An idea I had with all the NXT call-ups coming up to RAW and SD


Mid-Card Championship Winner
I saw Ciampa and Gargano, Aliester Black and Richochet debut on the main roster this weekend. They join recent call-ups like Lacey Evans, EC3, Heavy Machinery and others.

It gave me an idea, which they should do post-Wrestlemania.

Usually, the night after Wrestlemania, they bring up four or five more NXT call-ups. I thought of a great way to give them all lots of TV time and promience.

Bring back the Invasion angle, the Nexus angle.

With all the call-ups, I would like to see NXT try to take over RAW and SD. Triple H should lead NXT to take over WWE and Vince tries to stop them.

You could have Orton, Jeff Hardy, Cena and other "WWE" guys and girls try to protect their turf against the new guard, the stars of Tomorrow.

I know the last time they did an Invasion angle, with WCW and ECW, they were buried. But this time is different, because NXT is talent they are trying to promote, and make look good. Also, I think Triple H will not make the NXT talent get buried like WCW, ECW and Nexus were.

It would give a lot of time and exposure to the new talent, and it would make WWE look good if NXT won some of the battles, as if to say "See, look how strong and talented some of these new guys and girls are. That's because of our Performance Centre". Also, it will give a gauge as to who gets over and who doesn't, and then focus can be put on the ones who show that they can be superstars.

I think a RAW/SD versus NXT Invasion angle would be awesome, and make for interesting television. Think of on SD this week, how they had Gargano, Ciampa, Black and Ricochet have matches with SD talent. Well, you could have this every match with an Invasion angle.

Would you like to see NXT invade RAW and SD, and would the angle work, or go the way of the "WWE v Alliance" storyline?
That would be a great angle, having Undisputed Era debut with the rest of the recent call ups and invade raw and smackdown. Creative needs to wake up. They currently have so many great talents to work with. They just need to create a good story line. I think they should trigger this this coming Monday on raw. Have NXT invade the show and beat the crap out of everyone. Have Undisputed Era, Ciampa, Gargano, but then, Ricochet and black are consider babyfaces right now so I dont know how this will work out.
i made a comement the other week when someone asked about what should happen for the shake up after mania the one thing i stressed was whatever they do they need to leave NXT alone as they have just ruined everyone they have brought up and then monday night happened.
this simply proved what i said is true you just brought up possibly the best 4 guys gave us no back story and worse than that ruined nearly 2 years worth of story in nxt with DIY and then there split.
If you watch NXT you know the story and if you dont and saw these guys and thought damn got to check out nxt guys what it wont make any sense .
i want nxt left alone until wwe learn how to actually book the show. if last year was argubly the worst year in wwe history as was debated on a previous thread this was the single worst and most damaging episode in history.
i could type for the end of time on how bad this was but just you tube reviews of this weeks raw and every single one i can find buries it.
I fantasy booked this very idea about 3 weeks ago with a friend from work and we came up with a great version but right now all i see is wwe doing the same as they did with nexus and have them buried after a while and destroy the whole of NXT in one go
anyone who watches NXT weekly will also see that Ciampa and Gargano are getting alone so your point doesnt work. wwe creative reads all the threads here to and impliments everyones ideas.
If they would have made a bigger impact right off the bat, i would say why not but by the time the shake up happens, they will already be sooo over exposed and push down the fans throat that i wouldn't have the same impact. What made all the other invasion work at first was that you had a bunch of guys that you didn'T see on TV before. The Nexus angle worked because they were fresh face that nobody saw on Raw before. Same goes with the NWO in WCW.

To do a good invasion angle with the current NXT call up, you would have to make them disappear for a while and then after mania, you start the angle with those guys and maybe a couple a call ups as well. but if fans see them on a regular bases, they won't cares when they decided to turn because they won't feel special especially since most of them will pretty much stay in the mid card anyway and won't look like main event stars.
I think that an NXT Invasion Angle, on paper sounds awesome but then you run into three pretty big issues.

1) Raw and Smackdown combined would have a roster almost triple the size of NXT's. It is going to be hard to for NXT to ever realistically be able to get the heat on Team WWE when the sides are THAT big.

2) While we will probably never get to know the actual viewing numbers for NXT... there is no denying that the VAST majority of regular WWE fans do not watch NXT. It is going to be incredibly hard to introduce that many new wrestlers at one time and give them all enough tv time to connect with fans.

3) The is my biggest problem/fear with this. Ultimately at the end of the day NXT HAS TO LOSE. In order for things to return to normal when the storyline ends it HAS to be the invading side that loses. There is no way around this it HAS to happen. But the problem is as soon as NXT loses a certain percentage of the internet is going to complain, whine, and moan FOREVER. Case and point: there are people STILL complaining that Nexus lost to Team WWE and that was a decade ago.

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