TNA Needs a Developmental System

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Sic Semper Tyrannosaurus
When you look at the other two major American promotions, they both have a source of talent right into their company. For the WWE, it's FCW, and formaly OVW and DSW. For ROH, they have their own school. In the WWE, you attract hopeful wrestlers and indy talent, put them into FCW, and train them. They're made into better talent, they gain experience with the WWE product, and eventually, they can join the main roster and make an impact. In recent time we've seen the FCW system work extremely well for the WWE, as guys like Evan Bourne and Jack Swagger hit big in last year's talent initiative, and guys like Yoshi Tatsu and Sheamus are making waves this year. In addition, though not part of the talent initiative per se, both Primo Colon and Ted DiBiase went through FCW before joining the main roster. In the past, OVW has helped make some of today's main eventers and soon to be main eventers - Randy Orton, CM Punk, John Morrison, and the Miz all spent time in OVW. DSW was also home to MVP, and Kofi Kingston has spent time in all three territories. The Hart Dynasty, Zack Ryder, and Vladimir Koslov have all passed through the developmental territories. The basic message here is that the WWE is building it's midcard and its future main event with their own territories. ROH, as well, has its wrestling school that contributes a regular stream of new guys into the company, most notably Rhett Titus who will probably wind up part of the tag champs and maybe even a main eventer there. It's different in the indies, when you can pluck a guy from any territory and bring him to yours, but they're helping to enhance themselves with a school.

TNA, on the other hand, has...nothing. And it's hurting them, visibly. Who's debuted recently in TNA? Amazing Red, who's worked with them before. The Mafia Security, who's done the same. Cody Deaner...let's not go there. The British Invasion, who were taken straight from the British indies. Jesse Neal...okay. Jethro Holliday, the latest vaunted WWE reject. The best of the lot is Amazing Red, who can work wonders in the X Division, and the Invasion, who will be a good tag force (with Williams going on to be a good midcarder, I think). But most of their guys couldn't even hope for a midcard title, and not one of them can be seriously thought of for a main event spot. Seriously, the only up and comer TNA has that can be thought of it in a main event way is Matt Morgan, who, unsurprisingly, trained in OVW and is, of course, a WWE reject. TNA has plenty of talent, and all of it outside the main event either plucked straight from the indies and failing, or ex WWE and marginally succeeding. Most of the non WWE reject guys who have a shot at main eventing have been with TNA so long that it's as good as a few years in development, but it's not an efficient process.

The worst thing about this whole situation is that TNA has three awesome trainers under contract, AND one of them has his own promotion. I speak of Team 3D, who run a wrestling school that’s reputed to be a great place to learn, and Booker T, who runs a school also, with a promotion, Pro Wrestling Alliance. It’s painful to realize that TNA hasn’t taken advantage of this. At the very least, open up a wrestling school and sent 3D and Booker there. I don’t know where would be the most advantageous – Florida has a great indy scene, but FCW is already there. Nonetheless, we’re talking about a company bound to have a ton of wrestling contacts – they can find a good place to open it. Or, even better, do the SMART thing and turn PWA into a developmental system! Send 3D to Booker’s school to help out, and use PWA as a fodder system, to take advantage of Texas indy talent, and send indy talent and rookies from across the country there to train, learn, and grow in a developmental system. It’s so simple, I can’t imagine why TNA hasn’t taken advantage of it.

So, agree or disagree? Does TNA need a developmental system to feed itself more midcard and potential main event talent? You have better ideas than Team 3D and Booker? Go for it.
When you look at the other two major American promotions, they both have a source of talent right into their company. For the WWE, it's FCW, and formaly OVW and DSW. For ROH, they have their own school. In the WWE, you attract hopeful wrestlers and indy talent, put them into FCW, and train them. They're made into better talent, they gain experience with the WWE product, and eventually, they can join the main roster and make an impact. In recent time we've seen the FCW system work extremely well for the WWE, as guys like Evan Bourne and Jack Swagger hit big in last year's talent initiative, and guys like Yoshi Tatsu and Sheamus are making waves this year. In addition, though not part of the talent initiative per se, both Primo Colon and Ted DiBiase went through FCW before joining the main roster. In the past, OVW has helped make some of today's main eventers and soon to be main eventers - Randy Orton, CM Punk, John Morrison, and the Miz all spent time in OVW. DSW was also home to MVP, and Kofi Kingston has spent time in all three territories. The Hart Dynasty, Zack Ryder, and Vladimir Koslov have all passed through the developmental territories. The basic message here is that the WWE is building it's midcard and its future main event with their own territories. ROH, as well, has its wrestling school that contributes a regular stream of new guys into the company, most notably Rhett Titus who will probably wind up part of the tag champs and maybe even a main eventer there. It's different in the indies, when you can pluck a guy from any territory and bring him to yours, but they're helping to enhance themselves with a school.

