Triple H heading the new developmental department

So a while ago, HHH was really into revamping the developmental department of the WWE and now He's going to go ahead with it.

He first introduced Sin Cara, a legendary Lucha Libre. This kinda shows that this might be a great thing. I think HHH has enough experience to separate the good. the bad and the great.

What will be his next move?

Do you want him to recruit JR to look for new wrestlers?
Do you want him to revamp FCW and get back OVW

Your thoughts on weather this if good or bad

I'll bulletpoint your questions then get into it.

1: I don't know what his next move will be, noone does. What we do know however is Triple H is driven to succeed and he's back at the bottom right now. Not as a performer obviously, but he's at the bottom of the creative totem pole, has no track record. I would expect him to make more moves like Sin Cara as he's making a name for himself regarding creative and development.

2: I want him to stay as far away from Jim Ross as possible. Ross' idea of building a roster is recruit a bunch of big rednecks, grab some rejects from the NFL/CFL, top off the main event with 2nd/3rd generation stars because of their name. It doesn't work. It failed when he tried it in Mid South, it failed when he went to WCW and it will fail again. Not to mention he's the biggest yes man on the planet and Trips needs an assistant that not only knows talent but will push him to hone his skills and let him know when an idea sucks.

3: I'd rather they get rid of FCW period. Booker T has a training center going in TX and i'd rather they set up a promotion down there and hire him to train and groom the young talent. I can think of noone better to get the job done plus being in TX The Undertaker and Steve Austin can come in and help out. Who better to groom the new generation than those three? I hope they look into that.

All in all yeah i'm pretty happy about this. Triple H grew up as a huge Jim Crockett Promotions fan and Ric Flair fan. That is his frame of reference and I think he will push the WWE more in that direction the more he gains power. To do so however he's going to need a good chunk of guys who can work in the ring as well as work matches. I can't wait to see what the future holds in that regard.

I think this will be good for the WWE. Triple H was on the ball enough and is intelligent enough to pinpoint the biggest issue facing the WWE as soon as The Rock exposed it and Vince put him in charge of fixing it, awesome, bring it on.
Triple H has said for a long time that the WWE's developmental system needs a major overhaul and I'm excited that Triple H is heading this up. If Vince McMahon trusts Triple H and lets him have a free hand here, this could wind up being a very good thing for the WWE.

The WWE has been hyping and touting the signing of Sin Cara for a few months now and the fact that they're not trying to repackage Sin Cara, they're not trying to change him. They're keeping him exactly as he's always been because that's what ultimately made him such a huge star in Mexico. I'm FAR from any sort of expert on the guy but, from what I understand, the only thing different about him is his ring attire and name and that's only due to CMLL retaining the rights to the Mistico look and name.

I think that Vince's mind is mostly on the various corporate aspects of WWE at this point in time, what with expanding WWE programming into new markets, the possible creation of a WWE television network and all that, maybe the best thing is to step back and let someone like Triple H focus more on the development and signing of wrestlers to the company.
I have to bring comment by Ricky The Dragon Steamboat that he made at his HOF induction. " I was sitting there on the plane and I had both seats and I was at the window. I was happy that the plane was basically empty cause then I would then have both the seats to myself and could relax. A few moments later this green kid sits down when there are plenty of seats and starts houding me with questions. What gets someone over with the fans what makes them like you what makes them hate you. On and on for two long hours this green kid was chewing my year. he has always been and always will be a student of the Game that kid was Tripple H. Ask any Vet they will tell you that he did the same to all the vets."

My cousins best friend as well as a guy I used to work with as well both work down in Stamford..yes I live in CT...They can tell you the day Hogan, Nash and Hall left alot of the games stopped dead. Yes the vets would suggest certain people to VM but he ALWAYS has the final say so it doesnt matter who brings it up Trips, Mark (Undertaker), HBK, Shane or Steph.

Trips has always had an eye for tallent we all know this and has always been a student of the game questioning vets, watching Tapes of old matches till early mornings. All this is documented my friends.

I know he will be a Boon to developement but hey its still the call of VM JP aka Trips can only suggest and push for them to get a chance.

People say JP has burried people in the past most of the time cause they deserved it. Hell it used to be that if you saw on the chart that you were facing JBL, hardcore Holly, Finley or the Boss Man you knew you fucked up somehow and you were going to be hit super stiff as punishment. Now instead of being brused and broken physically in a match you get burried for a time.

Truthfully the man has MADE more stars then burried and helped careers more than hindered. Even with the Seamus beat down I was thinking about it and it is plausable that the whole thing was to 1) give the IWC something 2)Piss the IWC off at the same time. Here is why..When trips came back the IWC was whining from the basement that he was ignoring what Seamus did to him in "putting him out"...ok so Seamus comes down and the IWC gets what they were wining about Trips and Seamus going at it. So you go what you wanted now the IWC can whine that Trips burried Seamus with that beat down. I bet Seamus and Trips were reading the boards afterwards in the back Laughing their asses off Like Jericho used to do.

What did Jericho once say...If its in the IWC it must be true and factual.

But lets face it JPL Jon Paul Levesque aka Tripple H IS a student of the entire game. He will only build the WWE bigger and stronger because when it and steph run the show it is not only more money for them but a better legacy
I'll bulletpoint your questions then get into it.

2: I want him to stay as far away from Jim Ross as possible. Ross' idea of building a roster is recruit a bunch of big rednecks, grab some rejects from the NFL/CFL, top off the main event with 2nd/3rd generation stars because of their name. It doesn't work. It failed when he tried it in Mid South, it failed when he went to WCW and it will fail again. Not to mention he's the biggest yes man on the planet and Trips needs an assistant that not only knows talent but will push him to hone his skills and let him know when an idea sucks.

