Triple H Gets It Right Once In A While.

Why would Triple H change what he's doing? He's a main-eventer and wins World titles.

The people he's talking about are people who are nobodies, and stay nobodies because they don't do anything to change it.

oh I werent being serious, it was obvious what he meant.

I guess I must've been in smark mode after watching that TNA vid on Youtube. *clears head* there I think thats the last of it
Shocky, how does it feel to know that you have all that Triple H stuff on your profile.

Does it make you feel icky.
It makes me feel great and enlightened, I see now what I've missed out on. I have seen the other side, and it is good.
triple h put on a great match with khali at summerslam, they told a story really well... and im not a triple h fan by any means.

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