TNA, on the other hand, has...nothing. And it's hurting them, visibly. Who's debuted recently in TNA? Amazing Red, who's worked with them before. The Mafia Security, who's done the same. Cody Deaner...let's not go there. The British Invasion, who were taken straight from the British indies. Jesse Neal...okay. Jethro Holliday, the latest vaunted WWE reject. The best of the lot is Amazing Red, who can work wonders in the X Division, and the Invasion, who will be a good tag force (with Williams going on to be a good midcarder, I think). But most of their guys couldn't even hope for a midcard title, and not one of them can be seriously thought of for a main event spot. Seriously, the only up and comer TNA has that can be thought of it in a main event way is Matt Morgan, who, unsurprisingly, trained in OVW and is, of course, a WWE reject. TNA has plenty of talent, and all of it outside the main event either plucked straight from the indies and failing, or ex WWE and marginally succeeding. Most of the non WWE reject guys who have a shot at main eventing have been with TNA so long that it's as good as a few years in development, but it's not an efficient process.

The worst thing about this whole situation is that TNA has three awesome trainers under contract, AND one of them has his own promotion. I speak of Team 3D, who run a wrestling school that’s reputed to be a great place to learn, and Booker T, who runs a school also, with a promotion, Pro Wrestling Alliance. It’s painful to realize that TNA hasn’t taken advantage of this. At the very least, open up a wrestling school and sent 3D and Booker there. I don’t know where would be the most advantageous – Florida has a great indy scene, but FCW is already there. Nonetheless, we’re talking about a company bound to have a ton of wrestling contacts – they can find a good place to open it. Or, even better, do the SMART thing and turn PWA into a developmental system! Send 3D to Booker’s school to help out, and use PWA as a fodder system, to take advantage of Texas indy talent, and send indy talent and rookies from across the country there to train, learn, and grow in a developmental system. It’s so simple, I can’t imagine why TNA hasn’t taken advantage of it.

So, agree or disagree? Does TNA need a developmental system to feed itself more midcard and potential main event talent? You have better ideas than Team 3D and Booker? Go for it.

Amen! TNA Wrestling needs a developmental system, like yesterday!

That's why I don't watch TNA. I don't wanna watch a bunch of old guys wrestling! Nash, Booker, Foley, Steiner, Sting, and even team 3D just needs to retire and become road agents, there's no shame in that. Look at the "VooDoo Kin Mafia", they were smart enough to know that there time as wrestlers are over.

But all around, TNA needs a developmental system A-SAP! I don't think Deep South Wrestling isn't doing anything as far as that kind of business goes. TNA should reach out to tell?
Hmmm... interesting scenario Harthan... but I will say that before they even think about treading into the waters of creating a developmental system, TNA needs a second weekly TV show. They have far too many wrestlers on their rosters & some of the good talent are waisting away by having matches here & there. By creating a second show, they can allow more time dedicated to exposing the wrestlers that they have & compete with the WWE somewhat. Before acquiring more talent, TNA needs to utilise what they have got properly first.

