lose cause training doesnt make money its an investment. This isnt even a wrestling questions its a business question so stop trying to answer it like its a wrestling point its not plus many many companies have sections making a loss on purpose as its also a tax right of and all companies (and shareholders) love to pay less tax so lets knock that on the head first.
MAVEN the less said the better i could pick ANY top star and find someone they wouldnt work with or buried stone cold walked out on a show as he wouldnt put over a fresh faced brock dont think ive ever seen a post questioning his behaviour ever.
Is Hunter the saviour we all need? who the hell knows does he have control of NXT nope if he wanted to do something that vince was totally against he aint doing it if he does something and vince is like i dont like that cut that dead now its dead, like lots of us i have watched so many shoot interviews and what not and like or hate vince they all agree its vinces way or no way.
Triple H VS shane - again until the day one of them truely has over all say you have no idea what would be really nice is take the steph shane story with them running a show each and make it real have it that they really do have 100% control on content direction storylines but this will never happen so bottom line until vince does give someone control every opinion on who it should be how good this person would do is just that an opinon its guess work

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