So you're saying that The Rock, Steve Austin, Brock Lesnar, Kurt Angle, Chris Jericho, Shelton Benjamin, Randy Orton, Batista, John Cena, Trish Stratus, Edge, Christian, Matt & Jeff Hardy, and Mick Foley were all "big rednecks" and "rejects from the NFL/CFL"? These were all Jim Ross recruits. Yeah, I guess none of them ever made a dime, so what does Jim Ross know? :shrug:

Even Jim Cornette says that things haven't been the same since Jim Ross left. "In WWE, Jim Ross knew how to recruit athletes who were coachable, dedicated and who had a passion for wrestling."
I really don't know what Trips will bring to development, but anything other than Vince is an improvement at this point.

Personally, I would like JR to take charge, but I think that HHH will listen to and respect JR's advice more than Vince ever has. The Kliq has long passed now, and I don't think Trips will take that mentality to this new job.
I think HHH in this position is a great move for the WWE. You got a guy that respects the business and the competition and athletic part of it, not just the pagentry and the frills. The great part about this is there is nothing to gain for HHH from this so it sounds like it can be legit. If he were hired to book one of the shows, I'd be kinda skeptical.
Oh so many things I want to talk about on this thread, with that being said I'll try my hardest to not make it over wordy and shit lol.
To start out I do want to agree with most people that I'm very happy that Trips has been giving this spot, and hopefully with the help of JR I know these two can find some great talent. Be it the Superstars of tomorrow, or more importantly in my eyes the Superstars of today that they can find and sign(Sin Cara).

Now some may ask what I mean about the Superstars of today and why I feel its so important. So I'll say it like this I've watched wrestling for damn near my whole life (25 years) and to be honest alot of this generations Superstars are lacking in very key departments of what makes wrestling so great. I mean I like the Miz because of what all we have to choose from, but if you drop the Miz in any other generation and he wouldnt hold up compared to what they had to offer. So with the being said I think Trips will know what he is looking for Talent wise (in ring work, story telling in the ring, and mic work) to help make this era turn out to be a bit better. Now it will be a bit harder to find the talent that can just come in and start out on the main roster like Sin Cara has but I feel he can find two or three more that are ready and really give this Era a big and much needed spark.

Now heres my thing though Trips and JR can find the best talent in the world, but that doesnt mean they will be succsesful and I often use Shelton Benjamin for this example. Shelton had and still does has a shit load of more talent then what we watch on a weekly basis, but he was lacking the drive to make him self big. So I guess I'm just tying to say that HHH and JR can find the best talents in the world but they the superstars have to be willin to use their talents to thier full potintial(sorry about the spelling).

To close this reply I do want to touch on something that was posted earlier,
I do believe it was from Shooter Mcgavin. You had mentioned something about this being the end of the big guy Era and I do agree with some of the things you said about WCW and how they used their smaller talents which made the show over all better. But there is one thing I want to bring up, with out Andrea the Giant we might not have ever had the run of Hulk Hogan. Or would Rey Mysterio be as big of a wrestler as he is today if he wasnt put out as the Ultimate Underdog. Just two examples of why bigger wrestlers will alwyas be needed. Oh and I just wanted to say this because I'm not a person that comes on here and rags ppl so I hope you didnt take that wrong that I picked out your comment.
He knows what the fans want respects the business has an eye for talent this is one of the best moves wwe has made.HHH and JR will work magic in the talent development department.I'm excited to see what other talent is brought over already off to a good start with sin cara.
I personally would of rather seen this job go to someone like Jerico. He has wrestled all over the world before signing with WCW so he knows the markets that are out there, he has been a big pusher of the younger tallent in the company, and it would bring Jerico back in to the WWE where he belongs and it would hopefully take Vince out of the circle a little more than i think he is going to be with his son in law in charge. Also everyone has been saying that HHH has a great eye for tallent who is this tallent besides Sin Cara.
I had an idea come to mind while I was attending some of the different wrestling events in Atl during Wrestlemania weekend. Hear me out. I know Vince is not a fan of indy guys. HHH might be. I don't know personally. I have never spoken to the man. If JR does get involved with scouting and recruiting again, things could get good again! Anyway, I was thinking...scrap FCW. Look to ROH. Gabe Sapolosky and Vince used to have a working relationship back in the early to mid part of the past decade. Samoa Joe, Danielson, Punk and Nigel McGuiness all appeared on Sunday Night Heat. ROH is loaded with more talent than E currently is. I have noticed, though, that the one big con for the company is mic talent. It's amateur, at very best, for many of them. Get them in acting classes like the current developmental guys are, and you will have well-rounded talent. What do y'all think?
i cant wait for triple hhh to take over completely, he could save the company from drowning (not that wwe is drowning, but once all their big names disappear they are gonna have issues), i think cause triple hhh has been there for so many years he has good insight on everything, plus with vince showing triple hhh the ropes of the harder stuff, plus if triple hhh has his own ideas incorporated with what vince is showing triple hhh, the wwe is going to soar to the top easily so i cant wait for vince to leave and paul to take over.
No to your first 2 questions.

HHH shouldn't head to the developmental department.

3 short reasons why :
1. Needs to put talent over.
2. Needs to resume his feud with Sheamus.
3. Help ratings go up.
HHH has a great mind for the business. I think he can do really well with this.

Honestly I think WWE needs several developmental territories scattered around the US. It'd really help wrestling as a whole and like the saying goes "a rising tide raises all boats" or whatever the saying is. You know what I mean, when everything is improving, the product at every level (WWE improtantly) will get better.

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