Secondly, TNA's current style of picking wrestlers from here & there straight into their company is doing ohkay. Just take a look at the KnockOut's division. I can name at least six female wrestlers off the top of my head that came from a well respected developmental all-womens wrestling company SHIMMER into the company & have had some success so far:

- Raisha Saeed/Alissa Flash
- Awesome Kong
- Madison Rayne
- Taylor Wilde
- Daffney
- Sarita
- Sojo Bolt
- Roxxi [but she is released now]

That is pretty much half of the division right there. So, as far as a developmental system goes for TNA... they don't need to acquire wrestlers & train them in a sister promotion as of yet. All they need is other already well-respected established promotions to gain their talent from. So far, from the KnockOut's division alone, they haven't needed a developmental system as of yet & am very impressed by most of the wrestlers brought into the company.
Yes, I do think TNA needs a developmental system. Instead of going around to different independent promotions looking for talent, they can have the talent come to them. There always people who are looking to get into pro-wrestling but don’t want to move somewhere else or don’t know how to get started. If TNA has a developmental system and they put it in the right place, then talent will go to them. They would have to make sure it’s in a place where there is lot of Indy wrestlers that they could possibly sign to a contract. They also, have to make sure the location is at a place where there is a lot of talent wanting to get into pro-wrestling. If they put the location in the middle of nowhere then they will not attract a lot of people. So, having a developmental system attracts people to them and they won’t have to go talent hunting as much.

Also, with a developmental system they can train the wrestlers exactly how they want them. If they are looking for someone to be an X-Division star, then they can train them exactly how they want their X-Division stars to be. It just makes it easier to have exactly what they are looking for. All they do is train them to what they want them to be instead of going around looking for wrestlers who are already trained but don’t fit the bill. Basically, they get to train people exactly the way they want them to be.

Lastly, they can train the future main eventers there. Right now, their main eventers are soon going to retire. I don’t see Sting staying for another year and I don’t see Kurt Angle staying unless he is given what he wants. Their current main eventers are old and will probably be retiring soon or leaving to go elsewhere. Then they have 4-7 wrestlers I can see carrying the main event scene while they are there or at least being in the main event. But what happens once those wrestlers leave or retire? While those wrestlers are in the main event they need to build up wrestlers to be main eventers when they leave. That’s what they need a developmental system, to assure themselves they will have a bright future when it comes to having main event talent and for that matter just talent.

As far as whose developmental system to pick between Team 3D and Booker T, I’d say combine them both and put them wherever the Indy scene is better at, Florida or Texas. They could sell wherever they are training their wrestlers and TNA can buy them a new building. I said TNA buys it because it assures them that they will always have a developmental system no matter what. Then they could pay Booker and Team 3D extra for training the wrestlers and they could even hire some more experienced trainers. If they don’t want to hire anyone then the people that aren’t used much on their roster could be sent so that they use them for something. So, yeah I agree TNA needs a developmental system and if I was them I would combine Booker’s and 3D’s schools.
TNA does need to start developing wrestlers. Too many wrestlers are just coming in and fading into obscurity,mainly due to lack of experience.If a developmental territory is set up,this will help mould these wrestlers into the finished product.But A developmental territory isn't the only thing they can do in order to develop wrestlers.

TNA can do 2 things:

A)Set up a developmental territory.


B)Set up a working relationship with an independent promotion.

A:Set up a developmental territory.
It's well known that Team 3D have a wrestling school,and Booker has a school and a promotion.So why the fuck haven't they started using it.It would be a huge improvement.When they pick wrestlers up from the indies,they can't really send them anywhere.They just bring them up,hope they work out,and if they don't,Oh well.Now if 3D and Booker combine,send them as head trainers,and start training wrestlers to get them ready for Impact.The impact taping schedule isn't at all hectic,so they do have plenty of time to do it.

Wrestlers need to get used to the water before jumping into the deep,blue,open sea.They need to poke their toes in and test it.These developmental territories can help with this.

B:Set up a working relationship with an independent promotion.
Rather than just setting up their own promotion,they can start co promoting with independent promotions.TNA gives them some wrestlers for their shows,in return TNA gets to use some of their talent.Someone(I think it was SavageTaker) metioned how florida has a great indy scene,but FCW is there.Well,TNA can get a working relationship with Pro Wrestling Guerrilla on the west coast and in SoCal,and they can work with CHIKARA on the east coast.There are some great wrestlers in these promotions,ie Chuck taylor,mike Quackenbush,Claudio Castagnoli and Delirious in CHIKARA,and PAC,Super Dragon,Chris Hero,kevin Steen,Tyler Black and Roderick Strong from Pro Wrestling Guerrilla.Ring of Honor,however,is out of bounds thanks to their new TV deal.

Think about it.They can give CHIKARA lethal and the guns for a show,and then TNA can use wrestlers like Chuck Taylor and Claudio Castagnoli for the TV taping.Even if it's a drak match,they could end up getting hired.And who knows,Chuck Taylor could be the next AJ Styles.

In the end,either of these ways will work.But to be honest,I don't see either happening for a while,unfortunately.
Yeah, I agree TNA needs a developmental system. I hear that TNA has plenty of guys signed but since they don't have a territory, they let them wrestle in the indies and Japan to polish up but I'm not too sure if it's easy to run a developmental territory. TNA at this point needs to focus on other things because they already have enough talent as it is.

Ballistic83 said:
Amen! TNA Wrestling needs a developmental system, like yesterday!

That's why I don't watch TNA. I don't wanna watch a bunch of old guys wrestling! Nash, Booker, Foley, Steiner, Sting, and even team 3D just needs to retire and become road agents, there's no shame in that. Look at the "VooDoo Kin Mafia", they were smart enough to know that there time as wrestlers are over.

But all around, TNA needs a developmental system A-SAP! I don't think Deep South Wrestling isn't doing anything as far as that kind of business goes. TNA should reach out to tell?

So I suppose you don't watch WWE as well since you've got old men like Kane, Finlay, Regal, HBK, Undertaker, HHH, and Batista running around.

And lol at 3D retiring when they're only 37 & 38 years old. If you go by that standard, then according to you, Edge and Christian should retire as well.:lmao:
On the orginal posters comments about the Team 3D wrestling school what is even more sad is that Tevita Fifita (who is the son of Meng/Haku but looks more like Sonny Siaki) graduated from that school and is signed to a WWE Developmental Deal. Big Rob Terry of the British Invasion also came from Team 3D wrestling School.
There is one thing we have to remember though. Even though most of us are to young to remember but the independants used to be the developmental system. I know that was a different era but there are numerous independants from NWA Promotions to OVW to Puerto Rico to Mexico plus all over the united states as a previous poster said look at the knockouts division and add guys like Robert Roode, Jay Lethal, Consequences Creed, Eric Young plus others. Sure TNA could use a developmental deal badly but if they quit giving contracts to former WWE guys they could easily use those same contracts to sign guys from the independants to build into stars and you know what signing those guys would save TNA money because they wouldn't get paid as much as former WWE guys.
I watch OVW every Saturday night, and i really believe there are some guys that could be stars given a chance, in TNA if the Main Event Morons would give anybody a chance to be featured on that show besides them. TNA gets their wrestlers from everywhere, and the WWE have the opportunity to go after the same guys, plus their own developmental system that only they can use. Of course, most wrestlers would choose the WWE if given the opportunity. TNA needs its own developmental territory to be able to secure contracts so only they can have the talent there. I believe OVW would be perfect, if not for the development territory, because we all know TNA is all about WWE rejects. hell, they love WCW rejects too so they should just re-open the power plant
Markiefoe since you get to see OVW on a regular basis is it anyway possible you could give us a brief analysis of the guys there who you think could really do well in TNA. TNA has brought in people from there before for the knockouts division ODB and Sojo Bolt.
I think a developmental system would be really helpful to TNA. The only guy other than Lashley that has debuted this year that is worth a damn is Magnus. I don't know where the hell they got him from, but I think he's a young guy that could really make some waves in the company. Everyone else is kind of pointless, Deaner, Neal, etc. With a lot of top stars in their 40s or 50s, TNA is going to need some new, younger stars in the near future.

As for how they should do it, I don't see any reason whey they couldn't use team 3D or Booker as assets. However, I think they should go even further than that and possibly put on shows featuring developmental talent every few weeks in the Impact Zone. It would give them a chance to see how the local fans like the new talent and give the young wrestlers an oppurtunity to work in front of the usual crowds.
So that these new wrestlers can come into the promotion and be given stop-start pushes, be taught that the best way to win a match is with a guitar made of paper? Nah, I don't think so.

TNA should cherrypick the best that they can get. Ready made performers with charisma & talent, but little mainstream popularity. They should then just give them a long and sustaned push.
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